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@Charlie I need some conspiration. It helps psychologically when I ask stupid questions
@Nimza hehehe
@Charlie what about you?
@Nimza Did I miss some secret just now?
@WillHunting no :)))
Damn, I always miss secrets!
@Charlie Wassup?
@Nimza Most everyone.but my whole name only Jayesh, gustavo, oldjohn, jonas, peter,
@Nimza I know your identity, you are the cookie monster, HAHAHAHA.
@WillHunting I'm good.What about you?
@Charlie Not me?
@WillHunting WE're making some jaspery here...
@WillHunting that's sounds like pseudonym in anonymous alcoholics club
@WillHunting do you know?
@Charlie Isn't it just what is written in your email?
@WillHunting my whole name
@Nimza That is anon. =)
my true name
@Charlie Exactly, MJ.
@WillHunting Okay.MMJ, actually
@Charlie Yes, I can't recall the middle one. JL might not be my real name you know.
@WillHunting yes
@WillHunting why your gravatar is so Jasper Loy'ish?
@Nimza WH might be my real name, you never know.
@WillHunting aaaa! (I guessed)
i like to create adjective from people's names!
@Charlie aha, Laplacian-like are so cute
@Nimza i made two using Jasper and Jayesh
@Charlie What are they?
@Charlie I can't imagine what did you do with Jayesh... ?
@Nimza excuse me?
@WillHunting Any idea how to express that something is not in a set using latex?
@WillHunting Jaspery. I just used it
@Charlie :D how did you transform it
I mean the $\in$ symbol with a \ over it.
@Nimza Jayeshful
@Charlie uuuuuuuuh!
@N3buchadnezzar \not\in
@Nimza what?
@Charlie so nice!)
@WillHunting Awesome! I tried \nin, but that failed.
@Nimza I have one in mind with yours
@N3buchadnezzar You should learn LaTeX properly first.
@Charlie X) what? Do you have one derived from your name? something like Mariliant!
@WillHunting I write all my assignments in latex, although never had to use that symbol strangely enough
@Nimza Interesting!!! Jayesh said it is Marilial
@N3buchadnezzar Geezis, how did that happen? Perhaps you had too much meat and pudding.
$\in \!\!\! \! \! \!\, \backslash$

There I fixed it.
I think Jonas seems to have retired as well, haven't seen him here.
@WillHunting like Il y a...
@Nimza Oh, what am I doing here? I said I would retire too...
@WillHunting what are WE doing here?
@Nimza But you did not say you are retiring!
@WillHunting i'm not so famous yet to retire :D
I won't leave here!
@Nimza Er, I am not either. Anyone with 1 rep can retire.
@WillHunting I accidentally all my assignments in Latex.
@skullpatrol no one
@WillHunting just joking. My main association with "retire" is first russian president. "I'm tired, i'm retiring" is a meme-phrase in russia
@Nimza Funny!
@Charlie heh)
@will know what I like about jonas?
@Nimza why don't you put eyes in your smile?
@Charlie No.
@Charlie His boobs?
@WillHunting he's a type of guy who doesn't give a fuck about anything... i would like to be like that...no worries about useless things...
@N3buchadnezzar good try, but no
@Charlie hm, interesting question! I use both eyesless and with eyes
@Charlie Hmm, I would not say that without knowing him well.
@WillHunting don't need to know him well to say that
Yes you do
it's like me: you can say things about me without knowing me well
each person is different
of course. i never said they were
Some bros here have shared some very deep secrets with me that I would not share with anyone...
@Charlie "it's like me:"
@skullpatrol just giving an example
@WillHunting you guys are the only friends i have...
@Charlie Really? Don't you have any in real life?
@Charlie You should get a relation ship then
@WillHunting hmm... i thought i had friends
i only have colleagues from work
@N3buchadnezzar where do you find such Ship?
@Charlie You really don't have anyone close to in real life?
no family?
