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If f(x) and g(x) are irreducible over field F. Then since F(x) is PID, f(x) and g(x) are prime elements. In particular they are co-prime. Does the equivalent of Bezout’s identity hold here?
That is, does there exist polynomials over F such that $1=c_1(x) f(x)+ c_2(x)g(x)$?
Or can we say that: F(x)= (f(x))+(g(x)), where (f(x) denotes principal ideal generated by f(x)?
It is also given that f(x) and g(x) are not associates.
I think no for Bezout’s identity question. F=R and taking f(x)= $x^2+1$ and g(x) as $x^2+3$ is one counterexample.
If h(x) is in F(x) then, h(x)= q(x) f(x)+r(x) by division and r(x) can be written as p(x) g(x)+ s(x) by division. So h(x) is in (f(x))+(g(x))+ s(x)
so the second assertion also seems false. But I’m not so sure about this one.
You're wrong about Bezout. You should read my algebra book, clearly.
yes, I was wrong about Bezout’s part of my question.
So aren’t you wrong about both? Maybe I missed the second point.
@Koro Did you mean $F(x)$ or $F[x]$?
Oh, I missed that. He means $F[x]$.
I am so frustrated with the European (non-American?) notation of using $\wedge$ for cross-product. To wit.
Hey guys, I just had a quick question regarding the squeeze theorem in multivariable calculus.

As an example, consider the function $f(x,y) = \frac{2xy}{x^2+y^2}$ and it's limit as $(x, y) \to (0, 0)$. Just out of interest, I attempted to apply the squeeze theorem:
$$-1 \lt \frac{x}{x^2+y^2} \lt 1 \\ -2 \lt \frac{2x}{x^2+y^2} \lt 2 \\ -2|y| \lt \frac{2xy}{x^2+y^2} \lt 2|y|$$

Since $\lim_{(x, y) \to (0, 0)} |y| = 0$, we can conclude (?) $\lim_{(x, y) \to (0, 0)} \frac{2xy}{x^2+y^2} = 0$. However, I'm pretty sure that this isn't correct as if we set $x = y$ and calculate the limit, we get a
Your first line is nonsense.
wait why? x is always smaller than $x^2$ right?
Yuge error.
@DavidChoi If $x = 1/2$, then...
oh waittt
You have to be more self-critical.
embarassing error guys
You should feel shame. Four Hail Marys, and bedtime without dessert tonight.
Just cuz you live in it …
desert for dessert seems like a cruel punishment
I’m being a critical ass**** tonight.
the shame was so much i looked for the delete button
but alas
it does not exist
Only for a minute!
@Lukas What do you think about my bitch about wedge for cross product? Mr. algebra.
@TedShifrin I don't know what you're talking about.
Also, the gas lamps in this room are just as bright as they have ever been.
Uh huh. Cheat.
@TedShifrin Heh.
Oh, interesting.
So, like, I left home yesterday morning when it was right around freezing. I paid \$3.85/gal for gas in Kingman, where the weather was pleasant, and then arrived in Riverside, where it is too damn hot (and gas is close to \$6/gal). What is wrong with California?
Is it France, Spain, Brazil? I dunno.
but I agree the wedge should for the exterior product, else it only leads to confusion
Gas is way up everywhere cuz Putin and thieving gas companies. CA is always $1.50-2.00 higher cuz taxes.
xander some of it is rents that gas stations pay, and proximity to other gas stations. i think california's air quality requirements may also require a different blend than AZ, at least in summer.
and that's not even getting to state taxation.
thankfully, arizona is a libertarian utopia. so kingman has that.
That it is.
my prius C got 60 mpg on the way home from day care today, and a lot of that was over 50mph.
@Lukas Didn’t you promise me a letter sometime? :)
i bought gas once in 2021. yes, that's my smugness. i'm glad you noticed it.
You love being a bigger ass**** than I, leslie.
I also drive way more than you.
yeah, i really only drive to/from day care these days.
On a standard also.
i should be clear that i have a daughter. there is no facility charged with watching me during the day.
@Ted oh right, I’m sorry I haven’t delivered on that promise so far!
Munchkin is a waste of gasoline.
Just a reminder :)
there are a few funny stations near santa monica. you basically only go to them if you're running out of gas at the wrong time, or don't give a crap about how much gas costs. sometimes $1/gal over the rest of LA.
Gas stations near me are close to a $1 more than I usually pay elsewhere.
the times had a good article about this phenomenon a week ago. a journalist sat at one of the stations and asked people why they were there. the most common answers were 'oops, what?' and 'i'm not paying with my own money.'
