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@PeterTamaroff that book is really hard
I read about compactness in $\Bbb R^n$ in Shilovs (which is kinda old but the proofs are dope), but not read about general compactness in Mendelson.
I am reading top without tears
@Khromonkey Why?
The writer had childhood issues, idk
the point is it is hard
You do understand the word play in "Topology without TEARS" right?
Because we want to tears in the bijections and stuff?
@PeterTamaroff oh by the way: yes it is really Grüber
@AlexanderGruber I thought so!
I thought it meant it was easy
Qiaochu's diagrams are the first thing to ever make me wish I had an ipad
@Khromonkey Yes, it is a wordplay.
where are they @anon
@anon Link, braw!
anybody ever try any cryptography?
this + links contained therein
@AlexanderGruber teensy bit
what kind?
I used pwdump and rainbow tables once
actually that's not crypto
but I have vaguely skimmed stuff on public key crypto
i'm working with a guy right now who is a big shot in multivariate public key crypto
things like PK crypto and rubberhose crypto are beautiful and surprising when you first hear about them
I am interested in cryptography, but I haven't seriously tried it. I heard it needs abstract algebra basics
ooh, what's multivariate PK crypto?
but i need to brush up on my theory of quadratic forms i think.
well, more elementary number theory than full-on abstract algebra
@anon do you know what the MI system is?
@anon You can always make them in Ps, or COREL
multivariate polynomials over finite fields, eh
Though I don't think you'll get the same "hand written" feel.
so if you're the encrypter
you pick two random affine transformations over an $n$-dimensional vector space over $\mathbb{F}_p$ (usually binary)
so letting $k=\mathbb{F}_p$ and $K$ an extension of dimension $n$ of $k$, you let $\phi:k^n\rightarrow K$ be defined by sending the vector to the polynomial in $K$ with those coefficients
like, $\phi((a_1,a_2,a_3))=a_1+a_2x+a_3x^2$
so $\phi:k^n\to K[x]$?
or is $x\in K$ some chosen thingamajig?
$k^n\rightarrow k[x] \rightarrow k[x]/\langle \text{primitive polynomial} \rangle=k(x)=K$
i.e. i'm representing elements in the extension $K$ as polynomials in $x$, the primitve element
okay, so $K=k(x)$
@skullpatrol Hi!
choose a $\theta$ so that $(q^\theta+1,q^n-1)=1$, and define a power map $F:X\mapsto X^{q^\theta+1}$.
apply that to the polynomial you sent your message to, then take the resulting polynomial back to $k^n$, and do your other affine transformation to it
well, I will read more about it later
overall, you've got $L_2\phi^{-1}F\phi L_1$ as your encryption.
to decrypt, you need both $L_1$ and $L_2$, but you give the total map $L_2\phi^{-1}F\phi L_1$ out to people as a whole (so they don't know which parts are which).
and that's it.
right - so anyhow it's a lot simpler than it sounds, it's just difficult to type.
@Charlie How are you?
@skullpatrol not very good, and you?
@Charlie What's wrong?
... I'm ok...thanks.
@skullpatrol I'm a bit irritated, can't sleep..., furthermore, it's hot in here
@Charlie Don't you access to air conditioning?
@skullpatrol no, but air conditioning usually makes me sneeze, I hate summer
I am doing that exercise I told you
The famous Pedro ping is back.
I checked that all $x_k=(1k)$ satisfy this.
My question is.
showing the elements satisfy the given relations should be trivial. showing these relations generate all possible relations I don't know how to do.
@khr You said you wanted to do weights and asked about protein?
@anon OK, that was the thing. I was going to ask "How do I know those are all the relations I need?"
@JacobBlack Someone in ELU told me to stop acting like you.
@skullpatrol In what manner?
@Peter, what is the exercise?
@JacobBlack General comments.
