That is, suppose $X$ has the homotopy type of a CW-complex, is simply connected and has vanishing homology in dimension $>n$. I claim we can construct an $(n+2)$-dim. CW-complex $Y$ with a homotopy equivalence $Y\rightarrow X$. To do so, apply standard CW-approximation techniques to construct an $(n+1)$-dim. CW-complex $Y$ with a map $f\colon Y\rightarrow X$ that is $(n+1)$-connected.
then Hurewicz yields $\pi_{n+2}(f)=H_{n+2}(f)$ and the pair sequence yields $H_{n+2}(f)=H_{n+1}(X)$. the latter group is free abelian by cellular homology. choosing a basis, this means we can attach $(n+2)$-ce…