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8-). I hope so too.
My advisor replied this morning to an e-mail of mine with a quote of Goethe. The last email he replied with only using the symbol '?'.
@OldJohn, a number of things are unclear. Has he ever lectured on a regular basis? You can get by all sorts of discomfort and shyness if you are experienced in front of a classroom.
Me? I have lectured quite a bit, but mostly basic stuff, up to complex analysis.
And in seminars on functional analysis (ergodic theory, operator semigroups and Choquet theory).
@JonasTeuwen Hi! I'm back at last
I don't feel that much discomfort as I know that most people do it much worse...
@OldJohn Hello! How was it?
@JonasTeuwen Fantastic, thanks!
Alright! It's still cold, so it didn't help much did it?
Darn. I keep writing "Similarily" when I mean "Similarly"
Hi @OldJohn welcome back.
@skullpatrol Thanks - how's things been?
I sent you both info on a conference in June in Jessica Alba, Romania. One session on harmonic analysis, still accepting abstracts.
@OldJohn Fine thanks. How about you?
Can I also write an abstract and figure out what it means later on?
@PeterTamaroff Must be genetic. Are there any retards in the male blood line?
@skullpatrol Great holiday, but very cold here - got the heating on at full power ...
@JonasTeuwen HAHAHA No there aren't.
@PeterTamaroff Alright, must be a spontaneous mutation then!
@JonasTeuwen My biggest fear has become real.
Better than complex.
Oh boy. So lame 8-).
Otherwise, take the real part.
Keep it real.
@OldJohn, could be Julia Alba. Or Alba Iulia.
@JonasTeuwen Indeed.
@OldJohn my god we haven't spoken in a while
@BenjaLim Yo Benjen.
@BenjaLim been away on holiday for 2 weeks - getting warm
"in der Beschränkung zeigt sich der Meister" < I got.
@PeterTamaroff Why did you advise someone to learn stuff properly? I totally agree with this.
@JonasTeuwen I met another student of Van Neerven yesterday his name is also Jan
@BenjaLim Come again?
Don't tell people to start studying!! That way, more left for us!
@BenjaLim Jan Maas.
I talked to him in January I think.
@PeterTamaroff You comment to mick.
@OldJohn getting cold here
man today is like second day of autumn and it's freezing
@BenjaLim Yes, what is it to it?
@OldJohn Problem is there's not been much sun
so the temperature has droped
@PeterTamaroff Just sayin
@BenjaLim left a nice temperature of 21 earlier today to come back to about 4 or 5 degrees here - feels really cold
@OldJohn 15 degrees for us now is very cold
@PeterTamaroff Kahana-Khinchine inequalities are quite useful when considering infinite-dimensional generalizations of singular integral identies using randomization!!
@OldJohn man the sun's not been in out in a few days now
@JonasTeuwen I felt quite uncomfortable yesterday at dinner surrounded by all these people that work in like harmonic analysis, etc
@BenjaLim it was 14 inside the house when we got back - now climbed to a lofty 16.5 ...
@BenjaLim What baffled me is you started with "Why did you...."
@PeterTamaroff I thought it was a brilliant idea.
@PeterTamaroff I completely support you
@BenjaLim Why?
Their poop launcher also produces brown poop.
@JonasTeuwen Well they were all talking about some analysis shit which I had no clue
@BenjaLim Whom?
Man Pierre has a lot of activity around him
Thierry, Dorotea, Jan, etc
phd students
@JonasTeuwen "Brownian motion" and "Wiener process" always make me chuckle.
@BenjaLim Then you say 'THIS. IS. A. DINNER. EAT. NO. MATHS.'
@PeterTamaroff Fokker-Planck?
@OldJohn Did I tell you I'm the tutor for Galois theory this sem?
@JonasTeuwen I don't get the Planck part.
I have met Dorothee in Madrid.
@PeterTamaroff Plank?
He's also pretty pro
Jan Maas is cool.
@BenjaLim Excellent! - I really enjoyed Galois theory - many years ago
@JonasTeuwen You wrote "Planck"
@PeterTamaroff In dutch it sounds like Plank.
@JonasTeuwen I know he looked really intense
@JonasTeuwen Which means?
He looks like a mathematician.
@PeterTamaroff Wood.
@JonasTeuwen I mean like very smart. Apparently I was told his output is crazy
@PeterTamaroff What about the Cox-Zucker machine?
You're shitting me!
@OldJohn I had a look at the assignment yesterday was not too bad for marking I guess
@anon What is the end of this? "Let $H$ be a proper subgroup of $G$, $G$ finite. Show $$G\neq \bigcup_{g\in G} gHg^{-1}\text{ ? }$$
@PeterTamaroff Nope.
