I was thinking of a way to make articial life, and i found a very disappointing result, as it's still a result i share it, maybe someone can do smtg with it, don't rly know if it's the place.
Lets take a function of $F: \{0;1\}^n \rightarrow \{0;1\}^n $ bijective.
Let $a <n$
Let $ S = \{s: \{0;1\}^n \rightarrow \{0;1\}^n \}\; | \;\forall c \ne a \; : s(x)_{c} = x_{c} \text{ and } x \rightarrow s(x)_a \text{ is constant} \}$
let $(s_i)$ in $S^N$ then let note
$F \leftarrow (s_i): \{0;1\}^n \rightarrow \{0;1\}^n$