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there goes my career of being the fastest answering gun in the west to score that sweet, sweet attention my ego needs
yes i was quite surprised by the consummate alacrity of the answer
you rep-monger you
Let $X$ be the space of all continuously differentiable functions on $[0,1]$. Define $\ell : X \to \Bbb{R}$ by $\ell (f) = f'(1/2)$. I am trying to determine whether $\ell$ is a bounded linear functional. My thought is that it isn't bounded, but I can find a sequence of elements showing that it isn't bounded. I tried $f_n(x) = x^n$ and $f_n(x)=nx$, but neither of these worked.
I could use some help.
missed the $ in front of [0,1]
@Semiclassical Thanks for pointing that out.
probably want to design a function which, for finite $n$, is well-behaved at $1/2$
but which becomes problematic as n->infinity
something like 1/((x-1/2)^2+1/n^2)
i think that particular example doesn't work but something in that vein
how are you norming X?
The maximum of $|f|$.
something like semi's idea would do it. e.g. arctan(n(x-1/2))
or f_n(x) = g(n(x-1/2)) where g is your favorite bounded function and g'(0) is nonzero
So, $f_n(x) = n(x-1/2)$ works too?
Because $g(x) = x$ is bounded and $g'(0) = 1 \neq 0$...?
You should make clear what the norm on $X$ is?
The maximum of $|f|$ over $[0,1]$.
Far from the one I expected.
Ah, leslie already asked.
Then for sure unbounded.
I don't see how that works...$||f_n|| = \frac{n}{2}$, and $$|\ell (f_n)| = |f_n'(1/2)| =n$$ which isn't greater than $n^2/2$.
Yeah, my intuition is that it shouldn't be bounded, because the derivative of all such functions at $1/2$ should be arbitrarily large; slopes can get as large as possible. But I am having trouble defining a sequence of functions showing that it isn't bounded.
something as simple as 1/(x-1/2+1/n) should work
Try $f_n(x) = \sin n (x-{1 \over 2})$. Then $\|f_n\| \le 1$ but $l(f_n) = n$.
oh, hmm
my example has a discontinuity at x=1/2-1/n
so that won't work
Hey guys
Haven't been here in a while!
user, i said bounded function
try sin(x) or arctan(x) in my recipe instead of x
i meant bounded on all of R, if that wasn't clear
@user193319 sometimes the best answer involves $\sin$.
there copper goes again
it is a source of good examples
its that catholic upbringing.
@leslietownes lol thanks!
i instinctively went to arctan instead of sin to avoid sin
i'd probably do arctanh
the wages of $\sin$ are good.
I always prefer to cosin.
very shifty
That was one of my nicknames in high school.
does anybody have a good guess what a reduced rv is? prof is probably translating his exercises from french
looking on french wikipedia suggests maybe one rescaled so its standard deviation is 1
assuming rv is random variable
rv is a random variable
thanks leslie
right, so $X \sim N(0, 1)$ ?
i don't know if mean 0 is a part of it or not
no theyre centered gaussians
centered, "reduced" gaussians
youre the man! thanks.
any way to get \bbig( in mathjax?
$( \big( \Big( \bigg( \Bigg($ ?
my god, I was doubling the b instead of the g
\left ( and \right ) often but not always do the job automatically. in my experience sometimes they are too big.
\left( \right) failed me miserably because i had a single line
2 hours later…
@shintuku not sure what you mean by that.
@robjohn $\forall x \forall B \left( (x \in A \land B \subseteq A \land \phi(B)) \implies \phi(B\cup\{x\}) \right) \implies \phi(A)$
\left( and \right) not getting bigger
1 hour later…
makes sense. i think \left ( and \right ) attempt to auto-fit to the height of the expressions within them, and would not be affected solely by levels of nesting
gimme a pencil & paper. none of this perverted latex stuff.
@SmokenSieEinBitteChebaHitBits hey
It doesn't matter how you warp the product...it matters that you warp the product
Does anyone know how to assign a measure of curvature to the stellated octahedron?
@geocalc33 what do you mean by assign to?
