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##shakes fist at people who aren't accepting my answers##
@anon hmm, I dont understand/find it
@OldJohn It's called the retirement effect. =)
axiom1 : love is the absurd large desire that someone is friendly and near you all the time. absurd as in googolplex ( 10^10^100 )
@WillHunting I know - it is pervading my whole life ...
@none Would you consider changing your white to another colour to be more visible? =)
@PeterTamaroff that sounds like pokemon xD
why d o people care about rep
@robjohn I get a convergent subsequence $\{x_{n_k}\}$ with $\lim x_{n_k}=x\in [a,b]$
because they are ppl
they like to be appreciated and motivated
and need to be
i fee llonely
@jdoe no idea - for me it is a mild amusement
@PeterTamaroff and since the limit is continuous...
oh poor jdoe
@jdoe I don't care about rep; I have a psychological addiction to making numbers go up.
@EdGorcenski does that include debt ? :p
@mick Considering I just bought a house, apparently the answer is yes.
@robjohn we should have $\lim f_{n_k}(x_{n_k})=f(x)=0$?
@EdGorcenski lol , a modern addiction :)
@EdGorcenski Can I befriend you?
@PeterTamaroff Sure
@Mick a decision I do not at all regret, however.
i hope you never do ed
@PeterTamaroff You need to be careful with double limits.
@PeterTamaroff I have 5k now, can I befriend you?
@robjohn Yes, that is nonesense, sorry.
@anon thank you!
I noticed it it hard to increase rep when im offline
@mick What are you saying?
just trivial stuff
@PeterTamaroff besides, I thought that each of the $f_{n_k}(x_{n_k})>\epsilon$, no?
Is it possible to offer a cash bounty?
I do not think charlie thinks im a kid ...
@JohanLarsson No.
@WillHunting do you know the reason?
yey i got 3 stars :)
or maybe it is just not supported
@JohanLarsson Well, that's just the way the people who created the site made it. If you really think there should be you can write to them.
yes Johan Larsson , you can give me the cash bounty !! :)
@JohanLarsson Me too, you want my address?
Money cannot buy one sanity.
@JohanLarsson i was first !
I hope you offer more than Clay does , they tried to rip me off :)
so i kept all those proofs to myself :p
It could be a really good way to get in contact with an expert in the field at work
@WillHunting how goes it? Hello all!
@robjohn Yes.
@mick You need to write your questions properly first before you can speak about Clay. =)
That is the contradiction =)
(I guess!) =O
@amWhy What does amWhy mean?
Alright, that's enough work-work for me today. Now to go home, cook some tasty pierogies and kielbasa like a good Pole, and finish my analysis homework.
@WillHunting damn that was below the belt :p
@WillHunting I used to be AJ.M. and people asked if I was married to J.M.! It's a puzzle sound it out. A....M...Why...
@JohanLarsson Hmm, well I think that if you really need these experts SE is not the place to find them. There are no Fields Medallists here that I know of or Nobel Prize winners you know.
@PeterTamaroff one can be constructed, yes.
@amWhy AJM must be your initials then. I had a prof with initials AJB.
conservation of energy !!!
@WillHunting love playing with language, words, etc. Especially fond of alliteration!
@EdGorcenski is that anything like russian pirozhki ?
@WillHunting...yes AJM are my initials, amWhy is my first name...a...m....y
It's actually a good thing to be single. Then one can focus on mathematics and not be distracted by the opposite sex.
@WillHunting ok, maybe not elite experts, but if I have a question that is to hard for my team and someone can answer it in a god way the person is at least good enough?
physics troll : consider a sphere of radius 1 of unit energy.
use banach tarski to turn it into 2 spheres of unit energy each !

=> violated conservation of energy !!!
@PeterTamaroff: I corrected the spelling of "note" in your comment. I hope that was right.
@robjohn GND!
@robjohn Oh, thanks.
@WillHunting GND?
@robjohn OK, so now I got my subsequence $\{x_{n_k}\}$ with $|f_{m}(x_{n_k})|\geq \epsilon$. How can I now use the monotonicity? Davide uses $\limsup$ but I'm not used to that.
im a talented troll , not ?
@WillHunting It's SND, perhaps...
@JohanLarsson (a) there's no harm in asking the question, no? (b) have you heard of mathoverflow? (c) there's always doing things the old-fashioned way, going through social connections and contacting various experts directly with a pitch or whatever.
@robjohn Ah OK, just another disorder in the DSM.
@anon Yeah, and involving money might destroy the entire SE. I was just curious, dont know where t hire someone who is better at math than me really (and I suk pretty much)
@JohanLarsson Shoot.
Oh, money?
lol, it was a meta question
if there is anybody who is familiar with functional analysis may could help me: math.stackexchange.com/questions/232485/…
@PeterTamaroff $x_{n_k}\to x_\infty$...
@robjohn ?
@PeterTamaroff what would be $f(x_\infty)$?
@robjohn $0$
@robjohn Why are you writing "$x_\infty$"?
@PeterTamaroff the limit of the $x_{n_k}$; did you have another name for it?
@robjohn Oh, just plain $x$. Or $\ell$.
$\ell$ is cute.
I have not written a jimerick for Old John.
Hmm let me think of one.
@WillHunting is that just a couple of letters short of a limerick?
@WillHunting you don't have to ...
@robjohn I have a problem with my indices
@robjohn It's just my version of limericks which have rhyme but not the correct rhythm.
@WillHunting ah, bad sounding limericks?
@PeterTamaroff what problem?
@robjohn Something like that!
There was a young lady from Hyde
Who ate some green apples and died
But the apples fermented inside the lamented
and made cider inside her insides :)
Well, I have that $$\eqalign{
& {f_k}({x_1}) \geqslant {\text{ although }}k > 1 \cr
& {f_k}({x_2}) \geqslant {\text{ although }}k > 2 \cr
& \cdots \geqslant \cdots \cr
& {f_k}({x_n}) \geqslant {\text{ although }}k > n \cr} $$
@OldJohn WTF!!!
@robjohn Davide seems to be more free with indices
I'm missing something.
@WillHunting Well my surname is shared by a famous English poet - so I thought I ought to continue the family tradition :)
@OldJohn Yes, I noticed. Shh...
bye guys
@RealzSlaw what exactly are you proposing for the arithmetic?
@robjohn well I am asking if LFTs can be used to do the same sort of arithmetic that Gosper's algorithms do for continued fractions
what more did you want to know?
@RealzSlaw Do you have a link for Gosper's algorithm?
sure h/o
@robjohn That sounds like my cousin. =)
@WillHunting in what way?
@robjohn Gosper, Jasper, duh.
@robjohn perl.plover.com/yak/cftalk, this is pretty good, but is missing some examples at t he end
I think this is the original: inwap.com/pdp10/hbaker/hakmem/cf.html
thats a worked out example
with visualizations
@BenjaLim I just realized there is an error of your citation Ful. It is not combinatorics but the word geometry in the title.
@Argon Hey hey! We had an interesting conversation just now...
@WillHunting Which one?
@Argon The part with lots of stars...
1 hour ago, by mick
stop being friendly and stop being bossy !! lol
1 hour ago, by zero
@Charlie what have you done to skull?
Maybe start from here.
@WillHunting I'm sure Rebecca Black will be disappointed...
@Argon Huh? I don't get you...
1 hour ago, by Will Hunting
Why do I feel like I'm in love with @anon even though anon is not a girl?
Hahahaa interesting conversation there!
@Argon HAHAHA, maybe anon is RB!
@WillHunting Hahaha :)
@Argon Two more days and then I can give you the song...
@WillHunting Counting down already?

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