@BenjaLim Hmm - I can't imagine marking stuff like that - I always hated marking stuff students had written
@JonasTeuwen Just googled it. Laughed once more.
@OldJohn I know at first I planned with David that we would split the assignments in half
but then he said he would prefer a uniform marker
@OldJohn I would be a pedantic asshole if I had to mark stuff.
so he said maybe one week I'll mark the assignments and he'll do the next
@PeterTamaroff I was often pretty pedantic too :)
@BenjaLim that sounds like a good idea
@OldJohn It does help, though.
@OldJohn I hated pedantry when I had this tutor once
@BenjaLim Did I tell you I'm starting uni this year?
@PeterTamaroff It is unclear to me what you're asking. What you've stated is, as it stands, false (take H to be maximal and G nonabelian).
but it is important to distinguish between pedantry and actual points that matter in a proof
@PeterTamaroff Yes I heard.
@BenjaLim absolutely!
@anon Well, I'll read it again and copy it verbatim:
@OldJohn Most of the time if the student gets like 80-90% right I'll give them everything
I don't want to be a pedantic arse
I had some pretty pedantic teachers in the past - like insisting punctuation was always correct when writing maths :)
"Let $H$ be a proper subgroup of a finite group $G$. Show that $G\neq \bigcup_{g\in G}gHg^{-1}$"
That's what it says.
I have access to write to one of the university domains. They wrote in the agreement that not using correct punctuation is considered abuse.
I recall once listing 3 possibilities (a) (b) (c) and ending each with a comma ...
And as the services are paid by the university, this means you are damaging your employer.
I had to laugh.
and was told that the last one had to be a full-stop, not a comma
@OldJohn I meant math related pedantry, not that kind of terrenal hell!
@OldJohn The other day I had to present my solutions to my lecturer
for the thing on algebraic number theory
man he asked so many questions
@BenjaLim how did it go?
and a lot of times I was not allowed to even look at my solutions and present the proofs
@PeterTamaroff Oh, nevermind about my supposed counterexample.
Did you eat him alive?
@OldJohn He said at the end that what I presented was about 20% of a PhD qualifying exam at berkeley and I passed :)
@Anon You might find this interesting: math.stackexchange.com/questions/121526/…
@BenjaLim good!!
@OldJohn thanks to the support from you too!!
@Carpediem did you mean to direct that to Peter?
Yes sorry
@anon So my question stands: what is the end of proving that?
@anon Hey, we haven't met in a while :)
@PeterTamaroff Shall I write you a two line recommendation letter for Cambridge?
@Carpediem Yes, thanks.
@JonasTeuwen How would you do that?
@PeterTamaroff 'Peter is an intelligent, but surprisingly ugly young man. He would fit right in between the British in Cambridge.'
@BenjaLim My support was negligible!
@PeterTamaroff does "end" mean "purpose" or "goal" or "motivation" here?
Time I got some sleep - might be the only way to get warm :((
I would guess, to contrast with the situation with taking intersections.
@anon Yes. As in "To what end..."
bye all
@anon Well, $\cap gHg^{-1}$ is a subgroup, but it might take some particular presets for it to be $G$, right?
@JonasTeuwen I shall append a picture of myself and refute your claim.
I'm off to eat now.
@PeterTamaroff Peter is very handsome, if I were a girl I would fall in love with him.
@PeterTamaroff Where is the refutation?
@JonasTeuwen The refutation is my claim above.
Is that some kind of very weak 'ad populum'?
@PeterTamaroff It also fits in a slightly more general framework: For any transitive action of a finite group $G$ on $S$, with $2\leq |S|<\infty$ there is an element of $G$ which fixes no element of $S$.
@OldJohn @JonasTeuwen @PeterTamaroff bye!
@anon bye!
@BenjaLim Bye dawg.
@JonasTeuwen The picture, obviously.
@peoplepower OK.
@peoplepower So I assume I can prove the above claim (about the union of the $^gH$) by finding some appropriate transitive action?
@PeterTamaroff Yes.
@peoplepower Gooooood. I'm off the action hunting.
@PeterTamaroff What is a solution to the "damped" equation (in the context of differential equation ?) Is it when the discriminant is positive?
@Carpediem Oh, you can find the solution using integrating factors.
More specifically
@PeterTamaroff Well I am considering the differetinal equation mx"+bx'+kx=0
@Carpediem I see.
There where a series of questions when b=0
@Carpediem You can reduce it to $y''+uy=0$
Did you know that?
yes yes
this is what we call undamped equation
OK. So what do you want?
I just wanted to make sure that "damped" equation is when the discriminant is positive
when you write the characteristic equation
OK, please remind me what damped means.
this is my question :)
But there must be some definition.
