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on the other hand , GarbageCollector collect a garbage integral hahaha no offense
@BrianM.Scott: with my recent spotty attendance, I've not seen you recently. How are things?
@Charlie arrgh , just like throwing notes away .. . garbage ... throw away ...
@GarbageCollector That would be really big...
@mick how about this one $$\int a^{\textrm{d}x}$$? :-)
@GarbageCollector I'm not quite sure where you're getting these notions, but: look up the multiplicative calculus (product calculus).
@GarbageCollector That would be $\int1+x\log(a)$
@robjohn I’ve been keeping pretty busy here; not much has been going on otherwise, though it’s very nice that the damned robo-calls have finally ended.
@Charlie feel free to look at my last 2 questions !
besides did you get the joke yet ??
@BrianM.Scott "robo-calls"?
@BrianM.Scott post-election?
@mick no
@robjohn Yep.
@J.M. automated election ads
@Charlie did you look at my 2 last questions ?
@J.M. Automated, taped calls in aid of one candidate or another in the recent U.S. elections.
@robjohn Oh, so that's what they're called... phone spam, then. :)
@mick no mick, not yet...
@J.M. precisely
@jdoe do you still mind ? :)
@robjohn Here I thought all you guys had to contend with were telemarketers...
@J.M. these are essentially automated telemarketers for politicians.
@Charlie ???
@J.M. We can opt out of those via a national don’t-call list, though violations do occur. Unfortunately, charities and political ads seem to be exempt.
@mick another charles
@BrianM.Scott yeah, we are supposed to be on the national don't call list, but we still get an awful lot of calls.
@Charlie your emotional over nothing again :)
@Charlie It's not like "Charles", "Chuck", or "Charlie" are quite uncommon... :)
@BrianM.Scott Nasty...
@mick it's not emotional, it1s just a little joke
why don't phone companies stop spam callers
@robjohn My solution is simple. Virtually no one should be calling me, so in general I simply don’t pick up. And I don’t have an answering machine.
i will probably get flagged for chuck norris jokes soon
@jdoe Apparently, not in their best (economic) interest (yet)...
@J.M. agreed
@BrianM.Scott Same here. If I don't recognize the caller ID, I don't answer. If it is a valid call, they will leave a voice mail.
@J.M. As long as one isn’t a proper Charlie.
we live in the age of smart phones and stupid people !
@jdoe they get paid!!
@BrianM.Scott In my android phone, I have an app named "SPC"
I use it to block those specific numbers/ number matching
@JayeshBadwaik i thought every phone had this...
@robjohn I have neither caller ID nor voice mail, so they’re simply out of luck. The one or two people who do have license to call me know how.
@mick Well, the "smart phones" do an excellent job of spreading stupid stuff faster...
@Charlie every phone? I do not think so. Android has free apps.
@J.M. thats why they are smart phones , they do things smarter than stupid people can , unfortunately stupid ppl control them
"I love the computer. It allows me to make more dumb mistakes efficiently..."
@J.M. explain ?
@JayeshBadwaik some old phones of mine had it... "black list" it was called
@mick ...a joke, that one.
i asked 2 recent questions ...
@Charlie yup, but it was very specific, in here, I can block calls having a specific string in their phone numbers, or the calls without any phone numbers etc etc
@JayeshBadwaik hmmm okay
So, basically, I block all numbers from Noida, where I have no one I know, and it is the oriign of all such calls
If we call to my phone company they block those calls too, @jayesh
@robjohn tila tequila ;)
@Charlie well, my phone company used to spam me with offers :P :P
@robjohn making mistake fasters allow you to improve faster
Does anyone here know a detailed proof of apery's constant ?
in particular 1) the identity 2) the recursion 3) how that implies irrationality ?
@mick, what do you mean by "the identity"?
@jdoe an alternative sum expression for zeta(3) used in apery's proof.
@mick, he gets a pair of something like 5th order recurrences whose ratio approximates zeta(3) faster than possible if it were rational (rationals repel each other)
would it be a true statement if I said almost all real numbers are not integers?
