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How to center a image?
In a post?
hi @anon
i wonder if you might help me with a question about this answer math.stackexchange.com/questions/10603/…
i was told you are good at this stuff
in particular i'm trying to understand exactly why the dual of the adele class group is isomorphic to Q
pete clark argues that that exact sequence is a "self dual sequence" (not sure what that means exactly, unless the point is that all the guys in there are self dual), and seems to suggest that it follows
adele class group is that $\Bbb A_{\Bbb Q}/\Bbb Q$?
and by dual we mean the set of continuous characters
you might find this helpful by the way:
it glosses over topological concerns though
that might be what i'm looking for
@anon the argument in the stackexchange answer i linked to seems more elegant. i just don't get how you can detect the dual from those exact sequences
In AbGrp we should be able detect the middle term of a s.e.s. by just direct summing the outer two things. That seems to work, except for the fact that the adeles are only a restricted part of the sum of the hat{Z} and S^1. I presume there's some obvious modulo considreation I'm not seeing.
@anon i get the philosophy behind that. but how do you detect the duals in this way?
if you want to show that A/Q dual =~ Q
I'm presuming you find the dual group by dualizing the ses and then solving for the middle term (Q^dual) in terms of the other two terms. note $(\Bbb A_{\Bbb Q}/\Bbb Q)^\vee\cong\Bbb Q\iff \Bbb A_{\Bbb Q}/\Bbb Q\cong\Bbb Q^\vee$.
by pontryagin
that has a ring of truth to it. is this a fact about short exact sequences? something about the dual being a contravariant functor of some kind?
yes, the dual is a contravariant functor
I CBA to do a diagram for chat, but if $f:A\to B$ then $f^\vee:B^\vee\to A^\vee$ is given by $f^\vee:(B\to T)\mapsto (A\xrightarrow{f}B\to T)$, I guess where $T=S^1$ in this context
let me check if it's raining outside
good, not raining. hence $\vee:f\mapsto f^\vee$ is a contravariant functor
I'll be back in a bit
ok @anon, thanks.
6 hours later…
6 hours later...
2 hours later…
@PaulSlevin Hi.
2 hours later…
@JayeshBadwaik Sent you an email.
@Charlie Replied to your email.
@WillHunting Hi
@OldJohn Hey hey. Old John has awoken after his beauty sleep!
@WillHunting ... and he certainly needs as much of that as possible :)
@OldJohn Since he is so pretty!
@WillHunting ah - if he were, then he would not need the sleep :)
@OldJohn How you are going
@Alpha Fine thanks - just keeping an eye out for possible flooding round here :(
@Alpha - and welcome! - don't think I have seen you round here
@OldJohn thanks
@OldJohn How old are you in stackexchange
@Alpha my profile probably gives you the info you want :)
(not sure if you were asking my age, or how long I have been on the site)
Hi @PaulSlevin long time no see?
Hello. Anyone know a simple way to find what chapters make a particular subject in mathematics? For example, what chapters constitute Arithmetics?
@its_me I'm afraid there is probably no sensible answer to that one - different authors have very different ideas about what constitutes a subject
I have several books with "arithmetic" in the title, and they vary from elementary school textbooks to postgraduate number theory
@OldJohn I have a question
It is on algebra
@BenjaLim I can't guarantee that I will be much help! (But I will try, of course)
@OldJohn What kind of maps are there from say $\Bbb{Z} \oplus \Bbb{Z}/d \to \Bbb{Z}/n$?
for $d | n$.
Is there a general way to answer a question like that?
or rather what do such maps look like?
@BenjaLim I would guess we need to look at possible images of generators like $(1,0)$ and $(0,1)$
@OldJohn hmmm
could the image of $(1,0)$ be anything we want in the co-domain?
If I wanted the map to be surjective
ah - ok
And if I wanted the kernel to be $\Bbb{Z}$
That makes it interesting!
so the image of $(1,0)$ would have to be 0, wouldn't it?
how come
if the kernel is to be $\mathbb{Z}$, don't we require the image of each $(a,0)$ to be 0?
why should the second component be zero?
I am just looking at some elements of the domain at this stage
ah ok
if we can decide how the map behaves on $(a,0)$ and on $(0,b)$, then we know how it behaves on the whole domain
Oh! - I assume we are talking about some kind of homomorphism, and not just any old map of sets :)
yes that is the thing too
So - does it have to be that the image of any element of the form $(a,0)$ has to be zero?
in order to get the kernel you want
I believe so.
well it could be that
say all such $(2n,0)$ map to zero
because the kernel would still be isomorphic to $\Bbb{Z}$.
