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@anon: how about a wreath?
too much wreath
Behold my lovely new Xmas avatar!
Hi @HenryB. @PeterSheldrick @AndresCaicedo welcome and Merry Christmas :)
@JasperLoy Very festive!
I like it.
@anon =)
Pop Quiz: name the Christmas colors?
Red and green?
@skullpatrol Red, Green, and white
At this rate, all colours will be included...
Two more...
@skullpatrol are you also thinking of Hanukkah colors? (Blue and white)
@JasperLoy That was about metals (Burl Ives)
It's a miracle I got all five.
Hello skullpatrol
There can be miracles when you believe. --- Mariah Carey
@HenryB. hi
Wiki says: "The traditional colors of Christmas are green and red.[47] White, silver and gold are also popular. Red symbolizes the blood of Jesus, which was shed in his crucifixion, while green symbolizes eternal life, and in particular the evergreen tree, which does not lose its leaves in the winter.[44][47]"
hi @BrianM.Scott welcome and Merry Christmas
@skullpatrol Gleðileg Jól!
@BrianM.Scott Icelandic?
@skullpatrol Já. (Not that I can even read the language without extreme difficulty, but I have actually made use once or twice of Icelandic Wikipedia.)
@BrianM.Scott There is an old puzzle that goes Iceland is covered in ice most of the year but Greenland is too, why is it called "Green"?
The usual guess is that the name was bestowed by Eiríkr as a form of advertising.
Yup :)
@BrianM.Scott Have you seen my question?
@skullpatrol No, I hadn’t; it must have come in while I was asleep. I’ll take a more serious look in a bit.
Did robjohn do your hat? (I just saw Mariano’s.)
No, he did all the rest though...
I HAVE MACAULAY 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@anon I have macaulay2
@anon Oh god I spent like hours trying to decide some stupid ideal membership thingy
@anon Your seasonal sprucing-up is one of the classiest that I’ve yet seen.
Macaulay2 does it in 3 secs
@BrianM.Scott There is no snow in australia
it's summer
America = internet
@BenjaLim So count your blessings!
Actually, is there even snow in the US yet?
Haven't seen any in NE.
@anon I saw just a little here in Cleveland Heights the other day. And back around Thanksgiving I saw some on the ground in the hills of southeastern Pennsylvania.
Christmas =?= snow
@skullpatrol Not in Australia!
@Mike: I won my bet with myself: you were the first to answer your question.
@BrianM.Scott You really thought I would be the first to answer my question? I'm flattered! :)
@MikeSpivey I really did.
@Benja, heh heh, check out pg24 here and see if the formula looks familiar
@BrianM.Scott What did you win?
@BrianM.Scott Well, I did have a head start, since I'm sure I spent more time thinking about it than anyone else.
@skullpatrol I pat on the back. So now my shoulder’s sore. :-)
@MikeSpivey And I’ve seen you do a fair number of unobvious combinatorial arguments. You, Marc van Leeuwen, Eu Yu, and a couple of others who aren’t coming to mind are the names that occur (or at the moment fail to occur) to me when I think of interesting combinatorial problems.
@BrianM.Scott Thanks, Brian. I appreciate that, particularly coming from you.
@BrianM.Scott It also helped that I had this answer floating around in the back of my head. I found the right way to tweak that one so that I could answer my recent question.
@MikeSpivey Nothing like having a store of useful odds and ends.
@Brian: Absolutely. Nice chatting with you, by the way. It's bedtime for me.
@skullpatrol, sorry i missed what you wrote. I'm not sure how long this site keeps me in the chat even if i close my browser. Merry Christmas though ;)
@MikeSpivey I’m a night owl, especially now that my time’s completely my own, so I’ll be up for hours yet. But it’s great to see you here.
@PeterSheldrick Just saying Hi and Merry Christmas :)
@BrianM.Scott I see you are still at it even after attaining 100k. I guess you will overtake Arturo very soon.
@JasperLoy It’ll be a while yet, I think.
Hi everyone.
@JasperLoy That's a new avatar!
@BrianM.Scott Long time no see!
@MattN. I’ve seen you, though: you’ve posted a lot of J/W questions lately!
@BrianM.Scott Yes. Now I'm just about to finish reading the book (25 pages more to go). Is it annoying?
@MattN. Not at all; just noticeable, since those are questions that I’m almost certain to read.
: )
@MattN. Yup but I think I prefer the steelblue so I am back to it!
@BrianM.Scott What is J/W?