Rich daddies ….
that too. the people who drive uber and such around there have the craziest stories about rich people and their children.
The uber/lyft drivers are dying.
it makes sense more as a distributed concierge service for rich people than it does as a general mode of transportation. sadly taxi companies have not improved very much.
my daughter didn't scream at miss fuentes today.
She deserves severe smacks if she dares to.
she did, upon exiting the day care classroom, say GIMME MY GOODIE BAG to miss fuentes, and we both demanded that she say please.
You are raising a spoiled brat.
some kid had a birthday and distributed small bags with little toys in them to his classmates.
ted: pbvhbtbhtbhtht
Spoon feeding, in the long run...
I once didn’t say please as a child and when asked “what’s the magic word?” I replied “which one do you mean? There are multiple ones like ‘open sesame’ or ‘abracadabra´.“
we did ask her for the palabras magicas and got a begrudging 'por favor'
You got spanked.
lukas: "NOW" is also accepted as a magic word.
So is “bitch.”
it is a rich and varied language.
@TedShifrin Flagged. :P
Of course.
Time for me to cook dinner, irregardless.
@TedShifrin FLAGGED!
"Irregardless" is a crime against humanity!
i'm reheating some fennel soup and having it with leftover french fries.
just as the french do, every night. that's my understanding.
might pair it with wine, even.
You need to make that agridolce leek dish!
i really do. this thing is kind of a fennel analogue of it.
unirrespective of any disirregardlessness
xander: where are you on "anywhats"
@robjohn F[x]
@TedShifrin wrong about first implies wrong about the second part also.
@leslietownes "Anywhats" is a no-go, but "anywhatsit" is okay.
i was talking to a neighbor at the mailbox when some geese flew overhead. neighbor asked my daughter if she'd seen the mallard ducks that sometimes wander around the neighborhood. my daughter said THOSE ARE CANADA GEESE.
this isn't going to be cute for very much longer, but it's very, very funny now.
@robjohn Of course me am diseducated!
@TedShifrin just thought I'd learn you something ;-)
@robjohn Of course "irregardless" is a word. That doesn't prevent it from being a crime against humanity.
@leslietownes Thank goodness she correctly called them "Canada geese", and not "Canadian geese". Very smart child.
So you say France geese and Germany geese??!!
ted, go further south. we have egyptian geese but not egypt geese.
xander i think my neighbor was both impressed with, and annoyed by, my daughter.
I don’t get it. Why Canada geese?
the neighbor opened with 'when you moved in she was so tiny and she's so big now!' and ended up being corrected about ducks vs. geese.
No question Munchkin gets her manners from leslie.
ted, i don't know, but that's the way bird people set it up.
Only Canadian geese have such an appellation?
for what it's worth, most of the region in which those birds live year round is in the USA, not canada. but they do summer up there.
maybe most of them are born in canada. i dunno. there's a split of authority.
nobody's explained to me why egyptian geese are egyptian. my daughter loves them anyway.
The Canada Goose was actually named after John Canada, not the country Canada.
this theory is mentioned, but rejected, at grammarphobia.com/blog/2015/04/canada-goose.html
they do not cite support for anything, so the lack of cited support for the john canada theory may not mean much.
I know... I was just quoting, but I lost the link before I could add it.
it was actually named after dave canada. and everybody knows that
don't bother googling
here is a thread that pretty much shows this was not confirmed.
that only discredits the john canada theory, not the dave canada theory
None of the links supplied as support work.
i don't think there is a single link anywhere that discredits the dave canada theory, which is proof that it's true
I know that if $A, B$ are ideals of a ring R such that $B\subseteq A$ then $(R/B)/(A/B)$ is isomorphic to $R/A$.
I don't understand how it follows from here that the ideals of R/U are in one-one correspondence with the ideals of R that contain U.
I ask this because this theorem is stated in Hersten's Topics and the proof is omitted saying that refer to Second isomorphism theorem.
And second isomorphism theorem is I think the one that I stated above.
But I was wondering if the result follows directly from the theorem stated above.
you can't really operationalize "is isomorphic to" without a specification of the map that gives the isomorphism. so no, i don't think you can use the theorem above, at least as stated above, as a black box.
you need a form of the isomorphism theorem that makes the maps that are isomorphisms explicit.
this is done in the linked answer.
@leslietownes :)
my cat has spent the last 20 minutes beating the crap out of all of her downstairs toys. one after the other.
i don't know why.
