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@robjohn Hey there! I have been trying to earn some rep by doing some edits!
@JasperLoy Hmm... Just now, or over the recent past?
@robjohn Well, several this month, and also just now.
@JasperLoy either it has been denied or accepted. I don't see it queued up.
@robjohn All accepted. I was just chatting with you, not asking you to check. :-)
@JasperLoy Oh... okay. Yeah, that's a way to get a couple of points here and there.
Back from tea!
Before getting back to work, just a peep here....
@KannappanSampath Did you have tea, coffee or sth else?
@JasperLoy When I say tea, I mean tea. As plain as it can get. I use no euphemisms.
@KannappanSampath No, that is not a euphemism. Tea is the name of a meal, like lunch or dinner.
Well, there was a :) missing.
There is also "high tea".
:5897734 high tea is social occasion.
Every day at 4:30 PM I believe is when we had tea at Fine Hall.
@robjohn I see. That must be a lot of fun to see people, perhaps several brilliant mathematicians of this decade.
And, interact with them, in particular.
@robjohn Thank you for telling. I knew this but misconstrued it as an idiom. It turns out, it is not.
@KannappanSampath It was pretty neat, although sometimes one felt like running back to one's office to do work and not seem as if you were slacking. Of course, my office was right across from the common room, so it was easy for me.
@robjohn Hmm! I'm starting to feel nervous and all that for ... .
I'm going to write an answer on MSE now.
@KannappanSampath Nervous for an answer? don't be...
@robjohn nervous after hearing(reading) the linked comment.
The homepage for the math department even talks about the tea in the common room.
@KannappanSampath which question?
@robjohn This one. Just to be sure that I am being understood, I was feeling something, which is perhaps not nervousness, after reading your comment about Fine Hall Tea here.
@KannappanSampath Oh, I don't think anyone ever thought that anyone else was slacking by going to tea. It was all in the minds of the grad students.
@robjohn My best friend studied physics in Princeton.
@JasperLoy when? I knew some Physics grad students when I was there, but it was long before that. :-)
@robjohn As an undergrad several years ago.
@robjohn Yes, I know your age, shh...
@michael You asked me that multivariable calculus question? I forgot all my stuff, try someone else or posting on main!
How do I break a line in HTML?
@KannappanSampath <br />
@MichaelBoratko Thank you, Michael.
@JasperLoy No worries, I figured it out
@MichaelBoratko So what is it in a nutshell?
@JasperLoy I actually just came in here because I saw your avatar and I must say - Bieber? Really?
@MichaelBoratko Haha, there are many things you don't know about me. You'll be shocked if you really know me, not in a bad way of course.
Heheh. In a nutshell, I believe the question was ill formed. It was asking to find common tangents between two surfaces at the points of intersection
the question asked for lines, it made more sense if lines was replaced with planes
@MichaelBoratko Yeah the two planes will clearly intersect in a common tangent line.
right, and since these two surfaces were differentiable and the gradient was never zero, they had uniquely defined tangent planes at every point
thus every point of intersection would have a common tangent line between the two surfaces - the intersection of their tangent planes
on the other hand, not every tangent plane would coincide
But really, another thing that I thought of was one can have a common tangent line even at points not of their intersection.
Imagine two adjacent spheres for example.
true, I believe the question specifically said that the line had to intersect the points of intersection
I will check...
If we line them up properly and look at the north pole then we have a common tangent line!
yes, you know what that's another mistake in the problem
@MichaelBoratko Also, note that that question involves two specific surfaces not the same as my example. Just to let you know the 9000 things that underlie a simple question like this.
Done, writing an answer, yes, long long time after.
@JasperLoy You raise a very good point about the common tangent lines not necessarily being at the point of intersection
@MichaelBoratko Yes, I am made up of points in $R^3$.