But then what would (1,0) map to?
Ah!! - you might be right
(1,0) could map to an element of order 2 :(((
are we talking about rings or groups here?
I think I want
to say if $n = dk$
all multiples of $k$
$(kp,0)$ all go to zero.
sounds plausible, yes
so- can we prove it ...
assume $n$ is not prime
if it is then there is only one homomorphism :d
aha - anon might help (please!)
What if
I said that I send $(0,0)$ to $0$
$(1,0)$ to 1
$(n,0)$ to $n = 0$
and now
$(0,1)$ I send to 1 say.
maybe sending (1,0) to anything will automatically give a kernel isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}$
OK - so we now just need to check conditions for the map to be surjective?
Well it is right?
if you have the map you just gave, yes, definitely
I was just wondering if there might be other maps than the one you gave
e.g. map the whole of $\mathbb{Z}$ to 0, and still get a surjective map from the other part of the domain
@OldJohn Oh, hmm
@its_me did you see my other comment a couple of lines further down?
@OldJohn this?
> I have several books with "arithmetic" in the title, and they vary from elementary school textbooks to postgraduate number theory
Yes, I did. It's true. :)
@its_me yep - that makes an answer to your question a bit problematic, I fear
Apparently... I will have to tackle this the other way around. Thanks anyway.
@its_me OK - no problem
@OldJohn Don't worry about it
I think I will figure out a way
@OldJohn Though I think this is a good place for a start: mathworld.wolfram.com/Arithmetic.html
@BenjaLim I think you are not far off, now - probably some sort of divisiblity condition needed for the case in which all (a,0) map to 0
@OldJohn Thanks anyway.
@BenjaLim I am sure you will :)
@its_me a good start, yes
@OldJohn I think I got it
@BenjaLim Great!
What about this:
My map $f : Z \oplus Z/d \to Z/n$
takes $(a,b)$ to $ad + b$
@OldJohn It's a group homomorphism
I'm a bit worried, ....
how come.
It looks to me that the kernel of $f$ is $\Bbb{Z}$.
and the map is also surjective
Ah - might be OK - I was forgetting that $d|n$
if we didn't have that, it would fail
well we needed it :D
That's how I constructed $f$ really
I thought hmmm
but I think you are right, in that case
I can send say $(0,1)$ to say $1$
and then all the guys on the right component will give me all integers from 0 to $d$
and then I could send $(1,0)$ to $d$
and then multiples all the way up to $k$.
remember $dk = n$.
in fact, you can probably send (1,0) to anything you like, can't you?
I could
I forgot to tell you earlier
I am trying to construct maps to get the following ses:
yes ...
$0 \to Z \to Z \oplus Z/d \to Z/n \to 0$.
the first map (on the left) is simply inclusion
the second $f$ say sends $m \mapsto (km,0)$
third say $g$ would send $(a,b) \mapsto da + b$
then I suspect your map above is just what is needed - modulo the fact that I am not an algebra guy :)
@OldJohn I am 100% sure it is that :D
yep - I agree
My lecturer told me that this is actually homological algebra :D
It's secretly in disguise a compuation of the -
yep - it sure is - and right at the edge of my understanding of algebra
Ext functor
just a bit unsure if your map $f$ is right ...
how come?
ignore my previous comment
I mean the image of $f$ is all multiples of $k$ in the first component, $0$ in the second
while the kernel of $g$ is precisely that.
yes - I was just mentally checking if that made it exact at the centre of your ses
I'm happy again :)
And $g$ is surjective
I can write as a multiple of $d$
plus some integer b with $1 \leq b \leq d$
@OldJohn I knew I would get it :D
... but if you are going to start talking functors, then I am going to be dumbfounded :)
@OldJohn I am not so advanced yet, only year 2 at uni :D
@BenjaLim me too!
@BenjaLim I never got to the stage of doing functors - my knowledge of things like homology is just what is found in old editions of Fraleigh
@OldJohn So many sequences
and diagrams
I remember doing some slightly bewildering exercises on the 5-Lemma with lots of diagram chasing
but that was many years ago
All this after I procrastinated in playing table tennis :D
Hmm perhaps the follow through in the shots
secretely was producing the maps for me in my brain
@OldJohn I like you very much.
You remind me of my uncle's dad who now lives in sheffield
You seem like gandalf :D
@BenjaLim I was at Sheffield Uni for a year, doing an education course :)
and by coincidence, the guy who became my research supervisor years later was there at the same time
@OldJohn I'll tell you something and then I'll delete the comment quickly.
OK - no problem
But I find it crazy
how can someone who deals with lie algebras and algebraic topology
be like that.
