i don't know that we've had wine in a while. my wife is into those hard seltzers that seem to be everywhere these days. i get the concept but not the execution.
I drove down to this place a few weeks ago. The wines were fine (better than what I can get in the grocery stores here, but nothing to write home about), but the woman pouring the drinks was a hoot.
She clearly had no idea what wine was or how to talk about it, but was really just excited that her husband(?) was expanding the farm and growing grapes. She referred to the various varietals as "flavors".
there was a nearby winery that had all the flavors. i think they had some kind of pinot grigio as their attempt at wine, but they also had dandelion, cherry, you name it.
I really appreciated the completely unpretentious enthusiasm.
@leslietownes I was too young to drink while living in Iowa (which means that the things I drank were designed to be effective and easy to hide?), but my cousin from the Bay ended up marrying an Iowegian.
i've known more than a few people who work tasting rooms in what i will pretentiously refer to as california's actual wine country, and it's a different experience. just glorified shopping. selling an expensive image to tourists with too much money.
Though in my various trips through Napa and Sonoma, I have found that some of the very small vineyards / wineries have enthusiastic folk who would like nothing better than to talk about their grapes.
@TedShifrin I think that the last time I went to the store there, the gin choices were Bombay and Hendrick's. :\
smaller places are better, particularly if you can talk to someone who actually is involved with the operation. the bigger places hire people out of 'charm school' or central casting or whatever you want to call it
i ran out of booze a little over a month ago and haven't replaced it. i'd do well to visit hi time. i'm not getting into my wife's seltzers. they taste like i imagine the stuff you put in a hummingbird feeder tastes.
Holy cow... I have a student who just sent me the third email of the weekend, asking if I am okay because I have not answered the previous two emails. Dude. It is the weekend. I don't reply to work emails over the weekend. LEAVE ME ALONE. :(
@leslietownes The stuff that I put in my hummingbird feeder is 4 parts water, 1 part sugar (by weight)---just a simple syrup.
oof, that's not nice. the pre-pandemic version of that for me would be leaving the office at 6pm, and arriving home at 7:30 with a series of emails: 6:15 "hey can you do x?" 6:35 "hey, can you please do x, this is for something that just came up" 7:00 passive aggressive "never mind i did it anyway"
with the bonus thing being this is not a student who's known me for a few months, but someone i've worked with for years and knows how long my commute takes and when i take it.
I try to make it very clear to my students that I don't work on the weekends if I can avoid it---I offer to meet them for office hours on Saturday morning, but that's it.
I tend to work from about 6-4:30 MTW, and 6-9 on Thursday. There are a ton of meetings on Friday, and then I am spent. Weekends are MINE!
For the record, these emails are from the same student who denies the existence of degree zero polynomials.
just in terms of units, i'm not sure those equations check out. 13 sin(t) - 3.5 is in km/h and 3.5 is in km. do you need to introduce a new variable to represent the time traveled? even ignoring units, note that "13 cos(t) = 3" all by itself determines a value of t in [0,pi/2] and doesn't even use the other piece of information
maybe T 13 cos(theta) = 3, and T(13 sin(t) - 3.5) = 2?
T being time traveled, theta the angle from just pointing straight across
"and 3.5 is in km" should be "and 2 is in km" above
yeah. i think we agree 13 cos(t) is the "x" component of the velocity of the boat in km/h (positive x pointing across the river). after T h you go T*13 sin(T) km, which you want to be 3.
for extra credit, figure out how to pilot a boat at a constant angle across a flowing river. what do we know about the mechanism of propulsion? i hope we aren't rowing this thing.
can't ignore turbulence. if you think about where e.g. snowmelt begins (in mountains) and where it ends up (at sea level), a lot of rivers would flowing much faster if a lot of that energy didn't somehow dissipate along the way.
my corner store has everything you need. night train, thunderbird, wild irish rose.
google told me that gallo pulled the original thunderbird some years ago and re-released it as a non-fortified wine. another victim of 'cancel culture' i guess.
@SmokenSieEinBitteChebaHitBits. Thank you. For example, maximum bipartite matching and baseball elimination. I am not able to find one single source that explains it step by step without jumping over the place and conclude the solution :(
This is my experience with YouT so far
I am specifically looking just for examples
Examples on youtube draw the graph and then jump to solution immediately without showing intermediate steps even for one iteration !
Any time you have a semigroup $S$ (so including groups) you can take the formal sum over a ring $R$ of all elements of $S$ such that only a finite number of coefficients are nonzero
i'd like to think that in most usages, context would differentiate between the intended uses even if one had no default rule, but if there's a default, that's my suggestion of what it is
The product, the natural addition of formal summs over $R, S$ and the set of all such called $R[S]$ forms another ring called the semigroup ring, or if with $1$ the monoid ring
Yes. I'm a self-employed contractor actually with no work atm
I can show you some previous work if you want
I can solve many issues with a custom algorithm. E.g. I came up with several smallest grammar algorithms however that problem is NP-complete so in python as you can expect the time to process one 500 char string went to too large to handle in a few minutes
I came up with one using a groupoid approach though I have yet to code
however making a universal formal system analyzer backend in C++ or D and a PyQt5 front end that is visual seems to be more important to the world than solving just one specific algorithm elegantly
@antimony yes. That is the best way to code - already known about algorithms. I work with those for the most part. It's usually the only thing that is custom is the critical part of the code like for this it would be subgraph isomorphism searching because of the unusual string mapping that respects variables that I would like and that networkx doesn't know about / can't use.
@Euler2 see, you can nest nodes. You represent those graphically as just a node and an edge pointing to a parent node while the edge is labeled with the keyword label for "parent"
Terms or labels on nodes /arrows would be CAS expressions
And tie into a CAS in between real CAS's and the more abstract proof-assistants
Because I'm trying to get AS to prove things (that's the goal)
But CAS's are the fastest computationally
e.g. Lean takes 30x what C++ takes to render a photoreal ray traced image
For reasons I don't know yet but I do know b/c I asked them on Zulip, and they said, the library is searched linearly any time something is needed to be "looked up" (I think by the library_search" module)
So for instance looking up the arguments of a function you type out for the purpose of static type checking, etc
Or mathematically speaking, given a set of let statements, what lemmas can be applied that reside at some part of the library
And so the library has to be searched. They said they have the thing in a list!
A list!
As if it were just like the type theory that describes the Calculus of Constructions that it employs
I thought as coder you're supposed to follow the algorithm recipe but also code it in a smarter way than what is literally stated
For example using O(log N) search structures where possible
It could be that searching math is just a hard problem, but IDK
An older, Django + Neo4j based project in which I try to embed Quiver CD editor into my site with Graph DB storage of the CD's (commutative diagrams). The point was similar to the newer software: apply graph transformations in order to prove something.
I want to find limit points of the sequence $(a_n)$
I observe that $(a_n)$ is a sequence of integers ( (odd) (even)/2 etc.) and is bounded also. So $(a_n)$ must have a convergent subsequence.
And every convergent integer sequence is eventually constant.
It is easy to see that the subsequence $a_{3k+1}$ has limit equal to 1.
But how do I find all limit points of the sequence $(a_n)$?
Is this correct?: Since every convergent sequence of integers must eventually be constant. For every convergent subsequence of $(a_n)$, n must cancel out. If $n$ is not cancelled out then the subsequence will be unbounded hence not convergent. So 1 is the only limit point of $(a_n)$?
It's been a long day without you, my friend And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again We've come a long way from where we began Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again When I see you again