hi, does anyone know if this result about smooth submersions of manifolds without boundary extends to manifolds with boundary : $\pi : M \rightarrow N$ is a smooth submersion iff every point of $M$ is in the image of a local section of $\pi$ (and $\pi$ is assumed smooth)
so i want to apply the constant rank theorem in the case when $\partial M \neq \emptyset$ can happen, and when I try to do that what I end up wanting is for the kernel of $d \pi$ at these boundary points to not be the entire tangent space of $M$'s boundary
and i think that happens as long as $N$ has dimension $\geq 2$
so it seems to be fine in that case
is there some easy way to see the statement is true for $N$ of dimension $1$?
ugh, also im assuming here actually that $\partial N = \emptyset$
so what I said above does not resolve what I want to see is true
basically, does this statement hold when $M$ and $N$ can both have nonempty boundary?
im trying to think about it in terms of embedding both of them into their doubles
but im not sure if that really helps here
here smooth submersion just means smooth + $d \pi$ is onto everywhere
no guarantee of surjectivity
im thinking maybe if I say since $N$ can be viewed as a regular domain in its double which is without boundary, $\pi : M \rightarrow N \hookrightarrow D(N)$ is still a smooth submersion, so if I can prove it in this case with $D(N)$ replacing $N$, a local section defined in an open nbhood of $\partial N \subset D(N)$ restricted to an open neighbourhood of a point of $\partial N$ only in $N$ should still be a local section
so maybe wlog $\partial N = \emptyset$ is fine
(by only in $N$ i mean restricted to a relatively open neighbourhood of a point of $\partial N \subset D(N)$, relative to $N \subset D(N)$)
which is what we want anyway
i mean it will still be smooth
okay so i guess that maybe reduces the question to prove it for $N$ boundaryless of dimension one
assuming connected... this should be doable without too much heavy machinery like constant rank theorem, unless its just false
hmm, in the edge case I mention, I get the impression that we can extend $\pi$ to a smooth submersion $D(M) \rightarrow N$
($\partial N = \emptyset$ still)
yeah, it ought to be the case ,because there is no spillling
at the boudnary points in this edge case