@TedShifrin I made an incorrect statement earlier, getting forgetful, the modification I was referring to is known as the Levenberg Marquardt algorithm.
@Horiatiki It is not clear to me what problem you are trying to solve. Your notation leaves a lot to be desired. Are you trying to choose $\mu$ so that $F_\mu(k)$ matches $f_e(k)$?
For the record, I very much dislike the phrase "brigade of militant anti-PSQers". Such language does little calm things down. Indeed, it seems to be intentionally inflamatory.
i am not against closing, but there often very nice questions that i think are broadly useful that get zapped because of the rush to close without 'context'.
The phrase a "brigade of militant anti-PSQers" is a natural carry-over from the phrase a "brigade of militant anti-maskers," in my opinion; but you do make a valid point sir
When I see a new or inexperienced contributor post a question with insufficient context, I don't downvote/close-vote immediately, but post a comment first (and then give them some time to respond). I do the same if I think the question has potential. I don't demand that everyone should act like this, but for me personally this feels better than closing everything at first sight
@LukasHeger From a moderation standpoint, if you believe that a question can be improved, it is better to vote-to-close early. It is often the case that a question in need of improvement gets answered, and then subsequent edits invalidate the answer.
It doesn't actually help the asker to delay closing.
@user726941 There is a difficulty there, in that users with less than 15 XP cannot chat. Though I believe that when a room is automatically created (due to an excess of comments), the original asker is granted permission to chat in that room.
Hi All - I was doing a lot of analysis on prime gaps and found something interesting. I was wondering if I can post this on MSE? I always worry that people are eager to close questions. ps: I have written out all of this in a paper. It would be nice if my discovery is indeed true to have this published on arXiv for which I would need an endorsement. Thank you
@sku I think it would be a better idea to contact a professor from a nearby university who works in analytic number theory. Not saying it's impossible to do without that, but I think that would be easier. You can post on MSE, but it would be good if you had specific question. Just "please check my paper" isn't going to be well-received, I'd guess
Thank you.... the thing I am calling interesting can be numerically verified by anyone to the extent possible with todays computational capacity. I think the even more interesting thing is how I got there which is in the paper. If it is best to go to a professor, then ok. will do. Once again, thank you.
i am trying to solve a math problem where the instructor drew some triangles and quadrilaterals all 'stitched together', and told me some of the angles, he left some angles empty, and asked me to work out one of such angles he labeled $\theta$. After using some basic properties of angles like angles of triangle add to 180, I ended up with some simultaneous equations, when putting these equations onto a solver it said there was no solution, how can I interpret this.
@TedShifrin If I have given $H:=\{g\in GL_3(\Bbb{R}): g_{ij}=0, i>j\}$ is it then true that $T_I(H)$ has the basis $\{e_{11}, e_{12}, e_{13}, e_{22}, e_{23}, e_{33}\}$ or am I wrong?
Unfortunately Ireland is under represented in the mathematical world. The first time I met someone who was actually interested in discussing mathematics was when I went to graduate school at Berkeley. I am still in close contact with said person.