@jdoe that is 2) and 3) yes
@kush i think so
@kush, do you have a definition of "almost all"?
@mick I am trying to understand the concept of almost all and it seems it means all except finitely many
because the integers have smaller cardinality
@kush that depends on context
@kush, that's not true
almost all means everything except a set of measure zero
@kush usually means something else
@jdoe ah because integers are not finite
@kush what jdoe said
@jdoe I'll go and read up on measure now
Thank you
@kush seems a good idea
@kush, you can understand "measure zero" without any measure theory, though
it's especially simple
@jdoe wikipedia says "the measure of the empty set is required to be 0"
@kush, yeah but you can define a "set of measure 0" without doing measures and stuff, directly just with sets and epsilons
and that if A is a subset of B, the measure of A is smaller than the measure of B.
@jdoe I think I am lost now :(
@kush, measure theory takes a lot of work to set up
@kush, it is possible to define what a "measure 0" set is directly, so that you don't have to do that hard work
@jdoe how would you define measure zero?
E has measure zero iff for all epsilon > 0 you can cover it in intervals whose lengths sum <= epsilon
so we can cover Z in the union of intervals [i-epsilon/(2i^2),i+epsilon/(2i^2)] (i ranging over all integers), this has total length epsilon
this proves that Z has measure zero, so almost all reals are irrational
made a mistake it needs to be /4i^2
i want a new badge :)
Excuse me. Do moderators get paid in any StackExchange site?
@jdoe wow that's very nice
@GarbageCollector The answer as far as I know is no.
Q: Are moderators paid to moderate?

TimtamIf not why would they devote so much time editing questions and so forth? What do they get in return for these services?

@GarbageCollector Not the community elected ones, as far as I know.
But there are SE employees who are paid, I believe.
@EdGorcenski OK. Thanks.
@kush Thanks for the link. Useful!
@GarbageCollector you're welcome :)
@kush you are correct
I need some advice on succeeding
Do the opposite of failing!
well basically I have a lot of notes to catch up on and I'm not sure how
I wish i knew what to do
Take one thing at a time.
Ignore the pile of stuff to catch up on.
And just start somewhere. Don't try to take on the whole pile; in fact, completely ignore the fact that you have a whole pile.
It will intimidate, frustrate, and inhibit you.
that's a good idea!
Just choose the most sensible thing, and do that first.
And when you're done, repeat.
Take warm showers, drink lots of fluids, and sleep.
Iv'e got an algebra question
if I have the inclusion K -> L from a field extension L/K, and elements l in L,k in K is also in lL then how do we get K/(k) -> L/(l)
that doesn't even make sense. I fixed it
@jdoe LIsten to Ed! He's got awesome advices!
yeah I agree
I can write k = l l' for some l' in L
this isn't true without additional assumptions
Good night @JayeshBadwaik, sleep tight!
yoyo im back
the hippest mick on mse :)
@Charlie hi
i posted a new question just now
I hope it is clear
you make too many questions
i do not believe i can make to many questions
but feel free to balance with an answer :)
I do not believe in too many questions
unless they are copies of eachother
and im serious now , no smilies
why are you getting emotional?
im not emotional , just making my point
imho it is worth defending
why do you think i make to many questions , assuming you meant it
I am calm , but more indian music and i will go crazy !
@mick why "more"?
the only cool indian song :)
@mick it's cool, but not the only one
kitt sofort her komen !
there are knight rider apps on iphone :)
i might just be too tired to do more math tonight
An hour of sleep is worth 2 of studying... as long as you use your waking hours well.
@jdoe hug :)
an hour of chat is worth ...
Good evening!
hello @Charlie :)
An hour of chat is worth negative three hours of work ;)
If we go to asylum do they let us take paper and pencil?
hello @robjohn, do you know, is it possible to find explicitely function $f$ if we know $(f)^{(2)}$, $(f^2)^{(3)}$, ..., $(f^{m})^{(m+1)}$ up to some $m$ in some open domain?
@Charlie nothing interesting, how are you?
@Nimza fine, fine
@Charlie that's super!)