The actual question, word for word, was "Determine all points at which the surfaces $x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 3$ and $x^3 + y^3 +z^3 =3$ share the same tangent line. Note: any such point must of course lie on both surfaces"
But even if we change line to plane, the "note" is not necessarily true
Bad question
@MichaelBoratko It could be that the question is correct because the situation I gave is not possible in this case, or it was an oversight.
yes, possible, but that is was added in a "Note" would imply that it was a trivial observation
In fact, I do believe it is possible
There is a danger in trivializing nontrivial problems and nontrivializing trivial problems in mathematics.
Yes, so for that problem for instance
At the point $(\sqrt 3, 0 0)$ on the sphere the gradient is $(2\sqrt 3, 0 0)$
hmm no
@KannappanSampath I think it's a reference to this
@KannappanSampath I think he is saying he is accepting your answer?
I don't know. In any case, I am happy I wrote an answer after a long time.
@JasperLoy Well, I should be off - I'll leave you with this
@MichaelBoratko Have fun!
@KannappanSampath I am glad you decided to stay, and consider changing your username back, but it is up to you.
Later folks. My time's up.
My time is up too... <dies>
Hola mis amigos.
whatz up amigo?
@BryanDunsmore Have you decided on your essay topic yet?
@HenryT.Horton That is first class trolling.
@skullpatrol Nope. In fact, my teacher and I are in a cold war...
No. I'm actually dead right now.
@JasperLoy Leave my friend Henry alone you internet bully.
I'm not your friend
@skullpatrol That is second class trolling.
Friendship isn't a symmetric relation apparently.
@BryanDunsmore You could write about math?
Also I can't believe you made that private photo of my $\star\star\star\star$ I sent you into your avatar.
hi @ZhenLin
@skullpatrol Maybe. I'm too upset to think of a topic right now. =(
@BryanDunsmore whatz up amigo?
Well for one my English teacher docked half the class 25% on an essay because we forgot a two line citation when we were working until the last minute to finish an in-class essay. >-<
And then she kinda hates me because she asked if that book should still be taught and I said yes but the work needs to be actual thinking and not just busy work.
And then I bruised my shoulder in drill. =(
@BryanDunsmore Put some ice on your shoulder.
@skullpatrol Ah. I prefer to live through it. =P
@BryanDunsmore We all have to live through pain...
It's not bad. Just sore when I touch it. It was the standing for two hours holding a 10 lb rifle that sucked. =(
I'm just saying: ice first then heat.
@skull What does your pic show?
@JasperLoy A bicep I believe.
Or tricep, I don't know the difference...
@BryanDunsmore Terribly ugly. Big muscles are only for bodybuilders, they don't look good.
@BryanDunsmore No, triceps is on the opposite side.
It's the forearm, right?
@skullpatrol Exactly.
There are also quadriceps on the legs.
Wonderful. Learn something new everyday. =P
Why is that Hans guy commenting on every answer he upvotes with "for the record I upvoted this" on that question?
I would just flag them as spam.
I have gigaceps.
I have Henryceps.
Do you guyz prefer "fiber bundle" or "fibre bundle"
@HenryT.Horton I think use the spelling depending on AmE or BrE.
I have noceps
The most American thing about me is how valiantly I hate British English
I prefer fibre in my cereal
@skullpatrol Are you not American?
@HenryT.Horton Amen. =P
My API works :P. (a bit). See here.
Oops, API server down.
That sucks monkey balls.
Fix tomorrow. Bed. Bye bye.
@JonasTeuwen Night! Ding ding ding!
@skullpatrol "Later" has become one of your favourite words.
ding dong
king kong
I was editing some really bad questions just now. I gave up halfway because they were so bad I did not know what the author intended.
@skullpatrol ping pong
sing song
ring wrong
thing thong
@BryanDunsmore Teachers always win cold wars...
...that is the nature of the education system.
How dare you
darers go first
I got 22k on ELU! Time to retire! Now I will focus on MSE...
Shhh... we are having a showdown.
@JasperLoy I thought you were a guy.
@JasperLoy I thought you were a gay.
@JayeshBadwaik I am a guy.
@HenryT.Horton I am not a gay.
@JasperLoy What is up with the profile pic then?
@JonasTeuwen Nice.So each server has his own IP address. Nice.
@JayeshBadwaik Why not?