I imagine it might be difficult
Be like what? 8-).
@JonasTeuwen Hi Jonas - welcome back
@JonasTeuwen Hey
BenjaLim has just been stretching my understanding of algebra - and I have been pretending to help him :)
@OldJohn I like algebra very much.
@OldJohn It would be so rad to meet you in person one day :D
@BenjaLim I like algebra - but I am more of a visual thinker, so I ought to stick things like complex analysis, really :)
@OldJohn Algebraic topology teaches you to be visual :D
In fact the diagrams may be scary at first
but actually they allow you to prove a lot of things
and with diagrams
a lot of this are in front of ya
I took a book on AT on holiday last week - and it was dreadful
ya know what I mean yeah?
@OldJohn which one?
@BenjaLim yep
@OldJohn Haha, I told you to take something easy!
a tiny book called "An intuitive approach to AT" I think
@OldJohn Actually
I would suggest Bredon
I think a lot of things are laid out in front of your face
For me when I see the algebra
@JonasTeuwen I broke my rules and also took an easy one : Elementary algebraic number theory - it was a good read :)
and all the details
I find it extremely satisfying
@BenjaLim I will look out for that one
one of the reasons I did maths was
It allowed me to understand and work out everything to the last detail
at uni (40 years ago) I had a terrible book on AT by Hilton and Wylie
I don't know that book
@BenjaLim you are not missing anything!
but then that was probably still the beginning
in algebraic topology
Like I bet homology was first introduced not too long before that.
I am sure more modern AT books are much better than they were in those days
the axioms are like all you need to remember
Once you learn homology
@BenjaLim Yes, I believe so - one day I must look into AT again - I regret not properly understanding it as an undergrad
But once you learn homology
the axioms become very natural
and you remember them of the top of your head.
@BenjaLim that sounds good :)
I guess a lot of maths is like that.
But, I must go and do some other stuff - I will be back later
@BenjaLim yep
see ya
Have fun, folks :)
@BenjaLim Now you sound like an expert.
as they say @OldJohn
@OldJohn come hang man
that's what ma mates say
@WillHunting I saw so many sequences the past few days
@BenjaLim Spectral sequences?
I need a rest from all the diagram chasing
Oh, exact sequences.
rather I mean facts like to every ses of chain complexes you get a les in homology
How is the Munkres AT book?
I am using bredon heavily now
Ha! I told you dude!
I find it easy to understand
Bredon is the best book on AT. It even gives you GT and DT!
But I will be studying from the Lee books instead first.
@BenjaLim Night! See you in your dreams!
I love spectral measures.
@JonasTeuwen Is spectral measures related to this ?
The spectral treatment is one hell of a converging solution method for DEs.
Yes, it is.
The expansion is just integration wrt the spectral measure.
@JonasTeuwen Okay. We used a finite element implementation of it from a paper to do our stuff for Bachelor's. I always used to wonder, how come people think up all such things. Now,I am starting to see behind the curtains.
Quod erat demonstrandum.
Is @JohnJunior the same as @OldJohn?
No, more like a son he never had.
Is it most correct to spell Weierstrass as "Weierstrass" or as "Weierstraß"?
@Hamlet Thanks!
people who use beta for the ss annoy me
must we write chinese authors names in the original ideogram?
That is not beta; it is LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S.
it doesn't help, because i have no use for small latin letters not in the English alphabet when writing people's names
How sad for you to live in a world where not everyone uses your preferred language!
It annoys me when people insist on Gauß - just because I don't know how to do it on my keyboard
when I'm in Old Germany I do as the Old Germans do. i haven't been there in awhile, though
It annoys me when people insist on "L'Hôpital", which is an anachronism. "Weierstraß" might be a similar anachronism, but I am not sure.
Actually it annoys me whenever anyone insists on any particular orthography. But I would like to be correct in my own writing without insisting on anything.
i insist on Григо́рий Я́ковлевич Перельма́н for Perelman
@helmut Hey are you the author of the LaTeX book?
i will walk out of lectures that do not correctly attribute his name, and instead replace it with a vulgar Americanism. :snob:
i'm the author of the local-global principle. i don't do latex
That's funny, Perelman's middle name is the same as Khinchin's.
I suppose Я́ковлевич is fairly common.
In a computer, addition is appearently implemented via some bit tricks, i.e. if you have 001 and 001 is sees that it makes 010 and so on. How does this relate to primitive recursive functions though? I though you need these for computation.
If I changed my own name to Mark Я́ковлевич Dominus, I could write my initials as MЯD, which would be pretty cool.
