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thank you
Good. Could you show me?
yes wait..
@PeterTamaroff Pedro, have you ever read "Contributions to the creation of transfinite set theory" ?
@Charlie No.
@PeterTamaroff ah, okay
@Charlie Why?
@PeterTamaroff I don't have time to write it now. But I got it
I have to finish my problem set first
@user43758 Let me make it quick then.
@PeterTamaroff just asking, I'm taking a look at it
@user43758 Let $q\in S+p$, say $q=s+p$. Then $Aq=As+Ap=0+B=B$, so every element of this set is a solution, that is $q\in S+p\implies Aq=B$.
On the other hand, let $Az=B$. Then $z-p\in S$; since $A(z-p)=Az-Ap=B-B=0$
This means that $(z-p)+p=z\in S+p$. That is $Az=B\implies z\in S+p$. Done. @user43758 It isn't that long! =)
I wrote it down as S={x_0+\lambda_i x_i; \lambda_i \in R}
such that x_0 is a solution of the homogenous system
$$S=\{x_0+\lambda_i x_i; \lambda_i \in R\}$$
@user43758 Enclose that in dollar signs
and \forall i \in {1,...,n} , x_i the solution of the non-homogenous system
@PeterTamaroff Anyway you can't see the LaTeX expressions
@user43758 Simply write $S=\{{\bf x}:A{\bf x}=0\}$
@user43758 My eyes don't parse TeX code, sadly.
@PeterTamaroff =)
@user43758 Do you follow the proof?
I have another question which has noting to do with this
If I have a system:
$$\begin{cases} 2x+5y-3z+u=-1\\ x-y+z=2\end{cases}$$
That's it?
They ask me to solve this using Gauss elimination process
@user43758 You do realize the solution space will be two dimensional?
That is, you have two free variables.
Yes this is what I wanted to make sure
You can express the solution as a "line".
@PeterTamaroff What I did is that I substracted the first line with 2 times the second line
@PeterTamaroff I get x-y+z=2
this is the only "nice" thing I get
@PeterTamaroff Are you here?
wohooo exactly 1000 points :)
@jacob hi, did you see that i got suspended earlier?
@Charlie For what?
@JacobBlack for saying that someone should have intercourse with himself
It's not a big deal to be suspended.
@PeterTamaroff Thanks. Can you help me with a final one? Just to make sure
@JacobBlack i got irritated and used, no big deal
@Charlie Yes, so, end of story. QED.
it's not that bad
I have:
@JacobBlack the weird is I called him fag 3 times and no one said anything
I added the first and the third
@Charlie Who are you talking to?
@JacobBlack gitgud
Well, we can say some things, but just set some limit for yourself.
As with all things in life, practise moderation. QED.
@PeterTamaroff Then I added the second with the resulting equation
and obtained 4x+5y=4. Do I stop here or ?
@JacobBlack I'm always too moderated, I want to freak out
@Charlie I think it is better not to use the f word.
@JacobBlack I can't promise anything
@Charlie Sure, just be prepared to be suspended again then, QED.
@JacobBlack oh yeah ;)
@user43758 Oh, but then you have more equations!
@user43758 Yes, you might start and say $z=2+y-x$. Now write $u$ in terms of $y$ and $x$
@peter I love your new avatar. =)
@JacobBlack He says he's not interrested, sorry. =/
Somebody should post an answer to my lame question: math.stackexchange.com/questions/313562/…
@JacobBlack But he says he might be if you get into some maths.
@PeterTamaroff Geezis. Well, I am straight.
@Mikhail But you got an answer.
@JacobBlack Oh. But it's a plushie, it's asexual.
@PeterTamaroff Oh man!
@PeterTamaroff I want to accept an answer
@Mikhail Life isn't all rainbows and roses, you know.
@PeterTamaroff For some, it is full of pain, like mine.
What do the commands

D[Exp[-(x)^2/2], x]
D[Exp[-(x)^2/2], x, x]
D[Exp[-(x)^2/2], x, x, x]

stand for?
@JacobBlack Oh, boy.
Can you guess :-)
Derivatives of multiple orders?
@Mikhail I'm not acquainted with mathematica.
Hey @Link
I have to find the inflection points of x(x-4)^3
and I get x = 4 as one of them
but why is the other x = 2?
that is f(x) = x(x-4)^3
@Link Take the second derivate, find the roots, profit.
I did
@Link HEYA
roots for second derv are 0 and 4
@PeterTamaroff I get x=t

