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how would you accomplish a surface of revolution in $\Bbb R^2_{\gt 0}$?
say $\Bbb R_{\gt 0} \times \Bbb R_{\gt 0}=\Bbb R^2_{\gt 0}$
2 hours later…
Let E be a (analytic) rank 1 elliptic curve over Q with nontrivial torsion and E' be a Q-isogenous curve to E.

If Ш(E / Q) is nontrivial, does that imply that Ш(E' / Q) is also nontrivial?
If so, does it also imply that ord(Ш(E / Q)) = ord(Ш(E' / Q))?
2 hours later…
Hello, I posted this question last friday but I haven't found an answer for it yet after scouring the internet. I was wondering if you guys could help. It's basically about finding the new (still proportional) top left (x,y) coordinates of an inner rectangle after the outer rectangle is scaled.


Someone was able to send me a formula that could center the inner rectangle but what I want is to position it still proportional to its original position
If not it is probably impossible to determine, in my opinion.
I'm pretty sure we would need the length & width of the rectangle.
I have the width and height of the rectangle, just need to calculate the new top left (x,y) of the inner rectangle
Then do the algebra
Sorry I haven't done algebra work for years now, it just so happened I needed to solve something like this in this website I'm developing @.@ not very good with math, very sorry about that.
What formula should I use for this?
After that generalise it and prove that result :)
How would i know? I'm in school right now bro. Do some research.
if I knew the formula I would have just told you lol.
yeah that was kinda what I was asking for...
But I mean you could just find it yourself with a little algebra
In all honesty it is really not that advanced, I think the generalisation part is the hard part.
let me annotate ur image a bit.
give me a sec my online whiteboard isn't loading...:(
Can you give me some numbers to work with.
yeah just a sec
outer width - height: 480.0237645698818 148.93819110344342
outer x - y: 3.499999947845936 142.5
inner width - height: 85.53882724620006 71.45007922917887
inner x - y: 275.5 142.5
outer width - height: 477.0285656073882 148.00886312346634
outer x - y: 3.499999947845936 116.46973255832062
inner width - height: 85.00509157407078 71.00425296187088
inner x - y: 5.246434139941414 116.46973255832062
outer width - height: 471.7086609301619 146.35824280432695
outer x - y: 3.499999947845936 115.5733811664008
here are some, values of inner x- y are wrong though after the first one
Easier to generalise
wow that is really specific. I'm just gonna go with integers for now.
1 hour later…
wait i'm confused, can you label them in terms of their colors in your diagram
outer = blue rectangle
inner = red rectangle
ok, give me some time.
Thanks dude, I appreciate it, really. No pressure btw, you can just stop if you wanna. I'm also tryna solve it on my end
I want to write a short code using the `Manipulate[]` function in Mathematica. Namely, I want to be able to vary the degree of the Taylor polynomial `n` but with (for now) fixed function and fixed expansion point. If `n` is fixed, then it is simply:

`t[x_] = Normal[Series[f[x], {x, 0, 6}]];`

Note that using `:=` (`SetDelayed`) will cause an error here.
Now the issue is that if I simply replace the `6` with an `n` and use `t[x_,n_]` instead, the `n` would expect a `:=` (`SetDelayed`) instead of `=`. However, that is incompatible with the `x_`.
@Huy long time
how's it going
@BalarkaSen hi, you must be like grown up by now! I'm obviously still teaching. Trying to teach some basic numerical mathematics this semester, so I need update my Mathematica skills again. I used it like 10 years ago in uni and have forgotten everything.
im a first year grad student currently. cool idea to teach the kids mathematica (i don't know any of it, tbh).
where are you studying if I may ask?
still in india; tata institute of fundamental research.
nice. good to see some familiar faces in here. I missed Ted's birthday apparently.
yup. great to have you back
i lost the audio dramatization of the Durrenmatt play you sent me; do you still have it with you by any chance
I also have to teach multivariable calculus soon, so I'll probably need some help there too
Die Physiker?
cool stuff!
@Huy yup
I'd have to search at home. did I send it to you back then ?
yeah you did
i listened to it too, it was a good one
interesting. I forgot a lot of things. I'm getting old.
was it in English?
ok. I'll see if I can find it when I'm home.
@Huy I'm not sure I understand. Is f defined prior to this? What is the desired result?
@Astyxy: yes, it is.

