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@anon I can give encouragement to you.
Everytime I think of a story that I could write I realize I am just thinking of an episode of ghost in the shell.
@anon Is it too bad?
You are still better because I can't even remember what I watched or read.
and I barely remember what I did in my childhood :(
@sos440 I did lots of destruction and procrastination.
hey @GustavoBandeira what's your avatar a picture of
@mr.FS Max Ernst - Red Forest
ok a painting i assume?
Procrastination has also been my closest and worst friend. :(
Hey guys, I was curious on this q math.stackexchange.com/questions/257266/… some people kept suggesting the binomial theorem but offered no example on how to apply it there. While the accepted answer has nothing to do with the binomial theorem approach. Is the binomial theorem even useful there at all? I can't tell as the other approach was never explained.
Q: How to draw $(A,B)\sim (C,D) \implies (A,C)\sim (B,D)$ when $A,B,C,D$ are collinears?

Gustavo Bandeira$(A,B)$ and $(C,D)$ are parallel vectors, in the book I'm reading, it illustrates one case for this proposition: $(A,B)\sim (C,D) \implies (A,C)\sim (B,D)$ with the following figure: And then there's an exercise asking me to draw that proposition in the case that $A,B,C,D$ are collinear. I'm n...

@user17753 Yes, standard binomial theorem requires the power to be an integer, but allows each "element" inside to be an arbitrary real (or complex) number.
Wait, I misread that question.
Solving for n in terms of x, not vice versa. Probably could use the generalized binomial theorem.
@Ed Right, so I think the author stated the power, n, was real. So in that case the binomial theorem would not help?
No, you use the generalized version en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
@EdGorcenski OK I'll try that, thanks.
@anon Indeed, I often remarked that some of the best answers get few upvotes. And vice-versa, e.g. I never imagined (and I'm embarassed) that I got over 50 votes for pointing out one simple consequence of evaluating a polynomial at zero. My current opinion is that the SE voting model does far more harm than good. This will be fixed in the platform I am developing (see comments above).
@EdGorcenski Maybe I'm just making a simple mistake or something, but applying it to that specific problem I don't really see how it can be simplified to a point that's any easier to solve for than the original. Obviously the log approach seems more straight forward, I guess.
@Gone This will always be the problem with a democratic /populistic voting system.
@N3buchadnezzar Right, but some of the problems can be fixed if the votes are multidimensional. For example, you may wish to defaultly order answers by votes from your peers, i.e.. other users who are at the same level of knowledge as you (which my system actively tracks) in the topic/field of the question.
Yeah, a weighted system would be a lot better in most cases.
Further, multidimensional votes go a long way towards eliminating the "ego" problems that arise from overloaded one-dimensional votes.
I guess one can compare it to funny images on facebook, versus long and thoughtful comments.
It is much easier to upvote the prior, rather than the latter.
@N3buchadnezzar Right. In my system the voting categories are dynamically expandable (like tags here), so if one wanted at add a category of, say, math humor, then one could do so.
I really like the idea
On the side, how do you know so much about polynomials, roots and galoois theory. Any recommendations on books, topics or alike ? =)
@N3buchadnezzar That's a very difficult question for me to answer well since I am so far past my student days. The best person to answer that is someone who just learned it fairly recently, who can recall all the pitfalls, and tradeoffs of various textbooks, etc.
@Gone A very good answer
But, let me add, the system I am designing would be helpful here, because it would allow you to focus the question in on precisely those users, because it aims to have very specific knowledge of the expertise of each user in each subject area.
I was just grabbing myself some tea, and was thinking about your idea.
Most sites today has the very fundamental idea of giving a topic, post, or question a single value.
This is either achieved where everyone is given the same power to vote, or a weighted system.
In either case, I am not that interested in whether pre-calculus, or proffesors are interested in the topic at hand, I am mostly interested if this is interesting to someone at my level.
The problem is how to develop a system that is not single value baised, either a bar plot, scatter plot, or like you talked about a layered point system are all interesting ideas.
I find intimidated to even post a question, because inevitably some variant has already been answered but I lack the expertise to find it more quickly than I can type up the question. So it just ends up in no questions being asked =p
@Gone The votes are inversely proportional to the work, usually.
