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because the set of all theorems would form a small category where arrows can be either implications or proofs.
It wouldn't work for non-true props included because $\implies$ arrows don't associate when you compose them.
What is formed is a category without associativity axiom also known as a deductive system
I'm not currently encoding that though (yet). I'm sticking mainly to category definitions in my code
A proof is a class such as id_is_unique that inherits (subclasses) proof, which is a type of morphism in $\textbf{TrueProp}$ or $\textbf{Proof}$.
I think the latter is more appropriate because as I observed the arrows of true prop objects might as well be implications so that they are unique. Proofs are more interesting because you could have a large space of them
I.e. one way of proving something and then another way that doesn't appear to be like the first way at a glance. In that case I don't consider them equivalent. But I think type theorists do - something like that
I'm making a CAS that you use to prove things, and when you prove something, it can auto-generate an extension to the source code, you then re-compile and have access to it "statically". But of course you could use whatever proven things you make at runtime just as well.
It's just better to organize the proof in a coding language than some unreadable data format
So that the set of true props is a small set, I take as an "axiom" in the metatheory. It just gets hardcoded in. But I'm not using const everywhere, so things are "hackable". I like that about it. I believe though if you create some usage constraints, and are a smart enough logician (I am not), then you could prove that the system is consistent, complete, etc. All that logic theory jargon.
But why develop another strict formal system, when they exist. I could simply output to other languages.
it wouldn't be simple, but it would be simpler than creating another Lean or Coq
The point of this project is to do extremely fast searches for diagram-chase kind of proofs starting out.
koro dunno found it on a google search for the result (which was the first thing i could think of of that type)
That is the public repo if anyone wants to help out or stay notified
haven't thought of a good name yet
@Shinrin-Yoku not sure to which question you are referring.
> It is well known that SSA is not a valid congruency rule; however if we are given two sides and an angle opposite to the longer side then it becomes valid, how to prove this? Is there a geometric proof? Also is it always the case that it fails if the angle is opposite the shorter side?
that one?
@robjohn One of my irrational downvoters was just summarily removed. Curiosity knows no bounds.
Hey @TedShifrin
Gonna add something to my vocabulary
Instead of "barely any", gonna say "all but nearly all"
There’s all sorts of regional patois like that, DogAteMy.
Hi, adeek.
Hi @AkivaWeinberger
@robjohn I is spelled "ASS". As in "It is well known that ASS is not a valid congruency rule..."
Hey, guys!
I have a seemingly extremely easy problem but I can't seem to find the way to formally prove it...
Suppose I have 2 probability distribution functions on two sets, A and B. Now suppose that I have variables taking up values from each of these probability spaces
how do I prove that my 2 variables are independent?
Intuitively they're obviously independent since the 2 PDFs are completely separate from each other
but I'm not sure if that's enough to count as a "proof"
@Mircea What are you doing to those poor files which have been saved in a portable document format?
What is your definition of independence?
(I bought limes yesterday, and my home-made orange liqueur is very good, so I have been consuming margaritas tonight---my first impulse is to assume that you know measure theory, and have defined independence in that context. This is probably not right, so it would help to know what you mean by "independent".)
Blame it on the margaritas!
P(X=x and Y=y) = P(X = x)P(Y = y) for any x,y
@TedShifrin congrats!
I don't remember if I've had a downvoter removed.
My -2 was soon thereafter restored with a “user removed.”
I've had a few downvotes reversed or removed.
@TedShifrin Yes, that looks like a downvoter was removed. Whether that downvoter or not, who knows?
but the temporal proximity is suggestive
I agree it is only circumstantial and won’t stand up in court.
I've never seen "+2 user removed" on my Reputation page
@Mircea So... is $P$ an integral?
It probably is.
Everything is an integral.
Ugh... I'm not useful to do math right now.
@robjohn yes that question
ASS cannot determine which is the right one
If the second side is longer than the first, then there is only one that is opposite the given angle
Is that always the case; that if the shorter side is opposite then there are two sold? @robjohn
And how would one prove that? @robjohn
2 hours later…
\begin{align*}...\end{align*} no longer seems to work, is it just me?
might be ;-)
I'm trying to align multi-line equations but the following just prints as a single line:
S & = x^2 + 2x &&\text{(note 1)}
\\& = x(x + 2) &&\text{(note 2)}
not for me...
No worries, thanks so much for checking
Do you have ChatJax installed?
@user51462 here is what it looks like to me.