From the Apocryphal Book of Felix: "And when the olive cat beateth excrement from all objects of diversion, the end is nigh."
my cat crashed a zoom today. it wasn't too disruptive because i was wearing a black shirt and she's a black cat. but she did sometimes open her eyes and groom herself. i think only a few people noticed.
@Koro Why not? Apply with $A=J$ and $B=U$.
$(R/U)/(J/U)\simeq R/J$ but still not obvious to me :(
@Koro So far here is part 1 of an informal proof:
Let $x_1,...,x_n \in \mathbb{R}$ such that $f(x_1) = f(x_2) = \space ... \space = f(x_n)$
So we have the intervals $\left[x_1,x_2 \right],\left[x_2,x_3 \right],...,\left[x_{n-1},x_n \right]$
For each of those intervals, $f$ is either positive or negative.
We will call them positive intervals or negative intervals.
(1) We can prove that there are $\frac{n}{2}+1$ positive intervals or negative intervals.
Let say there are $\frac{n}{2}+1$ positive intervals. [other case is same]
By EVT,let $M_1,...,M_{\frac{n}{2}+1}$ by the maximums of each of those positive intervals.
@Koro Does this seem sound so far?
@Prithubiswasleftmse you should mention why f doesn't change sign on the subintervals. Showing that $M_p$ is the maximum of f doesn't yet complete the proof.
@Koro Yep it is only the first part =)
I will mention why f doesn't change sign on the subinterval in the full verion, but is there any wrong assertions I made so far?
You can simply your working even further. Why do you want to consider positive or negative? You could directly use EVT and IVT. If you draw a picture, you'll see :).
@Prithubiswasleftmse I don't think so except that (I think), it should be stated that: $x_1\lt x_2\lt...\lt x_n$.
I think the result that I asked earlier about is intuitive as follows: If $f: S\to f(S)$ is a homomorphism then S/ker f is isomorphic to f(S). It is known to me that f pulls back ideals. With this understanding, there is an isomorphism g from S/ker f onto f(S) so any ideal I of f(S) gets pulled back to g^{-1}(I) =K/ker f, which is an ideal of S/ker f hence K is an ideal of S that contains ker f.
@Koro I don't see how I could have directly used EVT & IVT that way =(
Prithu: I suggest you should try for n=2 first to see that. On [0,1], let M be the maximum of f on [0,1] and suppose that it is attained at some c in [0,1]. So there exist a c' in R such that f(c)=f(c')=M. WLOG, let c'>c. On [c,c'], let min f[c,c'] be m then m<M and let this be attained at some a in (c,c') (note the open interval here).
By IVT, every value in [m=f(a), M=f(c')] should be attained by f on [a,c'] and the same set of values must be attained by f on [c,a].
But m must also be attained twice. What happens to f(x) when x>c' or when x<c?
@Koro the second isomorphism theorem should be enough , the idea here being that the one to one correspondence is the 'obvious' one, i.e. if $I$ is an ideal of $R$, then the correspondence is just given by $J \rightarrow q(J)$ between ideals $J$ containing $I$ and ideals of $R/I$ where $ q : R \rightarrow R/I$ is the quotient map. So the ideal $J$ corresponds to the ideal $J/U = q(J)$ in $R/U$, and so $(R/U)/(J/U) = R/J$
in this case I think the second isomorphism theorem , well maybe not the second in case im forgetting, but the statement I just made above is exactly in line with your setup
if you go through artins chapters on ring theory he goes through all of this pretty systematically
@Koro "...and suppose that it is attained at some c in [0,1]", but what if it is attained at some point c outside [0,1]?
@Prithubiswasleftmse by EVT, max f[0,1]=M must be attained at some c in [0,1].
@Koro Whoopes I thought you said the second maximum was attained in [0,1] too. My bad =P
[0,1] is not really required here though :). You could complete the proof with what you did. But first try this for n=2 by drawing a picture also to see how IVT comes into play.
@Koro is $I+J = R$ an iff condition?
@Jakobian no, it was if.
for example?
For example: We could consider f(x), g(x) (irreducibles) in F[x] such that f(x) and g(x) are not associates then I=<f(x)>, J=<g(x)> are such that F[x]=I+J and by CRT, we should have F[x]/<f(x)g(x)>$\simeq F[x]/\langle f(x)\rangle \oplus F[x]/\langle g(x)\rangle$.
(recalling an exercise problem I asked about today.)
@porridgemathematics thanks. I'll check that out :).
