Right it’s definitely closed
Not sure if it does, I used an estimate but it’s not an estimate that is known to many I think
And now I’m worried the estimate isn’t true
Basically I tried to show that the capacity of the component of the preimage of the closed unit disk of any of these polynomials is necessarily bounded below by a positive constant
Here capacity is logarithmic capacity
Here the component us the one containing zero
Then using an argument from a paper of eremenko involving showing the greens functions with pole at infinity for the complement of these components , after passing to a subsequence, concerned uniformly on compact subsets outside the disk of radius 4, and majorizing the corresponding polynomials on such compact sets by some factor times the limit, I can show they are locally bounded outside this disk
Hence there is a subsequence of them that converges on some dish in the plane, uniformly
But then that means the coefficients converge, and we get local uniform convergence on the whole plane
The reason I need to bound the capacity of these sets below us because if this shrinks to zero then the greens function of the complement goes to infinity
The reason I need to fix the largest critical value to be bounded below some finite number is basically because if it is allowed to go to infinity, then it turns out that the component of preimage of the non closed unit disk containing zero can shrink to a set of zero capacity, which means I have no lower bound anymore
This is also pretty non obvious, I’m worried my estimate is wrong basically and the capacity of these preimage sets isn’t bounded below
That the largest critical value is bounded by a finite number seems also necessary because the polynomials are monic, which means any limit polynomial must have the same degree, but if we take a sequence of polynomials with these normalizations without the one on the largest critical value, I can move that to infinity
Then there is no hope of convergence because any limit polynomial can’t be of the same degree
Fuck I’m on my phone just noticed autocorrect butchered a lot of things
Concerned should be converges , dish should be disk
But if it is possible to prove this with a more direct approach I would like to know