No, this is for a question I would like to post. The LaTex doesn't look right in the preview pane. Can I insert screenshots here in chat?
You may need to copy out the edit pane and refresh the page and then paste back the edit pane. I sometimes have to do that a few times. Something goes wrong once in a while.
there is nothing wrong with your MathJax
Thank you, I just tried posting the question and the format corrected itself somehow.
yes, it is only in the preview
Thanks for your help :)
@robjohn is the proof easy?
@Shinrin-Yoku I was hoping that the diagrams I posted might help you to come up with a proof. Consider similar diagrams.
@TedShifrin I just got a "-20 user was removed" notification. Not quite as nice.
@robjohn Just to understand what I should be trying to prove it is true that if the angle is opposite the shorter side then there are two sols yes?
Actually there might the possibility that the line in the diagram is tangent to the circle @robjohn
@Shinrin-Yoku You should be trying to understand what the diagrams I posted are showing. Given the angle, the length of the first side and then the possible locations of the second side, you should be able to tell something about the third side.
@Shinrin-Yoku There is that possibility, or maybe it doesn't touch it at all.
@robjohn I’m beginning to see, thanks!
Suppose that $\mathfrak B$ is the Borel sigma algebra and $\mu$ is given to be a measure on $\mathfrak B$ with the property that $\mu([0,1])= 2$, then how do I show that $\mu=2\lambda $, where $\lambda$ is the Lebesgue measure?
I was thinking of showing that $\mu$ and $2\lambda$ agree on all closed and bounded intervals and then using sigma finiteness of sigma to show uniqueness of the extension.
If I could show that $\mu [a,a+n]= 2n$ then I think I’ll be able to take it from there.
@Koro You cannot show a false statement
You need assumptions on how the measure interacts with translation and/or scaling to be able to say anything about the measure of other sets
For an explicit counterexample let $\mu(A)=2$ if $0\in A$, and $\mu(A)=0$ otherwise
Thanks @AlessandroCodenotti.
Suppose that it is also given that $\mu(A+x)=\mu(A)$ for every A in $\mathfrak B$ and $x\in \mathbb R$.
Then what would you suggest?
$\mu[a,a+n]= \mu[0,n]$.
I’m having difficulty realising value of $\mu$ on a singleton set.
which I believe should be 0 but I don’t know how to prove it yet. [0, 1/2) U[1/2,1)U{1}= [0,1], and then by additivity, I get $2\mu[0,1/2)+\mu\{1\}=2$.
I don’t know how to get rid of $\mu\{1\}$.
2 hours later…
How do I find the taylor expansion of $\frac{x}{\sqrt{4-x}}$?
oh nvm, i got it.
@Koro if a point has positive measure, then translation-invariance implies every point has the same positive measure. can you see that this implies that every infinite set has infinite measure?
Hi @Thor, I figured that out. $\sum_{i=1}^\infty\mu\{r_i\}\le \mu([0,1])$, where $r_i$ is enumeration of rationals in [0,1] and noting that $\mu\{r_i\}=\mu\{r_i+\{0\}\}=\mu(\{0\})$. The series is bounded iff $\mu\{0\}=0$.
One of my teachers helped me with this one.
whats up gamers
@Ajay One nice series to remember is $$\sum_{k=0}^\infty\binom{2k}{k}x^k=(1-4x)^{-1/2}$$
The generating function for the central binomial coefficients, which gives $$\frac{x}{\sqrt{4-x}}=\frac{x}2\sum_{k=0}^\infty\binom{2k}{k}\left(\frac{x}{16}\right)^k$$
Please may I have some feedback on the following?
A: Prove that the quotient of the following groups $G/H$ is the cyclic group of order 4

ShaunOne presentation for $G=\Bbb Z\oplus \Bbb Z_2$ is $$P=\langle a,b\mid b^2, ab=ba\rangle.$$ Note that $H$ is the normal subgroup $Q=\langle a^2b\rangle$; therefore, the quotient is given by $P/Q$, which is $$P/Q\cong\langle a,b\mid a^2b, b^2, ab=ba\rangle,$$ so we can write $b=a^{-2}$ to get $$P/Q...

It was downvoted and I don't know why.
2 hours later…
@robjohn I’ve had many, many of those!
hi @robjohn
Is this a known problem? Consider a stick of length 100. At each step choose an integer break point uniformly along the stick (it could be right at one of the ends), break the stick and remove the right hand part. We store all the parts that have been removed. What is the expected size of the largest part we have removed?