6 hours later…
It's surprising that one can prove there are infinitely many prime numbers using basic topology.
@Koro There was a post in MSE about this:
Q: Can a continuous function from the reals to the reals assume each value an even number of times?

Richard HevenerSuppose $f: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is continuous. Is it possible for $f$ to assume each value in its range an even number of times? To clarify, some values might be taken 0 times, some 2, some 4, etc., but always an even (and therefore finite) number. I don't require that there be a ...

I didn't knew about this.
@Koro Not very surprising to you?
@love_sodam I didn't know about that.
Don't need to know. Just for fun.
:). Have you studied topology?
(generalized topology)
Point set topology?
no, the generalized topology
I've never heard about that.
Topology that is studied after point set topology.
Algebraic or geometric topology?
I haven't yet studied that either. I thought the result you mention is from AT or GT.
Infinite prime? No the proof uses really the basic topology
glad to know that :).
@Prithubiswasleftmse the question we were discussing had a fixed n. Right?
This result seems trivial, how would I show $$\sum_{j=1}^n cos(k\frac{\pi (j-1/2)}{n}) = 0$$
Where $k \in \mathbb{Z}$
And $k \neq 0$
I tried using the exponential definition and summing up but I don't get any obvious simplifications.
@Govind75 another approach, albeit similar to the exponential definition, is to consider $\cos\left(\dfrac{\pi k}{n}(j-1/2)\right)$ as the real part of $e^{i (\pi k/n)(j-1/2)}$
if you define $z:=e^{i \pi k/n}$, then the complex sum becomes $\sum_{j=1}^n z^{j-1/2}$
(and in particular one has $z^n = e^{i\pi k}=(-1)^k$)
o/ @ted
Howdy, @Semiclassic
Hello professor @Ted.
I think I intuitively understood why ideals of R/I should be in 1-1 correspondence with ideals of R containing I. :)
Someone gave me a proof that there are infinitely many prime numbers. I wonder if this proof is valid.
Does the first expression make sense? How about $\sum_{k=1}^\infty p_i^{k-1} ={p_i\over p_i-1}$?
minor rant: i graded for a quantum midterm over break. the last problem involved an infinite series which reduced to a telescoping sum and could thus be expressed in closed form...
Why is that rant-worthy?
initially i took off 0.5 pt out of 6 for not expressing it in closed form, but after student feedback i decided to rescind that if people emailed me a picture of it. okay, fine
the minor rant is a student emailing their picture to me and characterizing it as my having "misgraded" it
i didn't misgrade anything. i changed my mind about how to grade it.
@love_sodam Garbage, yup.
it's petty i suppose, but it set my teeth on edge
were they supposed to evaluate or just say it converged?
@TedShifrin Proof is doing its own mathematics
evaluate it
the problem just said "compute", tho
so whether you regard that as a complete calculation was up to me to decide. initially i thought it should be, but after feedback i decided it wasn't necessary
compute sounds like a numerical answer is requested. I concur with your grading, although maybe .5/6 is harsh.
i meant that they lost 0.5 pts
so 5.5/6
to be clear
Yes, I understand. Yeah, maybe about right.
8.3/100 … depends how involved the problem was otherwise
to be clear, the sum they had to recognize was $\sum_{m=1}^\infty \frac{1}{(2m+1)^2-1}=\frac14$
Well, that takes a bit of effort/algebra.
it's $\frac{1}{(2m+1)^2-1} = \frac{1}{2m}-\frac{1}{2m+2}$
exam with time issues or homework?
50 minutes
one of 4 problems ?
I can’t judge, but time is an issue
yeah. it's borderline imo and that's why i was willing to change my mind
the rant was specifically about the student's email saying that i had "misgraded" it tho
On all of my exams, I tend to give one really hard problem to distinguish the best students. After one such exam, I went over the problem in class. It took me about 40 minutes from start to end (though there was a lot of explanation and back-and-forth---when I wrote the key, it took me 7 minutes to get through the problem).
I also made a couple of "mistakes" when working through the problem (i.e. I made very rough simplifications, in the interest of time---the goal was to show students how they should think about the problem when there is a time crunch, so as to maximize points---be willing to make little errors early on, which you can correct if you have time).
On my evaluations that semester, a student complained that I had assigned an exam problem which was unfair, because I couldn't do it in class in front of everyone in less than 40 minutes.
Yes, that does not surprise me in the least.
The whole point of the question was that almost no one should have been able to finish it in the time allotted, but that a strong student should be able to make significant progress. This is design philosophy which is spelled out in the syllabus, on the front page of every exam, and which I repeat over and over again throughout the semester. :/
Maybe I should start marking that question "Extra Credit".