@Gone Any idea on how to create a system that allows for easy searching after latex?
@N3buchadnezzar yes, that's a key point. The idea of my system is to crowd-source the teaching in the most optimal way. Some of the best folks who can help teach are the suidents who just learned the material recently since they know what parts are confusing, esp. those students who come from the same background (having same prereq's etc)
I find it often extremely hard searching after questions searching after anything containing large amounts of latex, for instance integrals or alike.
@robjohn Yeah, no doubt about that.
@N3buchadnezzar I have to remember other keywords and such. It is very hard to search for things, especially when variables of summation or integration can change.
So, 0 work gets you infinite votes?
@skullpatrol Yeah, but that rolls over and becomes 0 :-)
or negative infinity ;)
It sort of reminds me of my dad's mechanical calculator when dividing by 0
@Gone I think you are wrong to some extent, I think input from people of variation skills and abilities is the best. Of course a lot of help can be achieed from someone who's recently mastered the field, but also from someone who has years of experience, for all those nitty pitty things.
@robjohn But you KNOW, you have seen the exact integral before, perhaps even spent an afternoon solving it ^^
@N3buchadnezzar Yeah, but was it $\int f(x)\,\mathrm{d}x$ or $\int f(t)\,\mathrm{d}t$?
@N3buchadnezzar I didn't mean to imply that those are the only folks. The point is to optimally incorporate everything possible, which is why you will be able to view proofs at many different levels.
My advice, more cartoons. Take a lesson from Larry Gonick. All I can say.
@robjohn exactly
@Gone Something like a Gauss curve yeah
@user17753 Good idea :)
Also, the current site model focuses too little on discussion and interactivity
@BrianM.Scott ...help... please.
Could someone please do me a favor and flag this extremely rude and distasteful comment That says much lest anyone wonder why I am leaving.
Asaf is one of the primary reasons.
Wow, I never knew math could get so emotional.
yep people should set their egos aside and just realise that in the end we all just like maths
truer words never typed before
thanks :D
but really i think they have something similar going on at physics.se
@user17753 Apparently grudges die hard. Most people grow out of that after a certain age but, alas, some never do. Apparently it is my payback for threatening to suspend the Almighty Asaf.
but even if you don't like each other you don't need to express it in this way
Hello everyone, can someone help me with showing that for each $m\in \mathbb {N}$ $$im(f^{m+1})\subset im(f^m)$$
@Gone Done :)
@mr.FS Did I say anything impolite? I simply defended myself against baseless wild speculatons and insinuations (which he has shot my way for quite a long time now, it will be refreshing to not have to deal with that any more)
no i wasn't talking about you
i was talking more in general
and the stuff he says
Such comments are tailored to prompt a response, if removed or w/e then he knows he's got to you and thus the victor.
there's no need for rude behaviour and frankly I think it can't be good for himself either. I don't know if this a stupid comparison but there was the case of Lubos Motl in 2007 who lost his job at harvard due to offensive things he had said online
@user17753 Not necessarily because anyone can flag it. It's not that it gets to me, but, rather, that is sets a very bad example for others if it is let stand ("broken windows"). That's why I tried to cleanup all personal attacks asap when I was a mod.
Well, not to sound insensitive, but it's not exactly an outlier to see someone post something rude on the internet.
@skullpatrol hi
@Charlie hi, wazzup?
Nothing special ....raining .....
@skullpatrol you?
@Charlie I like the rain ( as you know ), I'm just chillin' & watchin' the drama between the ex-owner of this room and Gone ;)
Just to show you how bad things are, Eric Naslund (another person with a grudge) suspended me for Asaf's nonsense. As you folks saw, I said nothing bad there. I've had it. The mods are completely clueless and heavily biased. Speak up for a change before this entire website crashes in flames. My patience is completely exhausted.
Hi @WillJagy
Hmm maybe they could issue a tough bounty question to banee's for a chance at early ban lift, followed by requiring to post something nice about the party they offended?
In case anyone missed it, Asaf's remark said something like "I hope you're not a serial killer too..." Hopefully now you folks can see how unfair all this nonsense it. This is completely juvenile. Please elect experienced mods if you are ever able to change things.