@skullpatrol Family is not friends though
@skullpatrol Family, of course. My best, best friend in real life is my brother
i.sstatic.net/YM8Ba.png here, also posted earlier
@WillHunting close, no.
My best friend is myself.
@Charlie Sad panda.
@WillHunting well said
@WillHunting yes...
But why @charlie? Why nobody?
i got disappointed with all my so called friends
My best friend is $\sqrt{-8}$, but it is so weird everyone else ignores him...
@N3buchadnezzar hehehe
@Charlie Define what a friend is to you.
@Charlie I have six good friends in real life.
@WillHunting you have more than i have
@Charlie 6>0, QED.
@skullpatrol someone who doesn't turn the back for you for being different
When did this turn into a most friends competition?
@skullpatrol for having different opinions, likes and dislikes, don't exclude you...
my oldest friend is my "friend" since i was 11
but i don't talk to him since may...
Anyway, I will probably hang around in chat for the rest of the year...
I dont give a crap about who I define as my friends or not
I mean seriously why does it matteR?
it doesn't.
I don't care about having friends, anymore
I just meat people and have fun, I do not label people as. Well since we have hang out X number of times and I have rated you as Y. Then according to this Gausscurve you are within my 10%, therefore I can now call you my friend.
People only seemed to talk with me to take something out of me...
@Charlie Why did they place things inside of you in the first place?
@N3buchadnezzar i mean, "I want something you can offer me"
when i could not offer anything, i wasn't important
life is like that
Life is about being awesome
we're alone
and maximize the amount of fun you are havin
I am giving loads of things to the people around me, I help arranging parties, social events, just being there for people. I never expect anything in return, and guess what. I like my life, and I get things back.
Maybe i just expect a lot from people
then i get frustrated
Zero expectations makes you happy for everything ^^
i can't live like that
well, it doesn't matter
@Charlie I only want to recover now and live life fully.
@WillHunting O hope you make it!
when i'm here i feel really good
@n3b Do you have a girlfriend?
in contact with inteligent people. I feel free
Friends are good but being 'social' is not imo
@WillHunting Had, do not have time now, or anyone I am interested in. I do have quite some female friends though.
i'm sick of seeing the same people in my country
@N3buchadnezzar me neither
i just talk to one girl
"You are not just wrong. You are wrong at every conceivable level of resolution. Zooming in on any part of your worldview finds beliefs exactly as wrong as your entire worldview." rationalwiki.org/wiki/Fractal_wrongness
i don't deal really well with girls
@Charlie Chloroform, candy and a large van solves my problems.
@WillHunting Why do you ask btw? )(
@N3buchadnezzar i did not understand, but nevermind
Let's make a Sargent pepper lonely hearts club band
@N3buchadnezzar I just like to say whatever comes to my mind...
@anon Fractal wrongness is a dangerous thing.
@anon: Reminds me of this clip: youtube.com/watch?v=H9kpTvm6CYA
@Nimza i liked the way my name is written in russian : Mariliya
@Charlie aha, very beautiful
@Nimza :D
@Charlie I think I'm Alex in Brazil
I have gf, but I have made it clear that I will not leave my computer EVER
protip: if feeling lonely, buy a dog. Hard to find better company when geeking away.
There is a quoute, Mark Twain I think, that goes something like 'the more I spend time with man the more I appreciate the company of dogs'
Man. I lost my board marker. I'm doomed
Welcome to doom ;-)
@PeterTamaroff I deleted my comment on your question because I realized that the convergence is only pw eventually constant on the set I called $K$ in the answer to my own question, I had linked
@kahen Nevertheless, that was out of my league.