@JasperLoy chuck it, you are hopeless. :P
@JayeshBadwaik I took a closer look at your pic that day. The bigger version looks much better than the smaller one.
@JasperLoy Yeah. I need to get something done about it.
@JayeshBadwaik I won't put up mine yet. I am afraid that you guys won't be able to resist me when you see it. :-)
Won't be able to resist slamming my fist into your teeth.
Hey @jayesh have you caught the virus of deleting messages as well?
@JasperLoy Yup. And I willl not be able to resist my feet somewhere south.
@JasperLoy Its a useful trick I have learned from @skullpatrol.
@JayeshBadwaik But those things are harmless!
@JasperLoy So are you saying they are ineffective?
@JayeshBadwaik No, I am saying the messages deleted are often harmless.
In that case, it would explain your dry spell.
@JasperLoy And that is precisely the point, a harmless weapon is a liability and a chink in the armor. whatsay @skullpatrol ?
Any of you guys here are interested in cricket (the game)?
Didn't they just have the under 19 world cup?
They are currently having that. Final is remaining.
Australia vs India.
When is it?
9:30 local time
Townsville Australia
This is the place for all cricket related information. All matches have commentaries and there are extensive reports too.
I see that Australia is the defending champs.
@JasperLoy Were you at NUS? My professor was there for a few years. At iHPC.
@Tengu About your GmailTeX question that was closed... I think you need to press something like F8, F9, for F12 to make the LaTeX in your Gmail render
@HenryT.Horton I am trying for a formal proof of this problem.
Q: Approximation of elements in arithmetic progressions by logarithms of integers

Antonio VargasFor fixed $a,b,c \in \mathbb{R}$ with $ac \neq 0$, it seems to me that one can find an increasing sequence of integers $\{\alpha_n\}$ such that the quantity $c \log \alpha_n$ becomes arbitrarily close to elements of the set $$ A = \{ ak+b \,\colon k \in \mathbb{Z} \}. $$ First, is this true? I...

Are you interested in that stuff?
And if I were, I'd go for the bounty myself...
Sounds like an interesting problem I guess but it's nothing I have any experience in doing
Okay. No sweat.
What is your area of specialty in math?
I'm not talented at anything
I focus on topology and geometry though
@JayeshBadwaik What is his name?
@HenryT.Horton Ah, then you really should get Bredon's book of that title.
I've already scoped it out, son.
Good algebraic topology book for people who mainly work with manifolds
I look forward to reading your books Henry.
I'm writing one now
"writing one"
Making notes on some stuff with an eye towards converting it to book someday
I need to do 60 edits on math to get 2k and 150 on tex.
@HenryT.Horton I hope to write 3 some day, one each on algebra, analysis and manifolds.
Whenever I write some significant notes I try to make them pretty pedagogical
I need to make a website so I can put some things there
@JasperLoy Rajendra Patrikar (It was quiet long ago, I doubt you were there)
@HenryT.Horton Yeah put your pic there too.
@JayeshBadwaik I was there quite long ago as well... And no, never heard of him.
I don't want to deface my site with my face
@skull I think that pic of yours is terrible. You are free to keep it, but the sight of the biceps irks me a lot.
Then just deface it.
@HenryT.Horton Oh hmm I did that but it doesn't work... just press f8 or f9?
@JasperLoy Then you definitely don't want to see me
@Tengu Apparently it is F8
@HenryT.Horton Are you from Indiana?
@HenryT.Horton Nah, I want to see you.
@HenryT.Horton I guess this is you.
and you are better than @skullpatrol 's biceps anyday
@HenryT.Horton Hm.. Just f8?
I only changed to a bicep because Henry called me a gym rat.
@skullpatrol now you are rat bicep.
change it now!
I thought we were going to have an arm wrestle.
@skull I love your new rainbow pic.
Why did some user call himself Leray Hirsch?
And there is another one called John Kash.
@JayeshBadwaik Are you happy now Sir?
@skullpatrol Yes. This is much much better.
@JayeshBadwaik Have you seen this site?
Any good?