Take the stellar octahedron. Say $O$ and write $f(O) = $ some measure. Then $f$ is an assignment of measure.
never mind ill look into it another time
Biology is harder than math cs and physics combined
@geocalc33 look at this
post by another person in primes
I want to note that your conjecture is equivalent to $\lfloor \dfrac{p_{an}}{p_n} \rfloor = a$ for the case $a = 2$. I did that by expanding the remainder you have going on into $p_{2n} - (p_{2n} - \lfloor \dfrac{ p_{2n}}{p_n} \rfloor p_n) = p_n \iff $ the shorter form . This is quite an elegant theorem then! — SmokenSieEinBitteChebaHitBits 6 hours ago
Then general theorem is then that for all $a\in \Bbb{Z}, z\in \Bbb{Z}$ we have $\lfloor \dfrac{p(an)}{p(n)}\rfloor = a$.
Where $p(n) = n$th prime number
So probably not easy to prove but not too hard. In the post they prove at least case $a = 2$.
So I guess define $p(0) = 1$, $p(-1) = -1$, $p(-2) = -2$ and so on...
Actuallky you need $p(-1) = -2, p(-2) = -3$, etc.
@geocalc33 did you see it?
Isn't it pretty?
Someone else (not me) made that post
Q: How to prove than $p_{2n}-(p_{2n}\mod p_{n}) = 2p_{n}$ ? where $p_{n}$ is the $_{n}$th prime number ? (for $n$ > 1)

kijinSeijaLet the prime function $p_n$ be the $n$th prime number. For example $p_1$ = 2, $p_2$ = 3, $p_3$ = 5, $p_4$ = 7, $p_5$ = 11 etc. I noticed something with the prime function : it seems than $p_{2n}-(p_{2n}\mod p_{n}) = 2p_{n}$, for $n$ > 1 For example : $p_{4}-(p_{4}\mod p_{2})$ = 7 - (7 mod 3) = ...

The form they have in the title is $f(2n) \pmod {f(n)} = f(an) - af(n)$. We can think of the thing on the right as a measure of how far from satisfying scalar multiplication, $f$ is.
Then the set of all $g(n) = f(an) - af(n)$ such that $a \in \Bbb{Z}, a \neq 0$ forms an abelian group under pointwise addition. I.e. $(g' + g)(n) = g'(n) + g(n)$.
I can't figure out the rest though
too dumb
I'm dumb too
I have a very low IQ
bashes heads with geocalc
The reason for using functions as a group is the modulus grows $f(n)$
@shintuku As leslie says, that is as it should be: \left( and \right) only grow the delimiters as much as needed for the content. Nesting does not require larger delimiters.
I have a very low IQ
I have an average IQ
actually I think I have a very high IQ
I got bad dunna or D.N.A. as some peoples call it!
I got dat DNA haha
that double helix one
@geocalc33 want to Zoom right now and screenshare?
screen share what?????
screen share screens?
That works on desktop or mobile device
in Zoom
it's 3:36 AM I can't
K cool
Web stuff is difficult
Might be harder than math itself
my intuition tells me that you may be right on the money
you may be situated directly on the money itself
I'm using a Python library: Django - that's the HTTPS server app
I'm using a CSS library: Bootstrap5
I'm using an already built CD editor: q.uiver.app
But modding out the UI into a django-bootstrap5 template
So that it supports iPhone 5 even
Currently that quiver site doesn't work very well from an iphone
@SmokenSieEinBitteChebaHitBits you know what a color plot is?
domain coloring I think
consider a surface $S$ that intersects itself but the colors at the intersection are different
something like that
2 hours later…
Q: Help in finding $\lim_{n\to\infty}\Bigl( \sum_{k=1}^{n} \frac{1}{({n \atop k})} \Bigr)^n$.

Love EverythingI am not able to get a solution for this problem . Of finding the limit $$\lim_{n\to\infty} \left( \sum_{k=1}^{n} \frac{1}{\binom{n}{k} } \right)^n$$ I have tried using Mathematica and that numerically evaluates it to $7.3890560989 \cdots$ Which motivates me to think it is $e^2$ . Thanks for help

Is there any solution without big O?
