@dc3rd I don't understand what you are asking. I am just using the general form of an element of $P_1$. and matching coefficients. Just shortcutting the matrix formation, etc.
So, for $ \langle g, Tf \rangle $ I have $g(x) = a+bx, f(x) = c+dx$. If I let $(T^* g)(x) = e +fx$, then the formula $\langle g, Tf \rangle = \langle T^*g, f \rangle$ gives $2ec +{2 \over 3}fd = 2[3a]c+ {2 \over 3}[3a+3b]d$ (for all $c,d$) from which we get $e=3a, f=3a+3b$ and so $(T^*g)(x) = 3a+(3a+3b)x$.