I can't seem to find it neither in my book or online
@PeterTamaroff Do you want me to specify some of the questions before leading to this one ?
Well, your equation models a spring, yes?
@Carpediem Let's see.
The first question was to determine x in the case when b=0
then I had to express the kinetic energy ie $$\frac{1}{2}m(x')^2$$
Then I had to prove that:
$$\frac{1}{2}m(x')^2+\frac{1}{2}kx^2=c$$, such that c constant
Then they tell us to consider the total energy E=E(t) given in the previous question, but using a solution to the "damped" equation
For $b=0$ we have $mx''=-kx$
Multiply both sides by $x'$.
This is E' right ?
Why do you want to multiply both sides ?
What is $\frac{dx}{dt}(x')^2$?
Similarly, what is $\frac{dx}{dt}x^2$?
That is what we obtain when we differentiate $$\frac{1}{2}m(x')^2+\frac{1}{2}kx^2$$
@Carpediem Think it the other way around.
Now integrate that.
Ok but what expression for x(t) shoud I use ?
Don't you want to get to
8 mins ago, by Carpediem
$$\frac{1}{2}m(x')^2+\frac{1}{2}kx^2=c$$, such that c constant
You're one step away.
But what you wrote is in the case of the undamped equation.
You told me to assume $b=0$, didn't you?
I might have misunderstood.
What is $E(t)$?
@PeterTamaroff No that is what I did in the beginning. I already did that.
We are assuming now b>0
And where do you wanna get to?
We want to find an expression for the total energy E(t) but using a solution x(t) to the damped equation
(assuming damped equation is when b>0)
OK; what is $E(t)$? The "total energy".
I have little knowledge of physics.
Yes as in: $\frac{1}{2}m(x')^2+\frac{1}{2}kx^2$
That is $E$?
But we already said we can reduce $x''+bx'+mx=0$ to $u''+\beta u=0$, which we already solved!
Just do that.
But I need to express E' in terms of b and x'
I don't understand, you said $E$ is defined as $\frac{1}{2}m(x')^2+\frac{1}{2}kx^2$. It can be something different from that?
It is defined as above
But when b=0 it is constant
Now we are considering the case where b>0
And we want to express E' in terms of x' and b
Oh, OK. So you can just find $x$ and be done with it, yes?
That is what I thought but I wanted to see if there was any alternatives?
OK, I have found something in my notes that might be helpful.
Take $x''+ax'+mx=0$.
Assume $y=uv$ with $u$ such that $wu'+au=0$. This means $u=\exp(-ax/2)$
Then we obtain the equation $v''+\frac{4m-a^2}{4}v=0$
If $\Delta <0$, the solution is
$x(t)=c_1 e^{\sqrt{k}t}+c_2 e^{-\sqrt{k}t}+C$
where $-k=\Delta$
I think delta is always negative: we are considering the cases where b=0 and b>0
I never mention b<0
For $\Delta >0$, it is $c_1\cos \sqrt kt+c_2\sin \sqrt kt+C$
Oh, no wait
$k=\frac{a^2-4m}{4}$ in the first case.
Thank you
I have to go now
@PeterTamaroff Whatever
@PeterTamaroff Actually we were thinking too hard
We know that $E'=x'(mx"+kx)=x'(-bx')=-b(x')^2$
That's it
@Carpediem Hi CarpeDiem!
@charlie Nice seeing someone around
Just finished my differential equation problem set :)
@Carpediem Yes, I was feeling a little alone
@Carpediem Excellent
I still like algebra more
matrices, euclidien spaces,...
Good, good
I am going to see now the documentary on Fermat's last theorem you where talking about earlier
@Carpediem me?
it was user58512
@charlie Oh sorry then
@Carpediem Don't worry :)
@Carpediem where will you watch it?
@Charlie Cê foi suspensa?
@GustavoBandeira pois é
@Charlie Isso que dá chingar o RobJohn.
@GustavoBandeira num xinguei o robjohn
O que tu aprontou?
mandei o gitgud ir se fud#r
2 days ago, by Git Gud
@PeterTamaroff Not much. She wanted me to tell her where I was from because I knew she's from Brazil. But I didn't say anything. It was amusing.
@Carpediem Blimey.
@Charlie Mas só porque ele num disse de onde era?
@PeterTamaroff Portugesliño.
@GustavoBandeira Ah?
@GustavoBandeira num foi nada, tava só brincando poxa
You used to say something like that when we spoke portuguese.
@Charlie Haha
@Charlie Bem feito. Tu vivia fazendo mistério de quem tu era e onde morava, encontrou um espelho agora! Há!
tô cagando e andando
pouco me lixando
@Charlie eh?