I there a better expression ?
One root is clearly $x=4$.
Now factor $x-4$ out.
3(x-4) + 3(x-4) + 6x?
And that boils down to...
(x-4) * (3(x-4) + 3(x-4) + 6x)
That is $x=2$.
@user43758 $\TeX$!!!
@Link Orderly. Do things in an orderly manner.
I get it now
@PeterTamaroff, I just found it, and then simplified it a way that didn't give me 12x-24
@user43758 But yeah, that's great.
I checked on my calculator
If you take z=t
the expression looks ugly as well
Things are ugly.
In general.
I changed my avatar
@Charlie YAY!
@Argon YYAAY!
I am depressed, since I left my laptop's power cord at school. Only a matter of time till I have to hit the hay!
I might be having a stroke right now but, does it make sense to take $[a,b]\times \Bbb N$?
@anon Do not listen to me, sorry. I was thinking about another operation!
Let me explain my problem to you.
@PeterTamaroff Are you math major? What year
@user43758 Math major?
What does that mean?
@PeterTamaroff North American thing
(I'm not from the US)
oh sorry. Where are you from ?
@user43758 Argentina.
What year are you in university?
@user43758 I start first year in a few days.
So you are still in high school ?
Ah no I understood now
My bad
@user43758 I finished high school in 2011
I finished in 2009
2014 boyz!
@Argon YAY
Then I took a one year long set of courses in 2012 to be able to get to the uni. @user43758
@Argon OH MY GOD:2+1+4=7
@Argon this is amazing!
@Charlie And BANANA has 3 ocurrences of A!
@PeterTamaroff it's an internal joke between Aaron and I :P
@Charlie Damn you, internalists.
@PeterTamaroff MWAHAHAHA
How can Chinese students take the AIME?
@MaoYiyi Konnichiwa!
@MaoYiyi What is that?
@Peter: Yes, but probably not for long.
@BrianM.Scott Praise the heavens!
OK, this is the thing.
@PeterTamaroff Konnichiwa is Jappanese.
Let $(a_n)_{n\in \Bbb N}$ be a sequence.
@MaoYiyi That's the best I can do, sorry.
For the sake of ease consdier the unit interval.
Just wondering because at my international school the Chinese student sit and take the AIME exam, which I thought were for USA students
Then define $N(a,b;k)$ to be the number of integers $j \leq k$ such that $a_j\in [a,b]$ for $a<b\in [0,1]$
@PeterTamaroff Okay so far.
We say that $(a_n)$ is uniformly distributed on $[0,1]$ if, for any choice of $a<b$ we have that $$\lim\frac{N(a,b;k)}k=b-a$$
Now, I wanted to express $N(a,b;k)$ as
$$|(a_k)_{j\leq k}\cap [a,b]|$$
But this is wrong because it misses repetitions in the sequence.
I tried to fix that and said, well, let's work with pairs $(a_k,k)$ to differentiate the same elements.
But I cannot do that in $[a,b]$ because it is not countable.
@BrianM.Scott See what's my problem?
Let me think about it for a minute.
And, for example, I have to prove that

$$1,\frac 12,\frac 13,\frac 23,\frac 14,\frac 24,\frac 34,\frac 15,\frac 25,\frac 35,\dots$$ is UD in $[0,1]$, and it certainly has lots of repetitions
@BrianM.Scott Thanks.
Why don’t you want to work with the original definition? What do you want to do that makes it inconvenient?
Well, it is wordish. I was wondering how we would put it in terms of simple usual symbols.
Not that I have anything against it.
Question: Let $$1 \leq r,s \leq n$$ be two different integers, and let $$\lambda \in \mahtbb{R}$$. We Denote $$E^{r,s}(\lambda)$$ the matrix with the following entries:

