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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Hola.
Spivak tiene unos ejercicios sobre integrales que me van a mantener entretenido por un buen rato =D
@PeterTamaroff No hay que llorar.
@PeterTamaroff Are you doing a math bachelor?
@GustavoBandeira I'm not whining... ?¿?¿?¿
@GustavoBandeira I'm not sure what it is.
@PeterTamaroff Oh, in Brazil, licenciatura is a course for teaching high school.
@GustavoBandeira Mmm not that.
@PeterTamaroff Can you send me your course's webpage?
@PeterTamaroff 6 años!
@GustavoBandeira Yes...
Gotta go eat!
@PeterTamaroff k, cya.
@GustavoBandeira Maybe Mariano can tell you
@PeterTamaroff What?
@GustavoBandeira About the math career in the UBA
@PeterTamaroff Yep.
1 hour later…
@PeterTamaroff I guess I need to say something.
@robjohn Are you there?
@robjohn He often pings without saying anything. =)
@Charlie existence
@PeterTamaroff If you have something you should just tell him.
@JasperLoy It' s OK. I'll go to now.
It'd be better to ping us with a message we can read later than to ping us over and over again until you happen to be on chat the same time we are.
Hey, quick question here about smooth structures on manifolds.
If the manifold itself has a single homeomorphism onto an open subset of R^N, does that imply that the atlas given by that single map gives rise to a smooth structure?
Intuitively it feels wrong, but I can't see what part of the definition of a smooth structure is violated.
Any help would appreciated =)
do homeomorphisms preserve smoothness? (disclaimer: not having studied diffeo geo, I have no idea what I'm talking about)
What do you mean by smoothness?
I'm talking about an abstract manifold so it might not make sense to talk about a manifold being inherently smooth.
Anyhow, Spivak defines smoothness as a condition on the transition between charts, so if there is only one chart, it must be smooth.
But then any jagged open curve segment in R^2 full of cusps is given a smooth structure by any single homeomorphism from an open subset of the line, which feels like contrary to the definition of a smooth structure. I mean, how do you talk about a tangent space with an arbitrary parametrization?
*not defintion, I mean "intuition"
@IsaacSolomon There is a difference between homeomorphism and diffeomorphism.
I am aware of that, Jasper.
To give a specific example of a question, consider the open interval (-1,1) and the image M of this interval under the function f(x) = |x|. Obviously, this function is not differentiable at the origin, and yet it would appear that f^-1 gives M a smooth structure as a manifold.
I guess smooth structure means something different than my naive impression.
Dedekind's cut is so complicated!
This is going to be a long shot, but does anyone know anything about Dvoretsky's theorem?
Eh, what is going to be a long shot?
I have trouble in English.
I'm reading Rudin's Principles of Mathematical analysis.
Theorem Closed subsets of compact sets are compact.
Proof Suppose $F\subset K\subset X$, $F$ is closed (relative to $X$), and $K$ is compact.
@FrankScience Okay, what do you not understand about it?
@JayeshBadwaik I'm writing the context.
@FrankScience okay. continue. sorry to interrupt.
Let $\{V_\alpha\}$ be an open cover of $F$.
If $F^c$ is adjoined to $\{V_\alpha\}$, we obtain an ...
What does be adjoined to mean?
hmm, I am not sure.
let me see what it can mean,
2.35 Theorem
You can trace back to that page and get the full context.
yup, I am guessing it is just a union, but I am not sure.
It should be just a union from what it appears.
$F^c\subset \bigcup_\alpha V_\alpha$?
It is like this
@PeterTamaroff I am now.
@FrankScience We have an open cover $\{ V_{a}\}$
@JayeshBadwaik What's the relationship between $F^c$ and that cover?
now adjoining is just an open cover $\{ V_{1} , V_{2} ,.... ,F^{c} \}$
$F^{c}$ is open in $X$ as $F$ is closed in $X$.
Ah, got it. Thanks. It's really obscure.
Hehe, its rudin after all.
@FrankScience You might want to see this
especially if you are self-studying.
or did I already tell you about it?
