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oh I found it on MSE, it looks really similar to the proof of $\sqrt{3}$
i am a little surprised that programmable hardware in not more prevalent for large scale computations. i don't mean program once like gpus, mining stuff, but more on the fly, sort of like jit with hardware.
personally i like analog computers :-)
The pipeline for x86 is already a sort of JIT in how it operates on the hardware level.
The frontend looks for instructions that can be executed immediately and has a lookahead as well. This is how the out of order execution is implemented which, really, is tantamount to parallel execution, and it is effectively parallel execution, if not actually, in some circumstances.
If something can be executed out of order, it means it can also be executed in parallel.
i lived in the (hardware) formal verification world for a while.
does this make sense? $\sqrt{-2}$ is irrational (or only imaginary?)
@copper.hat Noice.I've mostly been a software kind of guy, but I'm getting more and more into hardware, and I want to eventually be able to create (or at least design) hardware as easily as I make software.
Hardware isn't that much different of course. They're analogs of each other.
it is not an element of $\mathbb R$ so it can't be?
@SAJW the definition of irrational numbers is typically all those real numbers that are not rational numbers
so it would not be an irrational number since it is not in the real numbers
Irrational numbers are numbers that cannot be represented as the ratio of two integers.
ah ok, what is the symbol for the set of all irrational numbers?
$\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Q}$ is one
if there is one
For square root, any integer under the radical that is not a perfect square is irrational, and if the integer is negative, it is imaginary, and the imaginary part of that number is irrational.
@AMDG hardware is quite different to software, needs a different mindset. plus it is much more costly.
@copper.hat I'm only saying that building circuit diagrams and writing assembly are analogous operations. I don't have to be an electrical engineer to design the circuit itself, but to get something that is optimal, having knowledge of the hardware might affect my design choices.
buy a small fpga board and play with it. not quite h/w design but gives a mild falvour of the issues.
is this elementary? if $p$ is a factor of $a^2$ then it's also a factor of $a$. ($p,a \in \mathbb Z$)
I'll probably end up doing that sometime soon, but unfortunately, I don't have that luxury right now with my project and whatnot.
@shintuku wrong slash
I'll certainly keep it in mind, though.
@SAJW If you want to take Wikipedia as a source, it says that an irrational number is a real number that is not rational.
dang it thanks @Thorgott
@SAJW yes, look up Euclid's lemma
@AMDG i would not agree with designing circuits and writing assembler as analogous.
@SAJW $p\mid a^2\implies p\mid a \lor p\mid a$ (the actual meaning of prime, as opposed to irreducible)
i really dislike unexplained downvotes. a downvote is not a negative upvote.
@copper.hat Well I don't know what you call it. They're extremely related. One is restricted to logic gates, and the other is restricted to the instructions of an architecture. The latter can be entirely interpreted as a circuit diagram. That's all.
have you ever designed any hardware?
Back when I was in high school, the closest I got to designing hardware was making an ALU using Minecraft redstone. They used the same circuit diagrams that you can find on wikipedia, but optimized with the understanding of how redstone physically propagates and how many ticks it takes for redstone to propagate, etc., so I'm sure the experience would be similar, just with electricity, or whatever I would decide to use if not electricity.
@copper.hat most of the downvotes on my answers are to good answers. In some cases, they were on answers to PSQs (usually before we were monitoring for such things), sometimes they are simply spiteful.
i kind of like spite downvotes. on my own account. i'm not saying anybody do any of them but it's funny when it's like "what could this possibly be" and it's nothing.
@robjohn it is more of a personality glitch on my part :-). i want to make everyone happy
copper you would like my wife. she's not happy unless everyone else is happy.
i'm more of the teenage deliquent, "hey pops, i do what i do, you don't have to like it"
@leslietownes once in a while, my attention is drawn to an old answer by an unreasonable downvote, and I see that I can improve it. However, the downvote usually does not go away.
i had an overdose of parental duties growing up, this is how it manifests itself.
i grew out of it, but having my own kids resurrected the manifestation :-)
@copper.hat I try to make people happy, but I have to live with the reality that that is often impossible.
what is the upside down v? i searched logic symbols but it doesn't appear on the wiki site
making one person happy will often make someone else unhappy.
