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Just an update for anyone interested in commutative diagrams and diagram chasing software that works visually (the language is 85% visual, 15% textual as opposed to 100% textual)
It's written in python but of course will be optimized later in C++ the graph search and critical parts
1 hour later…
i have a function and i've gotten its critical points. if I restrict the domain, how come I need to check for other critical points along the bounds?
are you looking for extrema on an interval? if you don't include endpoints in your definition of 'critical points' (or separately check them after you check critical points), you might not find any, even when they exist
e.g. f(x) = x on [0,1] has a minimum at 0 and a maximum at 1 but f'(x) is never zero on [0,1] (or anywhere else)
oh! of course
thank you
2 hours later…
is it possible to rotate a plane curve fixing an arbitrary point of rotation on a 2d plane so as to obtain an analytic formulation of the resulting graph?
i.e. such that the resulting graph is a set of elements satisfying some well defined equation
1 hour later…
Q: Suppose $G$ is a group of order $pqr$ with $p<q<r$ and $q\nmid r-1$ for primes $p,q,r$. Prove that there is only one subgroup of order $q$.

Gach Pazh Suppose $G$ is a group of order $pqr$ where $p,q,r$ are prime numbers such that $p<q<r$. If $q\nmid r-1$ prove that there is only one subgroup of order $q$. By the Sylow theorems we know that the number of Sylow $q$-subgroups of $G$ is in the form of $qk+1$ and has to be one of $\{1,p,r,pr\}$ b...

In the answer, why will Sylow q-subgroup be too big?
well under the given hypotheses, the normalizer in G of the Sylow q-subgroup of G apparently has order q (i.e. it is just the Sylow q-subgroup itself). in that first line of the solution that's what they say, anyway.
but later, it is deduced that the Sylow q-subgroup of G is apparently normal in a subgroup of G that has order qr. this meaning that everything in that subgroup of order qr is in the normalizer in G of the Sylow q-subgroup, too
so it has at least qr elements, when it's supposed to only have q elements
i should have given the sylow q-subgroup of G a name. call it H. then N_G(H), which has q elements, apparently also contains everything in a subgroup having qr elements.
@leslietownes why does it mean that subgroup of order qr is in the normalizer of q-SSG in G? I'm afraid, Leslie. I'm new to Sylow's theorems. Here is what I think: I'll try to break down the answer: If there are pr q-SSG, then we know that all q-SSG are conjugate and that $cl(q)=pr=\frac{pqr}{N(q-SSG)}$, whence N(q-SSG) is of order q
I'm using q-SSG as short for Sylow q-subgroup of G
lets name that subgroup of order qr K
it means that khk^{-1} is in H for every h in H and k in K
By Sylow's 3rd theorem, G must have a normal r-SSG. It follows that (r-SSG)(q-SSG) is a subgroup of G
@leslietownes ok
i'm not tracking the logic of the proof at all, i'm just pointing out how the statements in the solution, if true, do derive a contradiction on the size of N_G(H)
there are probably other ways to shake it out of the sylow theorems than the way sketched in the solution
@leslietownes hmm, but still why does H contain K?
I understood that khk^{-1} is in H for every h and k as it's been shown that H is normal in K
@leslietownes I see the logic in the answer now, but I don't understand how K is contained in H:(
really bugs me when people downvote without explaining. i have have a bug and it is a missed opportunity to repair.
it isn't?
H has order q, K has order qr
So H $\subset$ K
But how come $K\subset H$? Isn't that how we're planning to draw a contradiction?
copper same. i'm not active enough to see a lot of that on my own answers but i don't like seeing an answer to a question that looks good to me and yet has a -1 in front of it and no comment. i wonder if i'm missing something
koro the contradiction in the answer is about |N_G(H)|
it has q elements via one route, and at least qr elements via another route, contradiction
i guess if K is a subgroup of N_G(H) and N_G(H) has q elements and thus is forced to be equal to H, this indirectly shows that K would (in the world where we are doing our proof by contradiction) must be a subset of H, but it's done via a calculation of orders
not directly trying to show that elements of K are elements of H
sylow theorems are sometimes used like this. you get your contradiction or the result you want by counting, not by reasoning directly with group elements
So N_G(H) has q elements (I understand this). So N_G(H) is cyclic. There is a subgroup of order $qr$ which has a normal subgroup of order $q$. Hence N(H) has to have atleast qr elements.