@Nimza just working on an assigment, those things
@Charlie m :)
@Nimza hi
i asked 3 new questions today
@Nimza you know those over the whole domain?
going to watch the news guys
@robjohn aha! they are analytical (holomorphic) here)
I don't know why but I suddenly got so tired I can barely stay up
@robjohn It can be reduced to nonlinear system of algebraic equations, but I don't like it because I think that there are no way to find it's solution explicitely
@jdoe go to sleep!what time is it? 12h30 a.m?
it's 19:00
hello @mick!
I wan to go to bed at 22:00 I think
but that's so far away
@jdoe Sleep when you're tired.
I could try it, I don't know what would happen
Seriously, if your work is your priority in life right now, as you have intimated, then do what you must to get it done. If you're tired now, sleep.
yeah it is my #1 priority
What would happen is you would get rested, probably wake up at an unusual hour, feeling unusually good. Chances are you'd then do something productive.
thank you
@Nimza It looks as if $m=3$ might work
@robjohn hm? Do you have some idea?
@robjohn heh, in fact the problem is to find only two complex numbers! first and seconds Taylor coefficients of $f$
Knowing $f''$, we know $f'''$ and $f''''$ as well. Then
From there, we solve the 2 linear equations in 2 unknowns to get $f$ and $f'$
@robjohn wow! yes, that works! Great thanks.
@robjohn And I think we can generalize this to $(f_1+\ldots+f_k)^{(2)}$, ...,$(f_1^m+\ldots+f_k^m)^{(m+1)}$. So nice and beautiful!
@Nimza for a possibly greater $m$
@robjohn aha. now I'm thinking about it
@robjohn oh, I think that in this case we will receive nonlinear system :( because we have to add equations $f_1^{(s)}+\ldots + f_k^{(s)} = g^{(s)}$ and $f_{i}^{(s)}$ are not known coefficients in this case
@Nimza hmm... that seems a problem.
downvoted everyone else here for being wrong math.stackexchange.com/a/233768/1284
am i being overly pedantic?
(or wrong myself for that matter? my answer is 1 out of 5 and those are poor odds)
everyone else seems to be saying that an upper bound on the error term will tell you exactly how many digits of the partial sum are correct. but i don't think that's true.
@DanBrumleve Two answers, at least, were correct. I hate to say that that means yours looks wrong.
@DanBrumleve You are, and the other answers are in any case not wrong. At worst they fail to answer the letter of the question.
@Brian i guess none of them are wrong outside of the context of the question
but i meant with everything taken together
@DanBrumleve They correctly bound the error. And I think that just about everyone will realize that isn’t quite the same as identifying the number of correct digits before rounding.
having an error bound seems necessary to actually compute the first n digits. but we still don't know on that basis exactly how many terms as a function of n that we'll have to add up.
@DanBrumleve And we all know that, so what’s the point?
so i guess a most complete answer would include a discussion of the error bound as well.
@DanBrumleve Do you really think that André’s answer didn’t answer the question as the OP intended it to be understood? If so, how do you account for the fact that the answer was accepted?
No, apparently it was good enough.
actually i think the answers were quit good ...
well in my defense i've observed that real-numbers-as-infinite-digit-sequences vs. real-numbers-as-cauchy-sequences is a topic that can be confusing to many, sometimes because the language we use is more specific than our intentions... so on that basis i hope my pedantry is of some service.
here is a recent thread that exemplifies what i mean: math.stackexchange.com/questions/217893/…
err not my answer specifically but the whole discussion
@mick now, this time, could you help me with a question?
help me to think...
##frustrated grumble##
This software does not define angles using the right hand rule
And angles are taken clockwise from the vertical axis.
@robjohn i didn't downvote you yet this time.
@DanBrumleve yet, nice :-)
i'm chilling out on that. still i wish you would mention the digit issue.
nope only the other 4. it was someone else.
@Charlie im sorry i did not hear the ping ....
Did you look at my recent questions ?
I cannot promise you I can help you , I ask more questions then i give good answers ...
im not that good
and i write i with a small i way to many times
hmm..thanks, i'll try to figure it out myself. thanks
how is it possible i did not hear the ping ? i had troubles logging in too.