I think I should just study how libdivide works and then make my own implementation using their algorithm so I don't have to use their code (and include their license).
@SAJW "logical and" \land gives $\land$
@robjohn unfortunately the emotional/programmed part of my brain is stronger than the logical
"you don't have to like it" is something i say a lot to my daughter. i think she's going to internalize it.
\wedge isn't it?
its funny, most of my close friends are perfectly happy making some people unhappy
@copper.hat then there are people who are only happy when they are making others unhappy
@robjohn what is the term for $\land$ , $\lor $
@SAJW "logical and" = $\land$ and "logical or" = $\lor$
there was something about my generation in ireland that made one guilty if one took care of oneself.
no i mean, are they operators or what^^
ah^^ thanks
actually "or" is called a disjunction
right now i should be taking care of the bathroom cleaning :-)
@copper.hat I had to clean the house this morning since our cleaning person is here today
i call /\ wedge and \/ vee. in boolean algebra there might be better names but i am not a boolean algebraist.
is there a symbol for "(a and b) or (a or b)"
my wife does not like 'strangers' in the house, so any cleaning is done by ourselves
@copper.hat I have to disconnect the logic circuits for that
i on the other hand, used to invite random strangers in
at least she says 'strangers' and not something classist like 'tradesmen'
i think its cultural to some extent
Actually, most of the pre-cleaning person cleaning is to hide the things you don't want the cleaning person to put some place where you'll never find it.
we had a person who would come every two weeks to dust and mop floors. we paid her through most of the pandemic because she had a whole family to feed even though she did not come here. then she moved.
@SAJW $(A \land B) \lor (A \lor B)$
then we stopped paying her.
i need a reliable handyman
good luck.
just socialize private property then you can apply to your local coop for a handyman. will have to give up the cleaning person tho
our apartment in oakland had the world's dodgiest handyman. he was a lot of fun but never did anything on schedule and eventually he was fired because he was stealing stuff from people's apartments.
you gotta draw the line somewhere.
he was a nice guy, though. our landlord was a complete hippie and did not get the police involved.
did you ever grind in a game? (doing the same thing(s) over and over for loot or experience)
i used to play nethack and one mechanic you can use to succeed in that game is to do the same stuff over and over. i did that.
it satisfied my lizard brain
my daughter is going through a stack of my business cards and scribbling on every one of them. i never use them so i'm fine with it, but she's done 20 cards.
at some point i will intervene.
@SAJW Did you ever try CookieClicker?
i intervened at around 35 cards. there was just this whole landscape of scribbled-upon cards. it was like the atlanta scene in gone with the wind.
@user21820 never heard before, I wonder what's the point of it haha (visited the site now)
the point is you click on it. it has abstracted grinding to its final form.
@leslietownes Precisely. And millions of people have played it...
including myself.
it's a good game.
@leslietownes If you don't want to become dumb, try some less dumb game like AntBuster.
It's still a click-click-click game, but there is some strategy.
OK, but i want games to be as dumb as possible. every form of entertainment i consume has to be dumb.
@leslietownes Then play with the weeds growing in the mud; it doesn't even require clicks.
@leslietownes Cookie Clicker
my daughter and i play a game where we throw this large rubber ball at each other's heads. that's as smart as i want entertainment to be.
@leslietownes Hah. What about just throwing heads? (Just kidding.)
she sometimes brings her stuffed animals into it. that might count as throwing heads.
it's beyond stupid and my wife gets mad if we do it for more than 10 minutes.
If a game doesn't challenge my intellect in some way, or I can't find a way to make a challenge out of it myself, then I don't find it very worthwhile. Unless of course I don't want to be challenged, in which case I want it to have virtually no challenge at all.
or not mad, but irritated, and maybe disappointed.
there used to be a good game called progress quest. you played it by running the executable. everything else happened automatically.
Leslie Townes is a simple man. He see ball, he throw ball. He see head, he throw ball at head.
@leslietownes Hahahaha.. I won't get mad or disappointed for playing such games with children. However, I find it hard to respect people who play cookieclicker for more than an hour.
@leslietownes Lol!
Cookie Clicker doesn't deserve to be called a game
not much deserves anything
ooh, there is a browser version of progress quest.
it features my favorite image, the windows xp hill background.
For those people who truly want a challenge, play Manufactoria.
It has an interesting loading screen. "This plugin is not supported." :P
Hi, I'm trying to prove