@JasperLoy Just and Weese, the authors of the text that Matt’s working through.
@BrianM.Scott Ah, never heard of.
Wow, the drama brought so many new people into this chat!
What drama?
Maybe they saw the Christmas hats on the front page!
@MattN. You can see meta.
@MattN. See the starred comment from ‘Gone’, who is Bill D, and this meta question.
Wow the top three users now are RGB. Arturo is red, Andre is blue and Brian is green. QED.
@BrianM.Scott Now that is drama :(
@skullpatrol Unfortunately. But I’m afraid that something of the sort was fairly predictable.
I wonder if there will be a new election soon...
@BrianM.Scott Have you ever heard the proverb "once bitten by power the poison stays in your blood for life"?
@BrianM.Scott Ok, thanks.
@MattN. I just got 10k.
@MattN. <splork!> Which one?
@JasperLoy Congratulations!
@BrianM.Scott abstract-algebra.
@MattN. They should give out T-shirts to all 10k users! =)
@MattN. Nice!
Come to think of it, so did I: real-analysis.
The swag is a one time affair unfortunately.
@BrianM.Scott They should give me a badge for fake analysis.
@MattN. They should give me a badge for concrete algebra.
@JasperLoy Shaped like robjohn’s avatar!
@skullpatrol I don’t recall having heard it, but the idea is certainly familiar enough.
@JasperLoy : )
@BrianM.Scott Wait, this is too deep for me, what has fake analysis got to do with his avatar?
Wow, I am getting used to my 10k powers here.
@JasperLoy Fake just seems to go with that mean face. And the not-gold would also fit.
Did you just see that?
@MattN. The sleigh?
@MattN. The sleigh, yes.
There was Santa Claus on a sledge. Yes!
No reindeers though.
How did that happen?
sledge? as in hammer
Oops I approved an edit I should not have, nvm.
If $f$ is BV over [0,1] almost everywhere, then is it BV over [0,1]?
What does BV a.e. mean?
@Sanchez Of bounded variation almost everywhere.
@BrianM.Scott, er, that's exactly what I am asking. (ref to cap's question)
Ok. I'm given |f| is BV on [0,1] and f is continuous. I want to show f is BV on [0,1]. I know |f| is BV a.e. on [0,1] (by a Thm in my notes)
@Sanchez Sorry: I’m only half here and thought that you were asking about the abbreviation, not the concept.
@cap, try to split |f| into f^+ and f^-, where f^+ is the "positive part" of f and f^- is the negative part of f
oops wait
I'm not sure if I can use the fact the dericative of |f| is bounded a.e. on [0,1]
I have lost hope in going that direction.
Actually I think what I was thinking is right
so, f^+ and f^- can be shown to be BV
with the assumption that |f| is BV
then by adding them you get f is BV.
At the same time I have some question about your attempt - what does BV a.e. mean?
I think I may have coined that on my own, sorry. I was trying to use the fact |f| is BV with a theorem using "a.e" ....
What do you mean by "adding them"? Isn't their sum |f|?
i mean minus, sorry.
and, unless there is another definition of BV - I don't think BV is something that's preserved up to measure 0, i.e. a.e. doesn't make sense
Does BV a.e. make much sense? Isn't BV a global property, rather than local property?
Ok, sorry about that.
@OldJohn Good morning.
@MattN. Hi there - how are things?
@OldJohn Ok. And yourself? We have lots of snow here, I like that.
@cap, I read the question you linked to - I guess my idea is the same as the hint but I introduced f^+ and f^- this way, so let's stick to the hint.
Lots of frost here, but no snow - but main problem is still not having a kitchen :(
Also suffering from slight demoralisation lately.
@OldJohn That's taking longer than expected. You should buy a whip...
@OldJohn That sounds unpleasant. (By the way, are you another beneficiary of the robjohn hattery?)
@MattN. Me too - been trying to read a book on rational quadratic forms, and my lack of understanding is making me feel retarded
@BrianM.Scott Oh yes - hattery gets you everywhere :)
@Old John, is there anything cool to share about rational quadratic forms?
@OldJohn :-) Postively mad hattery!
@Sanchez Not really - not sure anything cool has been done with them recently, but I find them fascinating - but struggling to understand the theory
@BrianM.Scott I would never dare call robjohn mad :P
@ Sanchez, using the hint, how do we know that condition will continue to be satisfied as we refine our partition?
