I think I proved that (i) can be deduced from (ii) and (iii) without using uniqueness, but I am skeptical. Can someone check my proof, please? In the following, $+_V$ means the canonic addition for vector spaces.
Proof. Let $x \in X$. For (iii), is $x=x+_A v$. Hence, it is $x+_A 0_V =(x+_A v)+_A 0_V$. For (ii), it is $(x+_A v)+_A 0_V=x+_A (v+_V 0_V)$; since $0_V$ is the identity for $V$, it is $x+_A (v+_V 0_V)=x+_A v$. Again for (iii), it is $x+_A v=x$. Hence, $x+_A 0_V=x$.