If you want courses from IIT's (then this is a more concentrated link nptel.iitm.ac.in)
And I always directly accessed this sublink of that site
I personally thought Benedict Gross lectures Harvard Abstract algebra were pretty good
In algebra
Some of the lectures from IIT's would be very mundane, nothing much to look at.
Others are really good.
I haven't seen many to tell you which are which.
@skullpatrol I am not a fan of video lectures. I think reading books is the way to go.
@JasperLoy I liked the harvard lectures on algebra.
@JasperLoy Is it possible to provide a maximal estimate on $C$ where $e^{-an} < Ce^{-n}$ ?
$a > 0$
@JasperLoy please see if you can find any error in this proof?
Funny. I was wondering why no one answered my question and then thought that I never had to wait for more than one hour to get an answer on SE. But when I did Fourier analysis and Bohr sets, no one would answer my questions either and I had to answer all my questions on my own.
@Matt ;-) Its almost always lonely at the top.
good morning
good morning
@Matt wow, was it Dub or with subtitles?
@Ilya With subs. : ) I don't like dubbed films.
Holy cow.
So early.
@JonasTeuwen Yep - it always is at this time of day :)
I was hoping someone could let me know something that's too minor for a question and gave no results upon goggling: What is the LaTeX code for logical AND and OR? As in && and ||?
@Matt ah, these kind of missing parts
I can imagine
@Matt: wow, my favourite Russian movie is 8.8 on imdb
@VF1 try \| or \Vert or \vert for $\|$
What about and?
can't you just type an & twice? (maybe with a backslash before it)
I tried that. and \and
@VF1 no good?
typing && works for conveying meaning but its not fancy
maybe use
That looks close to logical and, right?
oh! found it
also, \lor and \lnot
ah! - you actually wanted $x\land y$ :)
Q: Logical "and" character in TeX

Saeed NeamatiI'm trying to write a logical syllogism in the form of ((a -> b) & (c -> a)) -> (c -> b). But I don't know how to write Logical And character. It's something like caret character (^), but not as a superscript.

Pardon the interruption :-)
@skullpatrol Thanks - that was useful
@OldJohn How are the party preparations going?
@skullpatrol great, thanks - just a few last-minute things to do, and all set :)
@OldJohn Is the birthday today?
picking up some friends from the airport later so not much maths :)
@JayeshBadwaik We chose the weekend as it is between my birthday and my wife's - and between our retirement dates
@OldJohn So you have/had a birthday in +/-n days? What is n?
@JayeshBadwaik my birthday was a couple of weeks ago
right - have to go and buy stuff - later folks!
Ohh ... Belated happy birthday then!! And happy retirement. :-)
@JayeshBadwaik Thanks!
Later. :-)
3 hours later…
@Ilya That's quite high.
@Matt aha. The movie is awesome
These films are difficult to find. In full, I mean plus subs.
Which film are you watching?
None, I'm working.
@Matt oh, yeah - I can imagine
@VF1 Brilliant Typo! :)
Hi @robjohn.
@KannappanSampath Hi
Hi @Jayesh.
What do you do?
You are from India right?
I graduated from NIT Nagpur this year and now I am preparing for entrance exams of CMI, ISI, TIFR and stuff.
@JayeshBadwaik Nice! I am from India. I do Mathematics at my institute.
Okay. :-)
I got selected for CMI Applied Math last year, however, that time I had not graduated yet and this year they had single exam option and I gave pure math and did not qualify. Got to interviews of IISc but I blanked out there, so hoping this year would be better.
@KannappanSampath Good day!
@robjohn Have a good day too. :)
@JayeshBadwaik Oh! Sad thing. But, I wish you well. By all means, make it to one of the institutes you mention. They are great places to learn Mathematics from (but by no means the only ones.)
@KannappanSampath we should. My son goes back to Chicago tomorrow, so we are going to visit the LA Zoo. They have done a lot of work there since we were there last.
@robjohn Have fun! :-)
So, his semesters are starting next week?
@KannappanSampath I'm sure we will. It is still early, so we won't be going for a while.
@KannappanSampath or soon thereafter.
