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If $B$ is a matrix and I write ${\cal R} (I-B)$, surely it is clear that I mean the range space?
Except that many of us teaching low-level linear algebra write $R(A)$ for the row space of $A$.
We write $C(A)$ for column space. Range (i.e., image) is more common for operators.
Thanks! I'm behind the times.
I presumed that someone who is familiar with proximal operators would understand.
clearly $\mathcal{R}$ means the resolvent
That's ${\cal R}$ight!
I'm just g${\cal R}$umpy.
it stands for $\mathcal{R}$ithmatic
@PM2Ring so what man? People think i am an idiot online? I don't care. Does that affect you and me? No man, no
@PM2Ring if you hate the fact that i never talk about math or that i am silly and immature (these facts are indeed true), ignore me!
math.stackexchange.com/questions/4165520/… my gut is almost certainly no but almost certainly i have no idea of a proof.
There are some ways to tell if there is an antiderivative, but I don't think there is a way to tell if there is a closed form of an definite integral.
Can anyone help me solve this? $\sum\limits_{k=1}^n (\frac{\epsilon}{2n})^2$
that used to be miss dos
@Larry Use the formula for the sum of a geometric series
how is that a geometric series?
i was expecting gamma to pop out of that. and zeta stuff. and a dilogarithm.
sounds like a marvel movie
Sorry i meant k instead of n in the sum
quasi convex man strikes again
my cat always begins the evening by curling up in my daughter's bed. sometimes they coexist, sometimes they don't. today my daughter said "NO! you have your own bed in the living room." i had to break it to her that any surface that can function as a cat bed is a cat bed.
i hadn't even noticed the n, k issue. my mind turned it into a k.
@copper.hat I thought the exponent was $k$, sorry
i did too initially
the mind projects onto known solutions
wow, gil strang started talking to me
not sure why youtube chose that moment to play
is he on the site?
he's in the house
the phone call is coming from upstairs.
the matlab is in my phone
i do like that aspect of math.SE. sometimes you're in the weeds of some question and then the author of a relevant textbook pops up.
i asked a question once about three dimensional art galleries and who would pop up but the guy who wrote The Book on it.
the internet is not just for yelling at angry shut-ins.
@Larry Okay, there are special functions for that, but the limit as $n\to\infty$ is $\frac{\epsilon^2}4\frac{\pi^2}6$
i am getting ads for snap shackles and expensive watches
snap shackles?
and linear algebra books it seems
Hmm I only need sum up to n
for attaching a strap to a loop.
There are also asymptotic approximations for large $n$
anyone have contacts on the us embassy in london by any chance?
oh. not what i'd expected. i was thinking some kind of crowd control mechanism at a protest. the lead cop says, snap shackle the lot.
no contacts here.
it is not nefarious
haven't contacted the embassy in London for a while now.
not since my days as a spy for east germany.
I know nothink!
the last time i was in a us embassy was in 95 i think when i got my green card
back then you had to leave the country to get a green card
they used to be on grosvenor square, right? you could walk right in. then they moved it because of post early 21st century security concerns.
nine elms now
the russians poisoned that guy just across the street. fun neighborhood.
carol reed filmed a movie 'fallen idol' near there, lots of good photography of mid century london.
my daughter can return to the us on an expired passport but she cannot leave.
despite having a valid non us passport
welcome to the hotel california
probably she won't come home
you can check out any time you want
i'll find a way :-)
@copper.hat why can't she leave?
4 wks for expedited!!! wtf
a us citizen needs a valid us passport to leave by air it seems
that's weird, if they have a valid foreign passport...
one time traveling to london i was asked where my hotel was, and i'd stupidly left that stuff in my cheked baggage. phones weren't up to date yet. so i said somehting like "123 granny smith apple way, london SW1." the guy didn't even blink
I don't know all the rules, so I won't comment
Section 215 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1185)
the interweb ruined everything
For the case $|a|<1$
the modulus of the roots are both 1
one time traveling to copenhagen the immigration officer asked nothing although i had a gym bag full of wine that i probably should have declared. he said "you're from california?" i said yes. he said "it is not like california here." he was referencing the weather, which was cold as f---.
I wonder if I can still use residue theorem because singularities are on the circle
they still let people smoke in 'smoking areas' of the airport, which were just, cordoned off seats. there was nothing to prevent gaseous exchange between the smoking area and the non-smoking area. i hope they've fixed that.
wow, i can't even schedule an emergency appointment for myself in sf.
why are we paying taxes
i have an unprintable answer to that question.
well, if i win the lotto i'll take a private jet over to her
isn't that an exercise in ahlfors?
there's got to be alternative approaches somewhere on math.se, depending on your taste.
