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@PeterTamaroff What you do is find the largest integer below $H_n$.
And prove the rest is smaller than $1$.
And that doesn't seem to be so hard.
And I bet @robjohn is very good in that.
I have very good problems for my BSc/MSc students. Will be lots of fun.
@JonasTeuwen What do you mean by "the rest"?
@PeterTamaroff The fractional part.
@JonasTeuwen Will give it a shawt. First, I'll drink some beer and eat.
Hmm... beer you say? I would skip the problem and replace it with more beer.
I will skip the beer and the problem and have water instead.
Without beer and Scotch life would be unbearable.
Without water life would not exist.
My rep is now 22,222 on ELU!
@JasperLoy So water is the root of all evil.
@JonasTeuwen Water is algebraically closed w.r.t evil.
Also, my MSE rep is now 1,881, another palindrome.
@JasperLoy A palindrome for palindrome!
Would that be a good post for ELU?
@JonasTeuwen Ah yes, I think it would be closed as too localized!
@JasperLoy Why?
One word is too localized?
I can make it a discussion about ...
@JonasTeuwen Well, you can try posting, but I suspect it will be downvoted quite quickly!
@JasperLoy There is a Dutch non-profit organization that wants to find such a word.
@JasperLoy That sucks.
@JonasTeuwen Well, you can try posting there. No harm. There just might be such a word!
@JasperLoy There is one in Dutch now.
Which is literally "demand symmetric inversion"
@PeterTamaroff Hey. Yes, I still remember that question of yours. Somewhat unfortunately, I lost the code I use for simulating optics, so it might be a while before I can get to that. At least, the planar case is easy, if you know the usual formulae for the evolute and the orthotomic.
@J.M. Wait... you simulated optics??
What kind of optics?
This brother does all kinds of theoretical optics. And needs coauthors. I have three (perhaps four...) students! 8-).
@JonasTeuwen Just simple reflection/refraction in the plane (i.e. geometric optics), nothing fancy. :)
Oh, high school optics...
I think I will just do edits to increase my rep on math and tex to 2k each, hehe!
@JonasTeuwen Yes, real optics will take so much more effort to simulate. ;)
@J.M. Yes.
@J.M. Maxwell in hyperbolic form is quite a bitch. Non-linear Schrödinger?
(but it is at least sufficient to handle Peter's problem)
Actually, I want the students the write me some code.
That's why you have students right?
@JonasTeuwen Right, quite nasty.
@JonasTeuwen slaves students, yes.
Well, I actually want to solve the problem but it is too much. I have too many problems to solve!
For one that is the Existenzkrise! Kopfschmerz!
But they somewhat give a reason for me to actually don't slack.
@J.M. I know about the evolute only.
But not in the context of optics, just in the context of curvature.
@PeterTamaroff You're familiar with the pedal?
I don't know what evolute means in the context of optics.
@PeterTamaroff It's the same thing. :)
@J.M. Nay. What's that?
Since I am able to do research in that... I should know some high school stuff.
Computer-assisted teaching... so I will have to talk less. Perfect.
@PeterTamaroff Pedal; orthotomic.
The neatest way to think of the orthotomic is this: if you have a given curve and a given point, and you draw all the circles centered at the given curve and passing through the given point, the envelope of your circles is the orthotomic.
You sound like you could make me some good code, @J.M.. Interested in doing a MSc thesis in computational optics...? 8-). (is joke...)
@JonasTeuwen They probably have the recipe layed out, or have done a research on "bipolar" disorder so they want to have things easier....?
@JonasTeuwen Man, I'm way past the thesis stage already; don't make me go through it again! :D
@J.M. Coooooooooool.
Dammit is a variant of damnit.
@PeterTamaroff Their conclusion is based on some atypical things like: I work.
@J.M. But... you will get a coffee card and cool goodies. Like free printing. In colours man.
That's the best I can offer.
@JonasTeuwen awfully
@JonasTeuwen Because they know you are my bro!
@JonasTeuwen :P
@J.M. Oh! Do you know about Holditch's theorem?
@JasperLoy Thanks.
@J.M. Awesum!
@J.M. Also, all these people here make awful code... and ugly graphs. Matlab you know.
