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I used to call that baseball addition of fractions when I taught math for (future) elementary school teachers.
Nice name, sir.
@TedShifrin perhaps a bit too weighty for the average elementary school teacher ;-)
Well, not to be sexist, but some women are into baseball. But that is the only situation I can think of "in real life" where we add by adding numerators and adding denominators.
ted, this morning, my daughter, once disrobed from her pajamas, began yelling "YOU CAN'T CATCH ME!" and ran around the house. it was imperative that she be dressed. we were 20 minutes late to day care.
baseball is beyond my understanding.
I don't know how your wife puts up with you and the mini-you.
i love baseball. i don't watch it very often. i need to see it live to be interested in it.
@TedShifrin i do that sometimes to get a fraction between two others.
@copper In this case, it's not too tough. If you batted 2/3 in one game and 3/6 in the next game, it's pretty clear you've got 5 hits out of 9 at-bats.
rounders, cricket, baseball. too complicated for me.
the maths i can handle...
she also has a new epithet. "you're poo-poo." she said this to my wife at least ten times.
Even live it is mostly boring.
@TedShifrin it also helps that they never reduce the fractions
the boringness is part of the fun. you can have a conversation. who cares what is happening.
Well, that's important, of course!! This isn't a well-defined operation on $\Bbb Q$ :P
when ireland decimalised currency in 1971 it considerably reduced the number of fractions used in elementary school, much to the relief of pupils.
@leslietownes my wife and I often refer to people of questionable motives as poo-poo-heads, from some cartoon we saw a long time ago.
where else can you get 4 hours of inconclusive sporting accompanied by a hot dog that you probably paid at least $8 for.
@leslietownes it makes it possible to go get dogs & suds.
a friend invited me to some expensive box at a baseball game. i called him up and said, look why don't you invite a friend who actually understands the game? his reply, this is not about baseball, its about drinking.
baseball stadia are also the last place where trough-style urinals seem to be a thing.
@copper.hat wow, 1971? Why so late?
ireland & the uk converted from LSD (yes) to a decimal system then.
wasn't it the same for the whole UK? who did it earlier?
i thought it was the same time, but never actually chekced
i mean the americans in their infinite wisdom did it earlier.
15 feb 1971
@leslietownes but left everything else fractions
still using inches, etc, gallons, etc
it's funny that many US stock markets didn't decimalize until about 20 years ago
Buffet broke the stock market.
was it fixed beforehand?
i like inches and gallons. although every time i cook i have to ask my wife "how many cups in a quart?" the answer is in the name but i can never remember.
Calculation wise, I mean.
How many recipes call for quarts of things?
true, much nicer than 25g of something
old units have some physical meaning
ted, it's the "give the cook a quart of gin so he can tolerate cooking." it might not be written down, but it's there.
Well, in that case, grab the biggest gin bottle you can find. And be done with it.
furlong, acre, rood, etc
(That'll be 1.75 L, not quarts.)
just that not many people plough a field with a horse any more
litres/100km is a funny one to convert to
my wife detected that i'd had a drink in between scheduled drinking sessions. i got to deploy one of my favorite sayings from horace rumpole. a man's gin bottle is his castle.
rumpole is wonderful
Since I'm a gin snob, it had better be top-flight gin.
it was bombay dry, i don't know where that fits in.
i just take it for malaria
my wife just constantly opposes my ongoing campaign against malaria
Bombay is my every-day gin.
bombay sapphire is too nuanced for my taste.
actually, i do not fit the stereotype of my birthplace, my main imbibement is wine, with a sporadic beer.
my integrated lifetime consumption of guinness is less than a pint (a real pint, of course).
is "imbibement" really a word?
it is now
i'll allow it.
i'm following wilde, joyce, beckett
I would appeal to the Supreme Court, but that's an abomination.
i've had quite a bit of guinness although usually not draught.
stream of unconsciousness
@copper.hat actually, the fix could have been in before hand; but, that's a different story.
at least one brother has consumed a pint/hr over a 24 hr period
probably more jameson than guinness, integrated over lifetime.
guinness is basically a meal and i don't want a meal from liquid.
@user178758 the fix? (i'm still accumulating caffeine while on a boring slack meeting)
the liquid lunch
actually, from a social perspective i liked that my companions consumed so much
i've had a three-martini lunch, per the stereotype. it kicked my ass.
it gave me time to think
i met up with a former coworker and she could expense it as 'business development.' we got absolutely plastered and had to lie down in my hotel room.
i wasn't exactly a lightweight but certainly not in the tyson grade
i have expensed a few drinks
@leslietownes You just said we had to lie down in "my hotel room"!!!
unfortunately silicon vallet is pretty lightweight in that regard
well, that's where we were. no funny business.
except (excuse the stereotype) the japanese customers
if the irish use drink to open up, then they took it to an extreme
just two attorneys needing a break from the real world.
she moved away and we don't do that any more. i have grown.