$\nabla^2_1 f = \nabla^2_2 f = \cdot\cdot\cdot = \nabla^2_n f$
the worst partial differential equation
@love_sodam $$\begin{align}1+\frac2n\le\sum_{k=1}^n\frac1{\binom{n}{k}}&\le1+\frac2n+\frac4{n(n-1)}+\overbrace{\frac{6(n-5)}{n(n-1)(n-2)}}^{\substack{\text{$n-5$ terms}\\\text{each at most $\binom{n}{3}^{-1}$}}}\\&=1+\frac2n+\frac{10n-38}{n(n-1)(n-2)}\end{align}$$
It is big-O in spirit, but no big-O
@robjohn After taking $n$ power, how can I conclude the RHS goes to $e^2$?
Use this and the Squeeze Theorem
Cool! thanks
Transcription, the rate of translation $\alpha_p$ depends on the number of ribosomes and the concentration of the protein building blocks. But also, translation can't take place without transcription, the first step of the protein production process. There needs to already be mRNA for the ribosomes to translate.
Rate of protein production is given by the translation rate, multiplied by the total number of mRNA molecules $m$:
$\frac{dp}{dt} = \alpha_p m$
I don't understand why $\alpha_p m$?
@robjohn I always wondered how all those ideas come up to you
I don't understand why mathematically they use this differential equation model...
If translation depends on depends on amount of mRNA then why do you multiply $\alpha_p$ by $m$?
@BannedUser if you double the density of the mRNA molecules, does it not make sense that the reaction rate would double?
is it $\frac{\mathrm{d}p}{\mathrm{d}t}$ or $\frac{\mathrm{d}a_p}{\mathrm{d}t}$?
what do you mean by reaction rate?
isn't the translation a reaction?
Ah I got biology background of kindergarten so I don't know anything about it ;_;
I was thinking in terms of if a man can kick a ball at a time and if you give him 100 ball then still there will be no change in his rate in this case man is ribosome and ball is mRNA but now I think I need to know how ribisome works
I think above will be true if it works like tap water. The more pressure the more flow...
I guess I will just assume it true since I don't want it to be a biology class.
Think if you have 100 men and one ball, they can only kick one ball at a time but up to 100 balls, if you give them $n$ balls, they can kick $n$ balls at a time.
There will be some extinction when $m$ gets very large, but for normal densities, I assume it follows the product $a_pm$
If $a_n\to 0$ as $n\to\infty$, is it obvious that $\lim_{n\to\infty}(1+a_n)^n = \lim_{n\to\infty}(1+a_n)^{\frac{1}{a_n}na_n} = e^{na_n}$?
Oh now it makes sense $\alpha_p$ has already included amount of ribosome and other stuff so multiplying by amount of mRNA makes.
Thanks for football analogy!
ah it's obvious
I do remember I have derive this e^x definition using that... wait let me see notes
you can go in reverse direction
obvious is relative which and 90% of time only works on geniuses ;_;
I got IQ of most genius dog or chimpanzee on the Earth at least
sequence and a_n works same as x to 0 for more additional info
Q: conformal compactification $\overline G$

geocalc33 Construct a conformal compactification, $\overline G$ of $G:=\Bbb R^{1,1}_*$ and/or provide a diagram of the conformal compactification of $G?$ conformal compactification Let $G$ have the metric tensor (not necessarily positive definite): $ds^2=\frac{dxdt}{xt}.$ This link, Penrose diagram, (und...

anyone see how to do this?
Been stuck on this for some time
I don't even remember compactness.
I don't remember topology. May be because I haven't seen it's application yet.
@BannedUser It lets you use certain parking spots...