@Sanchez I ought to show that those relations define $S_n$ over $FG^{(n-1)}$
@skullpatrol haha
@skullpatrol I mean how do you resemble me?
@Charlie ;-D
@Peter, what is $FG^{n-1}$?
@Sanchez The free group generated by $n-1$ elements.
Mind the parentheses.
@skullpatrol ;D I'll try to sleep, good night, skull :)
@skullpatrol Do you email Charlie?
@JacobBlack Nosy, nosy.
@PeterTamaroff Yes, I am.
No, he does not
@skull I don't get it, what did they say was common between us?
@anon It's taking forever to load.
loads immediately for me
@Sanchez Do you remember you once discussed with me a question on representation theory?
@anon I see how you keep it up. You rejoice on people's sadness.
Good work.
It was about representations over non-algebraically closed fields?
I'm serious.
@anon I'm working on the exercise. It doesn't feel too crazy.
@jacob anon's potato is baking too
iS Sanchez not here?
@Charlie Geezis, I now have no idea what that means. Yesterday I thought of 9000 meanings for it.
@awllower, then?
In that case, I think I should just ask for some help.
Is the theorem of Wedderburn that states the decompsition of semi-aimple algebras into simple ones valid over any fields?
I am thinking maybe we can still use the Wedderburn theorem to decompose representations, even if the field is not closed.
@anon Real men don't use iPad.
@awllower, it seems so, according to wikipedia
@JacobBlack you did ? I thought that the things I said were stupid for people to think about, not that it's not stupid, it is , but you thought about it
Hence there should only be linear irreducible representations!
Because the theorem decomposes the rep. into matrix algebras.
@Charlie Yes, you must have become a banana.
I don't understand what you mean though. My objection last night was not on the decomposition into irrep, I complained that the equality $kG = \oplus_{irrep} V^* \otimes V$ does not hold for nonalgebraically closed $k$.
Why should there only be linear things?
@JacobBlack I am just like you o.o
@Charlie You know, now I have no idea what potato means. Then again, my banana has 9000 meanings as well.
I mean there the equality $\sum n²=\midG\mid$
maybe still holds?
Wait, the orthogonality relations should still hold, right?
So, orthogonality is right.
@JacobBlack can you say "Good night" so I can go to sleep ? It's almost 2a.m and I'm starting to have headaches
But the problem is that, the entry of your matrix ring may not be over $\mathbb{R}$, they can be any division ring over $\mathbb{R}$, eg $\mathbb{C}$
So one thing that can appear, is $M_1(\mathbb{C})$, which has 2 dimension over $\mathbb{R}$ and is what's happening here.
I see.
So actually, using Wedderburn gives you a proof that the irrep over $\mathbb{R}$ is either 1 or 2 dim
I thought that orthogonality implies that the sum of squares is the order of G?
(in the case of your question where $G$ is abelian)
what is orr?
I have to depart now. Sorry. Per chance the discussion could continue afterwards. :)
Can someone please evaluate $\lim_{s\to1} \frac{d^2}{ds^2}\frac{1}{\zeta(s)}$ for me in terms of known constants, wolframalpha wont load..
@Charlie OK good night. I will continue to ponder on the mysterious potato.
@JacobBlack :D I tell you later what that means
@Charlie Well, do you think I have guessed it correctly?
@JacobBlack nope
@Ethan It returns that it has no computational time
ye i know
I can get a numeric result, but I would much rather have it in terms of known constants
thats look about right
how do u know?
also you can use stieltjes (sp?) constants expansion and evaluate it analytically
its the reciprocal of the zeta function tho
indeed it is
@anon Hi
expand $\frac{1}{(s-1)\zeta(s)}$ partially as a geometric series (using a partial laurent expansion of $\zeta$ around $s=1$), multiply by $s-1$, then look at the resulting coefficients
@anon, you sure it's not $2\gamma$?
no anon is right
geez, my calculations are terrible then.
I really hate it when I get things up to a sign..