\lambda if (i,j)=(r,s)
1 if i=j
0, else
What does this matrix look like exactly..
@PeterTamaroff $$N(a,b:k)=\frac1k|\{i\le k:a_i\in[a,b]\}|$$
is it $$diag(1,...,1,\lambda)$$ ?
@BrianM.Scott Right. I had written that! =P
@user43758 Looks like the canonical matrix with a $\lambda$ in it, and a diagonal.
:8266963 Not necessarily.
@user43758 It has ones on the main diagonal and zeroes everywhere else except in the $(r,s)$ entry, which is $\lambda$.
It is $\lambda E^{r,s}+ \text{diag}(1,1,1,1,\dots,1,1)$
Yes so it's of the form diag(1,...,\lambda,...,1) such that the lambda is on the r,s entry
@BrianM.Scott How does one go about proving uniform distribution? I'm a little clueless.
@user43758 That notation is off. It is not what you mean it is.
I am thinking about it though, with some examples.
Am I reading this wrong ? They are asking me to show that $$\det E^{r,s}(\lambda)$$=1 ... Shouldn't it be \lambda ?
I mean shouldn't the determinant be equal to lambda ?
@user43758 If $\lambda$ isn't in a diagonal, it is $1$. Otherwise it should be $1+\lambda$, as far as I see. I mean, from what you described that matrix is.
Ah sorry, r and s are DIFFERENT integers
@PeterTamaroff Notice that your sequence comes in blocks, one for each denominator. For any $[a,b]$, once the denominator is large enough, about the right fraction of each block will be in $[a,b]$, and the approximation will improve as the denominator increases. Moreover, when $k$ is large the later blocks will dominate the earlier ones. That’s all impressionistic handwaving, but it’s the direction in which I’d look to put together a proof.
It may end up something like what I did in this answer.
so lambda is not on the diagonal
@BrianM.Scott I see. I'll be working on it. Maybe tomorrow I can give you good news. I should then prove that if $(a_n)$ is UD on the unit interval and $s$ is a step function, $$\int_0^1 s =\lim \frac{s(a_1)+\dots+s(a_n)}n$$
And use that to prove the claim for integrable $f$.
It is quite nice. I diverted from algebra for a moment (I'm reading Basic Algebra I) because this problem always beats me!
@PeterTamaroff It looks non-trivial but do-able. I’m going to have to run for now, though: the person for whom I wrote that answer has a bunch of questions.
@PeterTamaroff How do I show that the determinant equals 1 ?
@BrianM.Scott I'll help as far as I can.
@user43758 First, do you understand what that matrix is?
Well it's basically the identity matrix with a lambda at the r s position
@user43758 OK, good.
Oh, no you aren't.
why ?
No no, you're good.
So, what happens if $\lambda$ doesn't fall in the diagonal?
Then if it falls up and right the diagonal, you can just calculate the determinant as $1\times 1\times\dots\times 1=1$
If it falls under the diagonal, on the left, you just take the transpose and go back to what we just said, it is $=1$.
If it falls on the diagonal, it is $\lambda$
Why is it $1\times1\times\dotes\times1$ in the first case ?
Do you know that $\det\text{diag}(a_1,\dots,a_n)=\prod a_k$?
But I have a lambda in a certain location on the matrix
OK; nevertheless, this happens for any matrix in an upper trianglar form.
it is no longer disgonal
Expand it throughout the diagonal and that is it.
Can we calculate the determinant without using the formula for a triangular matrix?
@PeterTamaroff (because I don't think I can use it)
Well, how do you define the determinant? Because that formula is just something we obtain directly by the column-row expansion of the determinant, which we usually obtain using the defintion.
@PeterTamaroff I didn't get why this matrix is upper triangular
@charlie Because all therms under are zero
and over the diagonal there is the lambda
I mean because for i>j, we had the terms all equal to zero
But I still don't get why the determinant equals 1. I understand using the formula for a triangular matrix
but how can we calculate it using another method ?
do we calculate it according to the r-th line ?
@user43758 Ah, okay, so is zero if i>j
@user43758 'cause it seems that, to me, that the matrix would be 1 at the diagonal and lambda everywhere else
because it says the we have $\lambda$ if $(i,j)=(r,s)$, and r, s are different integers
@Charlie But look
I have place lambda on the first row
The determinant I get
If I develop according to the first row is
1\times the determinant of the identity matrix
+ (-1)^r+s\times \lambda \times determinant of the identity matrix
okay, okay
@Charlie What do you think ?
@user43758 I still don't get why do we have the zero entries
@Charlie A gente devia ganhar dinheiro vendendo identidades falsas tuas.
@GustavoBandeira C'mon.....
@GustavoBandeira Que falsas tuas ?
@user43758 Stupid question: is it a nXn matrix?
@user43758 is it like this?
A_{m,n} =
a_{1,1} & a_{1,2} & \cdots & a_{1,n} \\
a_{2,1} & a_{2,2} & \cdots & a_{2,n} \\
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
a_{m,1} & a_{m,2} & \cdots & a_{m,n}
@user43758 ??
$$A_{m,n} = \begin{pmatrix}
a_{1,1} & a_{1,2} & \cdots & a_{1,n} \\
a_{2,1} & a_{2,2} & \cdots & a_{2,n} \\
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
a_{m,1} & a_{m,2} & \cdots & a_{m,n}
Guys, I have to go, bye bye! Good night!
1 & 0 & \cdots & \lambda$ \cdots & 1 \\
0 & 1 & \cdots & 0 \\
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
0 & 0 & \cdots & 1
I tried to calculate the determinant according to the first line
So I get: 1+ (-1)^{r+s} \lambda
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez ?
@user43758 I thought we had settled this =|
But what am I doing wrong..
Why am I not getting 1
@user43758 Tell me again what the defintion of your matrix is
Let $$1 \leq r,s \leq n$$ be two different integers, and let $$\lambda \in \mahtbb{R}$$. We Denote $$E^{r,s}(\lambda)$$ the matrix with the following entries:

