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hmm I don't use python
primeList = lambda n: set([i for i in range(2,n)]) ^ set([i for i in range(2,n) for x in range(2,int(i**0.5)+1) if i%x == 0])
I think PARI/GP is better
ok let me try :)
@user58512 : can you check here msenux.redwoods.edu/math/python/simple.php
I dont know python
you can try pasting in the code I posted
to Terminal.app
after typing python to get into it
@user58512 : yes thats what i am trying :D
and do u know matlab ?
did ti work?
or maple ?
not really
just learn to use sage a bit
it can do almost everything
oh ok @user58512
do u know where i can download maple for free ?
found out that i actually need to download stuffs from matplotlib first .
just get sage working first
i need to learn python , my prof wants me to learn it as soon as possible
he didn't tell me for what :P
@anon Is it correct to say " when we build up $\Bbb Q$ from $\Bbb Z$, we embed $\Bbb Z$ into $\Bbb Q$ isomorphically"
I am not familiar with that phrasing, but I'd guess so.
@anon I'll try and work on the ProofWiki proof. I'll probably have to learn a few new lemmas and theorems, but that's OK.
@anon Now I'm worried about dem Sylow Theorems.
I think I will make a review of what I learned so far before getting into those.
Plus, I have a few exercises left.
regarding Sylow theorems what are you worried about?
@user58512 I mean, "now I have learn about the Sylow theorems"
@Theorem, sorry I lost internet connection :(
"It is my concern".
Blah blah.
@user58512 : i am working on it , the matplot i downloaded is not compatible
@Theorem, did you get sage working?
taking hell lot of time to download :(
@PeterTamaroff Hi Pedro.
@JacobBlack You'll love this
I don't knowa nice proof of the existence of Sylow subgroups
@PeterTamaroff have you seen inglorious bastards?
@anon Yep.
It is a nice copy.
hi @Ethan
Hi anyone
@skullpatrol HI
@Charlie How are you?
@skullpatrol fine, and you?
@Charlie Fine thanks.
Good good, @skull
@user58512 : i am fed-up
$$Charlie = (Good)^2$$
@WillJagy Yes.
I am facing a serious problem installing matplotlib in my mac for python :(
You have not virtualenv'ed it?
@JonasTeuwen : the problem is it says matplot cannot be installed on this disk , and requires python 2.7 .
do u think there is a solution ?
Holy cow.
No. I think there is none.
but i don't seem to understand , i have never done this before , neither have i used python :(
@skullpatrol haha ;)
@Charlie hehe (;
@Theorem That is why I will not explain. Otherwise, in 30 minutes you'll return with butt ugly code and 'whai no work?'.
Learn Python first.
@JonasTeuwen :P

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