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@robjohn Gross.
@D.C. This is a concrete "solution" of one of my favorite problems in elementary projective geometry: How many lines meet three lines in space in general position? You can find a complete discussion of this in the last chapter of my algebra book, if you ever decide you want to learn projective geometry.
@TedShifrin Oh, that sounds like fun.
@TedShifrin Because it don't render right?
Yeah, I've forgotten the syntax with underset.
{}{} ?
$M^n = \underbrace{M\times\dots\times M}_{\text{$n$ times}}$?
There you go. I used to be good at that, but I'm rusty.
I'll go get the WD-40.
@XanderHenderson Were you being sarcastic again?
@TedShifrin No, that sounds like a genuinely interesting problem.
I'm shocked!
@XanderHenderson Is there a big X operator?
Seems like it should be amenable to elementary tools, but I don't immediately see how one would go about working it out. But I am not in a place where I can get out pen and paper to try things out.
To get the "universal" answer, you want projective space and complex numbers; but over $\Bbb R$, you can certainly say "at most."
@TedShifrin your linear algebra book? I do have an interest in projective geometry actually. I have sen its application to statistics and least informally in something I read. I didn't understand the whole treatment but I saw its use.
And I'm guessing that there is a clever geometry trick that reduces it to a two liner. :D
you defintiely have infected me with the geometry bug......
@robjohn Not that I know of.
yeah, that was why I went the ugly way
There's a section on projective geometry in the lin. alg. book, but no, I meant the actual algebra book. There's a whole chapter on projective geometry (and also affine and also a bit of hyperbolic).
Oh you have a big boy algebra book too?
hmmm before I can tackle that I need to look at introductory and intermediate geometry first. Any suggestions for a good place to start?
My favorite sophisticated geometry book is by Pedoe. It's the book I was trying to force Hades to read instead of doing all his infernal high school problems with angles :P
Well you know I can't start with that.....I do have it earmarked because I rememebr you suggesting it
there's proabably a book recommendation list on MSE
1. hop on pop and other dr seuss books. 2. eisenbud 3. hartshorne
there's your royal road to geometry
Um ...
@leslietownes Heartless........
maybe that's an unfair characterization of what an MSE recommendation list would be
Hartshorne actually has a sophisticated book on Euclidean geometry — did he used to teach the course for teachers?
i don't know if he ever taught it, but that book (published under various titles including "geometry: euclid and beyond") is really good
I actually do not know it, but I think he has stuff over a general field $\Bbb F$ in there.
if there is a bijection between sets $A,B$ then the free abelian groups generated on them are isomorphic right?
i took a class based on that book, great stuff
Actually since I am intending on doing abstract algebra next year sometime, I could use your book instead of Gallian's? Same treatment?
shin: yes, there is even an isomorphism between the groups that 'is' the bijection on the generators
great thank you!
Both are rings first, @D.C. Mine is definitely more geometry-oriented (big surprise). Symmetries of polyhedra, for example.
But I think you've had enough of me, so I won't encourage it.
I like the geometry, even though I suck at it at the moment it produces a calming effect on seeing what all the symbol pushing is doing
dc3 gets a call from his credit card company. "someone keeps ordering books by ted shifrin, this is highly suspicious activity so we've blocked your-- ... uh, what? ... you sure about this?"
For once, I have to concur with @leslie. Probably Munchkin put him up to it.
She asked me to do it by offering me a key to infinite LeslieCoin
Maybe she can get me the lesliecoin that leslie refuses to pay up.
hi all
Gallian does Groups first then Rings
Q: Looking for $\zeta(s)$ such that $\zeta(s) = 0$ IFF $0 = \zeta(\frac{2}{3}-s)$

mickI am looking for a zeta function $$ \zeta(s) = \sum \frac{1}{a_n^s}$$ Where $a_n$ is a sequence of distinct positive integers, such that $\zeta(s)$ is analytic for all $Re(s) > 1$ $\zeta(s)$ has a simple pole at $s=1$. $\zeta(s)$ has an analytic continuation to the entire plane. $\zeta(s) = 0...

Oh, I thought he was a ring first person.
There is sound pedagogy for rings first, but only about 25% of the books do it.
i prefer rings over groups
strongly recommend gallian because there is a full solution manual for the millions of exercises
lack of group understanding that is
even more than lack of ring understanding
Interesting because the Algebra course here is divided into Groups and Rings. I did do the Groups part, but no surprise I really didin't learn anything because I wasn't ready for it.
abelian groups important for rings, had to go back and do abelian group theory a couple of times after starting rings
why downvote ?
I wish people would stop coming in here asking us to explain downvotes. We all get them, and we have no explanations.
Even MSE can't escape being hypnotized by the Clout demon
@D.C.theIII "Clout demon"?
That said, the post will probably be closed for lack of context and effort.
@XanderHenderson The concern for whether you got downvoted or not and it hurting your "reputation". Online "status" being something of grave importance to an individual's identity.
@D.C.theIII Ah.
Gotta get them XPs.
In the social media (instagram) world people doing anything for attention. Called by the young folks "clout chasing"
i dont care about the reputation i care about the downvote
like i said maybe there is an importance to a high reputation beyond getting a mug (sorry Copper)
because i put effort in my question and it is a problem that is consuming my time and this asshole just presses a button and fks my chance to have a decent answer
and what of it? So you get the green checkmark for giving the best answer or not. You still answered it and did it for your own development
i mean downvote for questions
@shintuku This seems like an awfully selfish approach to the site. As long as you get your answer, everything is hunky-dory, eh? And anything which reduces the chances of you getting your answer is automatically "assholes trying to fuck you"?
Yeah, you are incredibly selfish.
ok buddah
Catering to the whims of single users is not the goal of Math SE. The goal is to create a repository of high quality questions with authoritative answers. There are pages and pages of discussion in the Help Center and on meta which describe what kinds of questions are a good fit for this site.
It is very common for downvotes to indicate that a particular question (or answer) does not meet the consensus standards, and should, therefore, not be a part of that high quality repository. It isn't that "assholes" are out to get you; it is that you didn't follow the rules.
Which, frankly, is rather selfish.
i find that very uncommon, mostly they're assholes
@shintuku Same premise. So somebody won't see it right away. It will eventually get some traction by people interested in it. Funny I'm in essence talking about being relaxed and free about it, yet I'm fuming about not being able to work the problem I was working on before....lol
@shintuku (1) I think that you don't know what you are talking about and (2) keep in mind that, while I am not moderating now, if/when the strike is resolved, I will be catching up on old flags, including chat flags---I would stop with the name calling.
I disagree.....to come to MSE you have to have a vested interest. I doubt assholes are going to be strolling in here to vote on high level math questions just for kicks
The strike still going on Xander?
@D.C.theIII Yup.
@XanderHenderson you don't know what you're talking about
Q: Moderation Strike update: Data dumps, choosing representatives, GPT data, and where we’re holding

Nick is tired Introduction Since our strike announcement, a number of new developments have occurred. Philippe, VP of Community, posted data they have regarding GPT content on the platform. Stack Exchange staff reached out to strike organizers and asked us to choose three moderator representatives for the str...

@XanderHenderson Good. Don't fold like the subreddits folded after a few days
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