is a cube root of 1 and I'm kinda stuck here:


Any suggestions?
Well that didn't work
@AMDG It's a flash game. If you don't have flash, too bad.
Finding a flash emulator right now isn't really worth my time right now tbh. I'll probably check it out later.
That will be a fun project: SWF to EXE
mas if you have previously identified forms of cube roots of 1 this would be an opportunity to use that information. alternatively there is the course of just cubing that thing and seeing what you get.
Q: subdivision operator property proof help and mesh

monoidaltransformSuppose $c=\sum_im_i \sigma_i\in S_q(\Delta^n)$ is affine. Then $meshSd^q(c) \leq (\frac{n}{n+1})^qmesh c$. , where $S_q(\Delta^n)$ is the free abelian group generated by singular $q$ simplices in $n$ and $Sd$ is the subdivision operator and $Sd^q$ is the its composition $q$ times. I'm having tro...

Oh, by the way, decided on complex exponential with 16 taylor terms and 2^16 for argument reduction. Turns out I get more precision for free that way since it only requires 4 multiplies. Originally used only 12.
I'm glad addition-chain exponentiation is a thing :)
@mas How about cubing it?
I believe he forgot to properly cube the whole thing instead of whatever happened there...
For 8(b), I've shown that the functional is linear and bounded
Just need help with calculating the norm
In fact, I've also shown that $\|\Lambda\| \le \|x\|$, so just need to prove that equality holds. Any hints?
soo.... in the multivariable limit definition
how come it doesn't matter what $\vec h$ we chose, as long as it goes to $\vec 0$?
wouldn't two $\vec h$ in different directions produce a different $f(\vec x + \vec h) - f(\vec x)$?
e.g., $f(\vec x - \vec h_1) - f(\vec x)$ and $f(\vec x - \vec h_2) - f(\vec x)$ s.t. $\vec h_1 \neq h_2$, with $\vec h_1, \vec h_2 \rightarrow \vec 0$
if it depends on the $\vec{h}$, it won't be a multivariate limit
that makes a lot of sense
I mean, it does, that's why we have directional derivatives
yeah I had misunderstood the statement hehe
@epsilon-emperor you get to choose $f$. pick any non trivial one on the line through $x$ and extend to the whole space (without increasing norm).
How's everybody's proficiency with multiple linear regression models? Actually @copper.hat, you may be able to help because it has more to do with the linear algebra treatment of the idea and not the statistical stuff per say.
what is the question? if it requires thought i will leave :-)
The idea revolves around "deleting an observation" from a vector of observations. So in order to calculate the Cook's distance I do the following (numerator is all vectors, in fact I'm going to ignore the denominator here):

$D_{i} = (\hat{Y} - \hat{Y_{(i)})^{t}(\hat{Y} - \hat{Y_{(i)})$

Where $(i)$ is the deleted case from a vector of $n$ observations. So if I "delete" an observation that means $\hat{Y}$ and $\hat{Y_{(i)}$ are of different dimensions....so how would the algebra actually work?
damn it...... give me a sec to write properlu
The idea revolves around "deleting an observation" from a vector of observations. So in order to calculate the Cook's distance I do the following (numerator is all vectors, in fact I'm going to ignore the denominator here):

$D_{i} = (\hat{Y} - \hat{Y_{(i)}})^{t}(\hat{Y} - \hat{Y_{(i)}})$

Where $(i)$ is the deleted case from a vector of $n$ observations. So if I "delete" an observation that means $\hat{Y}$ and $\hat{Y_{(i)}}$ are of different dimensions....so how would the algebra actually work?
ah...there we go
i have no idea what cook's distance is
no need to worry about that....the only thing is the notion of "deleting" and observation
but for your general interest it is a value used to calculate the "influence" of the $i^{th}$ case on the estimation of predicted values in a model
i do not understand what you mean by delete.
how do you guys designate the ith component of $f(\vec x)$. $f_i (\vec x)$ looks like partial derivative notation and $f^i (\vec x)$ looks like the ith derivative
both are fine
Ok....I'm going to post it in Stat Exchange.....I know it is a minor thing in the grand scheme of it all, but it does need to be clarified. Continue on with your saturday enjoying a fine wine :)
there is no such thing as ith derivative and writing $f_i$ for an ith partial is extremely rare as it creates confusion
@dc3rd no wine involved today unfortunately.
the more standard thing is f_i denotes a partial derivative in the ith place. with tuples to indicate repeated derivatives. f_1,1,1 and the like
"is 0 for t small, whether t is positive or negative, so we can replace |t| by t"
is magic, damn it why don't they write out a proper justification
don't they understand the suffering they cause
You would prefer my treatment of this issue.
But it's not a big deal by the time one is studying this material to do separate $t\to 0^+$ and $t\to 0^-$ limits.
You can't expect every text to baby every reader.
I found a solution on the way to go bathe.
I can just use a lookup table for fixed point log_2, either for four bits or eight bits depending on whether or not I want to have 4c or 2c 64-bit divide respectively.
No idea why I didn't think of this earlier, but it's just what I need in the absence of an efficient hardware implementation for division.
Still, tsk tsk. I would prefer a hardware instruction... I hope my software project doesn't take too long to get sufficient returns to make my own CPU someday...
Anyways, quick question: is there a way that I can use $\frac{i}{i+x}-\frac{x^{17}}{x+i}$ to compute my approximation of $\exp(ix)$ even faster?
That expression happens to be all the terms of the Taylor polynomial for complex exponential but without the unique coefficients.
Oh and of course truncated to 16 terms
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