I would think that SE main would have a better system in place for these such things.
Community elected moderation is a great idea, but not without its pitfalls.
@EdGorcenski for what things?
I don't know if you folks can see any of what remains, but it sure makes another strong case for moderator bias. But at this point I don't care anymore.
How do you invite someone to a chat discussion?
My advice would be to recall the entire mod team. It is completely dysfunctional. There is no organization, no rational discussion before serious decisions are made, etc. It's actually the worst excuse for a team that I've ever encountered (and I've seen some very bad ones in my time).
Hi @JavierÁlvarez welcome, I read your recent answer about algebraic geometry... very nice :)
life goes on
@skullpatrol what question?
hi everyone
I'm new to chat...Is this a place that people can ask their math questions?
@Eli yes - fire away
@user17753 Here.
PS My suspension is for 1 YEAR. So much for hope for finishing up all those answers. Hopefully you guys have some idea now of the abuse I spoke of. I suppose serial killers like me need at least one year to reform. Enjoy your little monsters Asaf and Qiaochu.
Look at all the people in the chat!
There are 98956895865896679 people!
Hi @OldJohn,
I asked a question yesterday and after spending many hours, I've not been able to solve it. I wanted to ask whether someone could give me some hints...
@GustavoBandeira Really? I counted 26.
@Eli what is the question?
@OldJohn Here is actually the link:
@Gone Abuse? You should have been here when Asaf was the owner of this room sir.
I am still here waiting for that "monster."
@Eli Not sure if we have anyone here who is a specialist in probability _ I can't help, I'm afraid
@Gone But like all little monsters he hides ;-)
Thanks @OldJohn
Is anybody specialist in probability in this room? I appreciate if you could help me...
@Eli: I just added the "probability" and "probability-theory" tags. Having it tagged only "convergence" may mean that the probability experts haven't noticed it.
askinhg for a specialist is rare a good idea, Eli
in the immense majority of cases one does not need t be a specialist to answer a question
Thank you @Mike
and experience shows very ferw people will raise their hand when someone askes for A Specialist
Hi @MarianoSuárez-Alvarez, yes you are right...
We know
In any case, this may be the last chance to say goodbye to everyone, so best of luck. I'm sorry I couldn't finish up those loose ends. Asaf had other ideas. Perhaps we'll cross paths in another better math forum, where I can once again feel comfortable standing on the shoulders of giants.
pretty bad that it had to come to this
...and what will happen to your the mathematical wings?
Wow, melodramatic
I'm building a much better platform. Everyone will be welcome there.
where's it at?
That is a lot of work.
It's still in the design stage, so it will take quite some time.
everyone, really?
or just everyone who can get along
Yes, I don't hold grudges. The platform will be run by experienced mathematicians so one won't need to worry about the juvenile nonsense that occurred here.
how long will it take and how will I know where it is if (no pun intended) you're gone?
@user17753 It depends on how much help I can get. It's probably a couple man-years of work.
@Gone Boyz will be boyz.
and what is the idea, a forum or same sort of format as se
@GraceNote But I'm counting with another method: Gustavian Counting Theory.
That^ will never change.^^
There are a few comments above that say a bit more. It's quite an ambitious design specific to mathematics - much further than SE.
ok i will look at them
Couple years seems like so long, what if you've forgiven those that originally offended you during all that time?
nice idea anyway
hope it can be done in practice
man-years implies it could be a team in which case it wouldn't take years
Oh gotcha
@mr.FS Right, it will be an open source project so hopefully we can crowd source it. I just need to be able to coax enough competent developers to jump on board.
yes, unfortunately I'm no good at that kind of stuff :(
idk about you guys, but I feel as though currently SE sets the bar pretty high even with its so-called flaws
@user17753 If you read my comments above, you will see that my bar is much higher.
@Gone Don't worry about Asaf; what goes around comes all the way back around ;-)
@skullpatrol During my time as a mod, everytime I saw trouble he was usually somehow connected to it. I don't know what happened with him here on chat, but I can only imagine,since things are even looser here.