I don't know that much topology. I know very, very little
@JohanLarsson You'll not leave your computer EVER? So you could be the main lead of "le garcon qui aimé son ordinateur davantage que sa petite ami"? (i know. my french is awful) youtube.com/watch?v=aXIEME4lxa4#t=85s (fun fact: the guy in the video was the host of the longest running movie review show on Danish public television)
I have no idea how the guys who did the video convinced him to record the audio for that thing
@kahen lol my french Is just about good enoughh to read it without cheating
@Nimza Alexandre
Spoken Danish is harder than written French
@Charlie no!) I have a friend Alexandre here) and Alexandra
at least it has subtitles
@Nimza i have a friend called Alex
@Charlie I think it's the closest form for Alexey
@Nimza Alexey is nicer
@Charlie Can I be your enemy?
i had a greek friend and his name was Alexandros
@skullpatrol why????
@skullpatrol why would you want to be?
@Charlie Because I don't want to be your friend.
@skullpatrol :(
@Charlie Alexey and Alexandre e.t.c. are from greek "defender": $\alpha \lambda \varepsilon \xi \omega$
@Nimza Fascinating!
@Charlie skullpatrol hates everybody in the blackhole
@Charlie and what is your name's origin?
@skullpatrol i'm not in the blackhole
@Charlie This is the blackhole of productivity.
@Nimza it comes from Maria , means maria's daughter, but i don't know from which country
@skullpatrol do you wanna me to leave?
@Charlie No
@Charlie ogo! interesting)
@Charlie I will because I am evil.
@Charlie I will never return to hurt you, bye.
@skullpatrol Skull...
What did i do to @skullpatrol ??????
Now I'm the vilain again
@EdGorcenski Hi
Speaking of productivity, I'm going to buy myself a beer tonight.
@Nimza did i do anything to him?
@Charlie in which sense?
@Nimza he just started to say "don't wanna be your friend" thing, and then left...
@Charlie brrrr, strange :\ maybe he's joking?
my fav crackpot theory :) rationalwiki.org/wiki/Time_Cube
@Nimza I hope so.He's usually kind to me...
hi mick
@Nimza My name seems to be Hebrew...descendants of Mary. Jayesh calls me Mary
There seems to be a lot of drama and not enough upvoting my answers.
@Charlie hmmm... I think you're right. This woman with name Марилия has father with typically hebrew surname
@Nimza hmm interesting
Ocean child calls me So I sing song of love
oh, it's time to sleep. 2:27 yet
@Nimza Good Night!!!
@Charlie good night, Марилия :)
@Nimza :D
@Charlie what have you done to skull?
@zero i don't know! i didn't say aanything!
@Charlie maybe he fell in love with you?
@zero Do you think?
possilble ...
@zero :/
Whispers words of wisdom, Let it Be.
you must be more cautiuos on the internet
wait a second
@zero To what???? I didn't do anything to him!!!
if a_n,m is a cauchy sequence of cauchy sequences, is a_i,i a cauchy sequence?
@jdoe $a_n$ is Cauchy
@Charlie sometimes what you don't say can lead people on
@zero I still don't understand...
@jdoe $b_n$ is a cauchy sequence, made of cauchy sequences?
@Charlie it's like zero, does it mean anything?
@zero Can you be a little more clear?
@jdoe No. Suppose $a_{n,m}$ is a CS of CSs and $b_k$ is a non-cauchy sequence. Then the diagonal of $\varphi_{n,m}=(1-\delta_{nm})a_{n,m}+\delta_{n,m}b_k$ is precisely $b_k$ which is non-cauchy, whereas for each fixed $n$, $\varphi_{n,m}$ is cauchy in $m$.
@anon I don't get...
oh no!!!1
i loved that theorem
zero, I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about.
@jdoe that's a theorem?
not anymore
@Charlie basically, if $a_{n,m}$ is a CS of CSs, then you can edit the diagonals to be anything you want and the array will still be a CS-of-CSs whereas the diagonal is whatever you prescribed it to be.
hi guys
@will :)
@anon Neither do I
let me give you a sports example: if the refs are not making any calls on hits, then by not saying anything the players can think that they can make as many hard hits as they want
@mick so so
@Charlie the motivation behind this is that editing a finite number of terms in a sequence does not change its asymptotic properties, and if you edit along the diagonals of an array, you are only altering a finite number of terms in each row
@Charlie so so ?
