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I think I liked it in high school though. After that, I pretty much felt it was a random collection of problems.
That's just my feeling. Of course, I know nothing about mathematics.
@JasperLoy What do you like?
@GustavoBandeira I love real analysis.
@JasperLoy I've heard about, but I have no idea of what it is.
Have you heard of calculus?
@JacobSchlather Yes. (If you're talking to me)
hi @robjohn
Real analysis is to a large extent calculus with much more rigor
@JacobSchlather I guess that Calculus is the Michael Jackson of Math - Everybody knows it.
At least superficially
And just like Michael Jackson its features change ;-)
@skullpatrol lol
@skullpatrol Hey there
Anyway I think i'm going to head home, later everyone.
I remembered of the answers I gave on some math questions when I was younger:
"Find the length of side b in the following triangle:"
Ans: I have no idea.
@GustavoBandeira If Calculus is the Michael Jackson of math that would make Algebra = Elvis Presley :P
@skullpatrol Step on my blue suede variables
and john cage would be Category theory (a.k.a. Abstract nonsense)?
Who would be geometry?
Pink Floyd??
@skullpatrol Black Eyed Peas.
@OldJohn Almost all composers from 20th century would fill the purpose. Haha
@GustavoBandeira apart from Sibelius :)
Now that screams geometry.
Yay! I have 1800 rep now. 200 more to go to 2k and I can retire from MSE...
@JasperLoy yep - I'm thinking of retiring too - starting to seem a bit pointless
@OldJohn I am here mostly because I am not doing any real stuff currently. :-) But the best thing about SE is that I made many new friends, all my bros!
I past pointless ....
@JasperLoy yep - if I retire, I might still visit chat sometimes :)
@HenryT.Horton What? I am not your friend? pouts
(unless Henry is around!)
@JasperLoy I have no friends
@HenryT.Horton I am with you always, even to the end of the world.
I'm going to end your world.
now, now gentlemen let's not get too emotional
@HenryT.Horton My real life has not even begun.
I'm a woman.
@HenryT.Horton Really? OK, good for you. Maybe you will be my girlfriend some day...
I'm a lesbian.
@HenryT.Horton Really?
@skullpatrol Really?
@HenryT.Horton I would star that - but it needs the context :)))
@OldJohn It might be a true statement, only "Henry" knows.
@JasperLoy absolutely!
@JasperLoy So you have 21,872 rep on English Language and Usage and you want to retire after only 2,000 rep here. Does that mean you're 10 times more interested in English than Math?
@OldJohn But everything I say in chat is real.
@JasperLoy I always assumed so
@skullpatrol Well, I will return at a later point in time, perhaps.
@JasperLoy you are leaving?
BTW, finally we have some new stuff on the starboard
@JayeshBadwaik Not really, I was just saying that I might stop trying to earn points after getting 2k.
I now have 14 stars on the star wall, this is a new record!!!
@JasperLoy hmm,
@HenryT.Horton A lesbian named Henry, that'be new.
And look at @JasperLoy willing to travel halfway around the world for "a" girlfriend. :P
@OldJohn 205 reps in a day. It takes me months to earn that. I am only interested in questions I cannot answer. :P
@JayeshBadwaik It is my plan to go there for grad school, but I need to take care of some things in life first which might never happen. But I pray I will make it there in some years' time.
@JayeshBadwaik actually 215 - and the one I really expected a vote for got zero ;)
Anyone mind giving me some quick answers regarding elementary set theory ?
@N3buchadnezzar If it is really simple, shoot.
@JasperLoy Okay!! Best luck dude.
@JasperLoy You are awesome =) Helping me with all my sillyness
I am wondering about question 1) with 5-7. We have not had our first lecture yet, but I wanted to try stay a tad ahead.
$S \cap B = 12 + 3 = 15$ ?
5-7 = -2
According to Wolfram Alpha
@HenryT.Horton ohh right, been a long time since I done that. thanks
5-7 = -2 because 7 + (-2) = 5
I think my biggest problem is to learn the notation. What does $S \times B$ mean? And $S \backslash B = 0$? Since there are no elements in B that is not in S ?
@N3buchadnezzar I don't even know what a pack of poker cards looks like but I will tell you the set notation.