@user178758 ahh, just figured it out. the market is continually broken.
I think someone would have fun drafting a Leslie confessional tract based on the posts here.
i could probably be incarcerated on the basis of what i've said here.
the equities markets have been crazy lately. i was hoping for a crash so i could dive back in.
me too
i am getting some whiplash from the market as we speak
everything i invest in is aggregate, index funds and the like. my job makes it really hard to invest in single companies.
just a suggestion for younger folks, make your money when you are younger :-)
Labor shortages are rampant.
i think the sp500 is overvalued right now and am not going to buy the index at this point.
don't take time off to be with kids or travel the world
Family. Religion. Friendship. These are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in business.
When opportunity knocks you don't want to be driving to the maternity ward, or sitting in some phoney-baloney church. Or synagogue.
this is a quote from the simpsons, lest anybody think i am being more offensive than usual.
early on i dismissed the simpsons. fool me.
me too
i don't watch it anymore but from its inception to about 2003 i was there every week.
if bart simpson had aged naturally from his first appearance, he would be my age, which is frightening. so would calvin from calvin and hobbes.
a lovely dublin inner city lady used to look after my sis's kids. one day she came home and they were watching the simpsons. my sis raised her eyebrow, the minder replied "its ok, its just the cartoon version..."
it's a very smart show, although my high school calculus teacher (!) weirdly wrote a good column once in our local newspaper about how some of the things you love aren't easily shareable with children. he decided that he loved the simpsons but it was too much for his kids. it was a great piece.
there is a lot of nihilism in the humor and there's definitely an age threshold for that.
one of my then-friends once said, i liked the simpsons but they are putting too much gay stuff in the scripts now. it is true they were putting very gay stuff into the scripts. but this was more a reason for dropping the friend than dropping the simpsons.
i can handle it.
(¿) in response to your (!)
how do you even make that character?
Easy peasy on a Mac keyboard.
¿ i can cut-paste it.
press. and hold ?
yeah, not on pc.
Press and hold sounds like iPad or iPhone.
yes sir
i was on the phone with IT the other day about a technical issue relating to my inbox. they asked what phone i had. i said samsung galaxy s5. there was a long pause. the phone was released in 2014.
Your antique phone is dual to your immature behavior?
i hate the need for updates every 15 mins. sad for a tech guy
centralize investment
Well, that is beyond excessive.
updates suck
yes, it's another form of me acting out
i wish my old nokia e51 still worked
ahh, that's why my son hates me. i gave him my nokia for while
beautiful phone
that is a good phone.
he should not resent you for that
I had a Nokia in the pre-dinosaur era.
Have a phone that lasts long and is easy to service? We can't be having that!
my first cell phone was a nokia brick phone with no independent keys. it was a rubber mat over an array of pressable things. it cost $30.
How else are trillionaires going to make more money than they need?
my second phone is the one i have now. there will be no third phone.
Hard core.
centralize investment damnit
if you wanna get in touch with me, it's gotta be through this 2014 phone.
if i'm not a priority, i feel bad for you.
my friends will text me stuff with emojis that don't render and all kinds of other things. i pretend to be in the loop.
i do like that i can make calls as if from an irish number on my phone. could not do that on my nokia
you know for when i need to pretext
Once you get the loop of tech around your neck, it will not let go.
when you need more gunpowder for your projects. or new bell bottoms.
i spent the weekend unwinding my incredibly complicated it home setup
now the russian guy has a chance, i have removed the fortress
i'm using cheap off the shelf stuff now. usb drives from costso
nothing hardened
since i'm off the no fly list now...
just got a downvote on an answer math.stackexchange.com/a/3734831/27978 and can't imagine a reason why.
i'm not looking for upvotes. just whining
i am now in possession of a first-order logic deductive system
fear me, for now i can take full responsability for my shitty real analysis proofs
remember that formalising a proof is the last step...
that's what the government wants you to believe
In these times of coV; what the government wants is what the government gets.
the government has its citizens best interests at heart
ofc, if by citizens you mean, whoever is buying the most real estate shares
well, of course. important citizens.
please i need help in calculus :math.stackexchange.com/questions/4215988/…
why not wait for an answer?
maybe there is here someone who have a good idea
@TedShifrin I had Nokia SLVR before I had an iPhone
flipless flip phone
slvr was moto?
It was the name of the phone
Sorry, it was a Motorola... SLVR L7
i'm trying to remember my first cell phone, back in analog days...
@copper.hat My first one was a Motorola brick. got it in 1989
This is what it looked like. LA Cellular was my carrier.