Why? Because if $A\le G$ then A is normal in G if and only if N(A)=G
@leslietownes I think I'm starting to understand it now.
Leslie, is my understanding correct though?
3 mins ago, by Koro
Why? Because if $A\le G$ then A is normal in G if and only if N(A)=G
@leslietownes Thanks a lot :)
@shintuku some plane curves, definitely. circles in particular :P
but surely the answer in general is "yes, if there's an analytic description of the original plane curve"
b/c rotation and translation are just coordinate transformations
Just don't expect that the rotated curve will necessarily be a function. ;)
write out the new coordinates, substitute them into your original description, and you've got an analytic description in terms of the new coordinates
parametric functions are still functions :P
but yeah
doing something like $(f(t),g(t))$ isn't a problem
thanks for the answers! is this just the change of basis stuff from standard linear algebra?
neat, i'll dig in that direction. thanks!
it's a transformation of the form $x'=ax+by+c$ and similarly for $y'$
so you can write it as $X'=AX$ where $X=(x,y,1)^t$, $X'=(x',y',1)^t$ and a 3-by-3 matrix $A$
hence, linear algebra
the "translate and then rotate" bit means you can factorize $A$ in a particular way, but that's about the only interesting point
That 3×3 matrix is connected to homogeneous coordinates & projective geometry en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homogeneous_coordinates
> Homogeneous coordinates are ubiquitous in computer graphics because they allow common vector operations such as translation, rotation, scaling and perspective projection to be represented as a matrix by which the vector is multiplied. By the chain rule, any sequence of such operations can be multiplied out into a single matrix, allowing simple and efficient processing
hah, kinda weird reversal there, attributing composition of linear maps to the chain rule and not vice versa
Kinda. I guess the point is that if you're not using projective geometry, scaling, translation, and rotation are separate process:, scalar multiplication, vector addition, and matrix multiplication. So it's rather neat that they can all be treated as matrix multiplication when you add an extra dimension.
i just discovered \mathrm
no more ugly italicized latex
2 hours later…
What is good example of algorithms with step function complexity?
step function runtime cost*
Is it true that $p^n\mid\binom{p^n}{k}$ where $0\leq k\leq p^n$?
2 hours later…
@love_sodam try some examples
2 hours later…
@leslietownes I hadn’t quite appreciated how on point the answer here for our discussion
could I have a hint for this? Let $\Omega$ be a bounded domain (connected + open subset of $\mathbb{C}$), and suppose $z_0 \in \partial \Omega$, $z_1$ is in the exterior of $\Omega$ and all points in the line segment joining $z_0$ and $z_1$ lies in the exterior of $\Omega$, besides for $z_0$.

Prove that the image of (some single-valued branch of) $\sqrt{\frac{z - z_0}{z - z_1}}$ on $\partial \Omega \setminus \{z_0 \}$ lies in a half plane.
Can somebody explain why this is true? : If $\Bbb F$ is a field of characteristic $p$ then $(\Bbb Z/p^k\Bbb Z)\otimes\Bbb F\simeq\Bbb F$ ?