$S \times B$ is the cartesian product
that is set of all $(s,b)\ s\in S \ b\in B$
@N3buchadnezzar In 5, that set is the set of all elements in S and not in B.
and $S \ B = \{s: s\in S \ , s \not\in B\}$
@N3buchadnezzar In 6, that set is the set of all ordered pairs (s,b) with s in S and b in B.
For instance, the $x$ with $x_s=spades$, $x_v=1$ is an element of $S$ but not and element of $B$.
@N3buchadnezzar In 7, that set is the set of all ordered pairs in D cross D such that x=y.
I'll order those double D pairs
@HenryT.Horton They are crossed :-/
@N3buchadnezzar Hmm, I think you should pick up any book on elementary set theory and have a read first if you are confused.
@JasperLoy The books are in the mail =)
Yes, this exercise seems to be intentionally confusing to someone just learning those operations.
I really hate using poker cards. I don't even know what a pack contains!
Nah, easy to understand. Just needs to check a bit on wikipedia.
@peoplepower or they are just providing an early introduction to cartesian products?
@JayeshBadwaik I was thinking giving each $x$ two components already is not very helpful.
@HenryT.Horton For yourself?
@peoplepower may be
@JonasTeuwen Hey dude, I did not get this.
"Also, I want to hook some stuff before executing of files during a ./configure. "
Why do you need a configure more than once?
@JayeshBadwaik I do not. Fixed it by seding it. It is when the toolchain bootstraps the just built binaries.
So... $S \times B = (3\cdot 4) \cdot 3 = 36$ ?
@n3b For example, if A={2,3,5} and B={1,3,7}, then A\B or also written A-B is {2,5}.
@JonasTeuwen Right, that was what I was thinking.
@N3buchadnezzar Ordered pairs
$S=(0,1)$ $B=(2.3)$ then, $S \times B = \{(0,2),(0,3),(1,2),(1,3)\}$
@n3b Using the same A and B as above, A cross B would be the set {(2,1),(2,3),(2,7),(3,1),(3,3),(3,7),(5,1),(5,3),(5,7)}.
@n3b Note that ordered pair means that for example, (2,3) is different from (3,2).
@n3b And finally any condition to the right of the | symbol just serves to restrict it to a smaller set.
@JasperLoy I see! I will take a closer look at this tomorow
@JonasTeuwen I have used weak forms of derivatives a lot of times for my finite element thing. Just today realized all the formality rests on the shoulder of Riez representation theorem and sundry.
@N3buchadnezzar Yes, like I say any elementary set theory book should cover all these in the first chapter. It's really simple, just need to know the notation.
I knew it had to rest somewhere, now I know where.
Yeah, I look at the symbols and they confuse me. Once I figure them out I guess it will be simpler.
1:49 AM atm
@JayeshBadwaik Hmm... which Riesz? Riesz-Fischer?
@N3buchadnezzar I thought these would have been covered in the calculus course you took already.
@JasperLoy No, only limits, integration, series and so forth.
@JonasTeuwen Royden says only riez which guarantees the existence of functional $F = \int fg$ on $L^{p}$ $p \neq \infty$
Epsilon/delta, abels theorem and so forth.
@JayeshBadwaik For the duality...?
Do you need Riesz for that...? What.
@JonasTeuwen Well, now I looked up Riez Fischer, I guess I need both.
I am not yet studying that stuff, just reading ahead in Royden.
Now just concentrating on Lebesgue measures.
But there is an inner-product that has to be minimized in FEM
and we present that as a functional
I think Royden is a terrible book. Folland and Rudin are the way to go.
and the authors always said for the functional to exist, the weak form of derivative must exist
I am now confused with @OldJohn avatar beard and @skullpatrol avatar hair.
@JasperLoy I tried Rudin. He uses a rings of sets and I thought they might interfere with my algebra rings.
@JayeshBadwaik An inner product with one part fixed?
@JonasTeuwen Yup
@JasperLoy and I am finding Royden okay as of now. Any specific criticism you have in mind, I can look out for that when I encounter it then.
@henry is really confusing me. One moment I think he is a guy and the next I think he is a girl. One moment I think he is into guys and the next I think he is into girls.
@JasperLoy Right now, though, you think henry is a guy?
@peoplepower oh c'mon this is like the length of chinese emperor's nose
@JasperLoy Henry is too stressed up about the PhD and all that he has to resort to trolling. Give the guy a break 8-).
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