1 hour later…
This is part of the prep work for Spivak. Find all numbers $x$. Problem: $$|x-1|\cdot |x+2| = 3$$ I am running into a problem when taking the absolute value of $x+2$. Here is my work. $$|x+2| = \begin{cases}
x+2 , x + 2 \geq 0 = x\geq -2 \\
-(x+2) , x + 2 \leq 0 = x \leq -2
\end{cases}$$ Does anything obvious jump out?
ugh, casework
also, writing $x+2\geq 0 = x\geq -2$ really is not a good notation
$x+2\geq 0\implies x\geq -2$, maybe
beyond that though i don't see anything strange. $|x+2|=\begin{cases} x+2, & x\geq -2 \\ -(x+2), & x\leq -2\end{cases}$
Yes... I did wonder about the notation. Could you perhaps explain why your notation is preferred.
the main annoying point is that you'll need to do the same for $|x-1|$, and then combine then for the product. so you need to figure out the intervals on which both, one, or neither are positive respectively
you're presumably trying to say that $x+2\geq 0$ and $x\geq-2$ are equivalent
but equals signs don't serve that purpose
Correct... that is what I am trying to say.
i mean, suppose you wanted to say that 2=2 and 3=3 are equivalent
using = sign would make that 2=2=3=3
which is obviously a bad idea
i'd probably just show it as steps:
|x+2|&=\begin{cases} x+2, & x+2\geq0 \\ -(x+2), & x+2\leq 0 \end{cases} \\
&=\begin{cases} x+2, & x\geq -2 \\ -(x+2), & x\leq -2 \end{cases}
though tbh the second equality is sufficiently obvious in my brain that i'd just omit the first piecewise entirely
anyways, this is just presentation stuff
May I ask you to explain the notation $\implies $. This is something that is clearly widely used, certainly on this board.
sure. it's literally just \implies
Yes... I like your presentation...it's much neater and as you say, less clutter for the brain
i.e., "X, therefore Y is true"
OK... thanks. But, when I look at the presentation, it's much easier to use.
yeah. takes some experience for all this, anyways
beyond the presentation, though, i don't see anything wrong with your |x+2|
So, now I can at least tackle the underlying problem with a little more certainty. I will try and make it a question, as Spivak and others seem to use different approaches, which is the part I like.
ultimately you will need to look at the cases $x\geq 1$, $x\leq 1$ for $|x-1|$
@Semiclassical Thank you so much for your time and input
and figure out how those cases overlap with $x\geq -2$, $x\leq -2$
@user11155 "May I ask you to explain the notation $\implies.$" Maybe take a look at the second bullet point of this Answer that I wrote 2 days ago: math.stackexchange.com/a/4264196/21813
@RyanG Very nice, thank you.
@user1115542 No worries
I am beginning to think that there might be an erratum in the answer book for this question. (Chapter 1, Question 11(viii) I will try and and set it out here in a few moments.
So, the problem is, as stated above, $$|x-1| \cdot |x+2| = 3$$ And, removing extraneous work, we have $$|x-1| = \begin{cases}
x - 1, \quad x \geq 1 \\
-(x-1), \quad x \leq 1
\end{cases}$$ and $$|x+2| = \begin{cases}
x +2, \quad x \geq -2 \\
-(x+2), \quad x \leq -2
\end{cases}$$ Now Spivak writes this in the answer book. " If $x > 1$ or $x < -2$ then the condition becomes $$(x-1)(x+2) = 3$$" Should not the second inequality be $x > -2$?
studypug.com and brilliant.org ads are haunting meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
and what is with these grammarly and masterclasss
I remember when I was learning topology I was just drawing brunch of circle :(
oops... I think I just realized my error, or as I am sure they say in the parlance.... Spivak: $1$, Me: $0$. My error was failing to realize that those inequalities ie $x > 1$ or $x < -2$ produce factors that are either both positive or both negative. Duh!
@Ted: good morning
Good morning @robjohn
How're you two doing?
I'm pretty good, still working on Dolly
Well, OK. Add a persistent floater in my left eye to our list of casualties.
Soon we'll need a hospital room for our chat.
@TedShifrin is it fixed or does it move around?
@BannedUser does a brunch of circle mean pancakes?
i wonder which horse medication would work on this. there's only so many possibilities to check.
@leslie Or maybe, in my case, cow.
@robjohn Moves around lower left.
@leslie I think bleach should cover it all... with a bit of sun!!!
I have an appointment with my ophthamologist in a month. Damn, that word is impossible to spell.
yeah, definitely the sun should be involved. maybe crack open one of those old thermometers and dumb its contents on the eye.