Then I had a Nokia 3310, a Motorola SLVR L7, then an iPhone 4
now I have an iPhone 6 Plus that I am going to upgrade soon.
@Terry you must quantify over the interlocutors
@robjohn i don't remember, it was a little smaller than the brick. i have a photo somewhere, but that's another job to find...
@shintuku universal or existential?
universal: for all persons, person is here
Hi @Ted.
Hi, a Bakarka.
is there more than one Balarka?
Not that I'm aware of
That’s a deep philosophical query.
Oh, and hi @SayanChattopadhyay.
Ted seemed to be addressing "a" Ba[k]arka
Ted has generalized me by only using indefinite articles to refer to me.
I have no specificity
that makes sense for some Balarka.
Hi @BalarkaSen What stuff you upto?
Also, Howdy @Ted
@SayanChattopadhyay: I have been thinking briefly about Poisson manifolds.
Damn, what's the story there?
Fishy story …
Howdy, Sayan.
Pretty stressful@Ted. I have to give this very long talk on spectral sequences in my algebraic geometry/complex geometry reading group, and I remember why I had not paid much attention to these before.
@SayanChattopadhyay: Nothing in particular, I was trying to understand them.
They are weird man. I never built much intuition for them except the foliation theorem using symplectic leaves, and there's this moment map construction on it, which I don't remember
Hi @TedShifrin
Hi, @Michael.
@SayanChattopadhyay If $(M, \omega)$ is a symplectic manifold, $\pi : E \to M$ is a vector bundle, $\pi^* \omega$ is a degenerate $2$-form on $E$. But it should correspond to some Poisson structure on $C^\infty(E)$, nevertheless, yes? The symplectic leaves description makes me think this is true only if $E$ is a flat bundle.
Can I attempt to ask you a question again?
My brain is not working well — maybe slight COVID, not sure yet.
That's no good.
Oh, did you test, @Ted?
I'm pretty sure it is something you know/care about, unlike my recent attempts. Also, its pretty basic.
These anti-science right-wingers are gonna kill us all.
Yes, yesterday. Waiting.
Let us know how it turns out.
Basic? I doubt it, but go ahead.
Interesting @BalarkaSen, I never thought of this. I will give it sometime.
Let X be a Riemann surface of genus 1. Is it possible to show it has Kodaira dimension 0 without using the fact that the canonical bundle is trivial?
@Ted How are you feeling? Do take care btw
What does genus 1 mean if not trivial $K$?
A line bundle can't have a one-dimensional space of sections without being trivial?
Um …
I mean $g = h^{1,0}(X) = h^0(X, K_X) = \Gamma(X, K_X)$.
@SayanChattopadhyay Given any smooth function $f \in C^\infty(E)$, you can restrict $f$ to $M$ and take the $\omega$-gradient of $f$, $Hf \in \mathfrak{X}(M)$. Now you can choose a horizontal $\pi$-lift of $Hf$ on $E$.
Let this be your "symplectic gradient" $Hf \in \mathfrak{X}(E)$. Define $\{f, g\} = \pi^*\omega(Hf, Hg)$. I assume this is not a Poisson bracket? Why?
Well, in my construction I don't have to define a lift at all. You can just define $\{f, g\} = \omega(Hf, Hg)$, where $Hf, Hg$ are the symplectic gradients along $M$ or something. This is just by chugging the $\pi^*$ inside $\omega$.
This should be a perfectly valid Poisson structure.
AKA this is just pulling back the Poisson bracket on $C^\infty(M)$ by the restriction map $C^\infty(E) \to C^\infty(M)$. No problem.
So I expect that germinally all Poisson manifolds must look like this. The Poisson structure is induced from a degenerate 2-form, obtained by pulling back a symplectic form by a submersion.
Ah ok (1) the symplectic leaves description isnt actually a foliation, the distribution is singular (2) my expectation is true, this is Weinstein splitting theorem I think
weinstein is/was a nice guy. i liked his class a lot although i remember nothing from it
@MichaelAlbanese OK, so this is obviously false. But do we forget Riemann-Roch too?
ted, good to see you. what i thought might have been a breakthrough case turned out to be food poisoning.
leaning more heavily on food prepared outside of the home in recent months, lots of rolls of the dice. can't win every time.
Oh, separate from your spoiled sushi episode?
yes. spoiled turkey sandwich.
so the question is why $\Gamma(X,K_X^{\otimes k})$ is generated by the $k$-th tensor power of a generator of $\Gamma(X,K_X)$
i can't win with these places.
i think it's a conspiracy to prop up the market for toilet paper.
my fever was alarming because that is a covid symptom and not normally something you get with food poisoning.