Actually I know where you are from, it is easy to google, but I wanted some specific info about your institute. Thing is, is it possible to cross-list courses from IISc at your institute? CMI has an active collaboration with IMSc and IITM. Is there something similar your institute? I am equally inclined towards applied/theoretical math and my senior year thesis has been in finite element methods and hence, I would like to pursue some of the further work in that field and hence my question.
@JayeshBadwaik No, there is no such a thing officially, between IISc and ISI. But, thankfully, you can talk with profs at IISC and learn from them, attend courses. It might not help contribute towards your credit, I guess.
@KannappanSampath Yes, that is true. It is possible, just asking if there was formally such thing. Thanks for the info. I hope I did not offend you too greatly by being too nosy.
@JayeshBadwaik Please don't feel any such thing. It's OK. I'd be happy to reply to an email than speak here about where I come from. I have once had someone tell me that they did not want to speak to me because I am an Indian. I'm not offended by that but that seems to harsh to take when it gets overboard. sigh.
@KannappanSampath Thanks. My email is on my profile page. You can mail me there if you want and I can then ask you for help if I need it.
Have a good day. :-)
or perhaps what is left of it!
@KannappanSampath Yeah ;-)
Later folks!
oh @Ilya is around! Hi @Ilya.
The Ilya.
@HenryT.Horton Curious. Is friendship symmetric?
It is not even reflexive.
"Friends of my friends are my friends!" - in some cases it is.
@JonasTeuwen I know what a homology group is!!!
@BenjaLim Oh wow. Me too!
So now we have something more in common. Kickass.
@JonasTeuwen That's transitivity.
Symmetry would be if you are my friend then I am also your friend.
: )
@Matt I know what $H_2(\Bbb{T}^2)$ is !!!
Hi Ilya. Please shoot me to relieve me from my misery.
@Matt Oh, yes.
@Matt what happened?
[did I deserve the reputation of a hitman that quickly?]
@Kan: hi, how are you?
@Ilya I'm tired and my progress on my thesis is too slow => inducing feeling of being miserable.
@Matt *measurable?
you made a typo again
Plus, I asked a question and got an answer off Ryan but I need more than that.
: )
@Matt ah, thing's will be better with you. Don't worry, it's just Friday - you need some rest for your emotions
@Ilya there's more to life than the lebesgue measure
Am I measurable?
Do you have a volume? :)
@Ilya Of sorts. First thing E. told me in the exam was to speak up.
@Ilya yes, there's also the haar measure.
@JacobSchlather ?
What Jacob said : )
It was a play on Ben's comment
that might have sounded insane :D
@Ilya I don't think so. (referring to your previous comment)
@BenjaLim did you ever get an answer to that question you asked yesterday about covering spaces?
@BenjaLim Yeah, like the Lebesgue integral.
a famous Soviet joke: In Moscow
- Hey, you! How to find Lenin's square?
- Take the surface integral over his skin.
@Ilya Haha, not funny...
the incorrect version:
- Hey, you! How to find Lenin's square?
- Multiply his length by his height
: )
hi @HenryT.Horton
@JasperLoy you are so cute. Second Henry's possible lack of resistance
@Ilya Beiber-cute.
@Ilya Someone in another room thought you were a girl.
@Matt :-!
@JasperLoy that's the feeling sometimes I have about you, darling
: D
@Matt Sorry, but it is spelled Bieber.
@JasperLoy Matt don't wanna hear. Matt don't wanna know
Please, don't say your Sorry
I totally know. But I pronounce it "Beiber" if I say it in English. So I spell it that way, too.
But Beiber is not an English word : )
i before e
@JasperLoy not a spelling one.
@JasperLoy An example of sentence without nouns?
The pronunciation of Worcester is very interesting.
@Ilya Go.
@JacobSchlather No
@JasperLoy oh, your hobbies and interests are amazing
@JayeshBadwaik go?
@JacobSchlather Please answer it if you can.
In fact, a Biber is a sort of animal.
@Ilya "Go." is a complete sentence grammatically.
It is the smallest English sentence.

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