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If the eigenvalues of a linear map between a fd space to itself
are all equal
then $T$ is a multiple of identity?
we need normality, so commutes with adjoint
Then what theorem is relevant?
Need? So you have this Or you don’t?
it's interesting. certainly any set of hypotheses in which the conclusion is true implies normality. i wouldn't say it is 'needed' in that a lot of hypotheses formally unrelated to normality might lead to the same conclusion. i share ted's confusion.
anyway it seems like the moment has passed.
We certainly need to add diagonalizable to the original hypotheses. Send munchkin to police it!
The profile page is laid out funky. Maybe I haven't looked at it in a while, but there is a lot of white space in the upper right.
I couldn’t post comments on main. More dysfunction.
Every day brings new joy
We’re not in Ukraine.
That is something to be thankful for. The Ukranians are taking a bite out of the bigger dog.
@TedShifrin I see that the main site is in read-only mode.
yeah what's that about ?
@robjohn Ayup.
my grandparents' hometown in Ukraine was starring in the news the other day
Zhytomyr, a town west of Kiev
anybody know anything interesting about representation theory? where is it used in analysis?
The site still seems in read-only, but StackStatus says the maintenance is over.
$F(a) \simeq F[x]/(p(x))$, where p(x) is irreducible over F and a is a zero of p(x) in some extension of F.
not too sure about that latex, but mathematically that sounds right
ah and now the latex looks good too
Gallian proves it by defining $\phi( f(x))= f(a)$ from F[x] to F(a).
by noting that ker $\phi= (p(x))$.
sounds good.
Then Gallian says that $\phi (F[x])$ is a sub field of F(a) and that $\phi (F[x])$ contains both F and a.
I don’t understand why a is contained in range of phi.
This phi is a ring homomorphism.
a is the image of x under phi
Oh yes :-)
I was thinking f(x)=a which is false as a is not in F.
Thanks a lot, Leslie. :-)
Is the main site currently read-only for anyone else?
kreiser it's been on and off like that for me too.
I know there was scheduled maintenance, but I figured it was done by now - this tweet went up about 90 minutes ago saying it was over?
could be more DDOS stuff or its consequences. who knows.
If g is a field isomorphism from F to F’ and f(x) is in F[x], then is meaning of g(f(x)) obvious?
I don’t think that it is obvious. Intuition suggests that if f(x)= ax+b then g(f(x))= g(a)x+ g(b). Is my understanding correct?
@Koro you're definitely abusing notation a little, but I think most people will interpret that as applying $g$ to the coefficients of f.
well, g induces a map from F[x] to F'[x] that you get by applying g to coefficients. so i guess, sort of.
but i have a large amount of distaste for writing down things that haven't been defined on the grounds that they can be figured out, or are "obvious."
if you're doing any kind of work with the map it would be necessary sooner or later to come up with a notation for it, which suggests that it's worth setting out explicitly.
I see. Thanks.With this we can now say that if p(x) is irreducible over F then so is g(p(x)) over F’.
The main site is still in read only mode.
This is happening too frequently these days.
koro yeah you will want a name for that map. maybe call it phi. it's a degree-preserving isomorphism, so if something factors in F[x], its image in F'[x] will factor too, and vice versa.
it's helpful to take one step back from the actual homomorphism at issue here and look at why it's doing what it's doing. what makes it capable of testing irreducibility seems to be degree preservation.
this seems to be automatic under the various hypotheses. math.stackexchange.com/questions/1675650/… maybe worth reading for general context.
my daughter got up at 8:30 pm and demanded to listen to music. i put on some jazz. she said it was 'boring.' i put on some old r&b. she said that was 'boring.' i put on some rap, which she liked, and then some kraftwerk, which she liked. then she asked why the songs were so long and i said it had something to do with her perception of time.
then she tried to carry the cat into her bedroom and got clawed.
@leslietownes thanks. I’ll take a look at that :).
we ran out of dry cat food today. did somebody in our house go to the pet food store at 8:30 pm to get more, in case olivia wanted it? yes.
has olivia wanted it, no.
@leslietownes but you would have heard about it if you hadn't
almost certainly yes.
Hi, why is the site currently in read-only mode?
I thought the top of the status post said work done
Confusion insusion
Apparently this room died too lol
my guess is more DDOS crap or its consequences.