Here's how to show that the cardioid is the orthotomic of a circle with respect to a point on the circle's circumference.
It needs more functional programming.
@JonasTeuwen Yes, I do MATLAB too. :)
Holy cow.
@J.M. That's the orthotomic to the circle? (viz the cardioid?)
Different plotting lib?
I resort to C if the answer would involve MATLAB.
If you want to MATLAB my code, use it as a module.
@PeterTamaroff As I said, the envelope of the circles.
@J.M. Holditch's? Heard of it?
Awful Awesum.
@PeterTamaroff Only now. Looks like a neat trick.
I also want to learn to make awesome graphics.
Anyway: if you take the evolute of the orthotomic, that's the (cata)caustic.
@JonasTeuwen Use pstricks dude.
(and since the evolute of a cardioid is another cardioid... well, you can infer the rest.)
Man, I am already in pain enough, why would I use postscript... I don't really fancy pain.
If you really love 3D stuff, use asymptote.
@Peter Here's the corresponding orthotomic diagram for the nephroid:
Nephroid... kidney?
@JonasTeuwen Jah.
@JonasTeuwen It's called that because it's approximately kidney-shaped, yes. :)
@J.M. Oh, gawd, what s the original curve?
@J.M. Looks like my balls!
@PeterTamaroff It's a circle, but this time it's the orthotomic about the diameter. (I.e., you can have a point-orthotomic and a line-orthotomic).
@JasperLoy :P
@J.M. Oh, OK.
@JasperLoy Dude, that's clearly meiosis going down.
Whee... admin access for courses in blackboard. Now I can do some kickass trolling...
In the line-orthotomic case, instead of "passing through the given point", it's "tangent to a given line".
They. must. be. joking. Recording. again.??!
Come on, who flagged that?
You know how hard it is to kick somebody out when anybody in the world can be watching?
Please tell me.
@PeterTamaroff ...and if you take the evolute of that line-orthotomic, you get the caustic from a light source at infinity.
Someone flagged my message. Who is it? I won't get upset.
@JasperLoy I dismissed it, but...
@J.M. Huhuhuh.... I don't know if I can handle it.
What message?
@JonasTeuwen The "balls" message.
@JasperLoy Your balls have a weird shape. Also, why do you open your scrotum? That explain the pstricks!
If you don't like it, you can just tell me directly.
@JasperLoy Don't worry, my likingness compensates for plenty of disliking.
@PeterTamaroff Heh. Anyway, if you want a gentle intro, this book might be what you want.
@J.M. Hey! That was the first week project I had when I was a toddler at the university.
I am trying to push Ricci curvature in the optics stuff...
My final goal is to have cute ridiculously hard solutions for simple problems nobody cares about.
Whee, ellipsoids. :)
That's just an ugly circle...?
Elliptic polarization for my light.
@JonasTeuwen Don't knock the ellipses, my friend. :)
I am working on a cute problem for tissue state measurement using lasers.
Skin is like a non-linear crystal...
So the higher order terms (asymptotics!) in the refractive index cause frequency doubling and cute stuff like that.
We detect that.
And then some MD dudes do stupid statistics to relate it to the measurements.
Well, we is not me. I just try to burn the skin.
For melanotic sarcomatic purposes.
"Damn? 50mW not enough? Meh, let's do it right then... 100W CO$_2$."
@JonasTeuwen It's cheaper to just spend a day at the beach without sunblock... :P
@J.M. But I want to burn the bad parts :P.
Additionally detect when I am making it worse :P.
@JonasTeuwen Oh, that's what psoralens are for. :)
Well, first the detection...
@J.M. Yes, that is... true. But first it is purely diagnostics.
@J.M. Good reference to have at hand!
The non-linearity of the skin states something about it's condition... apparently.
I asked: "How deep fried would you like your skin?", but... they didn't think it was funny.
@JonasTeuwen Mmm, extra crispy... :D
nothing to do here
I have %nothing here anymore in my code...
Under the motto: deleted code is debugged code.
@J.M. Yea, these MDs. Y so srsly?
They seem to do research because of status.
I just like to set things on fire in a technologically advanced way.
