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Good afternoon!
Evening in India. :)
So, good evenings to the indians :)
@ParthKohli Maybe could you help me?
I'm not a Mathematics God. @unNaturhal
@ParthKohli Perfect, 'coz I don't trust in Gods :)
@unNaturhal No, really, I'm not good at Mathematics. Say any topic you want to learn about and I bet I'd never have heard its name.
@ParthKohli Oh.. so we are in the same boat..
Hehe, how may I help you? (most probably I wouldn't know of the topic, but go ahead!)
Series.. I need to make practice with exercises about series..
Which kind of series?
Buh.. something didactically helpful
There's arithmetic series, geometric series, harmonic series for the basic ones.
I studied the theory about "geometric serie" "harmonic serie" "general harmonic serie", and about 4 tests to check the convergence of a serie
I asked a summation question earlier.
$$\sum_{i = 2}^{25}P(i,2) $$
It wasn't as hard as I thought it was.
But it seems very hard..
It's not.
Three formulas are associated with it.
The exercises I was talking about are something like:
Oh, infinite series.
1 hour later…
Welcome back
Thank you.
Do you know how to do a convergence test using limits?
Very good, because I don't(in detail) :)
If $\displaystyle\lim_{n\to\infty}{a_n} \neq 0 $ so the serie does not converges
Could you teach me about convergence tests?
@ParthKohli What do you want to know?
From the beginning ;)
MMmh.. Ok! But I don't assure you that all the things that I will say are correct xD
Don't worry, you may use other sites for referring. :)
I just need someone to discuss it with me; can't just read about it.
"When one person teaches another, both learn." :)
@ParthKohli This is a great truth :)
Ok, let's start
Go ahead!
Do you know what is an "infinitesimal" sequence?
Unfortunately, nope.
It's a sequence $a_n$ that has a limit (for $n$ that tends to $\infty$) $=0$
Ah! Okay.
Knowing this, we can approach to the Leibniz's test
It's a test that we can use when we study alternate series
Haven't heard of Leibniz's test. Now do you believe that I don't know the art of Mathematics?
@ParthKohli I don't know too, and I have an exam about those things tomorrow..
I have a Mathematics exam too. Unfortunately, they teach us how to solve $x + 3 = 8$ in eighth grade, which I have mastered already.
Eight grade?
Yes, I'm in the eighth grade.
Is there a way to make a blog on the Stack Exchange network?
A blog?
Mmmmh.. I dunno, but I think nope
Hello everybody, may I ask you a simple question?
Sure, ask a simple question... but make sure it really is simple. ;-)
@ParthKohli Can I ask you how old are you?
I think it is :) I'm reading an excerpt from a book (The Art of Computer Programming by Knuth) he uses these symbols: └ a ┘ (square brackets without the top. What do they mean?
I am thirteen.
Floor function @AndreaCasaccia
@AndreaCasaccia Great book! :o
Thank you Parth.
You're welcome, Andrea.
Similarly, square brackets without the bottom is the ceiling function.
Guessed so :)
Hehe. :)
$ \lfloor 2.3 \rfloor = 2 $
Also, $\lceil 2.3 \rceil = 3 $
A little more:
$$\lfloor -2.3 \rfloor = -3 $$$$\lceil -2.3 \rceil = -2 $$
@ParthKohli You should read a book, seriously.
Hello @peter. Did you have a good weekend?
@ParthKohli SE has community blogs where users contribute now and then. If you want personal blogs you can always use google blogger or wordpress for example.
@ParthKohli Well, later on you can look at these equations more deeply if you have not done so. For example, rather than manipulating algebraic expressions, you will learn that $x+3=8$ if and only if $x=5$, because the implication goes in two directions. This means if there is a solution, it is $5$ and at the same time, $5$ is indeed a solution.
@WillHunting It was pretty monotone.
@PeterTamaroff I see. Was it increasing or decreasing?
@WillHunting Constant, then decreasing maybe. I didn't say strictly! I have a cold.
@PeterTamaroff OK. I did not say you said strictly. In some definitions, monotone increasing or monotone decreasing allows for equality.
So a constant function is both increasing and decreasing.
@JonasTeuwen Was it because of all those silly things you always say? Well, never mind, no big deal!
@PeterTamaroff I need a favour from you quickly, could you help?
@RagibZaman OK.