Yep...mercury, bleach and sun. What could possibly go wrong :-)
the healing properties of beams of light are well known.
i wanted to know why it was so confusing to figure out where words came from. the entomologist was no help whatsoever.
You're getting the gnat of this, @leslie.
i first experienced floaters on a visit to denver when i was about 30. i couldn't tell if i'd always had them and just never noticed because i'd never been anywhere where the sun gets as bright as it does in denver.
anyway, i haven't been back.
But have they?
who knows?
Yeah, I first noticed it yesterday in bright sunlight, but now it persists.
Call your ophthalmologist and tell them.
I'll call Monday if it's still here.
Add that to my bad, bad disks in my back. The joys of old age.
I noticed floaters as a kid but they were a source of fascination not frustratation
And not persistent
i just heard from downstairs, "don't kick the phone out of my hand!" i think the munchkin is ready to have that cast taken off.
Well, her parents sure are.
@TedShifrin I get them all the time, but they float around and I don't notice them for the most part. In bright light, they are easier to notice.
@leslietownes did you say "cast" or "head"?
i dunno, i'm not a doctor. we'll see what the orthopedist says.
"I'm a lawyer, not a doctor!"
Most lawyers think they know everything, even mathematics.
@TedShifrin yeah, but it's when they try to sue someone for breaking a lemma that things get sticky.
or the Law of Large Numbers...
there are lemma laws in effect in most states to protect the consumer.
@leslietownes and orange you glad.
LOL ... Better than my gnat.
This looked like it might be more interesting than it turned out.
and now i want donuts.
My torus was not sweetened.
. o O ( spectral donuts )
Now if you draw the Villarceau circles on those spectral donuts, I'll be more impressed. :P
is there a way to get mathjax for $\in a$ without space between $\in$ and $a$?
the general vibe of tex/latex/etc. is precisely to avoid making this kind of thing easy with out of the box components. you might need a new command for whatever you have in mind
Is stable sorting a mathematical concept please?
Hi :). Is there any way to find $\lim \left(((n+1)!)^\frac 1{n+1}-((n)!)^\frac 1{n}\right)$ without using Sterling's formula?
argh, thanks for the answer
shintuku there are commands for 'negative space' for example, kind of the opposite of \, for positive space. but i don't know how a kludge of the form \in [followed by negative space] would space well in all use cases. e.g. it might look good for some letters/symbols of some widths but not of others, or look goofy if justification requires more spacing between characters.
there are often 'junior' levels of stirlings formula that handle limits like that. things you can prove with one or two lines of limit calculation. you don't always need the full asymptotics.
woah, \!\! does exactly what i needed
you mean whoa?
who-ah? no definitely not
@leslietownes Is it possible to find the limit using $n!^\frac 1n\sim n/e$?
@Koro No, I doubt there is. Even with Stirling I think you need to be quite careful.
woooah was always how they transliterated tintin's dog barks into english
What does $\sim$ mean? You have to be very careful when you're doing a difference and not a quotient.
koro i agree with ted. i do not think it is an elementary limit although i do not know that it is a cookbook application of stirling either.
it may yield to simpler techniques that are not special cases of stirling but i don't see how at the moment.
Damn, leslie agreed with Ted again.
Professor Ted, I know of that expression ($n!^\frac 1n\sim n/e$) as it's proven in an exercise problem in Spivak's. By $ f(n)\sim g(n)$, I meant to state that $\lim \frac {f(n)}{g(n}=1$
i suggested that someone could understand an inequality by graphing something the other day.
No, that is false.
In fact, the quotient looks like $\sqrt{2\pi n}$.
Oh wait, I'm wrong. $n!\sim (\frac ne)^n\sqrt{2\pi n}$, but when you take $n$th roots it's OK.
But I still think you have to be very careful with your subtraction.
yeah, I can't use this approximation there due to subtraction. I'll have $\lim \left(((n+1)!)^\frac 1{n+1}\frac1{n+1}\frac {n+1}n-((n)!)^\frac 1{n}\frac 1{n}\right)n$. So this outside $n$ will create problem.
