1. This seems to have nothing to do with fibrations. It is just a question about continuous maps $M\rightarrow S^1$.
2. Such a closed 1-form need not exist, for the record.
3. I find the notation here messy. The morphism $H_1(M)\rightarrow\mathbb{Z}$ induced by the 1-cohomology class $u$ that classifies $f$ is simply equal to $H_1(f)\colon H_1(M)\rightarrow H_1(S^1)=\mathbb{Z}$.
4. The Poincaré dual of $u$ is represented by a generic fiber of $f$ (after homotoping it to be a smooth map wlog), so $f$ restricted to this submanifold (or any component thereof) is constant, hence induces $0$ on …