(* start program by Paul Nylander *)
(*Taking the logarithm of the roots yields a vertical \
version:*)(*runtime:34 seconds*)
n = 12;
m = 275;
image = Table[0.0, {m}, {m}];
Do[Do[z =
Sum[(2 Mod[Floor[(t - 1)/2^i], 2] - 1) #^(n - i), {i, 0, n}],
{j, i} = Round[m ({Re[z], Im[z]}/1.5 + 1)/2];
If[0 < i <= m && 0 < j <= m, image[[i, j]]++], {root, 1, n}], {t,
1, 2^n}];
ListDensityPlot[image, Mesh -> False, Frame -> False,
PlotRange -> {0, 4}]