@Balarka So here's an attempt at being a bit more precise. With a PoU, we can construct vector fields $X_1,\dotsc,X_n$ on $W$ s.t. a) they push forward to $\partial/\partial x^i,\,i=1,\dotsc,n$ on $X=\mathbb{R}^n$ (this is w.l.o.g. by using charts) and b) they push forward to $(\partial/\partial x^i,0),\,i=1,\dotsc,n$ on $X\times(a_0-\varepsilon,a_1+\varepsilon)$ at points over, say, $(a_1-\varepsilon/2,a_0+\varepsilon)$ and $(a_0-\varepsilon,a_0+\varepsilon/2)$ (have to take /2 to allow a bit of wiggle room to glue with the PoU).