@RagibZaman OK.
I don't want to do it myself since they can see my name.
This is the page of the class the problem is from: maths.usyd.edu.au/u/UG/SM/MATH3966
@RagibZaman Is the comment OK?¿
@RagibZaman And what is the problem if they see your name? You are not killing anyone!
@RagibZaman Do you think it is unfair to get answers?
@WillHunting They clearly go to my class so I will have to see them often..
@PeterTamaroff I was about to ask that. I know there have been meta threads on this which I have not studied.
@PeterTamaroff For assignment problems worth course credit, yes?
@RagibZaman Oh, OK.
@RagibZaman It depends on what the instructor has instructed really.
If it is a take home exam where people are allowed to ask etc it is fine.
"The group members, and which
questions they each have written, must be identi ed clearly on this sheet, and all group
members must sign it. If your group has more than one person, cross out the words \all
my own work" in the certi cation, and write instead \the work of our group". "
So it is really about their rules on their side.
I'm not sure if you can see the assignment but the link is: maths.usyd.edu.au/u/UG/SM/MATH3966/r/loc/asst01-2012.pdf
@PeterTamaroff Could you also add that the assignment is worth course credit and it states explicitly in the instructions it must be their own work
@RagibZaman Ah, I see.
@PeterTamaroff Thanks heaps.
what a hot winter...
Hi everyone!!!
What's up?
how are you guys?
Fine thanks and you?
Series are strange things
@N3buchadnezzar Yes, you have to follow them till the last episode.
I did not want to believe that harmonic serie is divergent...
@WillHunting and sometime they just stop being true after a certain amount of "episodes".
@MeAndMath It seems pretty unintuitive.
I know one could use a geometric approach to show that sinc(x) is continous at zero, but could one use the series expantion as well?
@WillHunting yes,but i refused
@N3buchadnezzar Geometric approaches are not rigorous because geometry has not been treated axiomatically.
@N3buchadnezzar What is sinc x again?
A friend of mine said that one could do that because sinc(x) is an analytic function, but is this not a circular argument. Since in order to show that sinc(x) is analytic, one must show that it converges for x=0 ?
sinc(x)=sin x / x
@N3buchadnezzar And how is it defined at 0?
@WillHunting I thought Geometry was formalized through algebra.
@WillHunting 1
@RagibZaman I'm putting myself on the fireline for you! =D
@N3buchadnezzar I was thinking more about things like one can't prove the intermediate value theorem by drawing a picture because one can't really represent a continuous function with a picture.
Oh yeah, I agree with that. Drawings are to create and destroy intuition, not to formalize.
@N3buchadnezzar totally!
@PeterTamaroff Thanks very much for that. I'm afriad they just don't stop unfortunately. I have a good guess to who this person is.
They put that question up on that website now too.
@RagibZaman Are you the prof there?
And looking at that user accounts other posts, theyve also asked questions from a problem solving competition.
@PeterTamaroff No just a fellow classmate.
@PeterTamaroff LOL
@PeterTamaroff If he is the prof there he will just give them zero tomorrow.
@RagibZaman Oh, OK.
My prof found a question I asked about help for on this site once.
@N3buchadnezzar It is OK if there is no rule stating you can't.
And really there aren't that many variations of questions.
Yeah, that is what I am thinking too. I ask questions to learn more, not less.
As long as one is not cheating by asking when one should not.
@WillHunting Well technically there are infinite ;)
@N3buchadnezzar Yes, but they become finite after you apply an equivalence relation!
@meand Actually although Charlie is supposed to be funny, his pic can look scary to someone who does not know. He can be a vampire.
@WillHunting I love this pic!
so lovely
@PeterTamaroff I made this meme today, tell me if you get it: fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/…
lol yea the instant I read that line in the wiki article I was reminded of that meme.
@RagibZaman LOL
@RagibZaman Block multiplication.
@MeAndMath I also love my steelblue!
@WillHunting it's a nice blue!
@MeAndMath I use it for my desktop background.
@WillHunting blie is my fav color
@MeAndMath Yay! That puts you on my favourite list. :-)
my things are or blue or pink or beige.
MeAndMath, why this name?
@MeAndMath It's spelled "beige".
don't know...
why Will?
Nothing, I am always curious about usernames.
There is a trg787 and a vgv7 for example on another site.