They should switch to windows xp then :P
i hope your cats are well fed.
Dos is oldschool
They're actually getting too fat
Except for twiggy the model
i love DOS. although it was barely an operating system, i loved it.
do they free feed or have food at regulated times?
wet food dispensed twice or sometimes once, but dry food always available
we're moving some of them tomorrow from San Diego to Sedona, AZ
7-8 hour ordeal
I'm driving my dad's truck. My parents are staying behind to finish packing
livvy's weight hovers around 9 lb. it is constant, independent of the seasons. so we can't use her to tell which month it is.
I have to help set up my Grandma's air matress - that's the reason I'm going earlier lol
that doesn't sound like a fun drive.
It's okay, it's better than across entire continent coast to coast
it's a day's work. for a time, my wife and i lived in iowa city and ann arbor. it was a similar drive.
i moved an apartment's worth of stuff twice that distance. not a lot of fun, but not undoable.
My parents have so much stuff, you have no idea. I 26' uhaul + a 10' trailer + a furniture load
I have 4 boxes lol
when we moved from ann arbor to boston, that was a pain in the ass.
it definitely helps not to be a parent. i could fit what i owned in the back of a honda civic.
I'm getting job though soon, either tutoring online (math) or Amazon SDE or both
If I can't get work, I might try day laboring for a month or so :)
Like in "Fun with Dick & Jane".
there's a lot of that in arizona, or there used to be.
I think I found a way to solve twin primes, but it involves solving a complex-looking question about "disjoint, element-wise multiplicative, coverings of all composites in an interval".
After I have solved that, I can simply use an inductive argument
we're more or less exiting the season where it would have been remotely OK to do construction work in arizona. i would try to find shady work.
The induction is on divisors though, no n+1
I've worked in the sun. I lost 20lb's working on an Adobe, bringing the brick layers mud etc
@Koro hey mon :)
@PurpleHaze congratulations :).
i should have said shaded work, not shady work.
although unlicensed construction work is certainly shady work.
Question: when can we cover $[a,b] \cap C$ by disjoint intervals $[a_i, b_i]\cdot [c_i, d_i]$ where $C$ is the set of composite integers, and some other constraints are satisfied in relation to the counting formula I'm using for twin prime
The $\cdot$ is carried out elementwise
@PurpleHaze Hi Penandpaper, i'malieni'malien,abstractaircraft
So the primes in $[a,b]$ don't matter because the OR logic in my counting formula
@Koro you have a steel trap memory
abstract spacecraft, i thought.
I was listening to Jimi Hendrix and that song came on. Then I thought what a great name. It's not a reference to weed lol
@leslietownes yeah,right :)
Can someone give me some advice on how to get good with manipulating inequalities? I am very weak at it =(
@Prithubiswasleftmse you have a finite set of axioms about inequalities to remember
prithu this is tough stuff. basically the question is 'make analysis easy.' it isn't.
@leslietownes well, you have been doing law for so long, we can excuse the mistake ;-)
but the underlying basic moves, e.g. paying attention to when things are positive vs. negative, separating a sum of related things into pieces that are estimated differently, those are general vibes.
rob: i'd be fired if i let something like that slip through at work.
but people can ponder the ongoing mystery of why i haven't been fired elsewhere.
We fire you every day, but you come back anyway.
@leslietownes Is analysis really just about manipulating Inequalities?
prithu: that's a lot of it. most of it, even, i might dare to say.
Estimates are a big part of analysis, but far from all.
i don't mean that everything is a riff on the triangle inequality. which is an impression you might justifiably get from an intro to analysis book.
I'd estimate that at least half of what I've done in analysis is inequalities.
but generally speaking, yeah, i'd love to have an oracle that could tell me about inequalities. i could be the king of analysis.
we first learn limits then differentiation then integration but historically there were invented in the reverse order.
Go worship Archimedes.
@leslietownes Well, to me, analysis seems to be, you draw some diagrams, you get an idea, and you do some inequality algebra to get your proof done theoretically.
Kelly Joe Phelps, one of the greats on guitar
How much have you studied, @Prithu?
@TedShifrin toddler level.
Well, then study three or four more years :P
prithu this is definitely what you see early on, as i hinted at above. 'fun with the triangle inequality' is most of what people get. and it does have that flavor.
i don't think people are out there trying to press the triangle inequality into new results right now.