@love_sodam the answer is maybe.
i have a tinge of apoplexia as i try to contact our consular services.
i may have to call in a big favour :-(
i feel like i ought to have strings to pull in this arena, but i don't.
I have never had strings.
i do, but the strings come with big piano sized weights attached
too much hanging around with roustabouts and neerdowells. how often do they do well? neer.
a distant relative was the first commissioner of the INS. but he died 80 years ago. sorry about that.
i can get to the speaker, but as you can imagine that is using a big bullet
much as i want to see my daughter...
my daughter has spent the last 60 minutes, which are suppoed to be bed time, 'reading' a book to her cat.
be careful what you wish for.
yep. i know.
i did get my hand slapped by the us 'ambassador' to belize once for going into guatemala. i pointed out that i was an irish citizen so she slapped my wife's hand instead.
there are two kinds of ambassadors, people selected for real purposes and people selected because they bought the $750,000 plate of dinner to meet the president-elect.
i can imagine who the ambassador to belize might be.
we met her on a boat ride, she was sitting beside me
i have a cool weaving on my office wall. it's from a country that doesn't exist anymore whom a relative represented in the league of nations, which also doesn't exist anymore. it shows people hunting a deer.
what country?
one of my best irish friends was born in an african country that no longer exists
ahh, the dulles brothers have a lot to answer for
one of my coauthors' dads was the ministry of finance for a country that existed for like five seconds after WWI.
lots of goofy stuff going on in the 20s.
wow, its amazing what memories i am dragging up here, stuff i had completely forgotten about
you fully intended to return to the driveway and complete the application of the sealant.
we know.
ah shure yes of course
just waiting for the weather to clear
i was thinking about buying an audubon painting but it turns out he was a huge racist and owned slaves so maybe i'm not doing that anymore.
no i lied. it was the wife of the 'ambassador'
i urinated on rhodes grave
beer is on me if we meet.
that's something i haven't done. i've appeared on a podcast, but i haven't urinated on a grave.
life goals.
i was repeatedly beaten by one of my irish teachers (a monk, no less) and have been looking for his grave for decades. when my daughter spent 4 mos in ireland due to covid she too went looking
we will find it.
i will do the honours
petty pointless revenge
i wanna wee on the grave of the priest who stopped talking to my mom after she had a divorce.
maybe i can complete this task by 2022
i have something similar. but i am not sure i could restrain myself if i encountered this particular priest.
not a story for here.
yeah, blegh. where are the PSQs.
you know, the really objectionable stuff.
this one math.stackexchange.com/questions/4164445/convex-function-for-inequality-proof is just taunting me
i need the 10 rep.
don't even get a mug at 250k now.
the t-shirt ripped when i was putting it on
i do wonder what's going on sometimes. you do think people could attempt something.
sometimes i see questions that would not be out of place in a graduate-level functional analysis course. they have obvious answers but they're not things you'd even ask if you weren't fairly well along in some kind of program.
it's weird to see it put on a Q&A site.
i guess it's covid. in grad school we would go to each others offices and ask our questions
i am always a bit amazed at the inconsistencies, i was pointing one out to Ted earlier, someone who is (nominally) familiar with proximal operators but does not know what ${\cal R} (B-I)$ ($B$ is a linear projection) is
clearly the ${\cal R}$ stands for rabid
i don't want to be generational about it but i suspect there's a generation of people where all they know is what they've googled in the last 5 minutes
i know they are working in nine elms
its wine time
math.stackexchange.com/questions/4165545/… is a duplicate although i can't find what it's a duplicate of. i think it's in fraleigh.
maybe it's not a duplicate. i spent a lot of time in my own head in semigroups instead of groups.
indolence really bugs me
the 7 deadly left their mark on me
it's a cute attribute in cats.
@love_sodam Thanks. I fixed it, but needed to use the Cauchy Principal Value.
Sorry to interrupt the cemetery discussion
a grave disturbance
can certainly say that i have experienced that directly
:-). yep. i have not adapted to the modern world
tomorrow i got to battle with pep8 morons
i am thinking of learning assembly
flat assembler of intel x86
it is fun, but mostly only useful for debugging or high performance stuff
or embedded stuff, which i love
i will soon learn masm and/or nasm
you could do atmel mega stuff? that would work with arduino if you like that
i would take a look
i taught assembler back in the early 80's :-)
even assembly can produce graphics easily
of course, anything can be done with assembler
but generally you use the right tool for the right job. generally assembler is slower to program and more error prone
@love_sodam I had actually mentioned the Cauchy Principal Value in the original answer. I don't know why I had that part about "both roots inside or both roots outside of the unit circle".