@WillHunting at first I used my name..then I changed..
@MeAndMath Very secretive, like me!
but I already told my name so...
@MeAndMath Oh? I was not here. Anyway I am not asking you for it. You can keep it a secret if you want!
What is the relevance of the Schwarzian derivative? It has something to do with Möbius transformations¿
@PeterTamaroff It's spelled "Schwarz".
@WillHunting it's ok.it's the portuguese version of Marylin
@MeAndMath Marylin!
@PeterTamaroff yes,what?
@MeAndMath Reminds me of Monroe.
@MeAndMath It's spelled "Marilyn".
@WillHunting the portuguese version of your name is Guilherme
@PeterTamaroff I do not like her...
@WillHunting I don't like this way...
@MeAndMath Why?
@MeAndMath Why?
@MeAndMath You mean my username or my real name?
@WillHunting Guilherme?
@WillHunting my name marylin
@MeAndMath You know my real name right?
@WillHunting I thought it was Will...
@MeAndMath No, I am Jasper. :-) Will Hunting is my favourite movie character. :-)
@WillHunting OOOHHHHHHHHHH jasper loy.
@MeAndMath See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_Will_Hunting You should watch it.
@PeterTamaroff, I don't get your comment here: math.stackexchange.com/questions/197637/…
would it be unethical for me to provide a hint for this question?
i can't see why, from the link you've given
@Thelonius It says on the assignment sheet
You must submit your assignment with a cover sheet, which is available online at
http://www.maths.usyd.edu.au/u/UG/asscover.pdf . The group members, and which
questions they each have written, must be identi ed clearly on this sheet, and all group
members must sign it. If your group has more than one person, cross out the words \all
my own work" in the certi cation, and write instead \the work of our group"
@WillHunting i will
@MeAndMath I have the VCD. I watched it a few times. :-)
@Thelonius And if you go over to the link for the cover sheet, one point is: this assignment is all my own work, and no part of this assignment has been copied
from another person;
@PeterTamaroff how can you even click the cover sheet? it's locked for me
all of this work is theirs, but they can work on it with others?
@WillHunting My name is spelled Marília.
@RagibZaman Though that can be interpreted in many ways.
thanks @RagibZaman
i guess it depends on the professor, but i could see a few interpretations of that
@WillHunting If you want to watch a movie a few times watch "A Brief History of Time."
@JohnJunior I read the book once.
@WillHunting Try the movie.
@Thelonius Normally all the work must be theirs, in this case the instructions were that the work can be the work of a group of 2 or 3 people from the class and if so they must replace "all my own work" in the cover sheet with "the work of our group"
@MeAndMath And is that the Portugese spelling?
@WillHunting yes
@RagibZaman But can't one learn from somewhere and rewrite in his own words?
are they allowed to consult other textbooks for hints? is that against the policy too?
or to use wikipedia for inspiration?
it seems to me the real offense would be copying a solution from the site here. but running with a hint seems fine. but i guess that depends on the professor
best policy seems to answer the question and alert the professor, in my opinion
@Thelonius Textbooks and wiki are allowed but to actually seek help from other humans and give them the actual problem is not.
well not answer, but give a hint
I like translations of names!!!it's funny!
James = Tiago
@RagibZaman But is that your own interpretation and not the prof's?
where does it say outside texts are allowed?
your interpretation might be interpreted otherwise
since they would then be taking hints from the work of others
So this copying thing is not well-defined.
I will copy the entire foreword here
You may work on this assignment in groups of size one, two, or three, and submit your
answers jointly. All group members will receive the same mark for the assignment as a
whole. You can change your group for the second assignment. The rules are that every
member of the group must write the answer to at least one complete question,
and no discussion with members of other groups is allowed. You may certainly
consult books in the library for ideas (but be very careful about varying conventions and
ok. i admit it looks like it's not allowed. i guess a special dispensation from the prof is necessary to use the site. that's a reasonable interpretation
Sounds like learn math my way.
@JohnJunior Sounds like Frank Sinatra.
@RagibZaman "Legitimate cooperation between students on assignments is encouraged, since it can be a
real aid to understanding. It is legitimate for students to discuss assignment questions at a
general level, provided everybody involved makes some contribution. However, students must
produce their own individual written solutions. Copying someone else’s work is plagiarism,
and is unacceptable." This allows you to discuss with outside sources I believe, as long as you do not ask your friend to provide you a complete solution.