@anon nothing, just calling you
it's a bad habit, it's hard to drop it
@Charlie Eita. Agressiva.
sim de vez em quando
מה הזמן מסמן לי
זה הכל שאריות של החיים
@Charlie Rivaldo sai desse lago.
what a piece of shit
Is it too difficult for an ordinary freshman to understand the properties of $p$-adic number?
@anon could you answer ^?
@FrankScience I don't think so.
@PeterTamaroff Since I'm an ordinary freshman, is there any reference for me?
I asked this a while ago, @FrankScience
There is this which anon linked to.
Well, thanks.
Is there any prerequisite?
Well, I'm considering $\sum_{k=m}^\infty a_kp^k$, not just integers.
Suppose $m\ge0$, which leads to $p$-adic integers, It's not hard to show that the metric space is sequential compact.
@FrankScience Well, a little number theory and a little analysis seems enough.
@FrankScience nope
I did some search work on two's complement in computer, which led me into the theory about $p$-adic numbers.
I actually am beginning to think that mick is really 14.
*I'm actually
@JacobBlack Of course he is... or somewhere near.
@PeterTamaroff Initially I thought he was just telling a lie, but I think it may be the truth after all.
@PeterTamaroff Why CW? It's your solution!
@JacobBlack Well, because it doesn't really answer the OP.
As long as you know the answer yourself and nobody has posted it as an answer, you can post it as an answer.
But if it is not an answer, then it should not even be posted as an answer.
@JacobBlack OK, it is strongly related to the question
But if you do post it as an answer for whatever other reason, you can just explain yourself in the post.
CW or not, well, no difference to me.
@JacobBlack I think what I posted was an exercise in Spivak.
But I had never done it.
@PeterTamaroff Now I see what you posted is not an answer, haha. Well, if I were you, I would just delete it.
@JacobBlack Buuuuu!!!
@PeterTamaroff Delete!
@JacobBlack Damn you!
@PeterTamaroff HAHAHAHA!
@JacobBlack You unvoted! Damn you twice!
@PeterTamaroff Yes, I also removed the upvote the other day for the post where you used the same k.
@JacobBlack I corrected that.
@PeterTamaroff OK, it's slightly better now, so upvote.
@JacobBlack Accept the idea was correct, but the notation was off. I think it is worth to have a good idea vs bad notation than the converse.
@PeterTamaroff Well, in this case, it is not bad notation but wrong notation, therefore wrong answer.
@JacobBlack GUSFRABA
@PeterTamaroff Sounds like Gustavo, lol.
So guys currently I am taking some meds which I hope will help me...
@JacobBlack With what?
@PeterTamaroff Well, with my secret conditions.
@FrankScience Aye.
@JacobBlack Hehehe, nailed it!
@PeterTamaroff I edited cos I misinterpreted your question.
Or maybe that is what you meant!
In which case, the answer is water.
@JacobBlack I was ambiguous on purpose.
@PeterTamaroff Pedro is a genius!
@FrankScience Ah?
@FrankScience We're all nuts here, tru dat...
@JacobBlack Is it something psychological?
@PeterTamaroff Well, my secret conditions are what I told you in the email.
@PeterTamaroff I'm reading an article about a crank.
@FrankScience Who?
@JacobBlack You don't know.
@JacobBlack Yes, I know. I mean, what are the medicines supposed to do? Prevent you from making the same mistake again?
@FrankScience Why don't you share?
@PeterTamaroff It's not in English.
@PeterTamaroff Well, well, never mind.
@FrankScience What is it in?
@PeterTamaroff Probably Chinese.
@peter That was a good advice you gave to mick, lol.
He was saying that he was prior to any mathematical professor.
@FrankScience What do you mean by prior?
@JacobBlack I had had enough, was slightly tipsy.
@JacobBlack superior.
@PeterTamaroff Yes.
@FrankScience Ah, never seen prior used in that way.
@FrankScience It's true many of these math profs aren't very good.
@FrankScience Who was?
@PeterTamaroff The crank.
@PeterTamaroff The crank. Did you meet any crank?
@FrankScience No, I haven't.
@FrankScience Yes, a few on this site. Usually they ask about the Riemann Hypothesis.
@PeterTamaroff This one is different from others. He might know something about algebraic geometry or so, but his behavior indicates that he's a crank.
@FrankScience Well, there are Cranks and Crank Hatchlings. Take mike as an example. He can be saved.
@PeterTamaroff He wastes all the time in arguing that he's valuable and significant.
@PeterTamaroff He claims that the society is totally unfair and the professors are only aiming at making money.
@FrankScience The guy you're reading about?
@PeterTamaroff Yeah.

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