If so, I am sorry.
Yeah, you did.
Hmm, okay, I will remember now that I told you. :-)
These theorems are not so easy, thus I failed to prove any of these.
Bonjour, my friends!
I have a question about covering spaces. I have a problem with proof of fact, that two liftings of path with a common start point coincide or don't intersect
1 hour later…
@JonasTeuwen Good morning. How are you today?
2 hours later…
Hello. How does the community feel about questions like "I don't understand the following (one line) argument from a textbook"?
@JasperLoy Never reply to a joke literally unless you want to people to mock you.
Hi all
@OldJohn Hi.
@JayeshBadwaik A quiet day in mathland, I think
@OldJohn Its still not bad. Day before yesterday, there was a 10 hour stretch with just a single message, that too from me I think. :-)
@JayeshBadwaik aha - so you prevented it from being a record-breaking day :)))
@OldJohn :-) :-)
I read somewhere that in Finland there is no such thing as an "uncomfortable silence" - if people have nothing useful to say, they just remain silent :)
@OldJohn This is so true for me. My thesis title matches exactly this description. :P
@JayeshBadwaik Mine too, I think
My thesis title is "dune-devicelab : A framework for hybrid simulation of nanoelectronic devices"
"Boundary behaviour of continuous and fine continuous functions in Euclidean space" - I missed out on the witty bit :(
@OldJohn :-)
@OldJohn : there is a function $f : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}^2$ and as $x \to \infty$ $f(x)$ moves along a straignt line, I dont know whether to call it asymptotic as $f(x)$ can lie on both sides of the line. If we can still call it asymptotic (I am not sure of def of asymptotic), How do we characterize this property mathematically in equations?
BTW $f$ is smooth
It can have infinite intersections with the line
My research was all about "asymptotic paths" which concern paths $\gamma$ which either go off to infinity or to the boundary of of a region where a function $f$ is defined and such that as we go along the path $\gamma$, the function $f$ approaches a limit "the asymptotic value of $f$ along the path $\gamma$"
functions I dealt with were mostly things like $f:\mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ where $f$ was continuous (or fine continuous)
your situation could probably be turned into the same sort of thing
@OldJohn I am making a picture for it. But I wonder how to draw free hand with mouse on Geogebra?
@RajeshD No idea, I'm afraid :(
Isn't your situation something like a curve approaching an asymptote?
@OldJohn yes the curve almost becomes a straight line, but it can have infinite number of intersections with the line, the deviation of the curve from line becomes smaller and smaller as we go to infinity
@RajeshD Is it a curve from some control system?
@OldJohn what is fine continuous?
@RajeshD That is the standard definition of an asymptote - mostly the curve does not cross the asymptote, but it is perfectly OK for it to do so
I don't have any physical system in mind, I just want to characterize this property mathematicaly in symbols
Fine continuous is a bit hard to explain, unless you know about discontinuous subharmonic functions :(
@OldJohn Ok got it, an asymptote be intersected with the curve, its allowed I guess
Yep - perfectly acceptable (to all authors I know of)
@OldJohn Was this message for me? I don't get it
@RajeshD no, it was for me.
e.g. $\sin x /x $ would have the x-axis as an asymptote - and crosses it infinitly often
Sorry! - sent to wrong person
@OldJohn Okay. I know that subharmonic functions are something like positive deviation from the laplace. (Is that correct?)
@OldJohn fine, understood. this example sums up all I wanted
@RajeshD Great!
And hence, they may not go to zero at infinities.
@JayeshBadwaik ??
@RajeshD Again for @OldJohn. Sorry.
@OldJohn Thanks Oldjohn
@JayeshBadwaik oops
@JayeshBadwaik That is fine for continuous ones - for the general case the wikipedia article has the appropriate definition
@OldJohn Okay, I think I get it.
@Gigili Well, I was also providing additional information to you, though it is not required.
I am surprised that none of the other Chrome users have problems with chat.
@OldJohn I guess, you can provide me a definition of fine continuous now.