In calculus level classes, I allow a multiplier of 4. I must do the answer key in 1/4 the time I allow them. (That's doing it in LaTeX, figures, etc. If I'm writing by hand, the factor is about 1/6.)
Your design philosophy demands more maturity than our average calculus student has.
@XanderHenderson "This problem is difficult: Show me how far you can get!"
tho that's sorta not the right way to look at it either
@TedShifrin Indeed. I use a multiplier of 7 (for a handwritten key). That problem was a 50 minute problem, but, again, they weren't supposed to finish it.
Well, if you say that, they won't even try.
i'd be more interested in seeing what their overall plan of attack is for a problem like that, rather than just seeing how far they got in the actual steps
I emphasize that I give partial credit for writing correct and (somewhat) relevant thoughts, but that I do not give partial credit for garbage or irrelevant things.
e.g. "I'm going to compute A using X, then B using Y, etc"
@TedShifrin Yup.
Do you want them to learn to sacrifice accuracy for speed?
@user4539917 Sometimes, yes.
Because I believe that process is more important than accuracy.
i'm not sure it's accuracy you want to sacrifice so much as precision
And a computer can check accuracy outside of an exam setting.
you want to see that they're aiming for the right target, not whether they precisely hit it
e.g. it's more concerning if they're systematically computing the wrong thing correctly, rather than the right thing incorrectly
I would prefer both, but if it comes down to explaining more of the process, or double checking a computation, I would rather see more of the process.
Also, there are other questions on the exam which demand more accuracy.
In most courses I graded on validity of the method and not on picky technical things. An arithmetic error in the answer was typically 19/20. A conceptual error in the approach might result in 5/20 at best.
Of course, it's now almost 7 years since I retired, so it's all a distant fog.
@TedShifrin I have been known to write "Small arithmetic error (-0.001)".
And end up with students who have exam scores like 23.998 / 30.
LOL ... I'm not that interested in exam-scoring arithmetic :P
I use GradeScope, so scores are computed automatically. :D
And my grading scale in most courses was far more generous than the typical 90-80-70 ... thing.
I consider 18/30 to be a fairly solid C on my exams.
i tend to waive arithmetic errors, especially if the answer remains "plausible"
by contrast i'm not so kind to errors which result in answers whose units don't make sense
if i have to look at the specific answer to know you're wrong, i might not dock. if i can tell it's wrong just by looking at the final answer you gave, i definitely dock
@Semiclassical Yeah, that is kind of the point of deducting a thousandth of a point---I feel like it is a way of indicating that there is an error, and that the student should be more careful, but that in the current context, it isn't important.
the way i've sometimes indicated that is to give a deduction, and then very obviously strike it out
Has anyone scored a perfect on your exam?
Oh, god, no.
to make clear that there's an error which -could- be deductible but which i'm applying my discretion to
@Semiclassical Exactly.
I had an outstanding student years ago who got better than a perfect score on my linear algebra final. As I recall, she not only got every problem right, but she pointed out a small error in something. She had close to the same level of performance in my undergraduate differential geometry course. Astounding.
I just looked up my Excel files. 300/300 on the linear algebra final and 306/300 on the diff geo. That must have been the one with the error.
She impressed everyone who taught her. Ultimately, she went and taught high school back where she'd grown up. I wonder what happened.
A guy who ultimately went on to get a Ph.D. in geometric analysis got 238/300 on that diff geo final ... :)
@PM2Ring: here is an animation showing the isohedral property of the rhombic dodecahedron
it cycles through all 12 faces
a good number of people at my high school went back to teach at my high school. sadly, they were not the sort of people who would have been wowing their college instructors with mastery of the material.
This young woman was phenomenal across my entire 40+-year teaching career. That includes a number of people who now have PhDs and far surpassed me in accomplishments.
i think what the people who ended up teaching at my school had in common was parents who owned properties where they could live. the cost of living in my hometown is prohibitive on a teacher's salary. even when i was a student, most new teachers commuted from somewhere else.
That's sadly true of a lot of the popular part of CA.
it's interesting that your student took that path.
It was not for lack of our encouraging her to go on in mathematics ...
you rarely, but sometimes, hear it said that gender equity may have had some role in driving down the average quality of K-12 education. the idea being that when women didn't have other options, you got a lot of really sharp people teaching K-12, where in a freer world, many would have chosen something else.
