The twist map $\tau: X \to X$ permutes the pieces of $X$ and is defined as follows:
1. On each $k$-stratum $X_i$: The map $\tau_{X_i}: X_i \to X_{\sigma(i)}$ permutes the strata according to a permutation $\sigma$ on $\{ 0, 1, \ldots, n \}$, such that each $X_i$ maps to a new stratum $X_{\sigma(i)}$.
2. On $\Gamma$-set Components: For each $\gamma \subset \Gamma$, $\tau$ induces a twist around $\gamma$, permuting orientations or positions to match the permutation $\sigma$. This map respects the vector bundles $\mathcal V_\gamma$ along each $\gamma$ and re-aligns them with the permuted $\G…