A ode to the trolls:
I got your post,
so I posted back
to make sure there was no doubt
if you spam me again
I'll spam you back,
and your servers shall cease to route.
Bikam ka pikkk chik chaa chaaa
Bikam ka pikkk chik chaa chaaa .....
@OrangeHarvester nice
@skullpatrol copied fom userfriendly comics. ;-)
Another one:
Save me from the trolls.
Away from the farce.
Let those know how their comparison is apt to a certain star
when they try to speak, shut them through...
to do so, use a lot of glue.....
This one is completely mine and extempore, and hence somewhat insipid.
It is weird that people upvote questions which, until they are made precise after having had someone ask for claritications in comments, made no sense originally.
Because those people have similar difficulties formulating question properly, and they are more apt to relate more to some one who has formulated question in a way similar to them (if poor) rather in a more polished way and hence, more alien?
@Mariano, what do you think about this question? math.stackexchange.com/questions/311654/…
not much, really :-)
hm okay; I was just wondering if this is a "right" question, I can't judge it myself.
It looks like a fishing expedition
but then, it is the ort of subject where such weird connections do occur, so
Do you happen to know much about simplifying summations?
I want to change a doublesum into a singlesum but am having difficulty
I want to get rid of the inner sum and make it a single sum: $\displaystyle\sum_{k=1}^{N}\sum_{b=2}^{\lfloor\frac{N}{k}\rfloor} \varphi(b)(b^{2}2^{k}k^2)$
@NullOverNull: is $\varphi$ Euler's function?
can it be done?
$$\sum_{k=1}^n k2^k=\sum_{k=1}^n\phi(k)k^22^k\sum_{j=1}^{[n/k]}2^jj^2$$
no wait I have it
@Chris'ssisterandpals hi
@OrangeHarvester: hi! :-) Have you seen my last question?
wassup? :-)
wil see now
@NullOverNull $$\sum_{b=1}^n\phi(b)b^2=\frac{1}{4}\sum_{k=1}^n\mu(k)[\frac{n}{k}]^2([\frac{n}{‌​k}]+1)^2$$
i would guess any $f(n)$ would do such that
\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{f(n)}{3^n} = 0
@OrangeHarvester: hmmm, I'm not sure.
@Chris'ssisterandpals any specific reason why it may not work? (I think we can plug in the analysis in your previous question directly here.)
@Charlie Good night.
@skullpatrol she will get up in an hour or so! :P
@OrangeHarvester Orly ;-)
Wow guys, Firefox 19 comes with a built-in PDF viewer!
a new guy posting his homework and askign for detailed solutions
it must be urgent, too...
@JacobBlack yeah.
a sign that I am getting old is how much people saying «solve this integral», «solve this expectation» and so on annoy me :-/
compute stuff, solve problems
at most, solve the problem of computing the integral
there there mariano :-) However annoyed you get, we still like you. :-)
hm how to render tex/latex/whatever it's called on Android?
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Yeah I noticed how common it is here, I wonder why.
@NullOverNull if you are talking about mathjax in chat on android, I am not sure it is possible. If you are talking about main site, you need javascript enabled browser.
yeah the chat
works on main site
If one can read the comments and some of the revisions on the now deleted posts with regard to the recent hooha on meta, one may become very disturbed. I think someone owes the community an apology.
Jacob what happened
Never mind if you don't know.
I am being deliberately cryptic here.
usng mathjax in the browser in android should be exactly the same as in any other browser
doesn't render here
@NullOverNull Do you know how to enable Mathjax in chat on PC?
It needs some optimizations if you use it on a mobile device.
It can be quite possible different config files are served to mobile devices...
I am in terrible pain.
I need a new spine!
a lil topology question
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Well, never mind. I don't want to hurt more feelings by being too obvious. =) But at the same time, I just could not help expressing myself, because I am quite disturbed by some of the lying and insult there.
