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@Pizza +12 is wild
@Jakobian If $X$ is locally compact metric, and $X=U\cup V$ where $U,V$ are open, then we can refine $\{U,V\}$ to open covers with closures that are compact?
@SineoftheTime He scored more points than Magnus
@Pizza naka is from another planet in bullet
@monoidaltransform sure?
@Jakobian but wouldnt that imply $X$ is a finite union of compact sets which means $X$ is compact too?
If $x\in X$ then pick open neighbourhood $U_x$ of $x$ such that $\overline{U_x}$ is compact and subset of either $U$ or $V$
@monoidaltransform why would the refinement be finite?
@Jakobian $X$ is paracompact, so we can find $U'$ open with $\overline{U'}\subseteq U$ and $\overline{V'}\subseteq V$.
such that $X=U'\cup V'$
@monoidaltransform and?
I'm just thinking what goes wrong in the proof thet $U'$ and $V'$ can be shrinked further to have compact closures
In Folland's text, he talks about the standard representation of a simple function; one that has finite and distinct range, i.e. $\mathrm{range}(f)=\{z_1,...,z_n\}$ where $z_i$ is distinct from $z_j$, and where the sets of the indicator functions partition the domain. I don't see how a standard representation is unique, yet in the next section on integration of simple functions, he talks about "the" standard representation of a simple function. This confuses me.
Example; in proposition 2.13, I quote: "...let $\sum a_j \chi_{E_j}$ and $\sum b_k \chi_{F_k}$ be the standard representations of $\phi$ and $\psi$." (emphasis mine)
@SineoftheTime I saw a video where he explained a trick on integrals for example: $\int x \tan^-1 (x) dx$ , then I would do $\frac{x^2}{2} \tan^-1(x) - \int \frac{x^2}{2} \cdot \frac{1}{x^2+1} dx$
In this case, i can choose instead of for example $\frac{x^2}{2}$ , i can choose $\frac{x^2+1}{2}$
so : $\frac{x^2+1}{2} \tan^-1(x) - \frac{x}{2} + C$
Maybe you already knew it, I discovered it now...
yes, this is a trick. Adding a constant to the antiderivative
@Pizza can you send the video?
Dr Peyam is a madman :D
@Pizza welcome to the club :). We are so depressed that math video appears in the yt home
@monoidaltransform can they?
@SineoftheTime Yep :)
I never claimed that and you never showed that
so... what?
@Jakobian if $X$ is compact then it's true, I think
If $X$ is compact then its trivially true. Any closure of any set is compact then
there are a lot of trick when doing integrals, but it's hard to remember them all
but if $X$ is not compact then you can't shrink your cover to have compact closures. You can merely refine it
one trick is used to solve $\int e^x \sin x dx$, if you're interested I can show it to you
Should it be by parts until you find the repetition?
@Jakobian just to be clear, refinement here does not mean the following: $\{U_i\}_i$ is an open cover, then there exists an open cover $(V_i)_i$ such that $\overline{V}_i\subseteq U_i$ for each $i$, $\overline{V}_i$ is compact. Right?
this is the standard method
@SineoftheTime Ok then if you want to show me the trick
@monoidaltransform of course not
that's not what being a refinement ever means
note that $\int e^x \sin x dx=\frac12\left(\int e^x \sin x dx+\int e^x \sin x dx\right)$
now, you use integration by parts in a smart way
we say that $\mathcal{U}$ is a refinement of $\mathcal{V}$ when for all $U\in U$ there exists $V\in\mathcal{V}$ such that $U\subseteq V$, that's all
if we agree on the indexing we use other words, like shrinking
@SineoftheTime ok let me see
ah okay thanks for clarifying.
in the first integral, you find the primitive of $e^x$ :$\int e^x \sin x dx= e^x\sin x -\int e^x \cos x dx$. In the second integral, you find the primitive of $\sin x$: $\int e^x \sin x dx = -e^x \cos x +\int e^x \cos x dx$
What about the following: In a locally compact metric space, every open cover can be shrunk to one where the boundaries of the elements of the cover are compact
now, put together: $\int e^x \sin x dx =\frac12\left(e^x\sin x-\int e^x \cos x dx-e^x\cos x+\int e^x \cos x dx\right)$
let's see if this works:
Even though the standard representation is unique, it would not be satisfactory to define the integral in terms of it, unless every other representation gave the $same$ result. Hence, the proofs in Cohn, et al- — Matematleta Sep 20, 2016 at 20:59
so you're left with $\frac{e^x}2 (\sin x-\cos x)+c$
Nice trick
@psie the user is saying the standard representation is unique, yet talking about other representations...I am mightily confused.
