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any topologists to whom I can ask two quick questions?
@experimentX There is no f(0) in the first place.
@PaulSlevin You should just ask or nobody knows what the question is.
Wow, I have 2+2+3+3 stars on the wall, amazing!
@WillHunting thanks for responding
@WillHunting sorry I got distracted
If I take $S^2$ and remove some point and draw a small disc around that point, would an open neighbourhood of $S^2$ strongly deformation retract onto that disc with the point removed?
hmm never mind, i don't even think that disc with the point removed would be closed in $S^2$
@aDangerousIdea That has two meanings.
I will replace that with a disc with a small open disc removed so it's a closed annulus embedded on the surface of $S^2$
finally ! i did not get in this room :(
had to login forever
@robjohn are you here ?
@mick I am, but I am going afk for about an hour. Something quick?
@robjohn you said you knew me from another site , which was that ?
@mick sci.math
@robjohn i do not recall seeing you there to be honest
@mick I was a frequent poster there until I found MSE
oh well , goodbye @robjohn
yeah sci.math got really bad :)
@mick remember: take out the trash before replying
@robjohn what do you mean ?
@mick that was in my sig on sci.math
@robjohn under the same name or another ?
@robjohn were we friends or enemies ? :p
@jdoe how are you? I read some of the transcripts yesterday, my observation is that probably any student dormitories will have the same problem you have with so many people having so many different sleeping schedules.
@mick similar name; google "take out the trash before replying"
@robjohn thanks and bye :)
sounds more like garbage man from yesterday :p @robjohn
im lolling again
@jdoe hi
@JayeshBadwaik hi
@mick hello!!
@GustavoBandeira hi
@J.M. hi
hi spammer detected ...
@mick you are a serial pinger!!
no a hi spammer
@mick the aka in my profile is the same as on sci.math.
@robjohn ah rob johnson. then you probably know tommy1729
@mick I was acquainted.
@mick hey.
@JayeshBadwaik, hiya yes you are right
@robjohn you still here ? :)
@mick I am until I can get my shoes on :-)
@robjohn need help ?
but I had a good nice day today
@jdoe :D So better get used to it mate.
I made a commutative prism
@jdoe good. :D
i should probably say " problem " it is more troll like :)
I don't know if I can get used to it
anyway did you have a good day
@mick no, just time :-D
@jdoe hmm, I am guessing you are in the same time zone as me?
maybe I am UTC+0
@jdoe Yes, my day was good. What is a commutative prism?
@robjohn there are shoes without laces ... or crocks :)
@mick Now I'm outta here fore a while...
@robjohn one hour ?
got something important to do ? @robjohn
oh dear im way to curious again :)
@JayeshBadwaik, well do you know a commutative square? it just says f compose g = h compose k
and you can have commutative triangles too, but I put these together to make a prism
@jdoe ahh yes I know them.
Hmm. Cool.
@J.M. your pic is from a vid about topology right ?
i seem to recognize the knot
@jdoe what subjects are you currently studying?
category theory, number theory and analysis and combinatorics
yea I like themall lots!
algebraic number theory? or elementary?
and analysis? what level?
it's basically algebra and topology of number fields
I'm kind of behind in it from my struggles but it seems very powerful
I have to fill in the details of my big picture view of it
hmm, may be. I am still learning basic algebra so I do not know much.
do you know ideals of a ring?
I did that
we're using those instead of prime numbers
I'd really like to get some concrete applications of all the theory we're building up though
nice idea
Q: How would I show that $\sqrt{p}$ is not contained in $Q(\zeta_8)$?

Mathematician_in_Trainingwhere zeta_8 is the 8th root of unity over Q and p is an odd prime integer.

