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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

I have a short question, if possible
@unNaturhal Yes.
is it true, that
\max_i|a_i - b_i|\geq|\max_i a_i - \max_j b_j|
@PeterTamaroff :D
where, say $\max$ is taken over some finite set, and $a_i,b_i$ are reals
@anon how to show that?
@S.D. But the max of one number is just that number, right?
well wait, that's only one index on the LHS
@S.D. You mean $\max |a_i-b_i|\geq |a_i-b_j|$ for each $i,j$?
@anon: to avoid confusion, I used $i,j$ in the RHS
@Peter: I've fixed it already there - is it clear now?
@S.D. Note that $\max a_i=a_l$ and $\max b_i=b_m$ for some indices $l,m$.
@Peter yeap, but in LHS we have only distances between $a_i,b_i$ with the same index
@anon: are you gone now?
well, I still have the tab open..
@anon: sorry for pinging then. so that's not necessarily true?
not sure
@JohnJunior I have been in LA (County) for the past 53 years (if you discount my time in Princeton, where I still considered myself an Angeleno).
@S.D. yes
@S.D. consider the $i$ for which $|a_i-b_i|$ is maximal...
Ok, we can say that I've understood (a bit of) the Leibniz's test.. It says something like: "If we have an alternative serie $a_n \geq 0$ and it verifies these conditions: 1. is decreasing 2. $\displaystyle\lim_{n\to\infty}{a_n} = 0$ than we can say that the serie converges." It's correct?
@S.D. if $\max_ia_i\ge\max_jb_j$ then $a_i-b_i\le\max_i|a_i-b_i|$ and there may evem be bigger $b_j$s
@S.D. Similarly for $\max_jb_j\ge\max_ia_i$
@robjohn got it, thanks. let me try to write it formally on a paper - to be sure that it indeed the result I needed
@anon: if I am wrong, please correct me :-)
and that pretty clearly shows it to be true.
Gotta go proctor an exam. bbl
lol group theory
Hey guys plz 2 do my homeworx plz
Yesterday I've proved a property.
Sometimes, I wish I could open up the brains of people that post things like that just to figure out what's going on inside.
$\{\sum_{k=0}^n\log k\mod 1\}$ is density on $[0\mathinner{..}1)$.
@anon I found that the font of mathjax is ugly now.
@EdGorcenski scary stuff - better not to know :)
Hello Sirs.
Hi, folks!
@JonasTeuwen Yo
@JonasTeuwen going on holiday tomorrow, and trying to decide on just one maths book to take ...
I have yet to determine whether the heterogeneous nature of a burrito is a flaw or a feature.
Some bites you just get rice and beans and long for a hint of salsa. Some bites you get a mouthful of delicious guacamole.
@JohnSenior Something soft :-).
@JonasTeuwen a paperback, then :)
@EdGorcenski I would guess it's a feature.
But again it does depend on how you bite into it.
With my mouth. How else?
I meant where you bite into it.
Can anybody help me?
@FrankScience Cauchy Schwarz?
@PeterTamaroff I meant the font.
@FrankScience The "cyc" part?
@PeterTamaroff The sigma.
@FrankScience Don't know.
I'll logout.
hi @MarianoSuárez-Alvarez
@PeterTamaroff Do you think it's too ugly?
@FrankScience Looks fine.
@PeterTamaroff I found the font is from STIX.
@PeterTamaroff It's not like the one in $\LaTeX$
@FrankScience Yes, true. That font looks like the old ones.
I posted an answer and it said "Trivial answer converted into a comment". What on Earth?
@PeterTamaroff It might be the critical difference between iceweasel and firefox. Maybe iceweasel forbids that prettier font.
@PeterTamaroff You should post: "This is a non-trival comment that needs to be converted back to an answer." :)
@JohnJunior Hehehe I fixed it.
@PeterTamaroff btw, $\sum_{\textrm{cyc}}$ is commonplace in Mathematical Olympiad.
@JohnSenior How about "From Zero to Infinity"?
In my opinion, it would make good holiday reading.
Hi all.
Q: math.SE policy on inequalities

SquidI have been noticing quite a few posts like this: Double Inequality. $ab+bc+ca \leq \frac{1}{8}\sum{\sqrt{(1-ab)(1-bc)}} \leq a^2+b^2+c^2$ and other questions as these: http://math.stackexchange.com/users/33954/iuli?tab=questions. I do not hold any grudge against an user or any area of mathemati...