f[x_] := Sin[x]/x;
t[x_] = Normal[Series[f[x], {x, 0, 6}]];
Plot[{f[x], t[x]}, {x, -2*Pi, 2*Pi}, PlotRange -> All]

something like this works. I want to use Manipulate[] and change 6 to a variable n
f[x_] := Sin[x]/x;
t[n_, x_] := Normal[Series[f[y], {y, 0, n}]] /. y -> x;
Plot[{f[x], t[n, x]}, {x, -2*Pi, 2*Pi}, PlotRange -> All], {n, 0, 6,
This isn't very clean but it works
thanks, that helps. if you come up with a cleaner solution, I'm very happy to hear about it
The same thing but without a free variable. The issue you have is that Series does not return a function but an expression in some variable x, and you then want to specify it to x=x0 for some number x0

f[x_] := Sin[x]/x;
t[n_, x0_] :=
Module[{x}, ReplaceAll[Normal[Series[f[x], {x, 0, n}]], x -> x0]];
Plot[{f[x], t[n, x]}, {x, -2*Pi, 2*Pi}, PlotRange -> All], {n, 0, 6,
A slightly different version for which t[n] returns a function in x that is the truncated series.

f[x_] := Sin[x]/x;
t[n_] := Function[{x0},
ReplaceAll[Normal[Series[f[x], {x, 0, n}]], x -> x0]]];
Plot[{f[x], t[n][x]}, {x, -2*Pi, 2*Pi}, PlotRange -> All], {n, 0, 6,
Let $B^3=\{x\in\mathbb R^3:|x|<1\}$, $A\subset \mathbb R^3$ of the form $\bar{B}^3\cup C$ where $C$ is a Jordan curve and $\bar{B}^3\cap C$ is a singleton. How one can show that $\pi(A)\approx \mathbb Z$?
Beyond that I'm not knowledgeable enough to bring much more insight
@LearningCHelpMeV2 $$\frac1{n(n+1)}\overset{\substack{\text{$1/x$ is}\\\text{decreasing}\\\downarrow}}{\le}\frac1{n^2}\overset{\substack{\text{$1/x$ is}\\\text{convex}\vphantom{\text{dg}}\\\downarrow}}{\le}\frac12\left(\frac1{n(n-1)}+\frac1{n(n+1)}\right)$$
If $s>1$, $\\sum_{n>0}n^{-s} = \prod_p 1/(1-p^{-s})$ where the product is over all primes $p$. Letting $s\to 1$, LHS diverges and RHS becomse $\prod_p 1/(1-p^{-1}) = \prod_p\sum_{k = 0}^\infty 1/p^k$. Does this imply $\sum_p 1/p$ diverges?
@JaakkoSeppälä from what you wrote, $A$ is a singleton, so its fundamental group is $0$
@Jakobian The intersection is a singleton, but A is the union
However $\bar B^3$ is contractible, so A is homotopically like C
Ah. I am on phone so I read raw LaTeX
Why don't you write any contraction of B^3 onto the point in intersection and extend it to A
Contraction which fixes the point of the intersection
Can anyone help me out with this one?
@Muzammilahmed Not with the information given. What are $\vec x$, $\vec y$, $\vec z$?
@Jakobian you should be able to use ChatJax on your phone. What kind of phone do you have?
$\vec x$, $\vec y$, $\vec z$ are not given
@robjohn any idea now?
@Muzammilahmed Doesn't the response you got in the linear algebra room help with this?
@robjohn android + google chrome
What exactly is a line in projective space, say in $\Bbb{P}^4$?
Like, would the sets $\{[0,0,1,z] : z \in k\}$ and $\{[0,0,z,1] : z \in k\}$ define lines in $\Bbb{P}^4$?
@Jakobian did the instructions for android on the installation page not help?
@user193319 no, because your sets are copies of A1
you want copies of P1
oh, you mean them combined
then yeah that would be a line
@user193319 a line in P4 is the same as a 2-dimensional subspace of k^5
COmbined meaning union?
remember the interpretation of P^n as lines in k^(n+1)
@user193319 yes
@robjohn i haven't used them, and they say it's a chore for android with chrome, so I'll pass
@blah I managed to get somewhere, except I didn't use your coordinates, made my own. I got to get some sleep now, let me try generalize any result I may have.
hello Ted
a non constant continuous periodic function has a smallest fundamental period.
how do i show this?
@Koro That isn't true.
wait... you said continuous.
I missed that.
Suppose it doesn't. Then for any $\varepsilon > 0$, there exists some $T > 0$ such that the function is $T$-periodic.
there is an x such that f(x)$\ne 0$ so suppose wlog f(x)>0
For each $n$, choose $T_n < 1/n$ so that your function is $T_n$-periodic.
Then $f(0) = f(T_n)$ for all $n$.
From which it follows that there is a dense set of values such that $f(x) = f(0)$ (since $f(kT_n) = f(0)$ for all $k\in\mathbb{Z}$ and $n\in\mathbb{N}$).
But $f$ is continuous, so it must be constant.
@XanderHenderson $\ddot\smile$
thank you so much.
I don't know why I didn't think of contradiction here.
For any $x$ and any $\epsilon\gt 0$ there is a $d>0$ such that
$|t-x|<d\implies |f(t)-f(x)|<\epsilon$
Choosing n so large as $\frac 1n<d/3$. We define $S:=\{k T_n: k\in \mathbb Z \land kT_n \le x-d\}$
S is bounded above so has a supremum element in it say $k_m T_n$. It's easy to show that $(k_m+1)T_n\in (x-d,x+d)$.
$|f(x)-f(k_mT_n+T_n)|<\epsilon\implies |f(x)-f(0)|<\epsilon$
Since $\epsilon\gt 0$ is arbitray, it follows that $f(x)=f(0)$ for all $x$. This contradicts the hypothesis that f is non constant.
@XanderHenderson: I have completed the proof based on your suggestions. I hope it is correct. Thanks again :).
Too late to edit now!
$S:=\{k\in \mathbb Z: kT_n\le x-d\}$ and not the way done above.
Question about irrational/algebraic numbers, in case anyone knows. Is this sum algebraic?
\sum^{\infty}_{n=1} {2^{-\frac{n(n+1)}{2}} }
@ypercubeᵀᴹ you can try to see if you can prove that your number is a Liouville number
seems tough to me. i don't think it converges "fast enough."
wolfram alpha gives an evaluation in terms of 2^(7/8) and the value of a theta function, or a modified theta function, at (0, 1/sqrt(2)). some stuff is known about theta functions.
1 hour later…
Is there a closed form for this? $$ \sum_{n=1}^\infty \sum_{k=1}^\infty \sum_{c=1}^\infty 2^{-nkc} $$
Have you started by doing a double sum?
wolfram alpha will probably spit something out. which isn't to say that it's useful.
with the double sum $$\sum_{k=1}^\infty \sum_{c=1}^\infty 2^{-kc}$$ Wolfram alpha says the closed form is a q-polygamma function lol
and if you toss in -2kc, -3kc, etc you probably get similar closed forms for those. hooray!
just add 'em all up and then close the form.