Maybe Im afraid to leave now :p
@Charlie good that is more mysterious :)
im gonna listen some more to knight rider :)
@mick it has to do with injection
Now i wonder if I should talk about math here or just post the next question :)
@Charlie if you graduated you should have no trouble with that ? maybe open the book again. either how , thinking of an example function usually does the trick ...
@Charlie did you post the question ?
is there a badge for reputation over 9000 ? like supersaiyan math ? :)
@GarbageCollector hi
@mick Hi mick,
did i post to much garbage ? :)
maybe you can smell it
Is there still any zero related discussion?
Let $F:\mathbb {R^2}\rightarrow \mathbb {R^2}$ the transformation
$$u=x; v=xy$$
show that if $x\neq 0$ so there is a neighborhood of $(x,y)$ that is mapped to a neighborhood of $(x,xy)$ and it is an injection.
The thing is , I think i should use the inverse theorem in this case.Is that right?
@mick i won't ask your help again
@mick I will collect them.
@Charlie I think you should not need that theorem
@EdGorcenski no? are you sure?
@Charlie i bet this is homework , smells like it ...
By contradiction, assume F(x_1,y_1) = (u,v) = F(x_2,y_2) for (x_1,y_1)\neq (x_2,y_2)
@EdGorcenski i'll think bit more...
From the left, you have u = x_1, v = x_1y_1
I think Ed is correct
From the right, you have u = x_2, v = x_2 y_2
This means that x_1 = x_2, and there is a similar equality that can be stated for the v term.
Do you see?
I do :p
observe (x,xy)=(a,ab) iff (x=a and (y=b or x=0=a)). for every point (x,y) with x nonzero, there is a neighborhood which has no vanishing x-coordinate. so the map restricted to this nhbd is injective, as two points map to the same iff their coordinates are equal i.e. they are the same point.
@EdGorcenski yup
@Charlie sorry I was too slow :)
And do you see why we need the condition that $x \neq 0$?
@EdGorcenski hmm yes
zero will be proud
@JohanLarsson hi !
A good gut check when doing textbook/homework problems is to see if you consume all of the hypotheses floating around in the statement ;)
@JayeshBadwaik no, that's just with sets (and is actually true, in contrast to what I referenced; there are in fact counterexamples to the claim on groups)
@EdGorcenski so true !
@EdGorcenski Thanks, Eddie!
darn , girls dont need me :p
@anon thanks Anon!
$\rm Charlie \in\{women\};Charlie\ne\{women\}$
@Charlie thanks :)
@anon why you say that?
mick said "girls don't need me" in response to your interacting with Ed rather than him, it seemed
@anon hahaha
@anon But $\text{Charlie}\in\{\text{women}\}\leftrightarrow\text{ Charlie}=\text{women}$!
that didn't go as planned
@anon what was your plan?
fix: replace $\rm \{w\}$ with $\rm w$
@anon Much better! :-)
{Charlie} is a singleton
{Charlie}, rather. Let's not make the reverse mistake.
@Charlie No, Charlie is a point. $\{\text{Charlie}\}$ is a singleton!
@BrianM.Scott :D
Im a class apart
@Charlie Chaplin
he is not a she ?
@mick me?
yes ?
who knows...
This exam needs to post already... or to at least not post until after I get back from seeing the new Bond movie.
Who nose? Knot aye.
I asked 3 questions today , Im so proud :)
@mick How many times do I have to say I'm a girl?
Where is Jasper? It is Friday!!!
@Charlie But charlie chaplin ?
charlie chaplin is not a girl
@mick Charlie $\neq$ Charlie Chaplin
but argon said so :)
so I wrote : he is not a she
@mick She likes Chaplin.
That's it.
aha but does Chaplin like her ?
Who stay in Germany?
german people
its full of germans there :/
@mick yes
Seriously, I want to know more about German.
why on earth do you ??? xD
I am in Asia.
they started 2 world wars.
You should know that.
I go to south Germany for work now and then, one thing that is really good is the food

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