I may be wrong but I think that Sterling's formula was made exclusively to handle factorials
argh, I misspelled the name :(
You may get it to work using the "correct" version I gave you with the $\sqrt{2\pi n}$. There are further terms, if needed, too.
So the factor of $n$ may be compensated when you compare $(n+1)^{1/2(n+1)}$ and $n^{1/2n}$
yes, I agree that it's possible using Stirling's formula (with the big series version). I was wondering if it could be solved without it.
I'll try it once with Cesaro Stolz after "rationalizing" the expression.
This is going to get yucky very fast.
yeah, I think Stirling's the only way ...
Q: How to prove $\left(\frac{n}{n+1}\right)^{n+1}<\sqrt[n+1]{(n+1)!}-\sqrt[n]{n!}<\left(\frac{n}{n+1}\right)^n$

china math Show that: $$\left(\dfrac{n}{n+1}\right)^{n+1}<\sqrt[n+1]{(n+1)!}-\sqrt[n]{n!}<\left(\dfrac{n}{n+1}\right)^n$$ where $n\in \Bbb N^{+}.$ If this inequality can be proved, then we have $$\lim_{n\to\infty}\sqrt[n+1]{(n+1)!}-\sqrt[n]{n!}=\dfrac{1}{e}.$$ But I can't prove this inequality. Th...

I found this post somehow. It answers my question :)
Looks like robjohn is using the approach I suggested.
All I can say is, UGH. Not my cup of tea.
we agree. again.
river li's response performs some very detailed work with higher order approximations. great stuff, but i hope they have found other, happier ways to spend the limited time we all have on earth.
Meanwhile, I was just having fond memories of the probability course I taught when I answered this one.
nice question, and nice answer.
As I recall, one of my not-so-great students in the class raised this question early on.
elementary probability questions on SE tend to invite answers which often eventually do get to the point, but have a lot of essay discussion in the middle that doesn't help very much. it's nice to see that not happen.
Sometimes people do miss the point that an easier version of the question might lead to better understanding.
A: How to prove $\left(\frac{n}{n+1}\right)^{n+1}<\sqrt[n+1]{(n+1)!}-\sqrt[n]{n!}<\left(\frac{n}{n+1}\right)^n$

IloveyouHint: Applying Stolz–Cesàro theorem $$L=\lim_{n\to \infty} \frac{\sqrt[n]{n!}}{n}=\lim_{n\to \infty} \frac{\sqrt[n+1]{(n+1)!}-\sqrt[n]{n!}}{(n+1)-n}=\lim_{n\to \infty} \left(\sqrt[n+1]{(n+1)!}-\sqrt[n]{n!}\right)$$ We have $$\ln L=\lim_{n\to \infty} \left(\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=0}^{n}\ln\left(\fra...

This answer finds the limit using using Cesaro Stolz :)
i feel sorry for asaf karagila. "set-theory" and its variants are one of the most overused, abused tags and he seems to be the only person who spends any time at all on trying to clean that up.
although ironically this does result in boosting the kinds of posts that abused the tag.
Oh, you don't want to know how many tags of complex geometry I've had to remove. Virtually an uncountable number.
It's unfortunate that people think that the beginnings of complex numbers should be labeled that. Who knew it meant several complex variables and complex manifolds?
there should be a badge for that. maybe even workers compensation.
Probably the only badge asaf and I would share :P
i'm guessing the platform provides autocomplete suggestions on tags and people are just clicking the first thing they see
So many newbies don't even know what the tags are supposed to mean. They just throw them in there.
math.stackexchange.com/questions/4266036/… is an unpleasant throwback to teaching 'intro to proofs.' we had a textbook so poorly written that it even included tables of what words might mean what other words. i can't think of a worse way to teach that stuff.
I don't see the point of sterilizing the English language to the extent that synonyms aren't allowed. But for struggling students these things are hugely an issue. Implied quantifiers at the top of the list.
people in K-8 education struggle with this a lot. students reading word problems want to know which english words will tell them to multiply the numbers they see, vs. divide them. math as classical conditioning.
maybe we should change "set-theory" for "axiomatic-set-theory"
i also hate the appearance of forall and exists in that. the symbols aren't gonna help.