Yup, because you're going to end up needing $\sum \frac 1{1-2^{-k}}$.
Well, more precisely, $\sum \frac{2^{-k}}{1-2^{-k}} = \sum \frac1{2^k-1}$.
Not sure why this is polygamma.
Is there a way to send someone on Math.stackexchange a private message? Like if I wanted to reach out to an individual rather than make a post?
Not unless they list an email in their profile ...
when you take a collection of flow lines that form a surface of revolution
well not really
a flow on the surface of a sphere maybe that vanishes at the antipodes
described by the following $\vec{V}=k(-\cos \theta \sin \phi, -\sin \theta \sin \phi, \cos \phi)$
Why is the Fourier Transform of $u_x$ a multiple of the Fourier Transform of $u$, whereas the Laplace Transforms of derivatives have extra initial value terms?
hello, i need an idea to prove this " Let $u\in C^2([0,+\infty))$, such that $\lim_{t\to+\infty} u^{(n)}(t)$ exists then $\lim_{t\to+\infty} u^{(n)}(t)=(n-i)! \lim_{t\to+\infty}\frac{u^{(i)}}{1+t^{n-i}} ,\, \forall \, i\in\{0,\ldots, n-1\}$
i can prove it by recurrence ?
@user10478 multiple is misleading … but do you know definitions of these transforms?
Yeah, I know there are multiple definitions.
Not my point. Fourier transform is an integral from what to what? Laplace?
I know the Laplace is generally one sided and Fourier generally two sided, and the definition of Fourier I'm using has $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}$ outside the integral of both the Fourier and Inverse Fourier Transforms, but I know different definitions can kind of distribute those coefficients differently.
please the recurrence must be on i or on n ?
If the metric tensor is independent of the t coordinate, why is $\frac{\partial}{\partial t}$ a killing vector?
I don’t care about the constants. So do integration by parts and answer your own question.
Definition, monoidal.
@TedShifrin Regarding your prior question, the Laplace is generally from $0$ to infinity and the Fourier from $-$infinity to infinity. This double-sidedness actually trips up my integration by parts a bit, as things blow up when I try to plug the infinities.
There are decay conditions at infinity for the transforms to make sense.
Like $u(|∞|, t) = 0, u_x(|∞|, t) = 0$?
Xander, do you know if there's an integral transform allowing one to obtain the analytically extended expression for certain classes of spectral zeta functions (with explicitly known spectra)? I recall you saying that the Mellin Transform can be used to relate the geometric zeta function to the spectral zeta function...
Don’t you have more rigorous hypotheses in your book/course?
@TedShifrin sorry, I don't see where the metric being independent of the coordinate comes in
What is the definition of a Killing field?
$\nabla_{\mu}X_{\nu}+\nabla_{\nu}X_{\mu} =0$
@monoidaltransform That actually wasn't provided with the Fourier Transform itself. There were conditions introduced with the PDE being solved via FT that I think represent what you're talking about. The exact symbols it uses are $u(x, t) -> 0, u_x(x, t) -> 0; as |x| -> ∞$.
@user10478 what I said was directed to Ted, not you... sorry! different things
I also meant to @ Ted, my bad.
That’s not the definition I know, monoidal.
So for your purposes, assume the infinity terms disappear, user10478, and don’t worry about them.
Read what you linked me, monoidal.
It sais $L_{X}g=0$ is equivalent to in local coordinates to the expression I gave above
But maybe the actual definition is more useful? Don’t be blind.
Yes, that I agree with. But the definition in class I was given is the one I gave and the question I asked was treated as a triviality; one which I do not see
Work out the equivalence, then.
@TedShifrin what does $g_{\nu \mu,0}$ mean?
$\nabla_{0}g_{\nu \mu}$?
I would assume so.
Oh it actually means $\frac{\partial}{\partial x^0}g_{\nu \mu}$
@TedShifrin Okay, so if I recall, that part (the non-integral part of the integration by parts) is where the initial value terms of Laplace Transforms of derivatives come from, so the reason they don't appear in Fourier Transforms of derivatives is that the conditions for a Fourier Transform to converge are more restrictive in the first place, in such a way that the cases where initial value terms are nonzero are excluded?
Some texts use semicolon for covariant derivative. You are responsible for the notation of your course.
this isn't notation in my course, this is wikipedia notation
There us no “initial value” for Fourier, only for Laplace!
but my course sais that $\nabla_{\mu}g_{\rho \sigma}=\partial_{\mu}g_{\rho \sigma}$
(By definition of connection)
That’s false unless you’re at the central point in normal coordinates.
Okie, thanks
yeah, I know. But in this course, the lecturer stated we define the connection on smooth functions to be the partial deriviative
but yeah in normal coordinates, the christoffel symbols all vanish at the point
so i'm not sure what he's thinking or what he's working with
darn physicist
this is hilarious, because i'm actually taking graduate differential geometry alongside this course you'd think the formalism developed in the DG course will help me understand the math in this physics course
but no
at times they're treating the supposed same object completely differently
Functions, yes. Tensors, no!
isn't $g_{\mu \nu}$ a real valued function?
Components of a tensor.
Functions don’t depend on coordinate systems.
ahh, in the DG course, it is written that $g_{i,j}: U\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ where $(U,x^1,.....,x^n)$ is a chart
Yes, but they transform when you change chart. A function does not.
Write down how your DG course tells you to take the covariant derivative of the tensor $\sum g_{ij}dx^i\otimes dx^j$ and compare with the GR course.
hah, ted, remember when we were discussing inverse trig functions? i love the title of this question.
Q: What's the Deal with Inverse Cotangent?

