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Is there a way to prove that if $f:\left[ a,b \right]\to\mathbb{R}$ is a continuous function and $f(a) = f(b)$, then there exists a $\epsilon > 0$ such that $f$ takes the value $c = f(a) + \epsilon$ exactly $2$ times in $(a,b)$?
Or is there a counterexample?
constant functions provide counterexamples.
or, somewhat more elaborately, nonconstant functions that achieve maxima on [a,b] at a and b but have a minimum less than f(a) = f(b) somewhere in the middle.
@leslietownes Hmm thats true =P. What if forall $x \in (a,b)$ , $f(x) > f(a)$.
An extra condition.
With that condition, can you prove it?
@TedShifrin Well I am currently trying. But does it look provable to you guys?
it’s still subtle.
@robjohn Woking the Dog was the Rolling Stones' biggest hit in Vietnam.
what if a = 0, b = 2pi, and f(x) = sin(3x)
Leslie, that won't work. f(pi)=0
what if the function looks like $x^2|\\sin 1/x|$?
i think that a counterexample can be created intuitively.
oh, i forgot to impose the recently made-up condition.
oh, I need to tilt mine up
i think if you consider sequence of triangles starting at a and such that the triangles don't touch the line y=f(a), you can get it.
i'm reluctant to think too hard because if i find something new, i fear the hypotheses will change. good luck. it seems like a counterexample will be 'subtle' but i don't see any obvious reason why there couldn't be one.
That makes no sense to me.
@leslietownes Don't worry. I won't change it anymore =)
I promise.
@Prithubiswasleftmse: did you try with something like this?
See, the troughs of the wave. You can may be try to bring the troughs close to the bottom line but not touch it.
That won’t be a counterexample.
@Koro I think you can still choose an $\epsilon$ small enough to pass though those waves untouched.
Unless you have infinitely many troughs,
@Prithubiswasleftmse yes, but with adding more and more troughs could give you a counterexample. I have not tried adding more troughs but I think it's possible. Add troughs such that for every epsilon>0 the height of the trough is <epsilon.
Try something like $cx + x^2\sin(1/x)$ for small positive $c$.
@TedShifrin I am not sure which interval $[a,b]$ I should look at.
Based on what I said earlier. Consider f(0)=f(1)=0 and f(1/n)=1/n, for every n>2. And define f(n*)=1/2, where n* is the middle point of 1/n and 1/(n+1). Connect the points (n*, 1/2) and (1/n,1/n) by a straight line and similarly connect (1/(n+1),1/(n+1)) to (n*,1/2) by a straight line.
Call this a graph of f, which should give you a counterexample. @Prithubiswasleftmse
@Koro I am having a hard time visualizing it. Can you show me a graph ? =)
@Prithubiswasleftmse: see this very rough incomplete graph.
can you now extend this graph on [0,1/6]?
@Koro I have a fear that the graph might have an oscillating discontinuity.
not really. we have straight lines to take care of that. You can prove that there won't be any jump discontinuity.
@ParamanandSingh Happy Holi!
@Koro happy holi to you too!
@Koro Prithu is correct; your function is discontinuous at 0, so it fails to be a counter-example. There is a counter-example, but yours isn't. @Prithubiswasleftmse @leslietownes: In fact, there is a continuous function from [a,b]→ℝ such that f(a) = f(b) = 0 < f↾(a,b) and #( { x : x∈[a,b] ∧ f(x) = v } ) ∈ {0,3,6} for every v > 0.
@user21820 hmm, I think you're right. In every nbd. of $0$, f will take value 1/2.
@Prithubiswasleftmse: please take a note of this.
Q: Can we construct a group with exactly $k$ Sylow-Subgroups?

J. LinneInspired by the answers given by these three questions (here, here, and here), what is the general solution for constructing a group with a specific number of Sylow subgroups? That is, given a prime $p$ and a positive integer $n\equiv1\pmod p$, is it always possible to construct a group $G$ with...