@TedShifrin That is the average of those I get. I'd have to do some searching to see what the largest was.
Hope you all doing well
I kinda got rusty after not doing maths for a bit.
That's how you compute a line integral.
There are words that go along with that ... like $\gamma\colon [a,b]\to\Bbb C$ is a parametrization of $\gamma$.
(I personally don't like using the same letter for the function and its image, but so be it.)
Oh yea, i forgot about that.
Thank you Ted.
I have grown such frustration towards science in the last month, it has become distatsteful to me to study any topic.
Trying to get back into it...
Honestly, the frustration was caused by Quantum mechanics. I gave up on that and decided to drop the course this semester. i was overwhelmed.
So you’ve dropped your quantum level.
Yup. Now i am doing Maths again. :D
It is more fun :D
Well, there's actually quite a bit of mathematics in quantum mechanics :)
Do you make the assumption my professor did anything rigorusly
Formulae were dropping out of the heavens like Rains in december
QM as taught by physicists is basically “pretend everything is just linear algebra”
Well, $L^2$ is a Hilbert space :)
Howdy, @Semiclassic. Haven't seen you much lately.
Yeah. But that usually also extends to ignoring how the Dirac delta isn’t in L^2 (cf rigged Hilbert spaces )
Howdy. Yeah, haven’t been here much
I had such a great time not understanding Dirac notation. It was wild to me. at some point, probably easy linear algerba became too complicated or my eyes.
Darn Dirac.
QM people don't know what space they're working in
I'm not too fond of the bra-ket notation, but it isn't that bad, @Mad.
We only spoke of the one space, the physicst call it a hilbert space, as if there is no other spaces that are also hilbert spaces.
QM people just throw resolutions of identity at everything and hope for the best :P
@TedShifrin I dont know, its probably get used to it kind of thing.
Everything is fine in QM if you’re doing stuff like spin, where the Hilbert spaces have finite dimension
yeah, I loved doing spin
But sadly, we didnt do it rigorosly at all, at some point, my professor gave up and just started bringing stuff from his research group about one dimensional lattice things
I was like , what the hell is a lettuce?
The progression of weirdness goes roughly as: spin of a single particle, position of single particle / spin of many particles, position of many particles
Historically presentations of QM start at the “position of single particle” portion, aka the ordinary Schrodinger equation
I prefer to start with the first point aka the Stern-Gerlach experiment
But the last point aka QFT is where things become wacky
I dont think you can convince me of doing any more quantum mechanic than i should in my college. so i am not doing QFT. But i dont know, i feel it wasnt my fault, i felt it was more the lecture was bad. i think i am an okay student if the lecture is not bad, i can do good.
spin entanglement is also a cool example
There is a nice channel on youtube from Eugen Khors what ever his last name is.
He made a cool video about entanglement. I actually learned what Entanglement is from that video
Mathematically entanglement is mostly just “oh cool, tensor products”
More subtly it’s a matter of how certain experimental assumptions are implemented via the tensor product
I'm the "oh cool, tensor products" guy
what i think most physics people don't appreciate is how ubiquitous Hilbert spaces are in math, they're not just QM stuff
in particular, Hilbert space of random variables are neat
What else is there? 🤷‍♂️
Ick... another "-10 user was removed" dropping like flies.
+30, -30. Easy come, easy go.
You had too many points, anyhow!
Ooh, I miscounted... +40, -30. I've gotten +10 net today.
meanwhile, my rep just keeps skyrocketing up. thanks for the upvotes and helpful comments, teslie lownes.
@robjohn See!?
I just answered the most absurd linear algebra question ever.
3 hours later…
@TedShifrin It may have been part of a multiple choice test. That might explain the querying of that odd function of the vectors.
@robjohn As the OP showed, it takes no linear algebra knowledge to solve. I still think it’s a stoooopid question.
@TedShifrin It takes knowing how to multiply matrices, but I guess some might say that is not linear algebra.
I say it isn't. It's high school matrix multiplication. The facts that I could write down $A^\top A$ faster than a high school student and know its eigenvalues immediately ... might be helpful.
Well, reading the info for the tag, matrices seem to fit. It is definitely very basic, but so are a lot of supposed analysis questions. Gotta ignore the chaff.
they have an elementary number theory tag to sort out the elementary questions there, perhaps they need more elementary tags
Oh, I was not debating the tag. I do modify tags on almost every question I bother to look at, though. No one knows what complex geometry means, and sometimes differential geometry isn’t much better.

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