@WillHunting do you like him?
@MeAndMath Well, I like that song. I don't really listen to his songs that much. I know Singing in the rain as well.
@JayeshBadwaik That is the standard cover sheet for every assignment. This foreword for this specific assignment I have copied above and it specifically states you can only discuss with your own group of 2 or 3 students.
@WillHunting I love this movie.
@MeAndMath Which movie?
@WillHunting singing in the rain
@MeAndMath Oh I did not know it was a movie as well.
@RagibZaman There is a difference between working on assignments jointly and asking for help when you are stuck I guess. Considering that MSE is a dynamic library regularly updated by users, I do not really see the point of this being unethical, illegal might IANAL afterall. Also, the guy has done some work, it is not as if he is directly asking for a solution. The problem is well framed and all he is asking for is hints. So, I personally think, it should be possible to give a hint to him.
@WillHunting In my opinion, no book can describe Steven Hawking's physical condition through out his life the way the movie did.

You should watch it !
@JohnJunior Isn't it Stephen?
@WillHunting It is
@JayeshBadwaik I guess, but it just seems a bit disingenuous that he's made a dummy account, put up the assignment question with 4 hours left until its due and doesn't mention it is an assignment question.
@RagibZaman He added the tag Homework. And I don't have anything except for your word about it being a dummy account.
@Will why did you "catch" me?
@MeAndMath I was referring to Junior. :-)
@WillHunting ah,ok!
@JayeshBadwaik But the professor has stated explicitly discussion with other groups is not allowed. If he doesn't want students to get help from even other students (except the 2 in their group) I personally don't think he wants them getting help from other sources either.
@MeAndMath We were victims of the moving target. The chat moves!
@WillHunting DAWG $${n\choose k}+{n\choose k-1}={n+1\choose k}$$
@WillHunting If you use @ it helps.
@JohnJunior Good point Junior!
@PeterTamaroff there's a name this rule, isn't it?
@RagibZaman That can be due to many reasons, most of which would have to do with grade fixing by mass copying. You must analyze the bottom line here, the professor wants you to learn and solve the problems in an honest way. The specific restrictions put in place for doing so are completely superficial.
@PeterTamaroff Yes. I forgot and just looked it up. You can prove by algebra or maybe combinatorics.
@WillHunting Did you see Jonas had his account "automatically suspended"?
Here, your professors has specifically allowed a group to write up same solution, so that the work can be distributed among students, and he/she has specifically mentioned that the discussion in general should be allowed. So the only concern is mass copying rather than independent solving.
@JohnJunior What happened?¿
@JohnJunior No, which message was it due to?
7 hours ago, by Jonas Teuwen
Wadafuq, my account was "automatically suspended"? Who are these sour people in this room?
@RagibZaman But I am not going to argue on it further now. I have posted the message on the main as to what I think though, you may wish to counter it directly if you want.
I'm not sure what happened but i don't think he is coming back :( @PeterTamaroff @MeAndMath @WillHunting
@JohnJunior Well, people just love flagging things without understanding context and the culture of this chat.
@JohnJunior Oh,no...
@JohnJunior Er no, he should be coming back. When did he say he is not?
@WillHunting Is it convention that ${n\choose k}=0$ if $k<0$?
@PeterTamaroff Hmm, I don't know if there is any use or interpretation in the case k is negative.
@PeterTamaroff No, you just write your formula as you would have normally written (but with negative value now). There is not much "combinatorial meaning" to it though.
@JayeshBadwaik Fuuu. I'm trying to prove Leibniz rule.
@PeterTamaroff Which one? (I have heard too many theorems with that name, so...)
That for $(f\cdot g)^{(n)}$
Namely $$=\sum_{k=0}^{n}{n\choose k} f^{(k)}g^{(n-k)}$$
@JayeshBadwaik There is no way for me to prove my interpretation is correct, and it very well may not be. I am tired of discussing this anyway, it is quite early in the morning here. I'm going to take a nap. Good night guys.
I'm using induction.
@PeterTamaroff ugh, sorry. Only $n$ can be negative. I guess you already knew that though.
So, it is true for $n=1$. Now assume true for $n$ and take $(f\cdot g)^{(n+1)}=((f\cdot g)^{(n)})'$
@PeterTamaroff Ah very simple proof!