A lot of it is bad homework/pedagogy, too. Too many people are taught algebra as should symbol manipulation. Analysis is plagued by similarly bad teaching.
All inequalities over a ring can be written in the form $a \gt$ or $\geq 0$.
ted and i unfortunately agree.
although i'm sure that ted is wrong about a whole host of other stuff.
You are preparing a Ted talk on how wrong Ted is.
A turtle challenges a cheetah for a 10 km race. The cheetah gives turtle a head start of 1 km. Argh, I forgot this puzzle/question. In this the turtle wins and one is supposed to find the fault in the argument leading up to the win of the turtle. Does anyone remember that?
Xeno's paradox, @Koro?
some zeno shit?
@leslietownes True. At the start it always seems like it is all about milking the triangle inequality.
or, as ted somewhat more diplomatically articulated it?
language, leslie, language.
The cheetah will eat the tortoise it's a trick
Rouché's theorem looks like it's just the triangle inequality, but it's really quite geometric/topological in flavor.
prithu: the triangle inequality is great, and it's great for 1-2 semesters of analysis. and sometimes (depending on application) that is literally all one needs. so it's not illegitimate to focus on that stuff. it's good stuff.
but it's not 'analysis' in the large.
@leslietownes Agreed.
a lot of analysis ends up turning on other dumb stuff, including, and it pains me to say it, geometry.
Analysis I think is just going deep within any area of math without inventing more and more advanced algebraic structures
dynamical systems and serious PDE are just totally of a different flavor.
@leslietownes =(
no, it was not half and half jumping. It was to test understanding of dx and was something like (not sure if this is correct): in time t cheetah travels some distance x and during that time the turtle travels x+dx.
i don't remember it :(.
That sounds like nonsense, @Koro.
Draw a line on paper Koro, where is the Cheetah in 1 unit of time, etc
The Cheetah is grazing on the field staring at gazelles
The cheetah got a horrid leg cramp?
@PurpleHaze haha
Coming in to ask: I still see math.stackexchange.com in read-only mode (and it's the only SE I'm a member of that still seems like it's in read-only mode); is that just me, or do other people see that way?
It's that way, @BrianTung.
@BrianTung same
yes, i'm seeing that.
It's been mostly that way for half the day. I am fed up.
I came here to ask that see above
yep, me too
My other SE are fine. I wonder what's up.
I've tried to respond to two or three different posts, typed in stuff, only to be told I can't.
They've hacked the meatrix
I wish MSE remains read only forever =P
@Prithubiswasleftmse why why why😑
if it's possible to edit the title of this chat to dynamically update whenever someone joins, so that the topic reads "PERSONAL BAN OF [new arrival] - VOTING CONCLUDED" i would support this. it would make waiting for the site to come back marginally funnier.
@BrianTung math.SE is special
@leslie You just want me banned. You'll stoop to anything.
Someone cracked the integer factorization problem, they originated as a user from this site, and released codes in Python and C++ (on the MSE site). Then they wanted to prove it to us, so they cracked a bunch of our passwords.
That's what I heard anyway...
@TedShifrin The tops of the pages say we are still in read-only mode. I don't know why math.SE is still in that state.
ted: my personal campaign against you is beyond any stackexchange platform. expect your favorite wine shop to be out of your favorite sancerre. i am arranging all of this.
A: Planned maintenance scheduled for Friday, March 18th, 00:30-2:00 UTC (Thursday, March 17th, 8:30-10:00 PM EDT)

KReiserDespite the maintenance being listed as finished in the question body and also in this tweet, Math.StackExchange is still in read-only mode: (screenshot produced from the algebraic-geometry active tab, ~03:05 UTC Friday March 18 2022.) What's going on here?

On my iPad I don't see that read-only warning. So I find out only when I type an answer or comment.
@Koro I am the joker of society.
@leslie Don't forget my favorite vermouth, too, which is available only in Costa Mesa.
No response to the "answer." Typical.
The server holding our text Q&A data done crashed
@TedShifrin as I've said many times: the mobile interface sucks.
@TedShifrin yeah, it can be said so.
@robjohn Do I ever contradict you?
When needed ;-)
I still don't see why they make us type posts vertically, the preview should naturally be on the right of the text entry (horizontal).... the posts are usually quite long after only a few paragraphs and you have to keep scrolling up & down
@Purple That is not a bad suggestion. Of course, once you post and start editing, there's no longer any preview whatsoever. I've never quite understood why.