Yup. Well, I remember having similar discussions with calculus students about word problems and cues.
@shin But set theory is an advanced area of mathematical logic, like model theory and recursion theory.
Munkres taught me in point-set topology sophomore year NOT to use symbols except for $\implies$ and the obvious $\in$, $\subset$, etc.
yeah, isn't it always axiomatic? unlike elementary set theory
No, I don't think of serious mathematics as axiomatic — unless it all is.
in any case i think asaf karagila is very cool they've answered most of my "set-theory" tags
He's one of the original people here, I think.
prepending "axiomatic-" to all tags except stuff specific to elementary subjects would reduce the use of tags considerably.
well, axiomatic geometry is one of my least favorite things.
the math.SE answer box should have a rigid format. two columns, one labeled 'statement' and one labeled 'reason.'
i'm looking for a decent axiomatic geometry book, i've never found a good one
That'll get rid of us.
gonna pitch this on meta, see how many upvotes i get.
To me that's an oxymoron, @shin.
Just go read Euclid.
yeah, that's actually what i've been doing
Maybe Hartshorne.
hartshorne was my only exposure to it. pretty good, although definitely not my thing.
the other ones i found would just not give me a very clear deduction tree for arguments
Oh, just what mathematics should be. Formalism.
puts shin on permanent ignore
all i wanted to do was understand the parts of needham's complex analysis that have axiomatic geometry arguments
that's how it starts. the next thing you know, you're stripping copper out of the walls of abandoned houses and selling it for drug money.
turn back while you still can, shin.
I do not know that book, but certainly in that setting geometry should be analytic/synthetic.
yeah i meant synthetic. isn't it the same as axiomatic?
ok i fault leslie for a comment he made like 5 months ago
In synthetic, you work with models of the geometry, not with the axioms.
Well, @leslie is at fault for most of the crap here.
whats a model of the geometry
Doing projective geometry on a sphere (with identifications), doing hyperbolic geometry in either the half-plane or the disk.
Doing Euclidean geometry in the plane.
the statute of limitations on fault-finding for stuff i say is shorter than 5 months. i get away scot free on this one.
That was "like 5 months ago."
Apr 21 at 3:37, by leslie townes
maybe axiomatic geometry. we could just call it geometry. if i'm being honest i don't see a lot of those posts. and they tend not to specify their axioms, which is a minus for me.
the defendant has the right to remain silent
you found it so quickly @shin :)
This seems worse than the people who call differential geometry anything with a manifold in it.
there's actually very few results for "axiomatic geometry" in this chat
i stand by my comment that "euclid stuff" could properly be called axiomatic geometry. the problem isn't so much the choice of label, as the fact that it's a tag used by people who are indifferent to labels.
some kind of air show going on in huntington beach right now.
maybe kamala is arriving
haha, it's performance stuff. they're dropping chemtrails on all of the sheeple.
i must say she has been a bit of a disappointment to me
on the plus side, my 5G signal strength is excellent
that's the vax
everyone's a mesh now
one side effect of living near an army airstrip is your toddler yelling "I SEE A FIGHTER JET! I SEE A FIGHTER JET" and it turns out she's not lying
the G's are modulo 10, so after we reach 9G the next will be Oh-G
i do wonder when they'll give up with G's
what does it even stand for
i'm watching the mil aircraft fly by on globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=~298694
gigabytes? i'm certainly not getting that many
oh that makes sense
watching the adsb tracks is amazing but a little scary from a data perspective
helpfully, the marketing people always roll out the next generation well before there is any new deployment of technology
5G is more like 4.1G really, essentially more local cells & support for it.
marketing and false news seem very similar
on a positive note, i noticed that philip morris is buying vectura. interesting take on supply chain.
hard not to be just a teensy bit cynical
my god my mood is devastatingly bad. i need to get out.
they should fully vertically integrate. the funeral home industry is in dire need of consolidation. many efficiencies to be achieved.
maybe they'll do the xbox thing
they'll call the next generation 1G
there's a e300 doing part of the show.
cool toy
cradle to grave, we take care of you
later folks, i need to dilute my joy.
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