I can atleast try.
@JasperLoy Because no one is using chrome. :P :P
@JayeshBadwaik OK - the fine topology is the coarsest topology on $\mathbb{R}^n$ which makes all the subharmonic functions continuous
@JayeshBadwaik And note that Chromium is not Chrome.
@OldJohn Okay.
@OldJohn And some people reverse the definitions of coarsest and finest.
@JasperLoy Firefox heere. :P :P
@JasperLoy Munkres cautions the readers against it repeatedly in the beginning.
good definition here
I have lost count of how many times I have read the pebbles and truck lines.
@OldJohn I was searching for fine continuous functions and was not getting it. thanks.
@JayeshBadwaik The other confusing definitions are T1 and T2.
@JasperLoy Indeed - but potential theorists all agree on the same definition, luckily :)
@JayeshBadwaik so, a function is fine continuous if it is continuous with respect to the fine topology
@OldJohn Potential theorists are not theorists; they are only potential ones. =)
@OldJohn Okay. :-) Nice.
so fine continuous functions include all the discontinuous subharmonic functions and superharmonic functions and lots of others
Hello @mats. Did you post your new question in the end?
@old I would like to ask you whether you use "minus three" or "negative three" to pronounce -3.
There are 5 day old quotes still on the starboard. unacceptable
@JayeshBadwaik I am more for quality rather than quantity though.
When I was a teacher, there was a move to use "negative 3" - so I tried to get kids to use it - then gave up and went back to "minus 3"
@JasperLoy Yup, and I was actually referring to the dearth in quality.
this statement is not starred
@JayeshBadwaik I get very few stars in the ELU room, which is one of the reasons I prefer this room.
@JasperLoy People star anything in other rooms.
going off for a few minutes, while I do my monthly pc reboot.
The interesting thing about Chrome is, when there are many messages it loads fine, but when they slow down, it does not load fine.
Is there a way to make Chrome not store anything in cache? In Firefox one can set this to 0.
@JayeshBadwaik I think you should shut down every time. Maybe you are referring to updates.
Time for a break - back later
@JasperLoy Back up now. No, I send my computer to sleep.
I upgrade weekly and hold back kernel upgrades to once a month.
Then, when I upgrade the kernel, I reboot the PC.
Why do you think I should shut down by the way?
@JasperLoy Yes I did. But It was a bit of repetition. http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/203453/is-this-fourier-like-transform-equal-to-the-riemann-zeta-function

Also I made an error in calling "a" a number, it is probably a function.
@JasperLoy I remembered what I wanted to tell you yesterday. I wanted to say that, in the beginning, MSE probably wanted to ensure that they reach a critical amount of information to get started the popularity of MSE, and hence it encouraged self-answering by giving points. Now that MSE is quiet successful, it has probably stopped doing so to prevent abuse. This is something similar to how Reddit popularized its platform.
2 hours later…
@JayeshBadwaik Also, users can just post stupid questions and answer themselves. I guess this is what you would call abuse. Obviously, mine did not fall into that category! I am disappointed that there are not more votes and comments on the answers.
@JayeshBadwaik Common sense: save electricity.
@JasperLoy Sleep mode saves electricity. It is not completely on. It is sleep state consuming 0.2% of the normal consumption. Mine is a laptop, for desktop I agree though.
@JayeshBadwaik Hey I just got a new phone which came with the subscription free of charge. Now I have a camera phone. I guess that means I have no more excuse not to take a pic. =)
@JasperLoy Great. Now take a pic fast. :-)
But first I must figure out how to use it. It has a touch screen and contains Android.
@JasperLoy Which one have you got?
@JayeshBadwaik I have three more months to the deadline...
@JasperLoy Deadline?
I logged in to post an answer and before I finished typing, someone already posted!
@JasperLoy Hence, you should always be logged in.
@JayeshBadwaik Well, I said I would show Pedro a pic later this year.
@JayeshBadwaik Sony MT25i
@JasperLoy nice. It is very similar to what I have. HTC Wildfire.