I don't think the fact that it was written on April first had anything to do with it.
i love the fact that ms dos can run on 16 mb of ram
it can run on far less than that.
even the later versions.
is a screenshot of GM-NAA I/O available?
i want it
i used to develop rtoss for interconnected 8080 based intel single board computers.
dos is barely an operating system. kind of a weird accident it was so prevalent and had so much stuff built on top of it. it makes more sense as something for embedded systems, which i guess it's still used for.
but there were many nice games for it :D
which we can still play on dosbox
i have fond memories of dos gaming too.
i always thought that dos & ms would just go away
operating systems with no gui feel like hardcore
i felt like a 'sold out' when i began using a gui in 2001.
before then, i kept it real. now look at me.
i am still a cli guy
arch linux :)
and Эльбрус-1
hehe russian
If I integral 1/(x+1)x^a possibly by residue theorem, if $a$ is not an integer then what can I do? $0$ is not a pole then
@love_sodam Is this a contour integral, definite integral, or indefinite integral?
I presume this has nothing to do with the previously linked answer.
And the $a$ has nothing to do with the $a$ in that problem.
Oh well. No response.
The last response took a while.
had a very funny moment on the baby monitor. our daughter, who had been put to bed, was 'reading' one of her books in the dark to the cat. the cat eventually shook her head and left.
Q: Density and dimensionality of zeros in inverse square force fields of randomly distributed sources in (at least) 1, 2 and 3 dimensions?

uhohBackground: In this answer to Are there places in the Universe without gravity? in Astronomy SE I did a quick finite 2D calculation for 20 random sources to see if there was at least one zero, and without rigor convinced myself that there might always be some finite density of zeros. See image be...

why would my question have been audited as a "first post"?
i do not know.
okay if nothing is forthcoming I'll post in meta, but it is probably has some ultimately uninteresting explanation.
meta seems like it might be the place. we do not know as much about mechanics here. at least, i don't, and i'm here and not there.
@robjohn Thanks I figured out the integrals proof!
@robjohn By the way, I need your help in finding a closed form for a summand, could you please help me out?
The sum is $\sum_{q = 1}^{\infty}\dfrac{z}{z - q^3}$. I tried to evaluate it on Wolfram and Wolfram seems to give out a very bad and tedious closed form. I'm quite wondering if we can find a nice closed form (maybe in terms of coth and other functions) for the summand? Thanks!
@robjohn Please let me know what you think about it. Thanks!
@leslietownes How you doin today huh?
@robjohn 0 to infinity
@Jam I see that you have created Representation theory room, but it has no description and so far messages. I was wondering whether you have some plans with that room - or maybe it was created simply by mistake...?
2 hours later…
Q: What are review tests (audits) and how do they work?

asheeshrI recently received this rather amusing message while reviewing a user's first post: Congratulations! This was only a test, designed to make sure you were paying attention. This post has already been removed, but thanks for taking time to leave feedback for the author. What is the purpose of t...

@love_sodam so you want $\displaystyle\int_0^\infty\frac{\mathrm{d}x}{(x+1)x^a}$?
you will need $0\lt a\lt1$
substitute $x\mapsto x^{\frac1{1-a}}$
Hi, does someone know a nice category that can capture this ideal picture of a "category of smooth paths"? Ignore my attempted construction if irrelevant.
An user gave me a quite obscure hint about considering paths over an infinite product of iterated tangent spaces. Yet, even if correct, I'm not able to work out the details and "obvious conditions" that are not abvous at all to me.
Thanks in advance to everyone.
I think what you describe is the same thing as what Zhen addresses in the comment and the right notion, at least on points
hey chat
the objects should be points on the manifold equipped with all higher order infinitesimal data describing the initial/final velocities
this ensures smooth composability
the issue is non-associativity of composition, and I'm not sure what the best way of fixing this is
I was going to suggest to restrict to piecewise-linear reparametrizations, but I just realized that doesn't quite work either
I feel like this should be phrased in terms of the infinite jet bundle
what is application of cardioid
y is cardioid is geh?