But it also works for example with $\int e^{-2x} \sin(3x) dx$?
@monoidaltransform I think that if $X$ is an infinite-dimensional Banach space, $U = \{x : \|x\| < 2\}$, $V = \{x : \|x\| > 1\}$ then it has no such shrinking
@Jakobian that's not a locally compact space though
@Pizza unfortunately no
@AlessandroCodenotti true
because when you differentiate, from the chain rule pops out $-2$ (or $3$) and this does not allow the simplification
What is the question precisely? I just joined
stupid chain rule :D
Ah so it must necessarily be that integral as you wrote without changes
Let $X$ be a locally compact metric space, $\mathcal{U}$ a cover of $X$, does there exists a shrinking such that boundaries of its elements are compact
yep, it does not work in the general case
Shrinking means refinement+same index set?
shrinking means closures refine it + same index set
Ok, so what happens in $\Bbb R^2$ with the cover $U=\{(x,y)\mid x<1\}$ and $V=\{(x,y)\mid x>0\}$?
(I'm trying to make Jakobian's infinite dimensional example work in a locally compact setting)
It might be hard to show that the boundaries need to be unbounded
Yeah it seems intuitively obvious, but hard to argue precisely
@Pizza thank you for reminding me of that trick :)
@SineoftheTime When does uni start again for you?
maybe like this, let $U_0, V_0$ be a shrinking, then fix $x$ and consider $\sup \{y : (x, y)\in U_0\}$
I'm about to graduate
this should give you an element $(x, y)$ belonging to $\partial U_0$ for any given $x$
probably I'll not start the master this year
@SineoftheTime Oh, congratulations!
I still have exams :(
are you planning to do $3$ years or $5$?
oh sorry, I just noticed that you are bounding with respect to the $x$-axis, while I had in mind $U = \{(x, y) : y < 1\}$ and $V = \{(x, y) : y > 0\}$
@SineoftheTime I hope you can do it soon
@SineoftheTime I think 5
@Pizza I hope so, last months have been a nightmare
probably worst years in my life
What goes wrong with this argument (it goes back to a question before the one now): Let $X$ be locally compact metric space. Let $\{U_i\}_i$ be an open cover. Let $\mathcal{A}= \{A\subseteq X$ $:$ $A$ is open, $\overline{A}$ is compact, $\overline{A}\subseteq U_i$ for some $i$ $\}$. Then $\mathcal{A}$ is an open cover for $X$ and we can shrink to open cover $(V_i)_i$ such that $\overline{V}_i$ is compact, and $\overline{V}_i\subseteq U_i$
hope to finish the bachelor and start a new life with the master degree
@monoidaltransform how do you know you can keep the indexing the same
@Pizza do you like what are you studying?
You can shrink $\mathcal{A}$, but you will have the same indexing as $\mathcal{A}$ then
not the same as original indexing of $(U_i)$
Ah maybe I have a better example. Consider an infinite genus torus and cover it with two open sets $U$ and $V$ "cutting every hole in half", so that $U\cap V$ is countably many pairwise disjoint annuli. Can we argue that open sets in the shrinking must have some boundary in every component of $U\cap V$?
@SineoftheTime But because they were difficult argument?
@AlessandroCodenotti this sounds worse to me
@SineoftheTime For now, in reality, we have done very little computer science, it's almost all mathematics
By paracompactness, we have a refinement $\{B_k\}_{k\in I}$. Observe, $\overline{B_k}$ is compact in some $A$ in $\mathcal{A}$ So for every $k$ we can pick $f(k)$ such that $\overline{B}_k\subseteq U_{f(k)}$. So put $V_i= \bigcup_{f(k)=i}B_k$
no, they're not that difficult but I don't like the subject plus I had other problems non related to uni
the third year is only computer science
@monoidaltransform why is the refinement countable
@SineoftheTime What was your favorite subject?
@Jakobian sorry doesnt have to be
that happens often, first couple of years you study the basics and then you specialize
but every metric space is lindedlolf
@monoidaltransform the problem with this argument is that $V_i$ doesn't have to have compact closure
@Pizza In general, I like analysis. My fav exam was analysis 3
yeah, I see that now. right
@monoidaltransform that's not true
only separable metric spaces are Lindelof
easy counterexample is a discrete space of very big cardinality
what about you?
