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ok yeah it makes full sense now, thanks a lot lads
@XanderHenderson Oh.....no, no , no, no Xander. I will not allow you to besmirch the name of Saint Seiya or as it was known in Latin America: Los Caballeros del Zodiaco...............those are grounds to report you to the mods........
whats the bidual of C[0,1]? Is there a nice description?
"the bidual of C[0,1]" is the nicest description i know of. it's the usual tradeoff of, you can get a more 'concrete-sounding' description at the cost of introducing really shitty spaces. ("oh, it's just the space of vector-valued charges on the stone space of the ...")
Q: Double dual of the space $C[0,1]$

SIONThe second dual or double dual of the space of all continuous functions on $[0,1]$, $C[0,1]$ is von Neumann algebra. Can anyone help me identifying this space?

it reminds me how you need quadruple duals or something to prove a result by James
sometimes you need to stack them a lot
oh right, its the enveloping vN algebra... forgot that they are all nightmares
I haven't been reading any functional analysis in some time now
when you're paid by the asterisk
who wrote that
and why
i don't actually know, it's from a screenshot i took a long time ago. maybe from sakai, but i lost that book in a move
I think you posted this image before and even explained who wrote it
it's part of a proof that if F_1 is a subspace of a banach space F and there is a norm-one projection of F onto F_1, then for any banach space E, E tensor F_1 embeds in E tensor F (projective tensor product)
something like that is probably in sakai even if that isn't from sakai
The text looks like sakai
I have the book here, I stole it from some guy who was moving
it's weird because i somehow illegally downloaded an electronic version of sakai that did not have this material, but my vague memory was that it was in sakai, and i am sure that i owned this in print, and i owned sakai in print
but shrug
Jun 2, 2021 at 23:57, by leslie townes
reminds me of one of my favorite looking pages of sakai.
let's say it's sakai
two years pass and here i am, still just talkin' bout asterisks in sakai
Man this copy stinks of old beer ( I actually bought it from the net and didn’t steal it) no wonder I never read more than the forst chapter
once every year
Sep 28, 2022 at 17:41, by leslie townes
i dunno, ask sakai
so sad steve jobs died of sakai
Q: Prime gap conjecture $ \pi_{2a}(n+(6a+4)^3)+(6a+4)^3 > \pi_{4a}(n)$ counterexamples?

mickConsider prime constellations $p,p+2s$ where both $p,p+2s$ are prime. For instance for $s=1$ we get the twin primes. We define the counting function $\pi_{2s}(n)$ to count the number of such pairs $p,p+2s$ below or equal to $n$. Does this conjecture hold ? $$ \pi_{2a}(n+(6a+4)^3)+(6a+4)^3 > \pi_{...

probably counterexamples are known or computable ...
God knew I’d be too powerful if I also had social skills
Is it better studying math at night or early morning?
mm, i don't think there's anything specific to math about that. if you are a 'morning person' or 'evening person' with other stuff, probably same for math.
as i get deeper into the week i gain full consciousness later and later in the day
morning math only possible first three days
@leslietownes does such people exist?
I find doing math, hour or two after waking up, then you get distracted and start doing math whenever again, be it evening or not
For relational structures A and B, what is the difference between an embedding of A in B and a partial isomorphism between A and B?

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