Asaf told me that if he was suspended he would never return. Well now he's suspended for 3 days. Do you think he will honor that? I don't.
He would not be the first user of the site that has told us he would leave
@Mariano For once can I get your honest opinion?
Your for once of course makes me answer no
You are great at wording things in a way that make it impossible to talk to you
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Hey
Well I'll try anyway. You can see the deleted comments in the meta thread that caused Eric to suspend Asaf and I. I cannot seen anything that should have caused me to be suspened, can you?
I will not engange in discussion of recent or old events with you, Bill
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Did you print it out?
@Mariano Well so much for hoping you possessed some humanity. I really have given up all hope on the current mod team.
@Gone I checked Asaf's account and it doesn't say that he's suspended
Well, no. No humanity. Sorry.
@BenjaLim, I have a printed copy at home
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez ah did you read through it ?
a good half
pretty nicely written
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Say no to humanity?
I hope you got a good grade
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez I am so touched .
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez This was the lecturer : maths-people.anu.edu.au/~alperj
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Please read the other half :D
Asaf was suspended at one point. Someone must have unsuspended him, but not me. Bias galore. Hopefully you folks who saw what happened will now realize just how bad things really are.
unsuspended but 1 reputation :O
@Gone "He abused me, he beat me, he defeated me, he robbed me,"— in those who harbour such thoughts hatred will never cease." - The Buddha
@Gone He (thinks he) has friends in high places.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degrees_of_freedom_%28mechanics%29 says a rigid body in space has three components of rotation. The spherical coordinate system only uses two. What's the three about then?
o nvm that was on meta
@BenjaLim Please, someone post something on meta requesting to see the deleted comments so that the rest of the site can see just how bad things are. The mods need to be held accountable for such abuse of powers. This is really absurd.
@Gone I agree with you on the fact that deleted comments should be made available for EVERYONE to see.
@Gone I also think with the latest ballyhoo on deletions
that if we really wanted to delete a question
there should be votes to do so. I don't like the idea of one person single handedly making all the decisions
@Gone Abuse of power is nothing new, sir.
@Gone Can you take a screenshot and show me the comments?
let's see if we can defy godwin's law
@BenjaLim Awesome quote
@user17753 Yes it is.
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez I think comments (deletd ones) should be made available for everyone to see.
that would sort of go against the idea of their being deleted :-)
I generally do not think thatdeleting things is a good idea
several moderators do not share that idea
and one ex-moderator
I don't think that's fair, because suppose you made an obvious error in your maths in a comment and you wish to protect your innocence? Who cares about seeing history of thinly veiled jabs or trolls, that's not what this site is supposed to be about?
I really do not think anything useful can come out of reviving those comments, in particular
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez BTW nice hate :)
@user17753, this has nothing to do with math errors
making a math error does in no way ruin anyone's innocence and needs no protection
I make mistakes all the time
and I am very very innocent
nobody's perfect
@user17753 stuff gets deleted because it is disruptive of the site---and math errors are actually good, in a way
w/e I think more effort should be placed on helping people with the maths and less with who needs to be banned and whose comment should be deleted or undeleted because it has something insensitive in it or w/e
well, the job of mods is to do the latter
among a few other things
Thankless job, it should be automated according to a specific heartless algorithm that no one can argue with.
did I mention I'm nobody :-D
A: Why study Algebraic Geometry?

Javier ÁlvarezThere are other similar questions, above all asking for references for self-studying, whose answers may be helpful: (Undergraduate) Algebraic Geometry Textbook Recomendations. Reference for Algebraic Geometry. Best Algebraic Geometry text book? (other than Hartshorne). My personal recommendat...

this is an amazing answer
in my opinion
Hi @BrianM.Scott
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez It was ... startling ... to come back to Michael Hardy’s user was removed thread when I got up today; I generally expect to see more comments, not fewer.
@skullpatrol Hullo, skullpatrol.
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez What is the minimal log program?
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez I am told by my lecturer Jarod that he and another guy (Smyth - Harvard) and Fedorchuk obtained a result for all $n$ that Mumford only got in the limit $n \to \infty$?
The $\tiny\mathrm{log}$ program!
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez what is it about?
