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@TedShifrin my doubt is: if $D\sim 1$, does that mean that $D=\pm 1$ in $\Bbb Z_n$?
@Koro As much as I like talking about anime
The gcd is an integer, not an element of $\Bbb Z_n$. So $D=\pm 1$ in the integers.
You should write $\bar a$ or $[a]$ for elements of $\Bbb Z_n$.
there must be an easier proof
this sounds plausible but i think there's gotta be somethign easier
@THE_CRANIUM yeah just do what I first proposed
f(0) = 0, f(1) = 1, f(2) = 10
those are all distinct images
suppose the first n images are distinct
show the n+1 image is distinct
it isn't as formal and will establish injectivity
you're just showing the image of the function doesn't repeat itself, and that's enough for your uses i think
@THE_CRANIUM take any 3 binary numbers in immediate succession. can you prove they will all be different?
@Koro This is a comment, stating my opinions regarding the mattter we were discussing that $(a,b]$ and $(c,d]$ have same cardinality.
@Koro Is the method I demonstrated here a legit one ? What do you think ?
Giving a bijection is all you need, @Thomas. It's fine. How're you going to do $[a,b]$ and $(a,b]$, however?!
any interesting ring of rings?
or ring of groups
@TedShifrin that's what I am working on now!
@TedShifrin you mean the method I demonstrated is fine in the two pics ,right?
The following question of mine was downvoted, so I'd like some feedback on why that might be, please.
Q: Contrapositive proof: If $H$ and $K$ are nontrivial subgroups of $\Bbb Q$, then $H\cap K$ is also nontrivial.

ShaunI'm reading "Contemporary Abstract Algebra," by Gallian. This is (part of) Exercise 26 of the supplementary exercises for chapters 1-4 ibid., although I am requesting a proof of the contrapositive just out of interest, preferably using prior material available from the textbook. I intend to use...

Is the (only) difference between accumulation point and boundary point that accumulation points may be interior points whereas boundary points aren't?
Stockfish is so much confusing sometimes, calling a move inaccurate while showing it as the best move.
@Koro Yes.
I assume almost everyone is aware of the SE-wide moderator strike?
@SoumikMukherjee what do you mean? Stockfish doesn't call moves innacurate or anything else, it just gives an evaluation
Hey everyone! Suppose we have an union of two countable sets, $A$ and $B$. We can enumerate their union like this: $ \{ b_1, a_1, b_2, a_2, b_3, a_3 ... \}$.

Now, let's define a function $f : S \rightarrow \mathbb{N} $, where S is the union of A and B, defined as $f(s_n) = 2n$, if $s_n \in A$, and $f(s_n) = 2n-1$, if $s_n \in B$. Do you think this is a valid bijection from S to N?