But you should only do that if your father were called Я́ков - or something like that :)
@MJD In any case, you can be recognised by the potato.
Come to think of it, I could spell my middle name to "Яасон" and use Я legitimately.
Is the space of all maps from a group to the circle compact? Is there some natural topology in which to make sense of that?
Ahem. "Ясон"
Since there is a potato in this chat, shouldn't there be a tomato as well?
@NickKidman That is a really strange question.
Hmm - John in Russian comes out as Джон - not that great :(
@MJD: ...
@OldJohn Or as Иоанн or Иван.
@MJD yep
My surname in Arabic is a bit interesting: ووردزورث
@robjohn Exactly - actually the famous guy's name :)
@OldJohn I would be surprised if mine translated into Arabic.
@MЯD: ...
@OldJohn Hmmm... it says جونسون
@robjohn Yes - that is pretty close :)
Arabic does not have an "o" vowel, so uses "u" instead (it is sometimes pronounced "o" in some dialects)
@OldJohn the last "o" is pronounced as in sun anyway
some names are harder as Arabic doesn't have things like a letter for "p" :(
@robjohn ah! - true
@NickKidman You can define additions as recursive. Not necessarily adding incremental recursive, but bitwise recursive.
@JayeshBadwaik: I don't necessarily understand what you mean or how it answers the question. like...with register machines, or turing machines, you have a general framework to do any computation. If for addition (and maybe other arimentrical operations) you use the implementation via bits like that, you might be more efficient, but then what guaranies you that you don't lose any computational power?
What is the set of all things implemented into the computer, so that all in all, you are sure to be turing complete?
I mean why do you do implement specific taskes like addition in such a hardcoded sense?
@NickKidman Efficiency? Else, our computers will be so so slow.
If you have seen a turing algorithm for simple addition, you must know how long it is.
Shouldn't the universal machine be able to do anything, for example addition. If it's just about efficiency, what is the list of things which are hard coded like that?
@NickKidman Okay. So, basically, things which are hard coded is mainly influenced by market demand.
Are you familiar with the RISC/CISC debate?
addition seems to be trendy
nope, elaborate on the debate
I would rather you read about both the systems on wikipedia.
Reduced instruction set computing, or RISC (), is a CPU design strategy based on the insight that simplified (as opposed to complex) instructions can provide higher performance if this simplicity enables much faster execution of each instruction. A computer based on this strategy is a reduced instruction set computer also called RISC. Various suggestions have been made regarding a precise definition of RISC, but the general concept is that of a system that uses a small, highly-optimized set of instructions, rather than a more specialized set of instructions often found in other types of ...
A complex instruction set computer (CISC, ) is a computer where single instructions can execute several low-level operations (such as a load from memory, an arithmetic operation, and a memory store) and/or are capable of multi-step operations or addressing modes within single instructions. The term was retroactively coined in contrast to reduced instruction set computer (RISC). Examples of CISC instruction set architectures are System/360 through z/Architecture, PDP-11, VAX, Motorola 68k, and x86. Historical design context Incitements and benefits Before the RISC philosophy became promin...
Apart from that, you may also want to read about SSE instructions.
The theory of computation is good, but the implementations are very very convoluted.
For example, even now, engineers hand-design a lot of transistors in the intel processor chip to get things right. Even after so much automatization.
Anyway, coming back to the topic,
the basic thing is a CPU can process one string of 64-bit at a time. If you have instructions such that you can obtain any $2^64$ numbers, then your machine is effectively turing complete.
So, basically, the only thing you need is Load/Store and Increment/Decrement.
However, doing so would be foolish, since it is so so inefficient.
So, all the normally used tasks are hard coded.
So, for multiplication/division, you have floating point units, there are special units for cryptography and special units (SSE) for vector addition. There is also a concept of redundant register sets, to minimized the time of a context switch in the processor.
This thing shows that I have a +64 change. What does that mean?
@Jayesh: How did you embed that?
@ParthKohli Wikipedia and Youtube are automatically embedded.
Oh, gotcha.
@ParthKohli This week rep change is given there.
@Jayesh: My week reputation is different than change.
@ParthKohli Yup, your reputation is last week rep + change.
So week rep is last week's rep?
No wait, I am not sure.
Change is the rank change.
And week rep is the rep gain in the week.
Hey guys
@JayeshBadwaik are you familiar with finding error bounds for polynomial interpolation
@math101: Hey!
Hey Parth
@math101 I was, I may not remember exactly now. Also, I am somewhat busy right now. Sorry?
awww too bad
Time to take Lilly to the vet for a checkup. bbl
Hope everything goes well with Lilly :)

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