Could maybe someone help me here?
For $p\in [1,2)$ I need to show that $l^p$ has empty interior in $l^2$.
I know that I need to show that there is no open ball $B(y,r)=\{x\in l^2: ||x-y||_2<r$ in $l^p$ with $y\in l^2$ and $r>0$.
My Idea was to assume that there exists $y\in l^2$ and $r>0$ such that $B(y,r)\subset l^p$. Now I wanted to find $x\in B(y,r)$ s.t. $\sum_{n\geq 1} |x_n|^p=\infty$ because then I would get a contradiction.
Is there a possibility to find such an $x$?