@ThomasFinley Denoting $\sqrt 2$ by $b$, note that for any integers $n\ne m$, $\{nb \}\ne \{mb\}$ (here {,} denotes fractional part) because if $\{nb \}= \{mb\}$, then $b=\frac{[nb]-[mb]}{n-m}$, which is rational but b is irrational so this is not possible.
Step 1 from the last message: Take any $n\in N$. Divide [0,1) into $n$ parts: [0,1/n), [1/n, 2/n),... Consider n+1 numbers {b},{2b},...,{(n+1)b}. The subintervals are only n but the numbers are n+1 (distinct by the remarks in the first part of this message) so some subinterval must contain at least two of the numbers-say {i b} and {jb}. …