I sometimes use StackEdit.io to type out my posts, which has the correct UI and supports markdown & latext
Such things are way too much bother for me.
@PurpleHaze did you use mathcha.io?
There was something about that a few years ago on meta. People said you could have that feature, but you have to go to this and that link or something.. Some plugin maybe?
@Koro I have used that site before
I find that very user friendly :).
q.uiver.app for your CD needs, but you have to screencap the resulting diagram. MSE and Quiver should work together to allow embedding of just that
I would like to just set my phone up on a tripod and start drawing on paper, the camera then captures and converts all the diagrams etc into MSE postable data
We could then chat by writing on paper lol
I think Telegram has this feature for text messages.
Then a small projector could allow others to add in stuff to your diagram on paper
@Koro what's Telegram?
it's a messaging app.
@Koro I see it's an OCR feature, but math requires more than just OCR plain
@TedShifrin When I edit a post, I still see a rendered version below the edit box (even on sites where I am not a mod).
The best out there I think is MyScript
@PurpleHaze I didn't know about that. Thanks. :)
@Koro you're welcome they have various apps depending on what notes you're taking and whether or not you're drawing network graphs
Still not advanced enough for what I'm thinking of
@PurpleHaze but from their website, this looks like notability app.
I mean I don't see how it's different from notability app.
Makes me want to own an up-to-date iPad
I've been using notability for quite some time now. They added in one of their updates -search through handwriting feature.
@Koro thx, I didn't know about that before now
Can it recognized nodes & arrows aka network graphs?
not sure. I never tried that. But it can also record audio and add it to the note.
@robjohn hmm … I’ll pay closer attention in the future.
Yeah, we can't verify that here ATM
@Koro definitely try it! And then draw a 3x3 diagram of modules and arrows to see if that works
Then try writing down an axiom and seeing if it can "understand math". That's the hard part of the application
It probably can't. You'd either have to tie it in with Lean or write your own logic engine backend
Ideally it can support any known logic, by giving it a list of rules
Maybe in 20 years we'll have it -_-
@PurpleHaze: the app is for taking notes and I think that's same as MyScript app.
I'll wait til then to go to grad school. And I'll see if I can't cheat with it lol
They shouldn't allow pen or paper either
You just have to sit and think and then verbally answer
They should embrace newer calculators advanced as they may be
If someone is wearing a t-shirt which has lot of printed formulae on it, I wonder if that will be allowed.
@Koro everyone wears a different theorem lol
It's no easy thing to understand how to use a calculator and there is still some understanding required to complete the problem
And as math grows in complexity, it's a question of who knows how to use the calculator, since some formulas - just writing them down - takes a horrendous amount of time.
Then if you make one sign change, you're doomed!
In your hand calculation I mean
Wear a certain eye glass that lets you see otherwise invisible ink on paper. They'll never see that one lol
They should only really ask unsolved problems on a test. Then grade you on the novelty and elegance of your approach.
That's the real test anyway
@PurpleHaze I bet almost everyone will fail and feel miserable.
@Prithubiswasleftmse you wouldn't fail if you don't solve it
You only fail if you don't try
And they will learn absolutely nothing.
They will learn more
We shouldn't be made to remember stuff from textbooks. We should be taught how to apply these techniques to unsolved problems.
Before we get hit with a comet for failing to solve fusion and gravitic drive problems
I mean, speaking universally and humanistically, not accademically
@PurpleHaze It sounds like arranging a big exam, and putting all of the problems of the clay institute on that test.
How about, you get to choose one problem out of 30 unsolved problems
It's a brave new world, but overpriced accademia fails at adapting
It's a money game to them, not an education game
We go into debt while the schools and the banks get richer
And all we wanted was to understand Complex analysis or something, purely for the love of math.
@PurpleHaze I would personally start from simple problems, and slowly move to harder and tricker problems, and will show them the unsolved problems if they are interested.
There should also be a pact that is signed saying they will never use their education to develop weapons systems
Unless these are for the purpose of protecting the planet from outside forces such as asteroids
They've already made Einstein's beautiful theory into a death machine
It's already gone beyond what is acceptable
Anyhow, back to math
No more political discussions pls
What happened to MSE?