@JonasTeuwen ...and then he forgot to remove a few mirrors in the room...
Oh, he quickly took his protective glasses.
Oh well.
@J.M. Mirrors in a laser lab? That would be a bit dangerous.
This is the lab... where the guys that made our CD worked!
@JonasTeuwen Yes, I know. That's why you scrupulously get rid of stray reflective surfaces before turning on anything. :)
Anyone knows how to make Debian autoupdate flash without writing a script?
Do you use nsplugin?
I am not sure what that is but I see no such plugin in my browser.
I believe it called.
I like wrappers for bad software.
And Flash certainly qualifies.
It is even so bad no wrapper will help. I suggest rm -rf.
Debian has a flash package that installs flash from the Adobe site, but one needs to manually run a command to update it.
@JasperLoy Then check out the contents of the package, right?
The script should be included.
@JonasTeuwen Yeah, but that is too hard for me. Never mind thanks. I just wanted to see if there is a simple way.
Also, the default to XFCE is making me think of switching.
@JasperLoy The package apt-file will help you!
Run this update-flashplugin-nonfree --install
@JonasTeuwen Yes, I know. But that is not autoupdate. It is not part of apt-get dist-upgrade.
Don't do that.
Autoupdate for bad software is bad.
But anyway this Flash will be gone in 4.5 years!
After that one needs to use Chrome to get the plugin on Linux.
Then I will be a doctor or twice already!
I might have started grad school by then.
I hope it ceases to be by then.
Or I might have left the world.
That's also an option.
But better leave the world with a PhD, man.
Very often, I wish I don't wake up when I go to sleep.
I have spent about five hundred bloody euros on travel expenses for travels I did not make this month!
That's normal. I call it Existentzkrise.
Well, actually it is more like: "is this heaven? shit it is not." in the morning.
Do you like your current life @jonas?
Almost neverywhere! 8-).
Is that meant to start with n?
@JasperLoy You mean lifestyle
@PeterTamaroff Actually I meant life.
Well, hmm, never mind.
@JasperLoy Yes.
@JonasTeuwen Well, I hope our next life is better. :-) Maybe we will meet then!
@JasperLoy (The image in not in response for that!)
Bad syncing!
@PeterTamaroff I understand. I am not JLO for nothing you know.
@JasperLoy Do Buddhism believe in reincarnation into animals and stuff?
@PeterTamaroff Yes.
But whatever you do... don't play human torch! Some dude did that in Amsterdam and when he got extinguished he was in terrible pain and died from terrible infections a couple of days later!
Probably no mucocutaneous candidiasis!
@JasperLoy You can be a pony. Did you give that some thinking? Just balance your karma accordingly and bam!
Or a unicorn.
@PeterTamaroff Why do you want me to be a pony?
@JasperLoy Supposedly, ponies enjoy of rainbows, happyness and friendship.
@JasperLoy Have you ever seen a sad pony?
In general, animal lives are worse than human lives.
@JonasTeuwen HAHAHAH
@JasperLoy Not if you're a pony.
Right. Less humans, more ponies.
@PeterTamaroff Haha. And it's spelled happiness. And you should probably omit the of there.
I want to be a unicorn. If you annoy me I'll put that uni thing up your rear.
@JonasTeuwen Pain!
@JasperLoy Nothing wrong with that right? After all, you do use pstricks.
@JonasTeuwen Hehe.
@peter How is your Mendelson now?
@JasperLoy Good. I'm doing some Calculus from Apostol though. You can also be a dog
@PeterTamaroff Well, you always call me that don't you?
@JasperLoy You would only be a true dawg if you have that cool ring with your name on it and smoke pot.
@PeterTamaroff My ring and pot are invisible.
@PeterTamaroff I bet you would also behave like that if they insert a cell phone in your rear.
@JasperLoy You can also be a cat
@PeterTamaroff Like a lolcat.
@J.M. That's just staring a fly in the eyes!
@robjohn When you are a spider, yes.
@JonasTeuwen I have a 47mW green laser pointer... great for pointing out constellations, etc
@robjohn We can easily do 47W.
@JonasTeuwen I imagine so.
Burn the constellations will be a bit hard, but... maybe in the future.