@PeterTamaroff Yes go on...
$$=\sum_{k=0}^{n}{n\choose k}[ f^{(k+1)}g^{(n-k)}+f^{(k)}g^{(n+1-k)}]$$
$$=\sum_{k=0}^{n}{n\choose k} f^{(k+1)}g^{(n-k)}+\sum_{k=0}^{n}{n\choose k}f^{(k)}g^{(n+1-k)}$$
$$=\sum_{k=1}^{n+1}{n\choose k-1} f^{(k)}g^{(n+1-k)}+\sum_{k=0}^{n+1}{n\choose k}f^{(k)}g^{(n+1-k)}$$
@WillHunting So...?
Add up now, using the identity $nCk + nC(k-1) = (n+1)Ck$
But the indices don't match
I got $k=1$ and $k=0$ in the other.
So separate the terms for which indices do not match.
Think of what the sum means and rewrite the sum.
And match the rest of the sum.
@WillHunting What the sum means?
@PeterTamaroff What Jayesh said.
@WillHunting That's why I'm asking if I can start from $0$ instead of $1$... in the second one I used $n\choose k =0$ if $k>n$
@PeterTamaroff I do not understand you, what you want to do. One frequently uses k=0, so I guess k=0 is not a problem for you.
@JayeshBadwaik If I want to get the sums together, the idnices must match up.
@PeterTamaroff yup, so separate the k=0 term from the second sum . And the match up the indices.
Also, It is my guess that your upper limit for second sum should be $n$ not $n+1$
@JayeshBadwaik No no, I used ${n\choose k}=0$ if $k>n$.
@JayeshBadwaik Then what is $n\choose -1$?
@PeterTamaroff Not defined.
@JayeshBadwaik So how can I separate the $k=0$ term...?
@MeAndMath the progress of our code can be found here.
[email protected]:freebell42/hacks.git
I was busy this weekend. Just wrote up the prime number generator and sum reverse digit checker. Now too tired, probably will complete the rest of the code tomm. There is a makefile which allows you to compile the program. I tested it on gcc4.7.
@peter I am typing out something for you now...
Thanks!You are very Kind!!!
@MeAndMath You are welcome. :-)
@JayeshBadwaik Please,take your time!No hurry!
@WillHunting NVM got it
@PeterTamaroff Did you get that xsin(x) thing? I had to leave then, and I guess I could not explain to you clearly.
@PeterTamaroff You sure?
@WillHunting Yes.
@JayeshBadwaik I could 't finish the proof. =/
I am slow at LaTeX.
If I were there with you it would be much easier.
@JayeshBadwaik But that's because I didn't have the time.
I'll think about it later.
I have to think what the negation of uniform continuity precisely is. Lot's of quantifiers going on.
@PeterTamaroff Ohh. See, assume for all $\epsilon>0$ for which there is a $\delta>0$ such that for all x, $|x-x_{0}| < \delta \implies |f(x) -f(x_{0}| < \epsilon$. Consider $x_{0} = 0$ and let then $f(\delta_{1})=\epsilon_{1}$ where $\delta_{1} < \delta$. Then let $x_n = \delta_{1}+(2n+1)\frac{\pi}{2}$ and show that you can make $|f(x_{n})|$ as big as you want and hence the condition can never be satisfied for all $x$.
I had already typed out the solution, so thought anyway will put it.
Anyway, look at it later, if you want.
Okay good night all. Have to sleep now. See you all later.
Why this username? ^
@JayeshBadwaik Good night,sleep tight!!!thanks again!
@WillHunting Will,there are somethings in life that is better not to know...
@johnjunior Did Jonas say he was not going to return?
@WillHunting No, but I did get that impression.
@JohnJunior Er, OK. But I did not get that impression.
What is the policy with Amazon Kindle if I put there books found from Google? Does Amazon suspend the account and kill all my purchases without repayment?
(my friend suggested to buy two kindles, one for books from Amazon and one for books from Google)
@hhh Google has books?
(I don't know whether this makes any sense.)
Doesn't google just let you view book snippets?
@WillHunting Yes, try to search with "algebra filetype:pdf" for instance. You will find books, some may be ok material but some may not be.
My friend told me if you add possibly-copyrighted material to your Kindle, Amazon may kill your Amazon account
@hhh And what has that got to do with Kindle? I don't how Kindle works. My impression is you buy an ebook on Amazon and read it on Kindle.