Or flu symptom .
i had a high fever and didn't eat anything or sleep for two days. not a great time in my life.
i think the quality of my lawyering may have dropped a little bit.
yikes, sucks. i dread food poisoning so try to never eat outside
this week we've made a vegetable soup that ought to last us until friday.
hey Ted
Hard to drop from 0? runs away
ted you will be pleased to know that i was recognized among the "best lawyers: ones to watch" of 2021. it's like who's who in high school students. you can buy a plaque.
i didn't but i could have. so yeah, i'm the best attorney on the planet.
there's better call saul, and then there's me.
@Thor So, in general, that’s a positivity question. It’s like projective normality, which we’ve discussed before.
Best on planet. Your epitaph, no doubt.
@BalarkaSen I think my only cases of food poisoning were almost 50 years ago twice at McDonalds.
I have never been back.
i last ate at mcdonalds in copenhagen in 2000. no poisoning!
I have survived Wendy’s and BK and Subway on long drives.
i think my last fast food experience was a carls jr. no poisoning there either, although they did give me somebody else's order.
it was a more expensive order, so i didn't complain
I got sick at BK, so I don't go there, but I only get the Filet'o'Fish an McD's
I will eat at Carl's Jr
even though the old, dead owner had bad political views.
subway to me is synonymous with depositions. when you do a depo and get 60 minutes for lunch, there's always a subway within a block. it's depressing but it's food. that should be their slogan.
the daughter seems better
No Chick FilA, obviously.
oh, i didn't know of that.
there was a person at my firm who would take summer interns to chick-fil-a and i said, do you think that's the best idea, and she said "what?"
and i said "stop doing that, if someone wants to go there, i guess, but wait until they ask for it." nobody asks for it.
They are popping up all over the place. Chick FilA hopes none of the young'uns remember
I have gay friends who patronize them, and I say bullshit.
she simply had no idea. lots of blinders up.
i have never eaten there. it looks delicious, but a huge nope from me
If the food tastes good, and I hear it does, people will overlook history
You can marinate chicken breast in pickle juice yourself.
Pickle juice? I've never eaten there
Chicken breast is dry and uninteresting most of the time.
unless I BBQ it. I can make it nice
chicken breast needs a lot of work or it is just protein
I can make most food top notch.
@leslietownes protein that sucks all the moisture from your mouth
dessicating protein.
it's the only kind of chicken that my wife will eat, so we have to compromise on this stuff sometimes. she is largely pescatarian and sometimes i do want chicken.
My wife and I prefer dark meat poultry, but I like fish and worry about the mercury
no clue why it's true, though
that's why we don't eat fish that often.
if you keep it to every couple of weeks and aren't giving birth it's probably fine. we're all half plutonium anyway.
I can read by my own glow most of the time
@TedShifrin: I wanted to use Riemann-Roch only, but I realise now that you can use Riemann-Roch to show $h^0(X, K_X^{-1}) = 1$. As $h^0(X, K_X) = 1$, it follows that $K_X$ is trivial anyway.
Yes, precisely.
Do you know any theorems addressing Thor’s question?
I’m wondering if it’s somewhere in Griffiths’s positivity of v.b. Stuff.
Maybe I'm missing something, but if you take $X$ to be an Enriques surface, then $\Gamma(X, K_X) = \{0\}$ and $\Gamma(X, K_X^2) \cong \mathbb{C}$. So I don't think it's true.
I think you need very ampleness …
that's a very cool example
I would be tempted to agree with you. I think Lazarsfeld's books on positivity may be a good place to look.
I have virtually no books …
It’s like a cohomological criterion for projective normality.
virtual books save space
I wanted to look at kodaira’s original proof of K embedding . No longer have complete works. No electronic access.
what does the i,j mean underneath the sum?
The equation is supposed to represent the amplitude^2 of the sum of different phase and amplitude sin waves
Add up for all possible values of i and j
Not sure the context so I can't actually tell how high and low i and j can be
but the result shouldn't have any $i$s or $j$s in it anymore (they are "dummy" or "bound" variables)
In mathematics, trigonometric identities are equalities that involve trigonometric functions and are true for every value of the occurring variables for which both sides of the equality are defined. Geometrically, these are identities involving certain functions of one or more angles. They are distinct from triangle identities, which are identities potentially involving angles but also involving side lengths or other lengths of a triangle. These identities are useful whenever expressions involving trigonometric functions need to be simplified. An important application is the integration of non...
its the equation for more than two sinusoids
I'm not sure it is the equation I want though... I'm trying to get the equation for arbitrary phase shift that I can use to sum all the waves that are pi radians out of phase to pi+n radians out of phase.
The wikipedia equation might not be quite right mathworld.wolfram.com/HarmonicAdditionTheorem.html
although the equation 26 isn't a function of frequency? and I think it should be
oh wait nvm
ok, any thoughts on how to turn equation 26 into an integral so I can calculate the frequency response of a solid line of phase shifted waves?
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