I book marked this for example
because of his remark about odd primes
but I didn't get time to work it out yet
good example I think
that reminds me, I think we got a proof of Fermats Christmas Theorem dropped out of the theory for free
but I need to see if the proofs actually let me compute the result
ohh, now its going over my head. :P
oh fermats theorem is which primes you can write as two squares x^2 + y^2
anyway what do you take other than algebra?
hmm, I am not enrolled as of now. I have finished my bachelor's in electrical engineering, now appearing for entrance for mathematics grad school. I am learning analysis (baby rudin), algebra(artin), topology(munkres). so basically kiddie stuff.
I know a lot of applied stuff, but it is not grounded in theory.
rudin is so hardcore
love this book
yeah, I think it is not as clear as it can be though, without losing its hardcore-ness.
I didn't learn algebra or topology at this advanced level but I really enjoyed artins galois theory notes
(and thank goodness I did decide to study that since they assumed everyone knows it here...)
Hmm, I thought algebra artin is kiddie?
let me put it this way, I could learn a tremendous amount from studying it
by galois notes you mean this?
@jdoe ohh. okay.
I am not sure if that's the same as what I read amazon.com/Algebra-Galois-Theory-Courant-Lecture/dp/0821841297
I read-ahead parts of galois theory in Lang/Artin. Understood them well I think, however, will read them again properly when I get to it.
it's a very pretty theory
yup. that I agree.
Lets relax a minute...
I need to go over all the theory of finite fields again
ok @GarbageCollector
@mick Nope, it's something I made up on my own.
@JayeshBadwaik, did you study Gauss 17-gon?
@jdoe yup.
I love this :D
even though Gauss proved it before Galois came around, you can phrase it nicely in the galois language
@jdoe :D nice. yup, I learnt it the gauss way though.
guys im still here , but im posting a question ...
@GarbageCollector Neil didn't have as many bars on the moon...
@robjohn What bar is it?
Yeah, pretty sure the nearest tower was hella far... :)
@GarbageCollector Space Bar.
@J.M. but probably a clear line-of-sight
@JayeshBadwaik What do they serve there, Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters?
I am eating banana. See you then!
@J.M. at the Last Bar, I'm sure
@GarbageCollector K!
@robjohn Yeah, likely the one at the end of the universe. :)
@J.M. That'd be the one :-)
@J.M. there is only a restaurant there, no bar. Bars cause too much brownian motion for particles to condense properly into big crunch. (yep, sue me) :P
@jdoe Oh, no! it rained here yesterday, and there is a 40% chance of more rain today. I'd better make sure that that one point is there in my roof...
there's nothing scarier than a guy sitting next to you in lectures who doesn't take notes
hey guys !
i posted a new question ... hope its a clear one.
shameless advertising ? :)
Q: What are the Puiseax series for the inverse of $exp(z)(z-a)(z-b)(z-c)$ expanded at the sigularities?

mickLet $a,b,c$ be real variables. Let $z$ be a complex number and $g(z) = exp(z)(z-a)(z-b)(z-c)$. Let $f(z)$ be the functional inverse of $g(z)$ such that $f(g(z)) = g(f(z)) = z$. Now $f(z)$ must have singularities where $g'(z) = 0$ hence since this equation has at most 3 distinct complex solution...

@jdoe Why would that be scary?
because he memorize it all
i think jdoe means it gives the impression the student has given up ?
oh i see
can everybody see my link clearly ? :)
@jdoe Not necessarily, I've found. Personally, I prefer listening to lecturers to writing notes...
@robjohn is that garbage collector ? :)
@J.M. me too, but then you have no notes!
@mick the image is titled garbagecollector.jpg
does anyone have a proof that p-adics are totally disconnected?
@robjohn i mean the user :)
@mick I think it is a more mathematical avatar, perhaps.
btw , guys , i posted a new question. hope it is clear
@robjohn not everybody has a phd ... and even those who do ...
i know someone who used to work for nasa , now he collects garbage :) @robjohn
Hi. I think my questions could be badly titled because they get fewer views than others. Can I link to them here so you can tell me if I'm right (and just to plug them)?
Is my question well titled ?
@jdoe That's what the lecture notes and textbook are for...
Q: What are the Puiseux series for the inverse of $exp(z)(z-a)(z-b)(z-c)$ expanded at the sigularities?

mickLet $a,b,c$ be real variables. Let $z$ be a complex number and $g(z) = exp(z)(z-a)(z-b)(z-c)$. Let $f(z)$ be the functional inverse of $g(z)$ such that $f(g(z)) = g(f(z)) = z$. Now $f(z)$ must have singularities where $g'(z) = 0$ hence since this equation has at most 3 distinct complex solution...

@J.M., "lecture notes"?? You're very lucky
@J.M. i do not feel textbooks are good enough to replace notes ... or better not complete enough ...
@mick Then again, I had the rather nasty habit of always being two chapters ahead of the lecturer...
@J.M. for all classes ? :p
that's a good habit!
@mick Surprisingly. :D It allowed me to goof off on boring days.
@J.M. problem is with those being 2 behind
@J.M. that helps to know what needs note taking and what needs listening to.
Q: What are the Puiseux series for the inverse of $exp(z)(z-a)(z-b)(z-c)$ expanded at the singularities?

mickLet $a,b,c$ be real variables. Let $z$ be a complex number and $g(z) = exp(z)(z-a)(z-b)(z-c)$. Let $f(z)$ be the functional inverse of $g(z)$ such that $f(g(z)) = g(f(z)) = z$. Now $f(z)$ must have singularities where $g'(z) = 0$ hence since this equation has at most 3 distinct complex solution...