I came up with that argument in the 70s ... before it became the go-to argument.
you don't hear it too often because it's easily muddled with offensive ideas about 'those who can't, teach.' and nostalgia for imagined 'better times.'
anyway, maybe it's kind of nice that at least once, someone clearly capable of going further, chose to do that instead.
i don't understand it personally, but maybe it's nice.
One of my talented male students, who got a law degree of Stanford, decided after a few years of hectic law practice in Atlanta to let his wife continue with the law and he's now teaching math in inner-city high schools in Atlanta.
I heard from him in December that an AP calculus had been dropped in his lap for January and he was "reviewing" all the stuff he'd long forgotten.
I'm sure he's doing great.
a lot of the folks i knew in college who were most enthusiastic about K-12 education were the absolute worst to be doing it. fragile egos, a desire to "be right" and get people to follow rules, etc. they would have been filtered out by any kind of personality trait screening.
This guy dropped out of my honors multivariable math because he was not satisfied that he was learning it deeply enough to warrant the A he got. Ultimately, he came back and took several more classes from me and did just fine.
i should get my wife into the law so i can retire and teach in inner-city schools.
This site just went bonkers. I tried to say that I don't view that as exactly a good fit for you.
i don't either, but it would be a good premise for a sitcom.
Ah, the new Mr. Kotter.
Good evening. Why $lim_{x \to 0} lim_{y\to 0} (x+y)sin(\frac{1}{x}) sin(\frac{1}{y})$ does not exist? If we take $y=\frac{1}{\pi n}$ will be $lim_{x \to 0} lim_{y\to 0} (x)sin(\frac{1}{x}) sin(\pi n)=0$ ? What am I doing wrong?
Why do you think it doesn’t exist?
@unit1991 even the inner limit doesn't exist: $$\lim_{y\to0}(x+y)\sin\left(\frac1x\right)\sin\left(\frac1y\right)$$
@unit1991 You are only looking at a very special sequence of points. You need to look at all real values near $0$
@TedShifrin sorry to interrupt. I'll shut up.
Nah, don’t.
@TedShifrin Hah! But you gotta love Stand and Deliver!!
Go, @leslie go!!! But succeed, and write an inspiring book, and take it from there.
Did you see the discussion leading up to this? My comment was re leslie specifically,
Did I say something wrong. Sorry, I'll not butt in.
Nah, I had just finished praising two amazing former students who went into secondary teaching.
$lim_{x\to {0}}lim_{y \to 0}(xsin(\frac{1}{x})sin(\frac{1}{y})+ysin(\frac{1}{x})sin(\frac{1}{y})) = lim_{x \to 0} xsin(\frac{1}{x})lim_{y \to 0}sin(\frac{1}{y})+0$

so it does not exist. Is this right?
You are using rules that assume the limits exist, aren’t you?
yes then how prove that limit does not exist?
How do you usually prove a limit doesn’t exist?
bring example of two subsequences that have different limit
@unit1991 you chose a sequence where each term was $0$. Can you think of another sequence that converges to $0$ where each term has a non zero value?
2 hours later…
I guess not.
2 hours later…
New stack exchange site just dropped
Proof assistants
has it had an inaugural person wander in and just ask for homework help?
i could do this myself, but if someone already has, maybe it isn't as funny if i do it.
"My proof needs help. Where can I find an assistant for it?"
oh, i was gonna go the route of "hi, i need assistants with the following disproof of cantor's diagonal theorem".
but that would work too.
@AkivaWeinberger I note the rather exuberant high votes on most questions. That's how math.se started.
This video shows a good example of a proof assistant (Lean)
(also this game teaches you Lean: ma.imperial.ac.uk/~buzzard/xena/natural_number_game)
i will ask for assistants in recipes for my drink involving cough syrup and jolly ranchers.
also with my recipe for coq au vin.
To be clear, the assistants here are robots
you can disparage pointy-headed math nerds all you want, but they're just assistants to me.
@leslietownes I don't get it
akiva: "lean" is a slang term for a drink made out of cough syrup and soda (and usually supplementary sugar).
Did not know that
Doesn't sound super appetizing, to be honest
@leslietownes it also has a very low proof.
oh wow. robjohn's observation is accurate. this is why i think a joke to this effect could do numbers on proof assistants SE.
I use Everclear as a "proof assistant"
Woking the dog in the park... BBL
@leslietownes Who wants to be the first to post "I need to know what the proof is of this punch is (includes ingredients, some of which are alcoholic). Are there assistants who can help me here?
Cocktail recipe proofs

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