The minimal program is the idea of getting "small" models for algebraic varieties
the log minimal program is a variation in which the notion of smallness is different
A variety has many smooth models (designularizations)in general
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez ok.
and the minimal program attempts to pick one among the others
@Andres: You’re not wearing a hat!
@BenjaLim, could you please email me? If you cannot find my addresses, search at ams.org/cml I am a little uncertain how this works, the basis is that Bill D wants you to know an email address for him, which I now have. If you email me, I do not need to place any version of that address here.
@Brian: Good to see you!
@amWhy Oh, good; I was hoping to see you. Did you ever try to e-mail me?
@BrianM.Scott Not yet, but I will, soon!
@amWhy Okay; I just wanted to make sure that I hadn’t missed something. That address has a fairly active spam trap, and you might get caught in it (though I don’t think so), but it sends me a daily list of what it’s trapped. Just in case, put MSE somewhere in the title if you remember; I’ll notice that.
@BrianM.Scott Good, thanks for the "heads up".
@WillJagy It works fine if one searches on last name Jagy and first name William; don’t use Will. (W*, with a wildcard, also works.)
@BrianM.Scott You had nothing to add to the answering of my question sir?
@skullpatrol I think that robjohn’s answer together with André’s comment cover just about everything that I would say. I’d probably just be wordier!
@BrianM.Scott, yes, you don't need any version of my first name. Even if there were more than on Jagy we would just appear as choices on a single page. As it happens there is just me.
@BrianM.Scott Thank you for looking :)
@WillJagy "There's only one Will Jagy" - sounds like it could be heard at a football match :)
@OldJohn, well, true. There was one surprise, I just googled my last name and got many hits for a Czech music group called Baby Jagy, which is their version of the Russian witch Baba Yaga with the house on chicken feet.
@WillJagy As in pictures at an exhibition?
@OldJohn, yes, now that you mention it. What is that Moussorgsky? I believe Emerson Lake and Palmer did a cover album.
I'm trying to prove (without L'Hôpital's rule) that $\lim_{x→0} x⋅\ln x = 0$. Any hints ?
@WillJagy They did indeed - an interesting take on the original Moussorgsky!
@OldJohn She’s one of the most interesting characters I know in folklore.
@BrianM.Scott Interesting - never actually looked into the background. It just sounded so crazy to have a hut with hen's legs.
@OldJohn, I don't even have a working CD player now (except the computer) but a friend gave me Brain Salad Surgery years ago, one of my favorites. The liner notes include "were perennial contenders for Most Critically Reviled Rock Band on the Planet." Makes me proud to be a fan.
@WillJagy I never had that one - but I was a minor fan, but so many years ago that I can't recall all the details :(
@BenjaLim, follow-up from Bill. Never mind the email to me. As per request: you can reach Bill D at his address [email protected]
I was told to go to college. lol
@anon That was a bit brutal :)
@OldJohn, my two favorite things are Tommy and B.S.S., especially Karn Evil 9. I bought some 120 minute cassette tapes and a small player, 60 minutes each side. Tommy is one side and a few songs on the next. K.E.9 is the middle of side B. Then some other Who cuts, Baba O'Reilly...sometimes if I can't get to sleep I listen to that with earphones.
Hi everyone,
me again !
@anon Where?
@Eli Hello!
Hi @GustavoBandeira
Wanted to ask again whether you could help me with :
@Eli I'm just welcoming you, please do not try to obtain my help for solving math problems, I have low potential for that.
No, it's actually a question to all ....
@anon At college he will probably be told to go to high school ;) @OldJohn
Also, would you know of any way that I can bring my question to the top list so that more people can see it. Since I ask it yesterday, it's far down the list of "newest questions"
@skullpatrol :)
@Eli Easy, simply edit the question and it will be bumped back to the top.
@Eli but you will hit some limits if you try to do that too often
@OldJohn Sad but true.
Good, thanks...done
@skullpatrol I don't think it is sad - I think it is only fair
Thanks everyone
@OldJohn Most calculus teachers blame algebra teachers who blame middle school teachers...
@skullpatrol As a retired teacher, I can sympathise with that
@skullpatrol Hahahaha

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