@copper.hat Blackout.
Math Stack Exchange seems to be the only site still in read-only mode.
1 hour later…
@TedShifrin Estimates.... noted.
Q: math.SE has been stuck in read-only mode for 7 hours

jorikiSince this answer doesn’t seem to be drawing any attention from anyone who can do something about it, I’m posting it as a question. The Mathematics Stack Exchange has been in read-only mode for 7 hours now; it seems that the other Stack Exchange sites are back to normal, so perhaps Mathematics wa...

My guess is that whoever is responsible forget this in the end, is now sound asleep :-( — Jyrki - No Shog9 - No SE 2 hours ago
2 hours later…
It's said here that Thomae's function is discontinuous at every rational point. Shouldn't it say it's discontinuous at every rational point, except at zero where it is continuous?
We seem to be back online!
This is fixed, we'll post an answer on the math meta question when we determine how it happened. — Aaron Bertrand 2 mins ago
@Snaw Isn't $f(0)=1$ and $\lim\limits_{x\to0}f(x)=0$?
@robjohn Right, thanks! For some silly reason I thought that $f(0)=0$.
@PM2Ring I had commented on joriki's post (at 11:46 UTC) and it disappeared.
How weird! I don't think a Meta mod would delete it.
I commented that we seemed to be back, but ended with "Thanks!" Perhaps it was too short and seen as a "Thanks!" comment
Oh, right. I think some short "Thanks" comments get auto-deleted.
That seems to be the most sensible explanation.
OTOH, my "thanks" comment is still alive: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/376901/…
Yeah, the ones that mention Aaron Bertrand seem to survive.
Actually, it might not be totally automatic. I think someone has to flag them.
well, that was unfriendly.
I like your new avatar @PM2Ring
& welcome back to your old avatar @robjohn :-)
@user4539917 I think the 3-leaf clover gave away its luck for the revival of MSE again.
Rest in peace Clover. We will always remember you as the one who saved MSE with your magic.
@user4539917 Um, it's not new. :) It's the same as it's always been. I originally created it when I joined the old XKCD forums, many years ago
@user4539917 Thanks. St Patrick's Day is over.
@user4539917 I posted a couple of images related to PM 2Ring's avatar
Duly noted, thanks.
Are maximally consistent set’s complete? Yes right?
on the other hand a complete set may not be maximally consistent
@robjohn I noticed that if you remove an opposite pair of octahedron vertices you can visit all the remaining edges in a single loop, although (of course) that loop does pass through the 4 remaining octahedron vertices twice.
I believe that my animation visits each face by passing from a face to an adjacent face.
haven't done anything with vertices
Hamilton invented a game, the Icosian game, based on visiting the vertices of a platonic dodecahedron, which is (of course) equivalent to visiting the faces of an icosahedron.
1 hour later…
Do we include the identical outcomes many times in a sample space?
no disrespect to hamilton, but it's a crummy game.
in his defense, there was nothing to do in the 19th century.
wolgwang, does 'identical' mean exactly the same? or something less than that. e.g. if you toss four coins, the outcome "exactly one heads" can occur in four different ways. are they 'identical'?
continuing my example, you could model that with the individual outcomes each in the sample space, with equal probability, or you could model it with a single "exactly one heads" outcome in the sample space, assigned the probability that it gets by the fact that it can arise in four equally probable ways.
For example:
> A letter is chosen at random from the word "ASSASSINATION". Find the probability that letter is a vowel.
Is the answer 6/13 or is it 3/6?
talk me through the reasoning of why it might be 3/6? i'm not sure i see it. you definitely don't want to ignore the fact that there are three A's [and two I's]
here, yo ucould model it as "you draw the first A", "you draw the second A," "you draw the third A" as distinct events of equal probability, or "you draw an A" as one event with a probability that reflects there being three As.
@leslietownes Sample space is a set and we don't repeat the elements in a set... loosely speaking
@leslietownes Hmm
there is an element of arbitrariness in the sample space. you get to choose.
probability books can sometimes get very simple formulas this way, because they can sometimes express things in a way that rolls up any arbitrary choices into the notation and gives the same result for each of them.