@OldJohn But you must admit that he’s been hatting madly. (Not to mention very successfully. Yours looks good on you, and Mariano’s on the Cheshire Cat is wonderful.)
@Old John, I mean anything cool from the book hehe
Haha, now I see. The sleddy thingie appears when someone leaves the room. (I was in a different tab last time it happened and only saw the end of it)
@BrianM.Scott Absolutely :) I spent 10 minutes the other day trying to create my own - and lets just say I am grateful for rob's efforts in saving me from displaying my lack of graphic design skills :)
@cap, let's say we consider a partition 0, 1/3, 2/3, 1, with f(0) = 1, f(1/3) = 2, f(2/3) = -1, f(1) = 4. Can you see how one may refine the partition to satisfy the hint?
@Sanchez It is Cassel's book - and I am sure it has loads of cool stuff in it, if I can just get my head round the concept of a "quadratic space" ...
@OldJohn, ah I see. I think that's something to get a coordinate free expression of a quadratic form, similar to inner product space
@OldJohn Sounds a bit ... thin. Surely a cubic space would be more useful?
Doh! Sorry, I was making that much harder than it needed to be. thanks!
@BrianM.Scott :)))
@cap, cool :)
@Sanchez Yep - that's the idea. Just at the moment I have a blind spot about it, and can't really see what the extra generality buys us - it might become clear to me later - hopefully
I see.
Right - time I went out to get some breakast - having no kitchen has some interesting side-effects - like eating out more
later ... enjoy the sleigh ride out :)
@OldJohn I am mentally challenged I think, so I suppose I know how you feel.
@MattN. Thanks!
sleigh time!!
@OldJohn : ) Bye.
See you all later.
@AlexYoucis Place is hopping tonight.
@BrianM.Scott The chat room, the forum, or your house?
@AlexYoucis Chat.
As it would seem.
Hey, just out of curiosity, I remember you telling me a really long time ago you went to UW Madison. Is that correct?
@AlexYoucis Generally speaking, yes, very much.
Did you enjoy it there?
Interesting. Have you kept up with the department at all?
@AlexYoucis Oops. Somehow I answered in an edit box.
haha, no worries.
@AlexYoucis No, I haven’t.
Hmm, ok then.
Most of the faculty whom I knew at all well are gone, or at least retired.
What's Madison like to live in?
I don’t know how much it’s changed since 1975, but I liked it. Despite being the state capital, it’s of a reasonable size.
Of course, you have to be able to tolerate the winters.
Hmm, interesting. Ok, I'll keep that in midn.
@AlexYoucis It’s very bicycle-friendly, if that makes a difference.
Not as of now, but it's good to know :)
And the ninth-floor lounge in Van Vleck Hall, the math building, is great.
Really? How so?
@AlexYoucis It’s very large, very comfortable, and actually used by large numbers of grad students and faculty.
A great deal of mathematics gets done there, alongside the bridge, chess, lunch, random conversation, etc.
That does sound nice actually. Hmm
Hi @Alice if you're looking for wonderland you came to the right place :-D
Didn't you work with M.E.R.?
@AlexYoucis I did indeed. The other person whom I knew well is Ken Kunen.
I am not familiar with him.
Was your speciality also counterexamples?
@AlexYoucis Set theorist, and a very good one. One of the quickest minds I know. He’s retired now, but he’s only five years older than I, and I believe that he’s still active in research. (Mary Ellen, on the other hand, is not quite two years younger than my mother!)
wow! Did you work with Rudin? How was she like as a person?
@AlexYoucis I’ve a very strong liking for them, but my dissertation actually had quite a few positive results.
@Sanchez Lovely woman. With me she functioned mostly as a cheerleader, since she wasn’t much interested in what I was doing and knew that I didn’t need any help.
But she worked very closely with Mike Starbird (who also needed no help!), because his interests paralleled some of hers, and they ended up with some nice joint work.
And she got departmental funds to send me to my first math meeting and introduced me to a couple of her friends at schools where I might have applied for jobs.
@BrianM.Scott, did it matter when your advisor's not interested in what you do?
and did you get to see Walter Rudin much?
@Sanchez Where are you at? If you don't mind me asking that is.
@Sanchez It didn’t matter to me, and so far as I could tell it didn’t matter to her. I was doing something reasonably nice, and that was enough. I think that quite a few of the Madison faculty were pretty relaxed that way.
@Alex Youcis, I'd rather keep it private, sorry.
@Alex, why though?
@JasperLoy I woke up
@Brian, did you find your own problem then?