James S. CookSo, I was minding my own business and I thought I had defined inverse cotangent in the natural fashion. In particular, we define inverse tangent as the inverse of tangent restricted to $(-\pi/2, \pi/2)$. We all know this. So, I thought, $y = \cot(x)$ has vertical asymptotes at $x = n \pi$ for any...

Yeah. I agree with $[0,\pi)$. It’s with csc and sec that we have problems with connectivity.
I make is an exercise for the students because, frankly, I don't care about cotangent. It is a silly function for silly people.
Most of my students choose $(0,\pi)$ as the "principal" domain of the cotangent function, so that it is connected.
A few choose $(-\pi/2,0)\cup(0,\pi/2)$. And every once in a while, some joker picks something like $(-3\pi/2,\cup -\pi) \cup (4\pi, 9\pi/2)$.
Apologies if this is an obvious question, but summing over $n \geq 1$, how do I show divergence of $\sum \dfrac{(n-1)^4}{n^5}$?
.. hmm. I wonder if I'm going to have to just expand that numerator for the integral test
limit comparison with 1/n
or direct comparison, but limit comparison is more robust for this kind of thing
@leslietownes Nice, this works. Thanks
has anyone ever seen a sum like this? $$ h(s)=\sum_{m=1}^\infty m^sK_{-s}(2m^s) $$
yes, about a minute ago.
has anyone ever seen a sum (not counting here)?
I forgot to premultiply the sum by $2$
@geocalc33 Yes.
I've seen many sums.
All over the place.
have you ever seen this one though
in the context of research?
"I've seen many sums. Sums all over the place."
Which one?
And what do I win if I say "yes"?
$h(s)=\sum_{m=1}^\infty 2m^sK_{-s}(2m^s)$
you can only say 'yes' if you've seen the sum
there's no prize money involved

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