@PeterJohn its not, why do the LHS and RHS even need to have the same number of elements? e.g. take $\mathbb{F} = \mathbb{Z} / 2 \mathbb{Z}$ and $k=1$, the LHS is $\mathbb{F}_{2} \otimes \mathbb{F}_{2}$ which has four elements, the RHS has only $2$
@porridgemathematics math.stackexchange.com/questions/4244843/… I saw that in this post.
i dont know about that post, but the statement is definitely not correct
that is incorrect
F_2\otimes F_2 is F_2
wait what? the direct product of $F_2$ with itself is $F_2$?
this is a tensor product, not a direct product
shouldn't the underlying set be the cartesian product, which has four elements?
in general, if $A$ is an abelian $p$-torsion group, there is a well-defined map $\mathbb{Z}/p^k\mathbb{Z}\otimes_{\mathbb{Z}}A\rightarrow A,\,x\mod p^k\otimes a\mapsto p^ka$, which is inverse to the map $A\rightarrow\mathbb{Z}/p^k\mathbb{Z}\otimes A,\,a\mapsto1\otimes a$, so these are isomorphic
If $f$ is analytic on the open unit disc $\Bbb{D}$ and continuous on $\overline{\Bbb{D}}$, is there some theorem that guarantees that $f$ can be extended to a analytic function on $\overline{\Bbb{D}}$?
what's your definition of an analytic function on $\overline{\mathbb{D}}$
Hmm...not entirely sure. Why, does the notion of analyticity not make sense on the closure?
it can, but normally you need to define it to mean 'analytic in a neighbourhood of the closure'
I'm not saying it doesn't make sense, I'm saying you have to define what it means
@Thorgott What is the map $\mathbb{Z}/p^k\mathbb{Z}\otimes_{\mathbb{Z}}A\rightarrow A$ ?
Oh, I see...Well, here is some more context. Let $f$ be holomorphic on $\Bbb{D}$, continuous on $\overline{\Bbb{D}}$, and such that $f(0) = c$ with $|f(z)| > |c|$ for every unit complex number $z$. I want to argue that $f$ has a zero in $\Bbb{D}$.
hm? I have literally written it down in that message
This should be a simple application of Rouche's theorem, but I need analyticity on $\Bbb{D} \cup \partial \Bbb{D} = \overline{\Bbb{D}}$
well if $|f(z)|>|c|$ on the boundary, you also have $|f(z)|>|c|$ on an entire annulus near the boundary, so apply to Rouche to some smaller disk
Oh, okay. I think I see what you're saying.
So, in other words $|f(z)| > |c|$ for all points on the boundary, then there exists a smaller circle centered at $0$ such that $|f(z)| > |c|$ for all $z$ on that smaller circle? And then just consider the disc centered at $0$ whose boundary is that smaller circle?
And it just follows from continuity of $f$ and compactness of the unit circle?
1 hour later…
@user193319 Depends on radius of convergence of the power series in the disk! In general, no.
Alright, I've got a thing:
"Let $H$ be a Hilbert space and $M$ be a closed subspace of $H$. Suppose $\varphi$ is a bounded linear functional defined on $M$. Use Hilbert space methods to show that $\varphi$ can be uniquely extended to $H$"
I know the answer is to just project onto $M$ and then apply $\varphi$, but the "uniqueness" bit is throwing me. Do I have to do anything special for that?
Sounds suspicious to me. Is that even true in finite dimensions?
yeah no that's just false
Hmmm? Is it the uniqueness bit or is it the "extension" bit?
it's the uniqueness bit
There is more that might shed light onto it, actually "i.e., show that there exists a unique bounded linear functional $\widetilde{\varphi}$ on $H$ such that $\widetilde{\varphi}(m)=\varphi(m),\forall m\in M$ and $\|\widetilde{\varphi}\|=\|\varphi\|$."
(Is this a crucial bit of the puzzle I shouldn't have excluded or is it still not unique?)
that's starting to sound like something that's true
So, the only real change is the norm restriction. That tells me that, if uniqueness is assured, then I have to use that fact
Maybe something with the Representation Theorem?
Um, yeah, like, for real!