I see. Thanks :-)
@leslietownes How are you BTW? :)
one sample space has 13 elements, where the jth element corresponds to drawing the jth letter. all of these outcomes are equally probable. so you'd answer the question by counting which outcomes give a vowel or not (= the total number of vowels in the word), and dividing by the total number of outcomes (= total number of letters in the word).
another sample space would be the number of distinct letters in the word, where each letter is given the probability it has as a result of its number of occurrences in the word.
same result in the end.
i am doing OK.
how are you?
sample spaces where computing probabilities reduces to counting a number of outcomes and dividing by the number of total conceivable outcomes are often conceptually easier to work with, but may involve things that seem unnatural in specific contexts (here, regarding 'drawing an A' as a composite of three distinguishable events).
@leslietownes Same thing will apply to other events like drawing a red ball from a box containing x red balls (distinct or identical doesn't matter?) y blue balls etc. , right?
@leslietownes I am fine :)
yeah. if you want the simplest possible sample space (where everything is equally likely) you may want to distinguish the balls. if you want a small probability space (which only contains events relevant to you) you may want a space where different events have different probabilities. and then computing those probabilities is part of the task of defining the space.
Thanks :-)
4 hours later…
hi community, I offered a bounty of 50 point in this question
Q: Would you help me to find this inequality?

SilvinhaI'm studying a paper, which I'll include a small piece here. And I'm struggling to calculate $$C_n\|u_{m,n}\|^{\left(\frac{2*}{2}\right)^k\frac{2*-q}{(r_k)^k}}_{L^{2*}(\Omega)}$$ Where $\Omega$ is an open, bounded subset of $\mathbb{R}^N$. We also are considering values of $m$ and $n$ such that $m>

however, nobody answered. So, in this case, shouldn't the points turn back to me?
You pay reputation in order to advertise your question.
You don't get a refund.
That looks like something a grad student would spend a week working out. A 50-point bounty for something that takes a week is too cheap. But it’s just way too intricate and involved.
What a homeomorphism of pairs $(X,A)$ and $(Y,B)$ mean? Does it mean a homeomorphism $f:X\rightarrow Y$ such that $f(A)=B$?
Ordinarily I would say $f(A)\subset B$, but with homeo you might be right. Need to check your source.
@TedShifrin As a sanity check,if f in the definition of a homeomorphism $f:(X,A)\rightarrow (Y,B)$ is a homeomorphism such that $f(A)\subseteq B$ then it is also true that $f$ induces a isomorphism $H_n(X,A)\cong H_n(Y,B)$
I think for that you need your hypothesis, not my more general one.
Try to give a counterexample if you have $f(A)\subsetneq B$.
@PM2Ring Yes; after removing the orange nodes, the blue and green nodes have degree 2 and the purple nodes have degree 4.
so the purple nodes would have to be visited twice each
how about, bounty of 50 points per parameter mentioned in that question. i'd consider that.
Uncountable bounty?
i definitely would accept an uncountable bounty.
the working through those inequalities - it's got to be wrong. better phrased as an email to the paper's authors (with 90% of that taken out) than a q on m.se.
that's my gut instinct.
1 hour later…
how does one define a deformation retract of pairs?
of interest because i insulted the pseudocircle the other day.
I am having trouble with this question:
> Out of 100 students two sections of 40 and 60 are formed. If you and your friend are among the 100 students. What is the probability that you both enter the same sections?
If the sections are A and B, I think S(sample space) is something of the form {(A,B,B,B,A... *100 times* ), ...$2^100$ times}
But how do I make sure that only 40 students are in A?
@leslietownes I lived almost 70 years without encountering this.
@Wolgwang Ok First 40 terms in (S1,S2,S3.....S100) represents the student going in A. So $n(S)=\binom{100}{40}$ ?
@Wolgwang The English is bad. The same section at the end?
So what’s the chance you’re both in section A?
$n(E)=\binom{98}{38}(\text{Both in A)}+\binom{98}{58}(\text{Both in B)}$ ?
Order won't matter, right?
Looks good to me.
Can you also explain the book's solution? They have taken $n(S)=\binom{100}{2}$
And they don't write words explaining?
This is not so obvious to me. You consider the class divided into a group of 40 and a group of 60. You count pairs from the group of 40 and pairs from the group of 60. What's the chance that you and your friend (the pair you care about) are in one of those two groups?
Got it! Thanks :)
@TedShifrin Unfortunately no , they just said "Hint: ....some equations..."

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