@JayeshBadwaik I literally have to refresh Chrome after every message now to see them. This is so bad...
@JasperLoy Try to empty browser cache and see if it changes something. You cannot disable it, but probably clearing it might help.
@JayeshBadwaik But one must clear it every time? I searched on how to set cache to zero but found nothing.
This is extremely silly. How much does google pay these idiots to make this browser?
They should just get Jonas Bro to do some hacking instead!
but then he will say, "There is this setting which I will implement, but not now!!"
:P :P
And still, at version 22, one must set incognito mode by using a flag and not via the menu.
@JasperLoy What??
No, I do not think so.
Okay, do you mean a flag in the menu?
@JayeshBadwaik Launch the executable with --incognito. Otherwise one has to set it every time. Do this in the launcher icon.
On Windows this is easy. On Linux one can do some hacking or use the package alacarte.
@JasperLoy Or just use an "alias"
@JayeshBadwaik That is why this is so fuqing stupid.
I used that for chrome when it did not interface well enough with KDE proxy settings.
@JasperLoy Hmm. The thing is the session "expires" as you closed the window.
and all the states are deleted.
But you have got a point, it can be easily added, no one thought of it, I guess.
All browsers do so, so seems like a design issue for all of them.
@JayeshBadwaik Many people want it as can be read on the forums. I even sent google my suggestion. But they did not implement it.
But then, rekonq has multiple windows, with different setting for each of them.
So, by default, it is off, but if you want to enable it for a specific window, you can enable it.
You know what, I think I will just give up the latest flash and go back to Firefox. And if one day I can't watch flash anymore, so be it. I don't really watch much flash now anyway.
@JasperLoy Flash works alright on firefox, even on linux.
@JayeshBadwaik Yes, but it is not the latest version, which may cause problems in a few months.
In fact the Linux people may not even know that the Chrome is the only way to get latest flash on Linux.
Right now, 11.2 is downloadable from Adobe. 11.3 is what is in Chrome.
@JasperLoy Linux people know. I do not (did not) know. Jonas uses chrome for that. I use VLC, the added advantage is any video I watch is automatically downloaded and converted into an ogv format and stored. But as you said, some video cannot be linked, so my reference was only for youtube, dailymotion and similar sites.
@Charlie Good morning. Good morning.
Or is it afternoon already?
@JayeshBadwaik Thanks!(it's afternoon :P)
@JayeshBadwaik Afternoon.How are you?how was your sunday?
@Charlie Lazy. :-/ :-)
Hows is yours shaping up?
@JayeshBadwaik good.it's a beuatiful day here!
@Charlie good. cloudy and cool?
or sunny beautiful?
@JayeshBadwaik sunny beautiful!
@Charlie good. you are not going out then?
@JayeshBadwaik no no...i took a walk.but i'm fine.you?
@Charlie There has been some heavy rains today here so I went out for a walk, it was nice.
@JayeshBadwaik delicious!
@Charlie :-)
@JayeshBadwaik a bird told me you like celine dion and metallica?is that rue?
@Charlie Yes I like them.
@JayeshBadwaik :)))))
@Charlie So, I guess you like them too? :-)
exit light,enter night take my hand...rest in neverneverland
@JayeshBadwaik YES
My favorites are the Unforgiven
@Charlie Hmm, mine are master of puppets, enter sandman, nothing else matters.
@JayeshBadwaik of course.great ones!!good taste you have!
@Charlie you too. which ones do you like by celine?
@JayeshBadwaik many.i like i surrender
@Charlie I like the complete album of "All the way, a decade of song." and then "all by myself". Its all coming back to me now (the seven minute version) taking chances among others.
@JayeshBadwaik :)
@Charlie checkout the photographs, sketches etc here I like them.
Actually this is a better link to show all his stuff.
@JayeshBadwaik Beautiful!
@Charlie Aren't they? There is one he has done very similar to "The Starry Night" by Van gogh. Its really beautiful.
@JayeshBadwaik starry nught is my fav pic
@Charlie !!!