@DominicMichaelis Go to math.stackexchange.com.
@jonas it's just a yes or no and it's totally basic :)
If it is so basic, why can't you answer it yourself? 8-).
@JacobBlack, if there is insult going on, please raise a flag
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Are you... threatening me?
the closure of A in an arbitrary topological space is defined as the intersection of all closed subset V with the property A \subset V
I am always threating everyone
no news there
Ah! Good boy.
@jonas someone commented that $\overline{U} \subset U$ is not true in general so i was unsure
It is almost never true.
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Well, nah, it's just the lying about what has been done in the comments on a deleted post, and also saying someone has an inflated ego for pointing out the act when pointing it out is the right thing to do.
(except when closed).
@JacobBlack I suggest to not give a shit about the small things and be awesome in the big things.
Comments are little things.
Can you please raise a flag on the thread?
@jonas sry i wrote it wrong i mean $U \subset \overline{U}$ is not true in general
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez It's all deleted already and the community already knows about the threads, and 10k users can see. So I think no need to flag.
Otherwise 1) You are frustrated about the comments 2) You are frustrated that you are frustrated about it. Double negative is not positive here.
@DominicMichaelis But it is. It is defined as the smallest closed set enclosing ...
ok so i was right thanks :)
You're welcome.
Anyway, I'm trying to be more awesome at the bigger things, so I'm off crawling to the library.
I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, really
It is impossible for me to judge
but oh well
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Hehe, I don't think you need to do anything. I am just voicing my own frustration, please ignore me. =)
@JacobBlack Mail.
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Hey
quick question
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Do you have a super fast proof as to why all finite subgroups of $\Bbb{C}^\times$ are cyclic?
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez You always don't reply everytime I ping you :(
@BenjaLim Mariano is a busy man... Just ask on the main site...
Is $\Bbb{C}^\times$ the multiplicative group of complex numbers?
@OrangeHarvester Replied.
@JonasTeuwen Well, as long as you don't use "asshole" you are safe bro!
Fiite subgroups are entired composed of roots of unity
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez You must be tired, you mean entirely.
if the exponent if $n$, then it is contained in the set of $n$throots of unity
and you know that that group is cyclic, generated by \exp(2pi i/n)
since everysubgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic, you are happy
(in general, every finite subgroup of the multiplicative group of any field is cyclic)
I notice that typing an answer on the site is different from writing one on paper.
It is so much easier to make mistakes when typing.
Depends on your typing vs writing speed.
Maybe because one tries to think and type at the same time, and so fail in both.
for me typing is better than writing.
That is why I type things like 1+1=3 quite often.
I can think and type better than think and write.
@JacobBlack replied.
Yesterday I had to edit 3 times to get a simple answer correct, sigh.
I try to get it right the first time, but fail miserably in doing so.
@JacobBlack I often have to type things several times. :-)
darn, he was not here, so he didn't get the pings. >8(
@skullpatrol: how are things?
@robjohn Fine thanks and you?
I've been dealing with difficulty on meta. Lots of busy time.
Nice way to spend your time :-)
I have been dealing with difficult people my whole life.
I am glad they are all gone now, but the difficulty is not gone.
hi folks
@JacobBlack: how about me? Am I difficult too? :D
@Chris'ssisterandpals No, trust me, you cannot imagine how "difficult" these people are...
@JacobBlack: See the positive part of them .:-)
@Chris'ssisterandpals :D :D
@Chris'ssisterandpals What if they have none?
@JacobBlack: we need to rigorously prove that they have none. If it happens to be so, no one is perfect. :-)
@Chris'ssisterandpals Yes, no one is perfect, but some are much more evil than others. =)
@JacobBlack: the power of positive thinking is amazing. :D
@ora So I tried out Ubuntu 12.04 and 12.10 with GNOME shell and also Ubuntu 12.10 GNOME respin. They all froze multiple times, which really surprised me. Therefore, I think Ubuntu is history for me. =)
@JacobBlack Okay, I will try to address this slowly. 12.04 froze on you? I am sceptical about that.