I haven't done a whole lot of analysis, so I'm stretching my legs a bit
phi is given by inner producting with some vector v in M. innerproducing with that same vector gives you one extension to all of H. suppose you have another extension to all of H, represented by some w in H. see if you can convince yourself that v-w is perpendicular to M and hence that v = (v-w) + w will have a larger norm than w if v isn't w
and hence that the extended functional will have a larger norm than phi if v isn't w
i think that works
Aight, I'll work through what you've said and see if I get it
m riesz is one of my mathematical ancestors but i think the representation theorem was f riesz
Aren't you supposed to be queueing up at the orthopedist's office? :)
yes, that's at 1:30
Ah, good.
my daughter demanded to 'do music' this morning. she has a metal drum with two drum sticks. my dad gave it to her for her first birthday. thanks, dad.
Highly intelligent gift.
vengeance is his, i guess.
Paying you back for what you did in your childhood.
at least i never broke any bones.
What are allegations really how is it different from that of a weighted average?
Please explain this to me.
Huh? I do not know that word in a mathematical context.
Is this a translation from some other language?
Hi, DogAteMy.
Does Sylvester-Gallai ("every finite set of points in the Euclidean plane has a line that passes through exactly two of the points or a line that passes through all of them") work in 3D, with planes?
Like, if they're not all coplanar, can you always get a plane that passes through exactly 3 of them?
I've never heard a name attached to things like this.
Oh that's a fun puzzle if you don't know *it
Prove that, given a finite set of points not all colinear, there is a line that passes through exactly two of the points
And by "fun puzzle" I mean I think it was an open question for a while, but the proof is legitimately simple so don't get discouraged
I'm used to talking about general position of points in projective space, but this is a new twist. So I guess it's an argument that you can't have all triples collinear unless they're all collinear.
@leslie When should we challenge robjohn and Ted to a word search competition?
what's good my gs?
amWhy, never? it wouldn't be a fair fight. we would lose.
robjohn orz
hi o.9. we were doing some hilbert space theory earlier. good blast from the past.
@leslietownes I don't think we would lose!
I think we'd run them into the ground, provided, as usual, words are English words.
you'd get owned ngl @amWhy
low level diff
robjohn is the goat of word search
he's just been smurfin'
is that a gaming term?
nvm i googled it.
which one?
10/10 term
or no?
i get it. makes sense.
it's also used in money laundering. when you split a transfer of one sum of money across a number of people so the pieces fly under reporting requirements.
i don't know that criminals use that term, but lawyers who do white collar crime use it.
If I was a rich man...
I would know about that
Just had my first class after like 2 years
was pretty awesome
@o.9 Ya ba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dum
you don't have to be rich to need smurfing. the threshold for a suspicious activity report in the US is $10,000.
So You would have to smurf for an 80k sus transfer?
do most low lvl smurfs get caught?
no. just because a bank is required to file an SAR doesn't mean anybody ever looks at it.
but if you have a steady stream of that stuff and you do it over and over, yes.
oh ok
But if you have a steady stream of 80k's then ur sittin' pretty right?
and so the song would apply
the big thing in LA county for a while was rental properties. you'd buy a property with basically no money down, 'rent' it out and receive monthly payments from your 'tenants,' turning dirty money into clean home equity. but it requires playing the long game.
your average person is not that patient.
if u have rental properties in LA county ur rich for a very large chunk of the world's population's standards uwu
by a worldwide standard, probably. there are a lot of decrepit buildings in LA county. you wouldn't do it with airbnb stuff.
you want a shitty apartment building or an uninhabitable teardown of a house.
I guess if you have an apartment in a decrepit building that's scuffed
but given the land is worth a buck
isn't that something that is avoided ?
what is avoided?
not fixing up buildings in expensive areas
expensive areas do fine. unless you are an oligarch from another country, you wouldn't launder money via expensive real estate. you'd launder it via cheap real estate in the same neighborhoods that you deal drugs in, or whatever.
oh that makes sense
I didn't know LA county had cheap areas
yeah, it does. when the news reports on the high cost of living, they are usually assuming a baseline of quality that leaves a lot of the worst housing stock out of the mix. like, "if a middle class person wanted to move here and live a stereotypically middle class lifestyle, how much would that cost." that's expensive. just living here is not.
countdown to doctor's visit begins. we're hearing objections to the plan.
