I had one more question.
It's a very popular theorem that : A sequence $(x_n)$ is convergent iff $limsupx_n=liminfx_n$
Strangely, I found a two pages proof of this! I feel it can be done in 3-4 lines.
If $(x_n)$ is convergent, then all the subsequences converges to the same limit and hence, $liminfx_n=limsupx_n$ immediately follows.
Conversely if $x_n$ is such that $liminfx_n=limsupx_n$ then, let us conisder an arbitrary subequence $(x_{n_k})$ that is convergent. Now, $limx_{n_k}=l$(say) then, $l<=limsupx_n$ and $l>=liminfx_n$ and it follows that, $l=limsupx_n=liminfx_n$. Again, since $x…