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i decline this offer
i may begin my journey of 30,000 downvotes with this single step
Ok don't do it fast then
I would be honored
To get you started
I also have this one about jokes
"Have you heard that Obama became a president after being elected for president?" "That's impossible. If you're a member of a radical ideal after being raised to a power, you must have been so from the beginning"
i do like turning to math.SE for questions about humor
@LukasHeger unfortunately I'm taking commutative algebra so that made sense pretty fast
became a communist, surely. became something other than president
Please don't lobby for votes.
bruh u pander for big editorials
I pander for comedy
that second one has comments referencing the bananach space joke that doesn't make sense unless you pronounce banana in the british (= wrong) way.
you do you I guess
It is particularly inappropriate to demand that people upvote questions which you have posted.
I'm not sure if you're being serious
I'm going to assume it's a joke, in which case it's a good one
one time someone responded to "what's yellow and equivalent to the axiom of choice" with "zorn's corn." i think that's better than the more common response.
@leslietownes I prefer the usual response.
@s.harp mostly worthless since there’s the dual statement about the right!
many hand mnemonics suffer from the fact that hands can be turned upside down. i do like the german one.
ugh, it took me an embarrassing amount of time to spot my error:
$$2\int_0^1 \int_0^x xx' \ln\left(\frac{x'+x}{x-x'}\right)dx'dx=2\int_0^1 \int_0^1 x^3 u \ln\left(\frac{1+u}{1-u}\right)\,du\,dx=2\int_0^1 x^3 \,dx \int_0^1 u \ln\left(\frac{1+u}{1-u}\right)\,du$$
, contradiction!
@XanderHenderson Hear you! and your comment afterwards: "It is particularly inappropriate...," and I'd add the inappropriateness of pressuring an asker to accept one's question!
But I'm coming in, after a few hours of browser failures, so may not have all the context.
I suggest internet explorer it's the best
internet explorer with as many toolbars as possible
yes, you gotta have the toolbars.
joking aside, Chrome got really, really bad so gradually i never really noticed.
then i did, and yikes.
them memory leaks
make sure your default browser search engine belongs to some dropshipping website
so, looking back on the context for this problem
it can be summed up like this
@leslietownes I'm using Mozilla Firefox. But right before all my (dozen) browser crashes, Microsoft Windows did an "update". I suspect sabotage!!
if you want a really fast browser that uses almost no memory, try lynx
suppose you pick two random points $p,'$ in the unit 3-ball. what's the expected value of $1/|p-p'|^2$ ?
Or a browser extension.
@LukasHeger lynx is nice.
is lynx still being maintained? i love lynx.
@leslietownes It was still being maintained a year or two ago (the last time I checked).
that's great. they removed it from the system i last used it on in favor of some other option (maybe Links). i had thought that meant it was gone but it looks like it is still going.
have to do two triple integrals for that, which you can reduce to two integrals over the radial coordinates without too much work
this chat requires javascript what a shame
I tend to have 12 tabs open, which go smoothly most of the time!
nice. lynx was the first browser i used. i still used it until 2010 or so at work.
@Holee Yorch? Jorge? shakes head
what can I do for you
it feels like a gopher client, which is what i look for in a web browser.
Your opinion is very important to us
i aim to please, anyone can tell you that.
@HoleeCannoli Lol!
@leslietownes Seen over a urinal in a public bathroom: "We aim to please. Will you aim, too, please?"
@XanderHenderson Hah! Big Laugh Out Loud!!
i don't see as much bathroom graffiti as i used to. maybe it's because i hang out in higher class places these days. do people still do it?
@leslietownes This wasn't graffiti. It was a sign posted by the coffee shop in which this bathroom was housed.
@leslietownes I don't see much at all. But I'm guessing what Xander posted wasn't graffiti!
@XanderHenderson Hah!
oh, i think i've seen it as graffiti. some graffiti artists have a code of conduct, apparently.
reminds me vaguely of the sign, "welcome to our ool, notice there's no 'p' in it, let's keep it that way!" ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
My Grandparents had a sign, on the back door leading their pool, many years ago: "We don't swim in your toilet. Please don't pee in our pool!
i can't remember the last time i set foot in a pool. i know when i'm not wanted
@leslietownes I used to swim laps, one two two miles a day. I could see myself doing that again. I'm just squeamish in some lakes, like in WI. Growing up, my family would spend a week every year in door county, where my grandparents had a cottage on a Lake (Door County is the "thumb" of the mitten that is WI!) It was a clean Lake, but when I was like 8, during a summer with little rain, there was some seaweed near the shore (shoreline receded). I waded in from the shore to add life vests in
i'm not a huge fan of water i can't see the bottom of. i remember swimming in a stream that had some kind of plant that was like a net in it, and getting caught in it. no danger, as far as i could tell, but slimy and gross. no thanks.
our rowboat/motorboat. When coming back to meat my sister and my Dad, and help with fishing gear, my toes were itching... and there were three "blood suckers" (leeches) in between my toes. I freaked out!!
i've sometimes had access to pools at various apartments and never used it. we have put the munchkin into water a few times because it's important to learn how to swim. our infant CPR instructor worked at a hospital in orange county and had about 20 million horror stories of drowned children down here.
i fed some leeches in a lake in new hampshire once.
