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i generally assume that everyone in australia is within a few feet of some wild animal or insect that could kill them at all times.
(i). I eventually solved this problem by considering different ranges of values. But I would like to know why my initial approach doesn't work?
I did the following
$\deg(p(x))=m \iff \deg(p^3(x))=m^3$

So $p^3(x) -3p(x)=-2x \iff m^3-m=1$
where does m^3 - m come from? degree is not additive.
for example the degree of x^8 - 3x^2 is 8, not 8 - 2.
looking at degrees is definitely a solid approach, but not quite like that.
oh wow
yeah sorry
Creativity can be interesting!
13 hours later…
Let $H^1_{0}(U)$ be the closure of the test functions in the $W^{1,2}(U)$ sobolev spaces.
Is $H^{1}_{0}(U)$ just the space of test functions?
in other words is the space of test functions closed wrt to the $W^{1,2}(U)$ norm?
because thought I understand that the weak derivatives of functions in $H^1_0(U)$ exist
I don't see why classical derivatives should exist
4 hours later…
@monoidal Didn’t you just answer your question? Can’t a function with only weak derivative be a limit of functions with actual detivatives?
checks pulse of the room and finds none
beep. beep. beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Maybe Munchkin can perform the autopsy.
i don't know what to make of this. last week the theory was that everybody was partying at your house.
@leslietownes it was quiet for 13 hours last night.
well, that was the party at my house.
@leslietownes so is next week at copper top's?
Geographically speaking, no, it’s at your place, @robjohn!
My wife will be so pleased.
We promise to bring our own martinis.
good, the alcohol supply here is limited mainly to wine.
@leslie will bring the agridolce leeks with pine nuts.
wine is good
2 hours later…
Very simple question, but is there any difference between [0,n] and [0,n) when specifying an interval from 0 to n?
@forest The latter does not include $n$, of course.
@TedShifrin Ah, so [0,n-1] is the same as [0,n)?
You can tell I'm quite new to this lol
If our world is just integers, yes.
Just integers, yes.
hi all, is there a natural isomorphism $\text{End}(V)^* \cong \text{End}(V^*)$ where $V$ is a finite-dimensional vector space?
So this is asking if $(V^*\otimes V)^*$ is naturally isomorphic to $V\otimes V^*$.
So we need $(V\otimes W)^* \cong V^*\otimes W^*$ and $V^{**} \cong V$.
Seems natural enough to me (the latter one uses finite-dimensionality to make sure an injection is bijective).
perfect! thanks so much, very clear
Oh, I already used $V^{} \cong V$ in my reduction. I should have had $V^{}\otimes V^* \cong V\otimes V^*$ as the second space.
What in the world is going on with MathJax?
Let me try again. Maybe there's a hidden bad symbol somewhere.
I give up.
$V^{**}\cong V$
Working fine now. I have no clue. I rebooted my desktop just for good measure.
Wow. This got scarier and scarier.
eek, yeah.
I got a little snide.
why does this hold? https://math.stackexchange.com/a/2811127/625288

I'm trying to use the borell-cantilli but it doesn't bring me anywhere near the result

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