@SineoftheTime and in fact I see that you remember almost everything practically
well, that also thank to your question. So I refresh my knowledge every now and then
@SineoftheTime Mm for now I don't have a favorite
still early to decide
you're in the first year
wait now second, but I have to do these exam before
you will start the second
professors will torment you with Fourier transform and Fourier series ;D
who knows what awaits me
anyway I don't understand what use it would be for me to bring a normal calculator to the analysis exam
it's not that useful
It's would be better if your prof allowed to write the formulas
In reality the professor has already done some exams
how is he?
is he strict in the correction?
and he did not allow to bring formulas etc.
that's his policy then
@SineoftheTime Mm he was good at lessons, actually not many people passed the last exams he took
of my course
But I don't think it depends on the professor
studying math exams in other faculties is always not easy
There is an exam in 2 days, I will do the one after this one
ok, you can send it to me if you want so I can take a look
did he publishes the correction?
No, but I can send him the exercises and tell him to look at them.
In the sense he wrote on his website "I invite you to ask me questions about theorems, exercises, etc."
Instead, did your prof publish the solutions?
I mean the various analysis profs you had
My analysis 1 prof used to post them a few times
Not all the exam
some professors don't even publish the text of the exams
In analysis 2, what was easier and more difficult for you at the time when you were studying it?
For me now the exercises on the maximums and minimums seem to be the easiest.
Differential equations are not very difficult, i just have to remind the various cases.
the course was not that hard, but the problem is that it not was too deep from a theoric point of view
then my course is 6 CFU yours will surely have been 100 times more difficult
so for example, I understood differential forms and the implicit function theorem but I did not have a deep understanding
@SineoftheTime Did you study from the book or did you have notes from the prof ?
until I studied those topics more in depth
@Pizza both, to prepare to the exam I used the notes
but the exposition of the book is cleaner
unfortunately, there's not much time to study on books
that's a shame in my opinion
@SineoftheTime Oh by the way, did you have any files or was the prof writing on the board?
professor wrote on the board
@SineoftheTime yes
but he also sent the copy of what he wrote when he used to teach online during covid
so I have the pdf of every lesson basically
Ah, my analysis 2 teacher has some notes written by him, he explained from there
I mean they were written on the iPad I think
did he write live or just comment?
Instead the analysis 1 prof wrote on the board
I like when the professor is active
I don't like when they explain from slides
Oh right, the analysis 1 teacher also has live videos of him explaining
when we were in class
so you can follow from home?
Mm I have no idea, but there were the live published
That is, there are files that if I open them, there are past recordings
Yes, maybe you could also follow it from home but I don't know if it was good.
However sometimes there may be connection or audio problems
that's useful but nowadays no one does it
yes one thing that is done is to record the audio of the lessons
I don't know if you've ever done it
I think it's pretty useless
at least when studying maths
I have some but I don't listen to them all.
I mean the whole duration
a lot of people write everything that the professor says
and if they miss a word they panic
for that reason a lor of people record the lessons
@SineoftheTime you? :D
I take very few notes
like less than half of what my friends take
Can you remember almost everything the teacher explains in class?
no, I'm not that type of person
certainly there are such gifted people, but in the mojority of cases it's more like a myth
So you can do more at home then?
I think it's like that for everyone
I don't think it's possible to learn everything in class
Or at least for me
I do a lot more at home
Did you have a study routine?
sometimes, when the professor is not that good I don't even follow the lessons
@Pizza no, I study all the day basically
but this period I'm not studying a lot
@SineoftheTime And how did you organize yourself when you were taking more subjects?
well, it depends
after following the first lessons, you understand how hard is a subject
@SineoftheTime 🫡
and on the base of the difficulty of the subject, I decide the subject to give priority
@SoumikMukherjee Did you Watch the match?
plus if some subjects are easy and fast to study, I tend to study them at the end of the semester
@SoumikMukherjee do you also study the whole day?
but i just saw the results, Hans got destroyed by Hikaru
@SineoftheTime No, but I wish I could:)
@SineoftheTime It depends, because there are also some people who study only to pass exams, meaning even ignoring the score
@SoumikMukherjee I don't think it's a good idea
I'm burn out :(
@Pizza I like to get a good mark
You were in your prime
How long was the study record?
@SineoftheTime ohh, plz take care of yourself as well
of consecutive hours
@SineoftheTime yes
first year I was so depressed that for a month I studied 14h a day
before the first exams
I hope these hours have compensated well
yes, but it sucked
uni is depressing
I have a question, what do you think about chatgpt I think you know it
A friend told me that he studies most of the time to ignore the depressing reality.
In some videos I read about people studying math with chatgpt, I don't think it's a good idea
@Pizza It's not a good idea indeed
that's a good idea if you want not to learn
because chatgpt has no understanding of mathematics
knowledge is on the books
no in fact I don't understand when some people say I did it like this because chatgpt does it like this... Without thinking about what It write
I don't understand this thing
@Pizza, iirc when you first came here, you used google translate to chat right?
if people continue to use chatgpt to study maths we are doomed
And now you chat without any need of google translate?
actually when it's convenient for me yes... :(
if i have to be honest
Yes like here
Now I'm on the phone and there's the translator on the keyboard
does latex work on phone?