So I have a vermin fear (almost phobia) and I get to choose what I consider vermin: including Rats! (I never ever have encountered a Rat, but Orwell's 1984 novel was so descriptive that I am phobic of Rats!!)
never encountered a rat? wow.
i had a tom and jerry style war with a mouse that lived in a house i was renting once. he kept scampering away. he defeated most of my attempts to capture him. until he didn't
I've seen mice, just not Rats....
i don't see a lot of them here. i had to travel to NYC for work just before the pandemic and my cab got stuck behind a garbage truck. enormous rats were jumping on and off of it. i honestly think they were having fun.
A former cat found a baby mouse in the basement; my room was up two flights. She proudly brought me that bitty mouse, but she never killed it. She dropped it in my bedroom! I couldn't sleep that night. The next morning, she was staring, still, above a window on the first floor. Trying to aim my eyes where she was gazing: she cornered that mouse up a curtain pleat, where I could see his front paws holding him up, and is head above the curtain, like he was doing a pull up. After laughing...
@PM2Ring thanks for the tips!
we managed to let the mouse outside, through the front door.
Yo my 200iq strat to change my account name stopped working what gives
that's weird, it seems someone else decided this should be my root account
all i know is everyone seemed to know who you were before i did, and this was confusing to me.
so, to follow up on something i said earlier
If I pick two points $p,p'$ at random in the unit 3-ball, then apparently the expected value of $\|p-p'\|^{-2}$ is $9/4$
too bad i don't know any way to do that beyond spherical coordinates
I blame xander
Although I can still use it on other site chats so it doesn't make any sense

If we have 3 matrices $A_1, A_2, A_3$ with dimension 1x2, 2x3, 3x4, the the product of A1(A2A3) yeilds 1x2x4. Why is that please?
mm, yields what now?
@leslietownes. Sorry. I forgot paranthesis
Oh I was able to set it once again wtf
fascinating stuff
If we have A1(A2A3), THIS yeild 1x2x3, if we have (A1A2)A3, then this yields 1x3x4
um, no
i don't know how you're using "axbxc"
should not we have 1x3 for A1(A2A3) and 1x4 for (A1A2)A3
the product of an mxn matrix and a pxq matrix is not defined unless n=p in which case the result is mxq
A2 x A3 will be 2x4
A1x(A2 xA3) will be 1 x 4
which isn't what you said above
$axbxc = a \times b \times c$
these matrices only have two dimensions
x means multiply :./
1 min ago, by Avra
If we have A1(A2A3), THIS yeild 1x2x3, if we have (A1A2)A3, then this yields 1x3x4
the intermediate calculations may be different, but the type of the ultimate result will be the same
what i quoted is nonsense. the product of two matrices, if defined at all, is another matrix with column and row dimensions
@Semiclassical. This is meant to find number of operations not dimensions. Sorry for not stating that
@Semiclassical. @leslietownes
m[2,3] equals number of operations we have to multiple A2A3
and so on
i wouldn't necessarily expect different ways of computing a matrix product to result in the same number of operations, but maybe i'm missing something. what is the question again?
as you can see, for first 3 we have at the end 5x4x2 and for the second 3 on the right, we have at the end 5x6x2
@leslietownes. This is to find number of operations to multiple 3 matrices given diffferent pairiing
5x4x2 is total oeprations for A1(A2A3) and samething for the second on the right (A1A2)A3
If this is not clear, no worries :/
Thanks anyway
I just got confused about number of operations at the end $5\times 4\times 2$
Had to spend over an hour arguing with a prof to get half a mark today >.>
To be fair it was mostly my fault for not being able to justify why until after an hour of discussion and thinking
But he definatly should of known better
@Faust That was not a good use of your time, nor the professor's.
He was wrong and so was his marker
and he should have known better
You wasted half an hour of your time for half a mark.
Get over it.
the half mark isnt important
the fact the he was wrong was the important part
it was something that he really should of realized
should have*
and i am liekly not the only person who had their assignment marked incorrectly
i do math not spell check
I mean, you are complaining about a professor being WRONG!
yes about the math
If you are going to be pedantic, then perhaps you should be properly pedantic.
Mathematics is entirely about being pedantic about the math
if your not going to bother getting it correct you shouldnt be doing it
You sound like an absolutely joyful student to have in class.
My profs generally love me and i would only interupt a class if something was very wrong
thats what office hours are for.
Not only that i would put up my hand and would only ask if was relevant.
i'm of two minds about that kind of thing. i would let minor things slide, but if somebody has a pattern of misgrading, it's helpful to give them a little nudge. somebody has to do it.
when i was in grad school there was a fellow student who would sometimes grade homework for a specific grad course. it was like an ego trip for him, and would have been harmless, except sometimes he genuinely didn't understand valid arguments. he got into it over and over. thankfully he did not wind up in academia.
The situation is a bit more complicated then this but it essentially amounts to the same thing. Given a group G with binary operation * and H a subset of G with the same binary operation * prove that H is a subgroup. Essentially what i did amounted to given an element a in H then a*b = the identity and then i proved that b was in H for each a in b. basically the marker said i cannot pick the b in G because i don't know if its in H more over I don't know if b is the only inverse of a.
@leslietownes. OMG. I found 4x6x2 = 4x6x6x2 :/
@leslietownes. This is just confusing as this is not how math folks used to write it
i don't like the infix "x" any more than you do. i may like it even less.
1 hour later…
more fighter jets in and out today for some reason

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