@robjohn True; back then, I could filter out what I already went through and concentrate on the stuff that wasn't on the books...
spamming :)
@mick You've mentioned it at least twice; no need for repetition. :)
It will have its share of attention in due time.
@mick only once, at most, please.
@J.M. i want ppl to look at it :) this is free advertising
this saves the world economy !!!!!!!!! xD
@mick Posting it a lot actually demotivates most people to look at it.
Same logic with an alarm that goes off too often.
@J.M. my alarm goes off 5 times and it helps ?
bad example :p
p-adic topologyis hard
ah rob you spoil my fun :(
there goes the economy ...
@mick So, I presume you also have no problem with programs that spit out too many dialog boxes...
windows ?
OK, I'll just ask if my last question is tagged properly because I'm definitely not sure about it. It's here and I'm not sure how to tag it because it's about generalizing something from multilinear algebra to general mathematics. I thought big-picture should be alright, but I'm reading that people dislike this tag very much.
if those dialogue boxes are about math i dont mind :p
@robjohn yes eggs bacon and spam
i know that very well
i said it before here
eggs bacon
and spam
Right, so please keep the promotion to a bare minimum. :)
this is abit frustrating, I don't know how to catch up with my number theory notes
Hey @Brian.
stuck on things so it's hard to go past them
@J.M. Haven’t seen you in a while.
@BrianM.Scott Yeah, been somewhat occupied. Also, the question volume these days is scaring me. :)
@J.M. And I’ve not been in chat very often. The question volume last Sunday was unbelievable; apparently a lot of people were prepping for exams.
this is crazy, I'm filling up book after book after book of notes
@BrianM.Scott Well, this is the crunch time before winter break, I guess...
I don't remember last year being this hectic, but I guess this site was less popular then.
@J.M. I will say that it was profitable in terms of rep: I actually hit 500 that day!
@J.M. I’m definitely seeing more new faces amongst the responders, and I assume that the increase in questioners at least matches that.
@BrianM.Scott I saw; you seem to have the knack to get more past the supposed cap... :)
Good morning
@J.M. thanks for the edit. cant believe my own spelling
i know im bad , but that bad wow :)
@jdoe whats up with the pic ?
it's Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet
@jdoe yes Gustav Dirichlet
but why you post it ?
@J.M. It’s partly having the time to answer a lot of questions, and partly writing a fair number of answers that get accepted.
@mick No problem; I've seen it to be a common typo...
@J.M. did you think about it ?
i assume Puiseux to be have been a frenchman ...
i wonder , what you guys think ...
it is better to ask alot of questions on 1 day or to spread them ?
Hello, please is this formula correctly wrote?
@user1097772 your number is wrong :)
its 53414 not 1097772 :)
I mean if is the multiple implication ok its like:
A => B => C
@user1097772, A -> B -> C is the same as A -> (B -> C)
it's right associative
(A -> B) -> C is different to A -> (B -> C)
i always write brackets personally
I prefer not to
@jdoe did you see my question ?
@OldJohn hi ! i was waiting for you :)
@mick really?
ok thx :-) right associative - thanks :-)
mick: what number? .. I always write brackets too :-)
@OldJohn yes i have a new question
should i give link ? i did it already 3 times today here :s
lol guess not
but you can see at my profile
@OldJohn k ?
@Charlie hi !
@mick OK - looking, but not sure I am going to get time to think about it properly this evening
@jdoe That makes life unnecessarily difficult for anyone reading what you write.
@BrianM.Scott It's like that damned arithmetic "quiz" all over again... :)
@J.M. The order of operations thing?
@mick hi
@BrianM.Scott Yeah, that one with acute parenthesis deficiency... :D
@J.M. I prescribe lots of vitamin D. Or something.
@J.M. nasty disease
I would prescribe a course of LISP
@OldJohn hahahaahahahahahahahahaha.
I'm behind in understand lectures so I made a system where I put a divider where I'm up to in understand things but I can't move it forward because I don't know about this topology
that's so annoying
math learning may not be linear
as long as it's non-zero I'm happy
hey this is cool
hmm I can't figure out how to copy a link from google search
they make euclidean models of the p-adic topology out of fractals
Can I have one additonal simillar question abou associativity?
A ∧ B v C
@user1097772, and binds tighter than or
@jdoe that stuff appears in a book I have on p-adic analysis somewhere ([A. Robert ](books.google.co.uk/books/about/… I think)
@jdoe it mean that and is like * and or is like + so its same as (A ∧ B) v C
@user1097772, exactly
thanks a lot ... I haven't use this for some time so I don´t want to do a mistake :D
@mick wassup kid?
Can you solve the following integral? :-)
@Charlie i posted 2 new questions. feel free to look
Can you solve the following integral? :-) $$\int\frac{1}{\textrm{d}x}$$
@GarbageCollector That makes no sense.
since one is a new question i think im allowed to post it here :)
if jdoe doesnt mind
I mind
me too :P
this is really frustrating, I don't know how to get through my number theory notes, but I can't fall behind even more than I am already
@jdoe is there anything you think is good?
@J.M. Thank you moderator!
@Charlie are you suggesting help from the garbage collector , if you know what i mean ;)
@GarbageCollector ...I don't moderate this place; so, don't call me that here.
@mick i don't know what you mean...
@J.M. OK.

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