could someone here please comment
@JohnSenior, what do you think?
@HenningMakholm, myself and many others have blitzed through review of Low Quality posts... now there are 1.4k first posts to go through O_O
ah let it go.I deleted my question
@Squid I think perhaps they can seem too localized, but really it's hard to say. Inequalities could have general applications, as their truth applies across the entire real/compelx field.
I think a "too localized" question is one in which the specifics are unlikely to have broad applicability, like "should I use a 4th or 6th order polynomial to fit this exact data set?", where the author isn't seeking more generalized advice (ie, criteria for acceptance of a fit, etc.)
I'm trying to identify a symbol from Hatcher's Algebraic Topology. I've already tried detexify and I can't identify it that way. Can I post an image of it here?
How do I do that? With [img] tags?
I don't actually know. Paging @PeterTamaroff
Well there's a link.
That kind of looks like a phi. Is it used as a variable or an operator?
An operator. It's defined on page 35 as a map "...$\symbol:X\to X$ is a map..."
Try $\textqplig$
in tipx package
@EdGorcenski That just seems to give me an equal sign.
@EdGorcenski But that is pretty close looking at the tex symbols list.
It looks a lot like a third variant of Phi, though
The author, Allen Hatcher explains that he wrote the text using Lucida Bright family of fonts. So I'm guessing it's something from there. However, he also says that that font family must be purchased and that it is rather expensive.
``It is not knowledge, but the act of learning, not possession but the act of getting there, which grants the greatest enjoyment'' - Carl Friedrich Gauss
Getting there isn't half the fun; it's all of the fun -skullpatrol
@johnjunior What have you done to your pic this time?
@JohnJunior That is a good suggestion - but unfortunately, I don't have it :(
@JohnSenior Can't you borrow it from the library?
@WillHunting Don't you recognize it?
@FrankScience It probably means to sum the given quantity once each as you permute the variables cyclically, e.g. $\sum_{cyc} a^3b^2c = a^3b^2c + b^3c^2a + c^3a^2b$, and $\sum_{cyc} abc = abc + bca + cab = 3abc$.
@JohnJunior no library here that has sensible maths books - and I leave in a little over 12 hours - so it has to be a book I already own, I guess
(but I have a couple of hundred to choose from)
@JohnSenior Have you read "From Zero to Infinity"?
Or even heard about it being used in the UK?
@JohnJunior I have heard of it - but never read it - it looks good
@JohnSenior Are you going to keep in touch with this web site while on vacation?
@JohnJunior your new gravatar reminds me too much of the organisation I used to work for
@JohnJunior I very much doubt it - don't think there is much Internet access there - but a week off might be good
Have any of you read the book A Beautiful Mind?
@JohnSenior You should not come here while on vacation!
@JohnJunior Is that about Cantor?
Hello @hoo! Is that what you look like?
@WillHunting too far - I hate really long flights - Greek islands are far enough
@JohnSenior Ah Greece! You will meet Pythagoras there!
@WillHunting No.
Found the book! - sitting on my shelf, it is light, short and looks interesting
@JohnSenior Never heard of!
@WillHunting bought it 3-4 years ago and never read it, but it looks like a light overview of AT
@will yes. I took that with the web cam, while on MSE
@JohnSenior Yes, anything with "intuitive approach" sounds like "hand waving" to me.
I look a bit plastified here
@WillHunting this one looks like 99% hand-waving :)
@JohnSenior If you are interested in topology, the best single book is Bredon's Topology and Geometry which covers general, differential and algebraic all in one.
@JohnSenior Would you agree with what I read in the book's description: "The single most difficult thing one faces when one begins to learn a new branch of mathematics is to get a feel for the mathematical sense of the subject."
@WillHunting I am sure it is excellent, but probably more detail than I want - I am only after a brief overview, really
@JohnJunior Yes, I agree.
@JohnJunior agreed
How about "The single most difficult thing one faces when one begins to learn mathematics is to get a feel for the sense of the subject."?
@JohnJunior Makes sense in a suitable context.
That is does it generalize to the entire subject?
The structure of the subject and its methods.
For example, that can be said to first year undergrad math majors.
But to speak to a general audience, those who only know 1+1=2, does not make much sense.
@WillHunting @JohnSenior In the context of the original quote, how is "mathematical sense" related to "common sense"?
@JohnJunior Hmm - not sure at all - but need to go book a flight to Poland - back in a while ...
@JohnJunior Mathematical sense is perhaps not too common. I don't think the author means with it anything too specific.
@WillHunting Just a "sense" of the subject?
@JohnJunior A sense with some mathematical maturity.
@WillHunting They are not "maturing" you and assume you have it before you start, right?
@WillHunting This assumption of maturity seems to be at every level of learning math.
So...metric spaces...that's some crazy sh*t!
@JohnJunior Well, for lack of a better word, you know what I mean...
Anyone here study anything in the area of metric spaces?
@Jim_CS Rather intuitive I think.
@Jim_CS What's up? Got a question?
@WillHunting oh don't worry I will have LOTS of questions on this area. Started it last week and I see that it is going to take up much more of my time than the other math modules
Im not gonna let it mess up my grades lol
@Jim_CS The best way to learn math is to keep thinking about it yourself. Ask only when you have thought long enough.
@Jim_CS Come on, just say shit.
Yea I agree. I always give it a go before asking. Really enjoy the math this year but this metric spaces stuff has me unnerved...more abstract than anything ive done yet.
@Jim_CS Then you ain't seen nothin' yet!
Back :)
@JohnSenior Wow, that was fast!
@JohnJunior Yep - it was surprisingly easy
@JohnSenior Will answered my question surprisingly easily also.
@JohnJunior excellent - I thought he would give a better answer than I would :)
22 mins ago, by John Junior
@WillHunting They are not "maturing" you and assume you have it before you start, right?
@JohnSenior This is the heart of the argument.
@JohnJunior OK
@johnjunior I wonder what's next on your list of usernames and avatars!
I'm workin' on it ;-)
I will stick to steelblue and change back to JL soon.
So few people in the room. The kids are partying on Fri night. I party every day.
@WillHunting i'm still here :)
@JohnSenior Hehe, you will be a kid again one day, if you believe in rebirth!
@WillHunting I like the sound of that :)
Ha, the ELU room is having a timeout now because of a fight.
@WillHunting why don't we have fights here?
@JohnSenior Because we are bros!