Why I've never thought about this question? Interesting.
4 hours later…
In this post: math.stackexchange.com/questions/892284/…, shouldn't it also say that $n\in Z$?
This is because if $\pi$ is in the field so should $\frac 1{\pi}$.
What he wrote is $\mathbb Q[\pi]$, not $\mathbb Q(\pi)$
but $\mathbb Q(\pi)$ is not what you claim it is
it's not sufficient to add the inverse of $\pi$, for instance you also need to add the inverse of $\pi-1$
@Astyx I mean in the OP and then in the comments under the answer, they wrote $\mathbb Q(x)$.
But probably they meant $\mathbb Q[\pi]$ as you said.
Yes the OP made a typo
@Astyx yes, understood. Thanks.
@Prithubiswasleftmse $f(x)=0$ or any convex function.
@leslietownes Ah, I see you covered the constant functions
@Prithubiswasleftmse Now, I see the extra condition.
3 hours later…
Hi @copper.hat!!
Hi Koro!!
and Ted.
Hi Leslie!!
my daughter's latest obsession is picking the cat up. she's just big enough that she can do it, although not very well. most of the time, the cat just goes limp like a ragdoll until it's over.
Today result of an exam to enter Masters program in maths in India came out and I’ve qualified the exam. I got all india rank <150.
today, my daughter announced that she was going to carry olivia down the stairs. i wasn't so sure about that. she went down one step and then livvy jumped out of her hands and ran away.
koro: wow! congratulations!
Thanks a lot for helping me out whenever I had any doubts @leslietownes @robjohn @TedShifrin and everyone else here :).
If I wish now I can resign from the company I’m employed at without worrying my family :).
@Koro Very good! Congratulations!
To add to my last message: And finally I can start doing something that I love doing :).
@leslietownes thanks a lot :)
@robjohn thanks a lot :)
you should give yourself a treat. maybe two cups of ginger tea instead of one.
@Prithubiswasleftmse here is an ancillary function and here is a counterexample
@leslietownes haha, I think I should do that. I love ginger tea. :)
Hi @Koro! Happy Saint Patrick's day :-) I'm happy because both of my kids are home.
And I might head out for a drink with my daughter later...
@Koro Congrats!
@copper.hat: Happy St Paddy's Day!
@robjohn Nice counterexample!
I really wonder how you managed to find something like that...
@Prithubiswasleftmse had to make sure that the maximum was attained several times
then you have to make sure that it has no minimum on $(0,1)$
and sequences of minima tending to $0$
Congratulations, @Koro.
ted sketched this type of idea last night (maybe everyone had that type of idea last night), but that's a really clean implementation. cool.
Greetings, Munchkin’s slave.
ted, when munchkin announces an intention to carry the cat down a flight of stairs and picks the cat up, what would your intuition be? to intervene? or just see what happens?
depends on how hard it is to get blood out of the stairs. if they're carpeted, intervention seems indicated.
not carpeted!
The cat will take care of herself. The question is whether Munchkin falls down the stairs.
thanks @TedShifrin @Prithubiswasleftmse :)
i did wonder if livvy's jump would cause her to lose her balance, but it didn't.
My idea was much more conventional, @robjohn. Surprised to see a bump function here.
I'm wondering how to find GCD of two elements in a Euclidean domain.
@Koro wait why thank me? I didn't do anything O_o?
Like gcd(3+i, 1+2i) in Z[i].
Euclidean algorithm, of course, @Koro.
@TedShifrin I'll have to read back. I missed your idea.
Also, when someone says find gcd (a,b) in an ED, what 'distance' function do they have in mind?
That”s part of what an ED is, Koro.
Ah, yours is much the same. I added $2$ to make it always positive and applied it to $x(1-x)$ to make the behavior the same at $0$ and $1$
@robjohn The usual $cx + x^2\sin(1/x)$.
Given an integral domain D, which is a Euclidean domain and given a,b in D find gcd(a,b).
Am I supposed to first prove that D is an ED by finding that distance function that satisfies the properties that makes D an ED?
and with such distance discovered, then proceed using Euclidean algorithm?
I used the function that was identically $1$ for a while so that I would get a number of maxima so that there wasn't any place where a value was taken twice.
No, you just work with $d$ abstractly. In $\Bbb Z[i]$ we know what it is.
yeah, normal N(a+ib):=$a^2+b^2$.
and in polynomials, degree
I'll get back to this some other time.
@Prithubiswasleftmse :). Did you see the 'counterexample' that I gave was wrong?
@Koro Yea, user21820 mentioned it =)
@Prithubiswasleftmse yeah, after that comment I added a proof why there was discontinuity at 0.
@copper.hat Happy Saint Patrick's day :-)
3 hours later…
$\tiny\text{corn beef and cabbage are served in the cafe}$
Chag Purim sameach.
@XanderHenderson You can share, and we can have a pot luck! :-)
Poppy seed or apricot?
@TedShifrin Both sound delicious! Bring 'em both! :D
I've never made hamantaschen. But they are yummy.
I bet! I got really into baking in days of yor. cookies, German chocalate cake, cream puffs, pies. My favorite of all was the basic shortbread cookie made with butter. The basic recipe is so versatile, for say, turtle cookies, or the batter mixed with ground pecans for pecan fingers. Now I'm getting hungry!!
If $X$ is an affine variety and $p \in X$ some point, then $\mathcal{O}_{X,p}$ denotes the local ring of an affine variety $X$ the point $p$. How exactly is this defined? I remember it being defined as equivalence classes of pairs $(f,U)$ where, I think, $f$ is a regular map on the open subset $U \subset X$ containing $p$...But I don't remember exactly what the equivalence relation is...
2 hours later…
Okay, I figured it out.
@user193319 the easiest way is to do it just algebraically: the point corresponds to a maximal ideal, localize the coordinate ring at that
but you do it more geometrically as well
Yeah, that sounds familiar.
By the way, what exactly is a morphism of varieties?
that depends on the level of generality we're considering
if we're just over an algebraically closed field, then it's a map that locally looks like a polynomial
@robjohn @Koro Thanks!
in general it's a morphism of $k$-schemes
Wait, I thought it meant that they look like rational functions locally, no?

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