I noticed that now you reply much faster than before, so I thought you don't use translator anymore
tomorrow you have to teach me then :)
@SoumikMukherjee maybe because I was on PC
@SineoftheTime So September 9th right?
teach me also, it's not convenient to sneak in a laptop every time in exam hall, mobile would be so much better
wait, that's illegal
But it should be all written on the link on how to put LaTeX in chat
At the bottom
do you mean from the phone?
Yes, it also says how to do it for the phone
Maybe only for Android though
I don't use tha phone that much but it's useful to have latex in chat
For the PC, do you have a graphics tab or something to write on?
is it useful?
For now I only use notebooks, but some people use the iPad with the pen
to take notes
yeah, that's the new trend
@SineoftheTime Mm for a student I don't think so much
Maybe to reduce paper consumption... I don't know
I don't think it makes that difference
I'm old style, I like to use paper
Oh some also have the board where you write with markers
@Pizza they take notes with board?
I take notes on an ipad, and it's useful, but not that useful
@SoumikMukherjee I mean at home now haha
having all your things in one place, searchable etc. is neat
but really an ipad is overkill
there's these e-paper things now, reMarkable or what it's called, which are probably a much better value-for-money deal in this regard
one problem with using ipad is if for example you're at page 20 it's annoying to go back to see a definition or something else
that's true
I had seen that there is a device that for example you write an operation and it generates the result, I don't remember the name
@SineoftheTime that's the same problem for books vs pdfs
but it's useful when the professors make a mistake during a proof and you can erase
@SoumikMukherjee you'd think so, but it's actually more annoying for a pdf
@SoumikMukherjee pirate pdfs and then print
for instance when you have to go back and forth a lot
@SineoftheTime works as long as the pdfs you need aren't 1.4k pages :^)
1.4k pages :(
welcome to algebraic topology
that's crazy
there's two books that are the absolute standard references in a certain corner of the field, both by Jacob Lurie
the first is 'Higher Topos Theory," coming in at 900something pages
so it's a must to master those books
sometimes I open 10 tabs of the same pdf but at different pages
and then there's "Higher Algebra", at 1.4k
@SoumikMukherjee big brain move
@SineoftheTime master? no, but you want to have them on hand in some form to look things up when reading a lot of stuff
ah ok, that's more human
HTT has been published; you can buy a print copy
but Higher Algebra hasn't
it only exists as a pdf
@BenSteffan There's a topology pdf of around 4k pages :)
@SoumikMukherjee yes, I know the one
but nobody really uses that, so it's not a big deal :)
@SoumikMukherjee are you interested in topology?
@SineoftheTime wanna know my galaxy brain move? I once saw that promoting to a queen would cover a diagonal and that would cause a stalemate, so I promoted to a bishop.
@SineoftheTime yes
let me see if I can find that
why wouldn't you be interested in the best area of mathematics :P
(I may be a little biased)
@SoumikMukherjee that's next level, next year I want to see you in the candidates
@BenSteffan fractal analysis? No doubt. Definitely the best.
it's not a helpful impulse, but occasionally i wish there was such a thing as an anti-bounty
i.e., bringing attention to an answer which is suspect and probably wrong
@SineoftheTime found it
@XanderHenderson sure is, if your life's passion is explaining often misunderstood mathematical concepts to laypeople
@SoumikMukherjee send it
nah, that hurts
@Semiclassical the site as a whole could do a better job proofreading answers, I feel like
The worst(best) part is that there was no need of promoting, I could have checkmated the opponent instantly
@BenSteffan tbf, the one i have in mind isn't one where the formatting is bad. it's written fine using mathjax
I'm not talking about minor stuff like that
factual correctness
yeah, but on this site those formatting issues are unfortunately the ones which show up the most frequently
that happened to me a lot
they may not remain on the site long but they very much take the most attention
not sure I follow
formatting issues are one thing, but I don't think they take that much attention
eh. not sure about that
@BenSteffan I teach at a community college. What do you think it is that do all day?
fine, the point is yours :)
@Semiclassical I don't feel like I've even come across an answer with major formatting problems in a long time
on the other hand, somebody brought a case here where a question had 3 highly upvoted answers, of which one claimed that the other two are straight up wrong
none of the answers had any downvotes
that's what I mean by proofreading
the issue is certainly not that the answers weren't getting enough attention
Taylor Swift is being accused of witchcraft by random pastor because she talked about love being like casting a spell in a song
People are insane
@Jakobian same as it ever was
@BenSteffan it's okay because pretty much everyone likes topology here
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