Good luck with the visitation.
In the meantime, if you want some laughs, look at this.
Good luck! no fun all around.
the $10k thing pervades. fbar/finra silliness as well. i understand the concern about money laundering, but why are holdings that have nothing to do with the usa and of their business.
and why does my daughter have to pay usa tax for monies earned in the uk?
Clearly I am in a good mood :-).
Part of being a US resident?
I recall having to pay tax on money I was paid for lecturing in France.
In these lecture notes, on page 3 and example 5, the author defines and exemplifies Lebesgue measure. Is the definition correct through, i.e. a function whose domain is the Borel $\sigma$-algebra?
I'm the farthest thing from a measure theory expert, @schn, and it's been years since I've thought about this, but this sounds right to me. What is your objection?
Well, I overread somewhere that there are sets not included in the Borel $\sigma$-algebra that are Lebesgue measurable, so the definition seems not wrong, but could be extended possibly.
there's a measure on the Borel algebra defined by the usual length on intervals. then there's a measure obtained from this measure by completion. either is often called the Lebesgue measure.
So I guess "Borel measure" then. Briefly possibly, how would you describe completion?
Did you read further in those notes? Or other texts?
I searched the document and saw it on the next page. Thanks!
Anyway, on a related note, is it possible to obtain the Borel $\sigma$-algebra on $\mathbb{R}$ using only strictly open intervals?
By strictly I mean excluding any half-open intervals.
yes, any type of interval will do
@schn The completion is what you get if you add all the subsets of measure zero to the original $\sigma$ field.
It is important when you deal with product measures.
@copper.hat , and there are no such sets in the Borel $\sigma$-algebra, or?
What do you mean?
With measure 0.
Of course there are, any finite set for example and lots more. But not all subsets of sets of measure zero are Borel measurable.
I do not know why texts do not emphasize the difference between Borel & Lebesgue measurable.
The Lebesgue measure (or any constructed via outer measure) is (automatically) complete.
Note that in general completions are not unique (for example, see math.stackexchange.com/q/2885548/27978).
Could you give an example of a subset that is not Borel measurable, @copper.hat?
@TedShifrin ha!
You like all complex analysis a subset of “differential geometry”? How’s the munchkin?
full leg cast, probably 3-4 weeks worth. we're figuring out whether/when she can go back to day care.
Tough to move around …
toileting has been a pain, although at least with a cast we no longer have to worry about displacing her leg.
Poor munchkin.
on the way there we were stuck behind a very slow-moving vehicle. i remarked to my wife, "he's camping out here on the interstate." a few minutes later, my daughter said "that guy's camping! we need to push that camping guy out of the way!"
and when we passed him, only to wind up in front of a slow-moving semi: "that guy's camping too!"
she only recently weighed enough to have her carseat turned to face the direction of traffic, so a lot of riding in cars is new to her.
apparently biden is in town, so a lot of downtown traffic was pushed onto the interstate by road closures.
Here for the governor, I think.
i realize other things were higher priorities, but it seems a little late. everybody at whatever event it is probably voted weeks ago.
unless it's raising money for his re-election war chest.
Nope, some people still haven't voted.
but would they be going to his event? or even hear about it? don't listen to me, i'm in a gloomy mood about all of this.
@schn Constructing a non measurable example involves choice in some sort of way, see for example mathoverflow.net/q/42215/31729.
@leslietownes Hope your daughter is ok.
she's happier now than she was this morning. she chose a purple cast.
:-). at least they use lightweight casts nowadays,
Oh, good point!

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