\lambda if (i,j)=(r,s)
1 if i=j
0, else
Code that properly pleaaaaaaaaaaaase.
Then it is the unit matrix plus a canonical matrix with entries not in the diagonal.
Well, do you see that a matrix in upper triangular form has what we said as a determinant?
This is my problem how do you express the determinant ?
I get 1+(-1)^{r+s} \lambda
@user43758 thats called a Kronecker delta
@user43758 written as $\delta_{i,j}$
@user43758 Try to see if in your book, you have a formula for the determinant of an uper triangular matrix.
The idea is as follows:
$$\delta_{i,j}$$= 1 if i=j and 0 if i \neq j
@user43758 yes
Develop the matrix throughout the first colum. Then it is $(-1)^{1+1}a_{11} \det(M)$ where $M$ is the minor of $1,1$, and all the zeroes under $a_{11}$ (i.e $a_{j1}=0$ ) kill the subsequent determinants (of the other minors)
Then you do the very same with $\det(M)$ until you get to $a_{nn}$ so you get the determinant is $\prod a_{kk}$
If the matrix is "lower" triangular, just use $\det(A)=\det(A^T)$
Why? We can simply develop according to the r-th row
we have to terms
a determinant multiplying 1 and another one multiplying \lambda
I want to understand why am I not getting 1..
The $r$th row? OK, what is the determinant of say
1 0 0
2 1 0
0 0 1
Note that the determinant of the minor of the $\lambda$ term will be zero.
ok I understood now
OK, can you see it is $1$?
the determinant multiplying the lambda equals 0
that's why
thank you!
Sorry for being kinda slow
@user43758 Meh. Not a problem at all.
How long are you going to still be online
just in case..
I guess I will be at least 3 more hs.
I am trying to solve something.
@PeterTamaroff I wrote $det(E)=1+(-1)^{r+s}\lambda\delta_{r,s}= 1$ such that $\delta_{r,s}$ is the (r,s)th minor
@user43758 Huh?
Didn't we agree it is $1$?
Yes we did
Oh, sorry.
I misread it for the Kroenecker delta.
OK, that is fine.
Try not to mix up common notation.
I know.
That's why I specified it was the minor
@PeterTamaroff What are you working on ?
@user43758 Uniformly distributed sequences. I can't even get started.
I realized how to prove something, but can't prove another more specific thing.
Anybody wanna take a crack at this? math.stackexchange.com/q/264403/12952
@AlexanderGruber Sorry I don't know what adjacent matrix is
oh, you just number the vertices on your graph and put a 1 in the $i,j$ position if vertex $i$ and vertex $j$ are connected, and a $0$ otherwise
@PeterTamaroff Are you online ?
@user43758 Yes.
Can I ask you another question ?
So, hashtags in resumes...yes or no?
I have the following matrix:

1, if (i,j)=(r,s)
1, if (i,j)=(s,r)
1,if i=j and i \neq r, i \neq j
I need to show that the determinant equals -1
@user43758 What is a determinant?
@Andrew Just google it. It is the unique multilinear alternating function such that $f(I_n)=1$.
@user43758 Try a few examples, see if you can work something out.
I did a 4x4 representation of this just to see what it looks like and it seems to me that all the terms are 1 except the one situated in the rth row
Christopher Robin just got kidnapped, sorry.
@Peter Oh, I've stumbled into math by accident.
@Andrew How?
@Peter I think I intended to enter a different chat
@user43758 OK, tell me what $E^{1,3}$ is over $4\times 4$.
@Andrew I see.
I need you to be clear about the third item. "$i=j$ and $i\neq r$, $j\neq s$."
Is it a "$i=j$ and $i\neq r$ **and** $j\neq s$." or a
Is it a "$i=j$ and $i\neq r$ **or** $j\neq s$."
@user43758 You sure?
no it is a and

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