For example, if the elements of the union are b1, a1, b2, a2 etc, we have 1, 2, 3, 4...
@AlessandroCodenotti you know how there are different (equivalent for Hausdorff space) definitions of compact subspace, right?
You can do something similar for paracompact subspaces
and when a paracompact subspace is embedded in this nice way, that you can apply definition of paracompactness on it from within the whole space, those are called strongly paracompact subspaces
And for $T_4$ spaces we can characterize those as $P$-embedded paracompact subspaces
I think this comes up when doing dimension theory beyond separable metric spaces
I found it because I thought one question was asking about equivalence of paracompactness and strong paracompactness for closed subspaces, but they might have just asked if closed subspace of paracompact space is strongly paracompact
because I thought that when they mention closed subspaces of paracompact space are paracompact, that was just an example to get you interested in the question
do we have $a+bi|c+di \iff a^2+b^2|c+di$?
maybe I just made a goof
@shintuku is this true for natural numbers
let me check
I mean $b = d = 0$
hm yeah no the above is false
@AlessandroCodenotti I am talking about the lichess analysis board.
This is added by lichess on top of stockfish's analysis
Probably the game review, which has some fixed depth, marked it as inaccurate, but if you let the engine sit on it for a while it evaluates it differently
That may be the case, now it's showing Ba3 as the best move.
i wonder how many folks on lichess use engines to assist...
Post game analyses are pretty good in case of blitz or rapid
Lichess cheat detection algorithms are very fast, I have seen several times people getting banned quickly after cheating in tournaments.
You can easily take this limit involving twin primes, but perhaps that's not true:
What I mean, is if the rules were lemmatized out right, you could do it
but we just don't normally see such series
@SoumikMukherjee i am not at the level where cheating would have any real impact :-)
$$\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{1}{p_{n}^2} \sum_{d \mid p_n\#}(-1)^{\omega(d)}\sum_{r^2 = 1 \pmod d}\left\lfloor \frac{p_n^2 - r}{d}\right\rfloor$$ exists and is $\gt 0$ is the Twin Prime Conjecture._ Idk if you knew that @copper.hat
Or it might be stronger, anyway, it's sufficient. Isn't it a beautiful formula?
@DanielDonnelly I only consider even primes
You could almost evaluate this in your head, yet each step would need to be proved and some theorems about such sums under limits made
some formulae are revealing, some are just lipstick on a pig
This formula is revealing. It tells you exactly how it works - nothing hidden
Only thing hidden is proof of non-vanishing
@copper.hat I too just play for fun, my only goal in chess was to defeat a GM someday, which I did( though it was a blitz game).
@SoumikMukherjee ehh, the last two comments above this use the word ONLY much differently than I would :-)
@SoumikMukherjee can you take this limit?
How do you deal with varying number of terms?
@copper.hat XD
you do know the twin primes thing is a conjecture right @DanielDonnelly ?
Give me teh c0d3s
I'm like in a matrix movie, and you guys are the gate keepers
Give me the proof c0de plz
@DanielDonnelly I am checking your post
@copper.hat yes, I know but I've never seen this limit taken before. And I believe it is the "correct" one in a sense that it will lead to a nice elegant, elementary proof.
It involves Mertens estimate however, which is not elementary
these conjectures really attract a certain type
There once was a man named Mertens,
Who every day would draw the curtains,
For an indoor cat named mittens.
another deleted question after a few comments...
No, this one might hold
it might. and i might win the nobel prize
So it's half crackpot only, because I invoke Mertens' theorems
half a crackpot is still a crackpot
all the way down to the quantum level
No, friend! What do they expect! Can't learn everything in math, sometimes have to self-explore
Conjecture: there exists a crackpot solution to the twin prime conjecture.
i mean there are so many things to explore, why does the twin primes grab such interest?
$1M big ones, son
I thought, or ... maybe it's taken down by now
@DanielDonnelly What makes you think there's a crackpot solution to TPC?
anyway, I would get to travel and teach my crackpotism to the rest of the world
do you play chess?
No, not into it nor sudoku
but I do like the fact that there's math models behind these games
just, there are a lot of math GMs trying to solve TP
What's a GM?
Grand Master?
Sounds like kk...
so the chances of an amateur cracking that nut are pretty small
Right. I agree with copper hat
Sure, what are the chances that the only proof must necessarly be 100 pages in length? Surely, someone will crack the elegance question in time
usually elegances occur after a solution is found
@monoidaltransform how come your profile page does not exist?
@monoidaltransform sus
@copper.hat what do you mean it doesnt?
is that supposed to be the link to my account?
Maybe an AI?
Turing test, pop quiz
yeah, generally. you don't need to add anything, but yes, thereis a default page
oh weird. if I click on user profile that error appears
but everything is fine on math stack exchange
well that was fun
wait, the TP limit question was deleted
what are concave functions? is a function just concave if its inverse is convex?
f is concave iff -f is convex
i would posit that convexity is more fundamental
Why @copper.hat >
What does convexity mean in the context of: math.stackexchange.com/questions/3810315/…
when you are literally a plurality of beings
@monoidaltransform no idea
What's the cardinality of the set of all bit strings not containing 0?
what is a bit string
you mean 0 & 1???
as an alphabet
@THE_CRANIUM $\aleph_0$
@TedShifrin whenever you return, I'm doing 6.1.7 for a bit of extra practice with getting estimates. I'm having trouble trying to figure out the $\delta$ to obtain continuity. I have seen something online and it is reasonable, but it doesn't make sense to me how they could arrive at that based on the prior parts of the question
$f(n) = \underbrace{1\dots1}_\textrm{n}$ is a bijection @THE_CRANIUM
@copper.hat They already tried on Physics.SE, but it got shot down. physics.stackexchange.com/q/768169
@PM2Ring good spot
$(a,b)$ is a vector on a lattice. if $a,b$ coprime, then the square on $(a,b)$ contains $a^2+b^2$ lattice points
what's a nice way to prove this
@PM2Ring what does the OP mean?
@shintuku I don't need an explicit formula for that, right
@THE_CRANIUM depends for what, the explicit formula is a recursive function of the set of strings generated by 1,0
if you want to prove it is a bijection you need to make it explicit, otherwise you should just convince yourself informally that that's true
i just realized, you can give a proof without fully formalizing everything, injectivity can be proven by induction and surjectivity can be proven directly, assuming nobody asks you what the symbols mean heheh
the inductive proof for injectivity is the same as the one i told you earlier today
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