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@geocalc33 if there isn't you can define them
@geocalc33 it's me, shine on you crazy diamond
Of course some paths might terminate (no where to go without crossing another path)
@copper.hat nope, I'm not ill any more :)
It's a sting song that sounds like "eagle alien", but I guess the actual lyric is "legal alien"
yes, i got that :-)
I think it's funny, when I hear songs and constantly misinterpret the lyrics, it's as if they knew that would happen
the sound engineers
@I'manalienImaneaglealien hi eagle alien
I also think the concept of an "eagle alien" is funny. We usually imagine little green men or DMT elves, but what about eagles from space
i generally just think of voice as another instrument rather than pay much attention to the words. unless it is "lick my back, my..."
@copper.hat that's a good way to listen
@geocalc33 hey mon
I'm studying AT now
and start stats at university (online) in October
what is AT
Algebraic T
The math from which all math borrows ideas from (in the long run)
because of homology etc.
beyond me
It's easy: homology is just a quotient of abelian groups. The development up to that is just barycentric coordinate logic
easy, like obvious, is subjective.
I know, I'm willing to teach if you want a short tutorial
I'm going by Vick's Homology Theory
which seems way easier than Munkres' Elements
thanks, not now :-)
@copper.hat I suggest studying pure homology theory first.
Abstract chain complexes are just sequences of abelian group, or module homs $d_n$ such that $d\circ d = 0$.
It takes away some of the difficulty with AT (which deals with $\Bbb{R}^n$ and geometry)
The applications of it are too many to count, so you can rest assured that you're learning something that will be applied later
The quotient groups taken are "measures" of something in math. Usually you think of a measure as a number, but here they use groups themselves as "measures" of stuff.
@geocalc33 what are you up to?
@I'manalienImaneaglealien i am an engineer, i need to work from concrete to abstract
How are you with group theory?
@I'manalienImaneaglealien At work
Take the soda can on your desk. Turn it any angle, the set of all rotations of it form the symmetry group of a cylinder (roughly).
Add in a 180 degree upside down flip, and that gives you the full set of rotations / reflections that leave the the set of the cylinders "points" the same.
@geocalc33 Are you studying random walks?
consider the set of rotations that fix a point - this is the stabilizer of the set of rotations?
@geocalc33 yes that is correct!
The stabilizer group of a point in the set $X$ on which the group $G$ acts.
It's a subgroup of $G$, called $\text{Stab}(x)$ for any given $x \in X$.
You should look up the Orbit-Stabilizer theorem
@geocalc33 for the soda can example though the set of rotations alone form a subgroup of $G$, $H$. Then $\text{Stab}_H(x) = \{ R_{2\pi \theta} : \theta \in \Bbb{Z}\}$.
where $R_{\theta}$ is rotation of the cylinder along its axis by $\theta$ radians
$\theta \in \Bbb{Z}$, not $\Bbb{R}$.
neat @I'manalienImaneaglealien
@I'manalienImaneaglealien a group action of the mulitplicative reals on a set $X$ has a name?
$\varphi: X \times \Bbb R^*_+ \to X$ such that $\varphi(x,1)=x$ and $\varphi(\varphi(x,t)),s)=\varphi(x,st)$
you want 1, not 0
oh yeah thx
@robjohn How can I say that the period of the product of two periodic function with rational periods is the lcm of those two? lcm of two rational number?
Ignore my question
@love_sodam to find the ${\text{lcm}\atop\text{gcd}}$ of two rational numbers, multiply the two rational numbers by the lcm of their denominators, find the ${\text{lcm}\atop\text{gcd}}$, then divide by the previously computed lcm of the denominators.
@robjohn Thanks
The rationals should be in lowest terms, but that is not really necessary, I think.
Welcome back to the cone of silence, @Ted
Silence is golden!
And cones are developable.
So if I shut up, I'll be rich?
Hmm, it’s tempting for me to encourage such nonsense.
yeah, yeah. I can take a hint ;-p
We’ll see.
I know when to shut up. No one needs to tell me twice to shut up, because I can take a hint. I won't keep on boring people by continuing on and on, because I don't want to annoy anyone...
You sound like leslie.
it's an old comedy response, but I don't remember exactly from where.
Not Brothers Marx.
could be, but I didn't really watch them, though it could have been relayed to me by friends.
a group action of the multiplicative group of reals on a set X has a name? Is it a type of flow?
a flow is defined as a group action on the group of additive real numbers on a set X. since one is replacing the additive group of real numbers with an isomorphic group, I expect the resulting group action to be similar to a flow
the positive multiplicative reals is isomorphic to the additive reals via exponentiation, so I would think the two were almost the same.
i was raised on the marx brothers and WC fields. i don't recognize that either.
so it probably wasn't from there.
as my dear old grandfather said before they swung the trap, you can't cheat an honest man. never give a sucker an even break or smarten up a chump.
i just recently watched a couple of marx brothers movies
man the blond one is creepy
he seems to be from another universe.
dunno their names, curly blond hair and always silent
yeah, harpo.
in some of the later ones they'd bring the movie to a halt so he could play the harp. it was bad direction.
the two i watched was one when they were on a cruise ship, and another when they were dictators of some imaginary country
forgot the movie titles
oh, one is called monkey business, the one on the cruise ship
yeah, monkey business.
the other is duck soup
the other one might be duck soup.
ok, you filled in that blank
my favorite is a night at the opera.
added to the list
@robjohn so you think a "flow" is isomorphic to the group action on $(\Bbb R_{\ge0},\times)$?
the best wc fields movie is the bank dick. he required the studio to pay for his 'script' which was just complete nonsense, total free association. he made them buy it.
@geocalc33 I am not sure what you mean by a "flow".
and would the set $X$ in the latter group action need to have strictly positive elements?
@robjohn I mean, a flow is a group action with $G=\Bbb R$
you mean the additive group of reals?
maybe it's called "scaling flow"
the script of the bank dick is, wc fields wanders around, probably drunk, and reacts to people around him. there's almost no plot whatsoever. it's non-narrative.
is it any good to watch? I know I've heard of it, but I've never seen it.
if you like wc fields generally, it's very funny. otherwise maybe not.
he almost throws a gigantic urn at a child. if you find that funny, you'll like the movie.
WC Fields: “Water. Never touch the stuff. The fish f*** in it.”
sometimes to appreciate art of any kind, one needs to get into an appropriate frame of mind.
anyone have any math to share?
nothing good
i have math exhaustion to share
then sleep
yeah all it takes is 2-3 days caffeine-free in my experience

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