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But how do I form $G$?
Using $FG^{(3)}$
I couldn't understand the "relations on".
ok, so we want to find 3 generators of $H$ satisfying those relations
I have this defintion though:
$G$ is a quotient of the free group on 3 generators
a good way to think about $G$ is as the set of words in the letters $x_1,x_2,x_3$ and their inverses, and such that you can cancel whenever you have an element and its inverse next to each other
If $S$ is a subset of $FG^{(r)}$ we say that $G$ is defined by the relations $S$ if $G\simeq FG^{(r)}/N_S$ where $N_S$ si the normal group generated by $S$.
also, you can replace anything by something that is equal to it according to those relations
Should I find the normal subgroup generated by $\{x_1,x_2,x_3\}$ and quote?
To get what $G$ is?
you should find generators of $H$ that satisfy the relations given for $G$
I don't understand what they mean by "defined by the relations in $FG^{(3)}$"
then check that mapping those elements to $x_1$, $x_2$ and $x_3$ is an isomorphism
He defined something saying "defined by the relations in $S\subset FG^{(3)}$ but not about $FG$ itself.
@PeterTamaroff they mean the same thing
(he means the given relations)
Well, then to find $G$ I can quote like that. I don't mean to show it is iso.
But I need to understand a little how this works, since I have little examples.
I thought you did want to show that $G$ and $H$ are isomorphic?
Yes, sure. But I want to understand how building groups off $FG$ and relations works too.
well, they look like I explained
they are words in the generators, and where you are allowed to exchange strings when they are equal according to the relations
He gives an example about the dihedral group being generated by the relations $x^n,xyxy, y^2$ in $FG^{(2)}$ for example, which I don't understand still.
@PeterTamaroff what part of it is giving you problems?
@TobiasKildetoft Well, I guessed the relation should be $x^n=1=$,$xyxy=1$ and $y^2=1$, yes?
Because that is what the rotation $x$ and reflection $y$ should satisfy.
yes, that is what it means when people just write some words as the relations (rather than writing them as equalities)
So we get an homomorphism of $FG^{(2)}$ with $D_n$ by the natural homomorphism sending $x\to R$ and $y\to r$ the rotation and reflection resp
That is the basic idea of free groups.
which is why you want to find generators of $H$ satisfying the relations that the generators of $G$ satisfy
Now, there is a line where he just writes

$$\tag 3 x^n,y^2,xyxy$$
and he says "Let $K$ be the normal subgroup generated by the elements $(3)$"
He means we should look at the normal subgroup generated by $x,y$ such that $(3)$ is fullfilled right? And it really should read $x^n=1,y^2=1$ and $xyxy=1$
@tobias Yes?
no, he means the normal subgroup generated by those elements
But aren't they $1$?
I see.
they become 1 in the quotient
(which is what we want)
But why does he now write "by the relations..." and writes a set of equalities.
When he talked about relations as just elements we want to be 1?
@PeterTamaroff this is because any equality in a group can be rewritten as something = 1
Now we have $x_3x_1x_2=x_1x_2$, $x_1x_3=x_3x_1$ and $x_2x_3=x_3x_2$
sometimes, we like to write it as equalities in one way, sometimes the other
So we want to look at the group generated by $^{x_1}x_3$, $^{x_2}x_3$ and $^{x_2x_1}x_3$ (the third one is awry)
what do you mean by that notation?
usually, it is not practical to try to actually identity the normal subgroup generated by the elements
$^g x=gxg^{-1}$
since the quotient is what we are interested in, and that is much easier to describe
ahh, that is usually written as $x^g$ (that I have seen)
@TobiasKildetoft Ah, OK.
This guy uses that notation.
and no, those are not quite the generators of the subgroup we want
@TobiasKildetoft Yes, I know. I wrote some wrongly.
I wrote them all wrongly.
They are $x_1x_3x_1^{-1}x_3^{-1}$
anyway, the reason they have been written like this is that they tell you how to permute the generators
which is nice, because it tells us that we can write everything in a certain way
specifically, we can write any element in the quotient as $x_1^{n_1}x_2^{n_2}x_3^{n_3}$
But $x_2$ and $x_1$ dont commute.
which is good, because it gives us an idea of what sort of generators of $H$ we should be looking for
no, but you can switch their order by adding an $x_3$
maybe we should have $x_3$ as the first one in those words instead
ahh, no, we can put the $x_3$ at the end as it commutes with both the others
anyone here knows the resource where i can find a detailed treatment of dirichlet integral
OK, say I give you $x_2^3 x_1^2x_3x_1^{-1}x_2^3$ @tobias
@Theorem $$\int_0^\infty \frac{\sin x}{x}dx=\frac {\pi}{2}$$?