@anon Now i got it!
@mick yep
@zero what is even the topic of what you're talking about?
@Charlie does not sound so good :s
something to do with flirting, or chat behavior?
@zero you're saying that ... oh nevermind
@Charlie what didnt you do ?
He came to me and just started to say nonsense things!
well this is chat afterall
@zero yes what? the first or second option?
Wise @oldjohn!
@OldJohn hi
@Charlie he said "I will never return to hurt you"
Why is there so much drama in this room?
much ado about nothing
Also, one should only get involved when one understands the context of the conversation between two people.
@WillHunting because there is a women of course ;)
"a women" hmm...
Maybe A and B understand each other perfectly well, then C should just stay out of it.
@anon not ?
@zero he's exaggerating...
Why do I feel like I'm in love with @anon even though anon is not a girl?
@Charlie that means he must have felt he could have hurt you,
@anon a woman, isn't it?
lol , back to the mysterious acts :)
Geezis, sometimes I really wish anon is a girl...
me too
me three
err wait
@WillHunting but neither I understood!!!!!!
I wish I was a fish
anon now imagines himself for the mirror being a girl :)
Anyway, I think I am going to stay single this life, unless I meet a girl like anon.
a girl like anon
Look what Anon is doing to will..
guys you are sounding lame and gay today ... just saying.
why don't you just marry anon that's allowed now??
@WillHunting that's what i used to say but later i found out it was only cuz i wasn't getting any
But seriously, boys: WHAT DID I DO????
@Charlie, nothing don't worry about it
@Charlie you brake hearts because you are pretty :)
@Charlie Don't get so friendly
stop being bossy!!!
stop being friendly and stop being bossy !! lol
@PeterTamaroff I see that $f_n(x)=x^n$ was already brought up.
@Charlie It's not Anon and will, it's anon and Will. QED.
@robjohn Hehe yes.
I'm trying to produce a proof myself now.
Davide went too fast.
@mick How do you know that kid?
OOPS caps
@PeterTamaroff I find you often go too fast as well. I can't follow you in chat.
@Charlie all kids now that :)
Whatever... must eat guys. If skull appears... try to find what happened, please.
@mick @Charlie Hi
@Charlie Sometimes nothing happened and you worry too much.
@Charlie dont eat guys , thats mean.
@mick if hearts break the speed limit someone has to stop them.
@WillHunting In what?
@WillHunting you're right
Well, bye bye
@anon You have already broken my heart. =)
@Charlie bye
oh phooey
@mick bye, kid
@Charlie bye granny :)
@PeterTamaroff Well, it's like you post damn hard questions in chat and then post your lines damn fast.
You're boys are so... a girl is kind and you fall in love..weak
@Charlie no real men here , just boys :p
and kids
@Charlie Hmm, I didn't fall in love with you, only anon...
@Charlie well , how do women fall in love then ? just for looks and money ?
@mick don't think I qualify as a boy, unfortunately - not for many years :(
is there a way to filter out top rep users by tag?
@zero lol
@OldJohn Soon you will be one again. =)
@robjohn If there is no uniform convergence then there exists some $\epsilon >0$ such that for each $n\in \Bbb N$ there exists an $x_n\in\Bbb R$ such that $|f_k(x_n)-f(x_n)|\geq\epsilon$ although $k>n$?
and if I fell in love with anyone here, my wife might kill me :)
@WillHunting looking forward to it :)
@OldJohn Me too, all the more. =)
@JohanLarsson probably the closest thing is to go to a tag page and click top users
@PeterTamaroff That is the negation of uniform convergence, I believe.
@robjohn Yes, that is what I'm aiming for. Reductio ad absurdum.
@anon lol
@WillHunting since hitting 5k, we have both slowed to almost a standstill :(
So I get a sequence $\{x_n\}$ in $[a,b]$
Bolzano Weierstrass, I choose you!
I am one accepted answer away from another 200 rep day.

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