@WillHunting You can upload PDF -files to Kindle
(besides buying books from Amazon)
@hhh And what has that got to do with Amazon other than the fact that it is their product?
@WillHunting ToS
@hhh Ah, then I don't know. If you are not sure just don't do it. Seriously just buy the book cheap. It is not so expensive.
@WillHunting The way they can get very bottom-priced books from publishers is apparently so that they fight against material not bought from them particularly if it is copy-righted.
I only buy paper books. Kindle? Only for fiction, not math.
How can anyone read a math book seriously on kindle? I can't imagine.
@WillHunting I bought Algebraic Geometry book but cannot do now homework because the book has not arrived so I guess in the future I will buy more Kindle books.
@hhh More expensive. I see no point in it but it is up to you.
(the book is available in Amazon as Kindle but I bought it as physical book, about the same price, but I need to wait for a long time to get the physical books)
Math should be done with paper and pencil.
@WillHunting Math should be done.
@PeterTamaroff I know Pedro prefers pen to pencil.
@WillHunting you cannot do it if you don't know the reading material...
particuluarly if homeworks are from the book
@hhh I know, I was also saying that one needs to have a physical book to read seriously. Plugging into an electronic kindle is just hard to read.
@WillHunting I use them all, Kindle is just an extension. I often have books in physical form and in electric form, much more convenient...an optimization books weights over 1kg and over 1k pages for instance.
What if you spill coffee on Kindle? You are screwed.
If you spill coffee on a book it can still be used.
iPad/Kindle/laptop/etc are just extensions to pen-and-paper, no substitute.
@hhh think that too...and the space counts too much...I can't carry my books in my bag without having a lancinating pain in my back...
I wish they had a QR -code in books so you could download a book from the physical book or somehow get them there, perhaps just a page:

0. buy a book, leave it to home
1. take a picture of QR code for the next lesson
2. select pages to download

...run to school.
iPad works much better in small lecture-tables than large books, physical books are then again nice to have at home
@MeAndMath I told Henry to carry the textbooks under his arms to impress the ladies.
@hhh Yes,Agree.I love books!I like them.
dl.dropbox.com/u/96742826/3139_20120913_1.pdf example what you can do with iPad during lecture, it is quite cool :)
@WillHunting yeah...it's preety sexy,huh
@MeAndMath Hehe. Do you carry textbooks around like that too?
@MeAndMath Unless you have them too much, I have bought physical books too much and I find that I find only a few nowadays useful -- then they become just junk to throw away.
@WillHunting In my bag I used..the ones I had from library....But I wasa dvised not to do so....because my back kills me...
@MeAndMath You have back problem?
@hhh yes...I don't buy them...one or two...because it's expansive...
@WillHunting I am having...
I'm printing my books now ...in a smaller version
@MeAndMath I used a scholarship just to buy books one year, I got a nice library of them but I have no chance to read them because they weigh too much, they are now with my parents.
@hhh math books are heavy...
@MeAndMath Not as heavy as their content.
(and I actually liked only one book and it was the Unsolved Number Theory -book, other books were more verbal which you can find in libraries usually but the numb-theory-book is harder to find)
@WillHunting YES!
A word about textbooks. Don't buy unless you are sure you will make heavy use of it. I got too many that I don't really use now.
@WillHunting Same here, I bought them with over 1k EUR and most of them are now just to throw away, books are pretty evil -- you need to be a professor to select good books
@hhh No, one just selects the books most suitable for one's learning.
But in courses one can just make use of notes, library books etc.
@WillHunting the only two books I really have I did'nt buy,was a gift :P
Some books are only good for a particular course but not for general reference.
@WillHunting That is correct, the unsolved math book is spectacular reference material but for sure it may not be a good lecture book
(it is mostly about references, the book just outlines issues and research about different problems)
Course books usually waste time to explaining things etc so they become thick and when you know them the pages are pretty worthless
@hhh Also, too many useless colourful pictures.
@WillHunting pictures are nice if they are correctly used :)
@hhh And help to visualize, but many texts just have too many of them.
Yes, I am referring to the big fat expensive ones.
They write college textbooks as if they are writing for nursery kids.
@WillHunting I think absurd a book to cost more than 100 bucks...

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