@JayeshBadwaik :0
@JayeshBadwaik sweet!!!
@Charlie yeah.
@JayeshBadwaik DO YOU LIKE VAN GOGH?
@Charlie Yes! Why the caps?
@JayeshBadwaik i forgot it...
@Charlie Hmm. I like almost all of van gogh paintings. I haven't seen all, but his self-potrait is really good. Something similar as that of da vinci.
@JayeshBadwaik oh!I love the sunflowers!
@Charlie Sorry, be right back. mom's call.
@N3buchadnezzar hi
I like Starry Night as well.
@JasperLoy Great!!
Any tips on solving the equation x(x+1)(x+2) = 60 ?
Poor Vincent, I hope he is in a better world now...
I know the solution is easy to find by guessing, but I am looking for some clever substitutions =)
@N3buchadnezzar x=3 is clearly solution. Rewrite as a cubic equation and factorise.
well I do not want to guess a solution then use polynomial division...
Well, then you have to solve using the general cubic formula which I know not, and it is very tedious.
Even worse is the general quartic.
So for cubic equations in high school one usually guesses one root first.
But there is no general quintic and above as proven by Galois theory.
The weird thing is, all modern algebra texts do not treat the general cubic and quartic, very sad.
x(x+1)(x+2)(x+3) = 120 can be solved by noticing
(x^2 + 3x + 2)(x^2 + 3x ) = 120
now use the substitutuion u = x^2 + 3x
(u+2)(u) = 120
This equation is trivial to solve
I was thinking of using a similar trick to sovle mine.
@N3buchadnezzar Trivial is in the eye of the beholder.
When I write my algebra text in future, I will try to include the cubic and quartic!
I want to include clever tricks and techniques!
@JasperLoy It is too messy. I usually apply ferrari's method to solve a quartic.
@N3buchadnezzar Have you seen ferrari's method?
@JayeshBadwaik x = y - b/3a ?
@N3buchadnezzar yup.
My equation is on that form!
@JasperLoy :)
x(x+1)(x+2) = 60 now use u = x + 1 then
(u-1)u(u+1) = 60
@N3buchadnezzar Yup.
Now what?
nothing what?
Now, you can see why such method would fail. Because, you have nothing to group in this sense.
@Charlie it was for n3.
@JayeshBadwaik sorry :|
I know, I think I will have to use trig:/
Even worse!
It gets more and more twisted.
Life problems are a bit like math problems. Sometimes we make them more complicated.
There was an advice in thomas and finney which I always re-iterate for anybody looking to
1. Solve an integral by substitution
2. Factorize an equation

There is no "the elegant" way. Find one that works, and get on with it.
Especially when you are learning.
@JayeshBadwaik My "advice" is pass these courses, and forget about them.
@JasperLoy Yeah.
@JasperLoy good!
@jonas Bro!
Hi Jasper.
@JonasTeuwen Hi.
@JonasTeuwen HI!!
I forgot all my integrals and factorisations after high school.
We did many of them then, some very hard ones.
@JasperLoy forgetting is bad like that.
i hate to forget...
We did two math subjects in high school. I think one has been taken out, another stupid move.
The undergrad courses were mostly a total waste of time.
Lecturers giving wrong theorems and wrong proofs.
@Charlie That's easy for you to say, you are not Polar! ROTFL
I did not do too well in the exams. Ended up with second upper and not first.
@JayeshBadwaik yoiu read!!!
@JayeshBadwaik Who is Polar?
Is Polar a bear?
My favourite cartoon is The Polar Express.
@JayeshBadwaik Stupid chemistry joke!
@JasperLoy Hurt.I.Am. Will.I.Am.Not.
Ah my friend is returning in Nov but the books I asked him to get will only come in Mar in a big ship!
@JasperLoy Jayesh liked...
@JayeshBadwaik I alwys thoought about that :) hehehheh
I like it too. I like stupid jokes. QED.
@Charlie :P :P
@JasperLoy Good!
@JasperLoy we all do
I see sparks flying in this room. =)
@JasperLoy sparks?
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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