@JonasTeuwen might create a column of plasma in the atmosphere, too.
@robjohn Yes.
It will actually ionize the air... kickass.
@JonasTeuwen I think that is what I said...
Yes. But I wanted to say lightning. (It is almost 4AM...) 8-).
@JonasTeuwen A friend and I used to use a Krypton laser he had to turn off street lights outside his apartment.
@robjohn Turn off... because it is a power hungry beast?
@JonasTeuwen no, by hitting the light sensor on top.
@robjohn Ahh! Here they just modulate a signal on the mains.
@JonasTeuwen They still have sensors here, but I think they filter things better so that my laser pointer doesn't turn them off (or perhaps I just need to be above them).
@robjohn Mm, just a "shield". Very low tech. 8-).
@JonasTeuwen I think it is baffled or something. There is no visible shield.
@robjohn Krypton laser? It exists? I thought it only is used in Superman.
@robjohn Or just a simple layer of filtering material... 8-).
But then it stays off?
@JonasTeuwen Depends on what they want to look for to turn off the lights.
Seriously, 11 votes for the answer? math.stackexchange.com/questions/186421/…
@robjohn Obviously not Krypton lasers.
@JonasTeuwen It stays off for a while. A bit of hysteresis to keep it from flickering.
@robjohn Mm, your proof of the non-integerness is... better.
@robjohn Oh, yes.
@JonasTeuwen why not?
@robjohn Because I suppose they want to have it work when no sun and go off when sun.
Not when some guy with a laser is having fun.
@JonasTeuwen Oh, I see to what you were referring... they don't want to look for Krypton lasers :-)
@robjohn Maybe they want the lights go off at well when the aliens arrive... 8-).
When did it pass 4AM?
@JonasTeuwen That would be the case in any movie :-)
@JonasTeuwen what proof?
@robjohn This one. I just wanted to do some ad hoc reasoning by finding the floor.
Do all suggested edits stay in the queue until approved or rejected?
Or will they disappear after a while?
@J.M. If using azoles makes it worse. Does that mean they just don't work? 8-).
@JonasTeuwen That would have to be a very nasty thing for them not to. There are two new ones out on the market, IIRC; if those don't work as well, you're short of luck.
@JasperLoy I think they hang around.
@robjohn It does look like one, no? :)
@J.M. very much so.
@JasperLoy We keep getting bothered by a brown-colored indicator at the top until somebody takes care of them...
@J.M. Only fluco 400mg now. Oh well.
Are the new ones tria-?
Diflucan, eh? Nasty bugger, to need that.
@JonasTeuwen The brand name they use in America is "Vfend"; I don't know if it's in Europe already...
@J.M. Yes, it is approved.
@J.M. closely related to this
Their own statement says: "for candidiasis equivalent to fluconazol, only use for fluconazol resistant..."
@robjohn Hah, yes; they're dual!
I still have to bloody take these fluco thingies for two weeks. No feel like. Oh well.
Errbudy stup.
@JonasTeuwen what brought that old answer up again? Did the question get moved to the front page by the bot?
@J.M. All the other azoles have the statement "not more effective than..."
@robjohn Peter linked it.
@JonasTeuwen @robjohn @JasperLoy You $\TeX$ geeks might like it!
I know it already.
@JonasTeuwen Well, now I know you know.
@JonasTeuwen Oh, okay. I didn't see that, so your comment about non-integerness seemed like a nonsequitur.
@JonasTeuwen Supposedly GeoGebra can export TeX and TIKZ images.
off to the park. bbl.
Gotta go
@robjohn Bye!
@PeterTamaroff I knew that 9000 years ago.
Good night guys!
@PeterTamaroff Use pstricks, all euclidean geometry in 2D and 3D solved!
@JonasTeuwen Night...
@robjohn Have fun.
@PeterTamaroff Bye.
I got 2000 rep on MSE!
Now I can officially retire from MSE!
Good for you.(tm)
@JayeshBadwaik What is tm?
Google for "Good Thing" "Martha Stewart" "Trademark"
@JasperLoy `2000 is your goal?