@PeterTamaroff rewrite the relation as $x_2x_1 = x_1x_2x_3$
this then shows that $x_2^kx_1 = x_1x_2^kx_3^k$
@PeterTamaroff : no , i am talking about $\int_\Omega Du dx$ $\Omega \subset \mathbb R^n$
@TobiasKildetoft That is not the relation. It is $x_3x_1x_2=x_2x_1$
@Theorem No clue then.
@PeterTamaroff but $x_3$ commutes with everything
@TobiasKildetoft Oh, right.
@TobiasKildetoft OK, I see that.
For $k>0$.
in general, it can be very tricky to work with groups given in this fashion since one can easily overlook some relation that was not obvious
and of course, given some presentation, there is no general way to even tell if the resulting group is trivial
(it is an undecidable problem)
@TobiasKildetoft I think MJD said that yesterday =P
OK so I gotFUUUUUUU the coffee!
I'm here.
I got my invented element is $x_1x_2^2x_1^{-1}x_2^3x_3^3 $
I need to get those last elements in order.
you can just move the $x_3$ to the far right end with no problem
@TobiasKildetoft Oh, OK.
And now I have to swith that $x_1^{-1}$
to see what happens with the $x_1^{-1}$ try to play a bit with the relation involving $x_1$ and $x_2$ to get something with $x_1^{-1}$
On it...
I know!
$ x_1^{-1}x_2 x_1=x_2x_3$
I can use that.
Till I get to the $x_3$ in the vert end.
And use commutativity.
This feels like playing chess, man.
"What move can I make?"
the reason I mentioned that we can rearrange like this is that we then get a "canonical" way of writing elements
also, we can check that this way is actually unique (ie, that the exponents are uniquely determined)
(this is essentially because no elements have finite order)
So we can induce the isomorphism via the exponents.
And then we can see the multiplication is the same
And the relations reflec on the exponents.
What font does Math.Se render its latex in?
I think I am starting to see it clear now.
I think so (I didn't check if this gives the correct relations)
@TobiasKildetoft I mean, the unusual multiplication of $x_1+x_2+x_2y_3$ in the first coords
Is just the non commutativity we have.
@JohanLarsson I guess it is the default tex font.
@PeterTamaroff yes, but I am not sure if $x_1$ should correspond to $(1,0,0)$
@TobiasKildetoft Oh. But the iso is just mapping generators to generators.
@PeterTamaroff well, suitably chosen generators
We have to see what the gens are. Yes.
so we want to find generators of $H$ that satisfy our 3 relations
@JohanLarsson STIX if installed on your computer, else default TeX, as given here.
probably $x_2$ and $x_3$ can be chosen to be $(0,1,0)$ and $(0,0,1)$
@TobiasKildetoft RIght.
@TobiasKildetoft Yes.
@TobiasKildetoft It is pretty amazing how we can present some groups by using $FG$ and few relations.
It is the basic idea under presenting subspaces and linear equations right?
With vector spaces and subspaces.
Rings a bell, at least.
@PeterTamaroff we can get all groups this way actually
@TobiasKildetoft WOAH!
it is in fact really trivial to do. Take the free group generated by the elements of the group you want (need not be finite), and take the normal subgroup generated by all the relations satisfied by that group (might be an enormous amount)
this is of course completely impractical
@TobiasKildetoft Wait.
But I think all groups aren't "finitely presented".
right, we might need a non-finitely generated free group to start with
but this is ok
for a countably generated one, take the commutator subgroup of the free group on two generators
(this is a strange thing about free groups. Any subgroup is also free, but might be generated by a lot more elements)
Hi! If $f \colon \mathbb{R}^n \to f(\mathbb{R}^n)$ is such that $f''(x)>0$ is it true that $f$ is diffeomorphism?
in fact, any free group that is not cyclic contains the free group on any number of generators (at most countably many) as a subgroup
@Nimza Looks good. If $f''>0$, $f$ is striclty increasing, whence $f$ is one one. Note now that $(f\circ f^{-1})'=1$ that is $f' \circ f^{-1}\cdot (f^{-1})'=1$
@PeterTamaroff So which classes are you doing this semester?
This means that $(f^{-1})'=1/(f'\circ f^{-1})$
You must now check that $f'\circ f^{-1}$ never vanishes, @nimza
Can you deduce it from $f''>0$?
@JacobBlack Analisis 1 and Algebra 1
:8228794 Oh, didn't look that, hehehe
I'm still in my $\Bbb R^1$ paradise.
@PeterTamaroff yep, the problem is with injectivity when $n$ is general
@PeterTamaroff why are you sitting here?) in line)
@Nimza Ah?