I looked at your profile and you had some interesting questions--I was just curious if you were at somewhere I knew. I'm applying to grad school right now, and am trying to get litmus tests on each of the schools. It's no problem though :)
@Alex, I am at a school that you'll know quite surely, but I'm not a good sample :)
@Sanchez Yes and no. Mary Ellen would come back from conferences with a list of questions that she’d heard people ask, make copies, and hand it around. I got my first paper from one of those questions, and also the question that started my dissertation, though I ran with that much further than the question itself.
As long as it's not Princeton :)
@Brian, wow! That's cool.
@Sanchez For self-starting students Mary Ellen was a wonderful adviser.
@Brian, I see.
@JasperLoy Did you see the profile?
@Alex, What are you thinking about working on?
1 hour later…
Omg! I've been able to log in the chat with my android! Achievement!
Sweet ;-)
Hi @RegDwighт welcome and Merry Christmas.
Where did you get the nifty hat?
I am still looking for mine.
It came with the skull.
I thought them was added automatically now.
It's that season.
to be jolly...
Thought you could run away from me, Jasper?
@RegDwighт This is not bad?
in English Language & Usage, Sep 14 at 16:07, by JSBձոգչ
i just googled "naked woman holding an owl"
in English Language & Usage, Sep 14 at 16:07, by JSBձոգչ
i found lots of naked women, but a disturbing lack of owls
@RegDwighт Haha, I just got an email from SE for tag subscription. I guess maybe I clicked wrongly or there is a bug somewhere, but I just went to my SE profile to unsubscribe.
@RegDwighт Here's another.
Das ist cute.
Yup :)
It will fit in gravatar too.
Interesting... after a more than a year and 19 upvotes, someone decided to downvote this question
How do you know that one of the 19 up-voters didn't delete his account?
@robjohn But it has been miraculously upvoted recently too ...
@OldJohn Thanks :-) However, I am not so worried about the reputation, but why it was downvoted.
@robjohn Yes, I would have been too - but I find that trying to understand the vagaries of voting are further beyond my understanding than most of maths :)
@OldJohn I commented to invite the downvoter to comment, but it is past the usually visible comments, so even if the downvoter looks again, they won't see the comment.
There should be away to pin the comment "A reason why you are down-voting this question would be appreciated." at the top.
@OldJohn That is, unless someone upvotes my comment...
@skullpatrol there is... upvoting a comment moves it up the list.
@robjohn On the topic of comments - and the fact that some were recently prone to disappearing, I tried writing a linux script to do a "wget" on a regular basis so that it might be possible to keep a track of comments which later disappear ...
@OldJohn on all questions?
... but then the problem seems to have "gone" , and I also hit the snag of comments not showing after the first few, unless a bit of css is activated by clicking a link :)
No - just on contentious questions - e.g. on meta :)
(tracking all questions would probably make me hit download quotas!)
@OldJohn yes, to access the obscured comments, you need to either press the "show more comments" link, or know the URL already
@OldJohn that is most likely true
@robjohn unfortunately, there seems to be no URL - the link "add / show xxx more comments" is a bit of css that probably calls a bit of Ajax which fetches them somehow (that I cant be bothered to decipher!)
@OldJohn I know... I was just saying that I think it is impossible to get the obscured comments in an automated fashion.
@robjohn Good grief - exactly that seems to have happened :)
@robjohn I guess there must be a way, by deciphering what server-side script the css link actually calls, but life is too short for some things :)
@mr.FS hi
@OldJohn Thanks, I really appreciate that upvote (even though there is no reputation for it).
@robjohn :)
Does anyone here perhaps know how to reply to people with names consisting of symbols in a comment (completely unrelated to maths). Lubos Motl answered a question of mine on physics se and i wanted to reply to him but it didn't work
@mr.FS Try typing @L and then tab to the proper choice and type a space or a colon
@mr.FS maybe copy and paste: Luboš Motl
that is what I do when I want to write "Erdős" - since I don't have a Hungarian keyboard handy
thanks for the suggestions i tried both of them earlier and they didn't work but i'll see if it works now (the one with the tab could not working could have been due to my internet not working right)
@mr.FS @L should bring up a list of all the participants whose name starts with 'L'. Then tabbing (or clicking) should select the proper one. If you've tabbed, the first character typed should actually put the name in the edit box
@mr.FS If there are too many whose name starts with 'L', try @Lu
yes i know and i have used it before but it's not working. He's the only participant.
anyway i'm off i might be back. thanks for the help. i'll just have to hope he comes back to the answer
Hey guys
what's all the ballyhoo on meta
@mr.FS You can use @ plus the first three characters. If it is the author of the post, just comment under the post without using @. There should not be a space after @.