@OrangeHarvester Yes, it did. I am surprised. Somehow Ubuntu doesn't go well with GNOME shell, whichever variant.
So I think if you use Ubuntu, just stick to Unity shell.
Of course, I appreciate everything Ubuntu has offered. But it is not for me.
See, if you do not want stuff to freeze on you, you should not try the latest cutting edge release. Ubuntu has their LTS releases for a reason and cutting edge releases for a reason. Hence, to say Ubuntu is bad because of their instability of a 12.10 release (which is not LTS) is not fair.
Now, coming to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS freezing, does it still freeze on the latest updates? Have you updated it completely?
@OrangeHarvester It might be because I used Chrome on it. Possibly. Anyway, I am currently on Debian and Iceweasel.
Meta looks very messy today.
@robjohn I saw something about you there. Don't worry, I think you are a great moderator.
@Ethereal Yes, I just saw some more new stuff which is shocking me hahahaha!
@JacobBlack I saw that and it is true that RobJohn the Great is the greatest!
@Ethereal I also did not expect nonregular chat users to read the transcript.
So be careful what you say in chat! The world is reading!
@JacobBlack I probably shouldn't have discussed the possible outcome on chat, but other than that, I don't think anything was improper.
However, nonregulars often misinterpret or misunderstand the context.
All this stuff shocks me because I do know some people more than just the random user of MSE.
As I saw with the other answers, actions were taken.
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Slow machines like me cannot compute the awesome stuff you do here. :-)
@gnometorule I just want you to know that robjohn is a great moderator and great man to me, even though I don't know him in real life. We get very informal and humorous in chat, and this in no way reflects how flags or real problems are handled. — Jacob Black 36 secs ago
@robjohn For you. ^
@JacobBlack Is that in another chat?
Because I think gnometorule's comment was too strong there, so.
I see it. nvm
To say this is "power abuse" is not correct. I have to speak up.
I would not make a humorous comment if I thought that plagiarism had been involved. That :-D comment was a few weeks before this incident, and I had pretty much put it out of mind.
One can also make a humorous comment and still investigate thoroughly, no contradiction.
Of course, I can understand that gnometorule must have been feeling a bit emotional after all this.
How do you get the permalink for comments?
Copy link location of the comment time stamp.
@JacobBlack I hope that everyone involved reads my responses. With the possible exception of the comment I made about the possible outcome, I don't see any reason to do anything differently.
@JacobBlack Oh, works. Thank you Jasper
@robjohn Your comments are harmless, QED.
One cannot just take a comment or two and interpret 9000 things out of it.
One must take several comments, see the entire context, think a few days, and then interpret a few things out of it.
One must also know that with new info, old info is reevaluated.
@JacobBlack Have a star for that great thought. :'-)
@Ethereal My thoughts often put me in conflict with this world.
There are various people in real life who have judged me to be immoral based on certain things I have done, but they know shit about me.
The wheels just keep on turning.
the drummers begin to drum
I don't know which way I am going
I don't know which way I've come.
@robjohn I think he is referring to site comments.
@robjohn I meant comments.
@Ethereal Ah. I think you can right click on the timestamp and copy the link location
Which is just what Jacob said :-)
@robjohn Thanks again!
@robjohn Jacob took his carrots, as advised!
@ora Are you passionate about your work? Just asking...
@Ethereal You need at least 3 letters.
@Ethereal You need at least three characters to ping :-)
@Ethereal Yes. Very.
@OrangeHarvester OK, that is nice.
@Ethereal However, I have grown from experience to temper that reckless passion with some measured caution which I have found has been important in my case. (I still have my moments of recklessness/instinct though.)
Why do people write their email addresses like abc <at> xyz <dot> com instead of [email protected]?

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