@PeterTamaroff why are you still on $\mathbb{R}$?)
@Nimza Oh, I haven't taken any $n$-dimensional analisis yet.
@PeterTamaroff aa
@Nimza I actually start this cuatrimester.
The program is:
Topology in $\Bbb R^n$
Functions $\Bbb R^n\to \Bbb R^k$
Differential calculus in many variables
Extrema of multivariate functions
Double and triple integrals
I actually know all of the first part. (topology)
:) general topology of course (you know)?
@user58512 hi
hi @Nimza, do you know about elliptic addition theorem
@user58512 I had it in my course the last semester, but I don't remember details
@Nimza Right. But it is not much. It is: completitude, supremum and equivalent defs, distance, open and closed disks, interior points, interior, closure, closed sets, bounded sets, limits, limits in coords
Dunno if we'll see something about compactness for example
I hope so.
@JacobBlack Dude. I think I know most of what is given in Algebra I.
@PeterTamaroff Well done Pedro, I have high expectations of you. Don't forget me when you win the Fields medal.
@JacobBlack Haha, you'll jinx me.
@PeterTamaroff I wish I could say the same about Algebra Chapter 0.
@OrangeHarvester What is that?
@OrangeHarvester That book is becoming very popular, I don't know why...
@OrangeHarvester But it says it is graduate level!
@PeterTamaroff Before Algebra I comes Algebra chapter 0. :P
I am very frustrated I can't find a development of some results I am curious about
@PeterTamaroff I have high expectations (and no hard work) from myself.
I spent a long time in the library today looking in the books for it
@OrangeHarvester So you'll have ODing expectations if you worked hard!
@PeterTamaroff Yes!
You'd have to freaking stick a needle full of adrenaline in their hearts if you worked hard.
Damn you!
@PeterTamaroff Yeah! IV would be my right hand.
@user58512 What result?
I don't know how do people find motivation to learn algebra, it's so dry in comparison with topology or some applied fields like optimal control
@Nimza Learn some computer science dude!
@OrangeHarvester what do you mean?
@Nimza Well, to find motivation, connect it to geometry, like algebraic geometry or transformation groups.
@JacobBlack aha, algebraic geometry is the point but one doesn't tell about it when one speaks about algebra in uni!
@JacobBlack, addition theorem for trig integrals
Many things become more beautiful when we see it geometrically, after all we are all visual creatures.
@Nimza Well, computer science is heavily invested in semigroup based algebra. But, you can analyze complex systems in computer science using algebra.
@JacobBlack yes, I'm agree! And it's my point of view too
@OrangeHarvester hm, I was linked almost only with computer science first 3 years, and I didn't use algebra to write such things as http servers of javascript interpreter. O thanks for the link
@Nimza That was programming, not computer science. ;-)
@OrangeHarvester ah)
can you help me
hi everybody
@Ilya hi
@Nimza watched any good movies recently?
@JacobBlack It introduces category theory form the outset, something of interest to those more inclined towards computer science.
In the group $\Bbb Z^3$ with multiplication as usual but in the 2st coord $x_1+y_1+x_2y_3$ two elements will commute $\iff x_2y_3=y_2x_3$
@Ilya watched Kevin Smith's 5 movies from the Askewuniverse
@Nimza have no idea what is it. Sci-fi?
@Ilya no, usual films about life. First - Clerks - is about 2 vendors. All the action takes place in their shop :) It isn't well known film as I know but I liked it so much. As the others
@Ilya Chasing Emy - is about a commicwriter who loved lesbian
Jay and Silent Bob
@Ilya aha, "Strike Back" is the worst one for me
I've seen only that one
Dogma is from the same series?
it's a pity :(
aha, Dogma is one of the best
I was told that a good one
I'll maybe watch it soon
I watched Moon 2112 today, quite a good one! @Nimza
@Ilya thanks, will add it to my empty watchlist
@Nimza I can send you mine
@Ilya go gtalk
I'm there
@tobias I think we can choose the generators as $x_1=(0,1,1),x_2=(0,0,1) $ and $x_3=(1,0,0)$; in that order.
Once again.
I wrote an eqn wrongly.
OK $abc=cb$ forces $a=(a_1,0,0)$ in the first place
While $bc=cb$ and $ac=ca$ forces $a_2c_3=c_2a_3$ and $b_2c_3=b_3c_2$
The first coord in $abc=cb$ gives after use of $a_2,a_3=0$ that $c_1=0$.
@charlie hi sweetie
@DominicMichaelis "Oh, we are sweetie now?"
only charlie and me
@DominicMichaelis hi Domy
@PeterTamaroff hola Pedro
@DominicMichaelis how are you?

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