I can't understand the relation of the $M_{pq}=\frac{f(2)-f(1)}{2-1}=\frac{7-13}{1}=-6$ with the rest of the stuff.
I thought the idea was to build the tangent line in the middle of $f(1)$ and $f(2)$
But according to this picture:
The second point aproaches the first.
@GustavoBandeira That is just the slope of the secant line. As the point Q approaches P, the secant line becomes the tangent line.
@GustavoBandeira That is usually what happens when looking at the idea of the gradient - keep one point fixed, and let the other one get nearer to it
The derivative is the limit of the slope of the secant line.
Read it a few times through first.
Oh, I got it.
The slope of the secant line is an aproximation to the slope of the tangent line
@GustavoBandeira yep
@GustavoBandeira You done with the algebra notes already? You should read that first before calculus.
@WillHunting Yep, I got my Algebra refreshed with some readings.
So I just got the gold medal for voting on 600 posts, which I would not mention, except that it happened to be my 1729th vote.
I thought that was a happy coincidence.
Hello!@WillHunting, @GustavoBandeira, @MJD, @JohnSenior, @JonasTeuwen, @DavidK. @Anon!!!
@GustavoBandeira Oláa!!!
I'm back.
Deixa eu te mostrar uma coisa.
@GustavoBandeira what's up?what r u doing?
show me
@GustavoBandeira show me
@GustavoBandeira what???
@MeAndMath Tu na minha barriga.
@GustavoBandeira Que massa!!Adorei!!!
I was studying calculus - but I had to go to the market.
@GustavoBandeira how uncovenient...
Yep. I wish I didn't need to eat/sleep. =D
@GustavoBandeira yep...
I'm watching a documentary: To infinity and beyond.
@GustavoBandeira what is it about?
I have one on Fermat's last theorem and another on Paul Erdos life.
@GustavoBandeira hmmm
I guess it's on the concept of infinity and some implications.
@GustavoBandeira interesting
where are you watching it?
Computer. I downloaded it.
@GustavoBandeira oh
Dia desses entrou um guri de 15 anos aqui, de Belém. Sabia função gama, zeta, limite, equação diferencial, etc.
Morri de inveja.
@GustavoBandeira sabia de saber, resolver provar ou só conhecia?
@GustavoBandeira não vi nada de demais...
@MeAndMath É que quando eu tinha 15, eu era um inútil.
Eu queria já saber de tudo isso hoje.
Graham Number, já ouviu falar?
Eles "traduzem" a idéia de uma forma simples, né? Esse bagulho deve ser complexo pra caralho.
É igual o barato da conjectura do ABC Paulista.
@GustavoBandeira faz parte...
@GustavoBandeira não
@MeAndMath Eu sempre fui curioso e relativamente produtivo - se eu tivesse me interessado antes, eu já saberia bastante.
Eu fui fazer música nos 15, de lá pra cá eu fiz quase uns 5 mil fragmentos de música.
@GustavoBandeira todos nós...
@MeAndMath Não, tu não. Tu é vida lôka
@GustavoBandeira como ?Por quê?
Tô brincando.
@GustavoBandeira ah tá.
O maior número que existe:

@GustavoBandeira bota $$
111111=3*7*11*13*37. good night
@Hooman Night"
@MeAndMath Hi.
@JohnSenior Hi.
@JonasTeuwen Hi!!How are you?
Não foi.
@JonasTeuwen what does mean "mmm"?good,bad,so so?
@GustavoBandeira é também tentei...
@MeAndMath So so :-).
@JonasTeuwen why?why not good?
I could reverse the question: why good?
@JonasTeuwen good question.
but why bad?
I said so so, not bad! :-).
@JonasTeuwen Ok,Ok.
@JonasTeuwen did not get:my or yours?
@MeAndMath Mine.
No, not really.
It is much wider :-). (please delete)
@JonasTeuwen we all do sometimes...
I don't think it is like this.
@JonasTeuwen elucidate me.
Bye!!!Need to eat!
@MeAndMath Enjoy! :-)).
1 hour later…
has anyone here used Calculus on Manifolds (Spivak)?
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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