A trademark, trade mark, or trade-mark is a distinctive sign or indicator used by an individual, business organization, or other legal entity to identify for consumers that the products or services on or with which the trademark appears originate from a unique source, designated for a specific market, and to distinguish its products or services from those of other entities. A trademark may be designated by the following symbols: *â„¢ (for an unregistered trade mark, that is, a mark used to promote or brand goods) *â„  (for an unregistered service mark, that is, a mark used to promote or...
@robjohn For now. I may return some day and bring it to 100k...
@JasperLoy You don't want to be here just for the good company? :-D
@robjohn Oh I do. I was referring to actively aiming for low-hanging fruit!
@JasperLoy That means you will still be one the chat? Nice.
@JasperLoy okay... I was getting worried that you only wanted us for our rep :-)
@robjohn No, I am here for the bros!
Bros before reputation.
Oh, once we reach 2k we can edit freely but we won't gain rep from edits!
@GustavoBandeira I answered your quadratic equation question. Remember to upvote it if you find it helpful. It is currently at 0. I did not throw the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra at you since there is an elemenatary explanation.
@HenryT.Horton Hey
2 hours later…
It's raining cats and dogs here.
Hello folks.
No rain in pune. It never rains here.
most we have is a 5 min drizzle.
Hmm, that's sad.
It is always nice to see it raining.
missed that. ^^ : -|
I was in Nagpur till may. Used to rain a lot there.
Well looks like New Zealand have folded up for 159.
Bye folks. Off to the lunch and I have to prepare for my talk, which is at 6 pm today.
I voted to close this as duplicate.
@Matt I saw your question
@JasperLoy Are you a master at SmallTalk?
2 hours later…
Sup bros.
Let $X$ be compact. The topology induced on $\mathcal M_+(X)$ by the vague topology should be metrizable and seperable right?
Probably also locally compact.
@JayeshBadwaik If you mean I like to make small talk, then yes.
I got the mortarboard badge!
@Jonas How does the vague topology relate to the weak* topology?
It is the weak* topology.
But weak* topology is just a more general thing for all duals.
@Jonas Metrizable and separable are certainly true for your space then. I'm pretty sure local compactness too.
@MichaelGreinecker Eh, yes duh.
But I am not sure about the first.
But it must be. We just have compacta in wk* topologies.
I'm pretty sure it must be pretty obvious.
@Jonas That it holds true is state here on page 11, footnote 7, but without a reference.
@MichaelGreinecker They also assume that it is metrizable (the $X$).
Holy cow, a friend of mine proved an open problem (60 year) in his BSc thesis and he might get a PhD for it... 8-).
@Jonas I see. But otherwise, I think the result will not hold in general. Take a compact Hausdorff space of cardinality larger than the continuum. Then, even the set of probability measures cannot be a separable metric space, since a separable metric space has at most cardinality of the continuum, but there are more dirac measures,
@MichaelGreinecker Yes, needs some extra conditions. But we identify the set of measures with the dual of $C(X)$, right?
And that is only separable iff $X$ is Polish.
@Jonas So things are hopeless anyways.
Mmm, not completely, there is more structure, but in general not metric. Need to see.
And we can probably say it for bounded sets?
For example closed balls will be compact (duh) and metrizable wrt the vague topology.
Doesn't that alreas require X to be a metric space?
Hmm, that friend "invented" Banach-Alaoglu himself but first he had to define the wk* topology. His definitions need some streamlining...
@MichaelGreinecker Yes, I have a vector space in mind with other crazy stuff. But require I don't know. This crazy game theory... so little structure.
I am more used to metrizable stuff. Need to figure this out.
Hi, guys.
I mistyped the problem when asking my question. Should I post a new one or just edit?
It already has some answers
How about using common sense? Should help.
If it renders the answers invalid: don't. If it is a completely different question: don't.
In any case, don't just change the question without mentioning what.
@Damir looking at your question, I would say post the corrected form as a new question
What's this common sense anyway?
hi @HenningMakholm
That's also common sense.
Son of a cracks, I'm going outside. In the sunshine.
@MichaelBoratko @JonasTeuwen Thanks
@anon yo sup
@JasperLoy Yep. It's because I asked and then went to sleep, now I'll read them.

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