@OldJohn who started the santa hat business
@JasperLoy justin bieber nearly got killed
@BenjaLim robjohn is the mad hatter
@BenjaLim I got 10k.
how did your rep increase so fast?
I'm only at 12k
Two of my friends just returned from overseas but they are so busy they don't even call me.
Yes, from work or studies etc.
ah from abroad
nite guys
@BenjaLim nite
@BenjaLim So early?
@ben What time is it there?
@BenjaLim neat!
I have macaulay2!!!
@BenjaLim Well, I wasn't really active, but now I'm gonna slow down too.
@BenjaLim WTF is that?
@OldJohn in algebraic number theory
often a prime will split in an extension
you have to determine how it splits\
@BenjaLim WTF, you use Ubuntu?
never tried Macaulay - only ever used paqi/gp
@JasperLoy yes is that a problem?
Is it free?
@OldJohn Macaulay2 is THE software for people that do AG/CA
@BenjaLim No, but I think Ubuntu sucks.
@JasperLoy yes and why are you stunned about my use of ubuntu?
@BenjaLim expensive?
@BenjaLim The only software I use is my brain and my calculator. =)
@JasperLoy I worked it out by hand in the end
@JasperLoy FYI there are no viruses in ubuntu
@BenjaLim So Ben have you found any love yet? =)
@JasperLoy bullshit
@BenjaLim FYI I have been using Debian.
@BenjaLim What BS? I am asking you a serious question!
@OldJohn I realised sooner of later I would need to use Macaulay2
If I wanted to be a serious mathematician
@JasperLoy FYI it is a lot more difficult for me to find "love"
@BenjaLim OK, FYI I have given up long ago.
@BenjaLim I will have a go at installing it
@JasperLoy I realised finding love is trivial
@OldJohn what is your OS?
Linux Mint
@BenjaLim Mint.
@JasperLoy It's just trivial really, pointless
@JasperLoy this comes from a deep observation about what the conventional meaning of love is
@BenjaLim A point has zero length.
the Lebesgue measure is zero
@BenjaLim In the same way, math is also pointless if you say love is pointless.
@JasperLoy I decided that finding love is pointless
@JasperLoy Maths is a lot deeper
and a lot richer
@BenjaLim No, I think love is more important than math, and a lot richer.
love, anyone can get in love, put a glove on their willy
but not everyone can understand say
what is an algebraic number field
@JasperLoy If I wanted to I could put a glove on my willy and be down at oxford st right now
@BenjaLim Well, OK.
@JasperLoy sick and tired of modern life really
so mundane
people are always talking about mundane things that every jack and jill on the street can talk about
Anyway, I am disappointed that my friends did not call me, I think maybe I should retreat into solitude, away from this world...
@JasperLoy I suggest going for a vipasssana retreat
@BenjaLim I suggest you put on your glove now. =)
@BenjaLim OMG!
@OldJohn how's it coming?
@ben Do you know that Bill is leaving?
@BenjaLim Macaulay? - it will have to wait until later today - need to eat and sort out the house :(
@BenjaLim Math is as mundane as love.
@OldJohn Yes, the kitchen!
@JasperLoy Yes- the K-word :(((
@JasperLoy i'm back. he is indeed the author of the post so i suppose he will be notified
@rob Are you around?
@BenjaLim True. Although some gloves can.
@JasperLoy I can understand that. At least you didn't send them an email and hoped for an answer.
@MattN. Hehe, are you thinking of your teddy now?
@JasperLoy I am late to leave to proctor an exam. What's up?
@robjohn Oh could you lock a meta thread that I just undeleted? See meta.math.stackexchange.com/questions/6807/… and meta.math.stackexchange.com/questions/3531/… and meta.math.stackexchange.com/questions/1720/… But you should leave for your exam.
@JasperLoy with all the problems going on, I would rather wait until I can talk to other mods before locking a thread
@robjohn Yup, you are right. Nvm, ignore that. But now you know what's going on on meta.
Hello @gone. I see you are back in this chat.
Hey @amwhy good morning! Have you had your coffee yet?
@JasperLoy No...no coffee yet! Good day to you!
@amWhy I am having some pepsi now...

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