@Thorgott its an infinity category
not sure if joking or not, but probably true in either case
i mean thats the case for just the continuous path case as well
there is no category of continuous paths, only an infinity category, the infinity-fundamental groupoid
why aren't they a 2-category
homotopies dont associate
only upto homotopies of homotopies
2-morphisms homotopy classes of homotopies
then it works but thats truncation of the big thing, might as well truncate at level 1
but I guess that's just a trunctuation
depends on what you want
@Thorgott lol
I get your point, we should take homotopies up to arbitrary order
infinity category of infinity smooth paths
but I don't think we want them up to homotopy in this case
Thanks to everyone.
@Thorgott But I'm unable to understand it. In fact a path on that product would just define a sequence of paths but to esnure theire one the derivative of the previous maybe Zhen Lin is actually taking some kind of limit/colimit of that secuence? Also Zhen Lin suggests to consider not paths over that product but pair of paths.
up to homotopy, smoothness means nothing
That puzzles me more than it helps.
Can I ask some MATLAB question here?
The first equation is ΔH = ΔU + Δ(PV)
How is product rule hereΔ(PV) = PΔV + VΔP ?
@Thorgott smooth homotopies
smooth paths are smoothly homotopic iff continuously homotopic
Ye I don't want the paths up to homotopy because doing that I lose the "shapes" of the paths. And I need to "see" initial and final velocities.
but I guess your point is that the space of smooth homotopies (up to various higher homotopies) carries more structure?
theres no canonical homotopy
anyway, yeah, up to homotopy you lose velocities
it matters if you dont truncate
so I agree this is not what we want
also, I don't think Zhen meant paths in the product
In fact I want to take paths up to parametrization.
composition of two smooth paths have no canonical smooth parametrization
you also don't have well-defined velocities if you allow reparametrization
"want".. It's an attempt to obtain associativity.
yeah good luck
you wont get a category
the natural object is an infinity category, of holonomic sections over cubes of the infinite jet bundle
wtf are holonomic sections
Can you expand a little on this?
no i think i pass its too much work to set it up properly
How that is related (I'm sure it is, but idk what holonomic sections, cubes of infty jet bundles are.
@Thorgott a section of the jet bundle which is actually jet prolongation of a section
At least a reference, and why you think it is related with my problem
Well, thank you anyways
ok, so you want an infty-category and the n-morphisms are sections along [0,1]^n->M that are prolongations?
too complicated for me, but seems like a good notion
lol yeah its a meme
i would rather not try to construct it
I mean, I like those memes, I just don't know infty-categories
@MphLee Here's an easier thought. What is the category of $C^0$-paths in a topological space $X$?
Idk. It is not a category because we have not associativity.
If we mod it out by homotopy we get $\Pi_0(X)$
Let $f$ be a probability density function on the real line $\mathbb{R}$, is there a way to bound the following integral from below (for any small enough $h$) ? $$ \int_{\mathbb{R}\times\mathbb{R}} \Big(\frac{|x|^2}{h} + f(y) \log|x-y| \Big)f(x) ~dx dy $$
Exactly, my point is there is no such category
The natural object is a simplicial set, do you know what those are?
Nope. Heard of it but can't undestand.
NNO is a simplicial set?
What is NNO?
A natural Number Object.
God, I have no clue, I am not familiar with that at all.
@BalarkaSen Ah... I see xD... Sorry I misunderstood.
But have a look here
Lurie constructs in the first page something called $\mathrm{Sing}(X)$
This is the right notion of the "category of paths on $X$", except it's a simplicial set/infinity-category
Ok, I'm reading.
you have associativity up to homotopy, which are themselves not associative, but only associativie up to homotopy of homotopies, which are themselves not associative... ad infinitum
instead of associativity, you just prolong by higher order natural transformations
That's the intuitive phrasing, but impossible to set it up properly because the k-fold associativity upto k+1-fold associativity diagrams get massive as k increases
So a better phrasing is through simplicial sets
An \infty-category is just a simplicial set which is "weakly fibrant"
there's an idealized associativity living at infinity
Hello everyone. I'm 17, and I've written 2 papers on quite separate topics in maths. I believe the results to be new, but I am seeking a professional opinion about them.
Would any mathematician be willing to have a look at at least 1 of them and comment on it within about a week or two?
They aren't very complicated, so going through them shouldn't take too long.
it's like an infinite sequence of derived functors prolonging non-exactness
@Thorgott i'm pretty sure that can be found in a poetry book
I'm on the same level of bs, so sounds about right
In fact a simplicial set can be made out of maps from smooth simplices to the target manifold, so I feel that is just what you want
@Permutator It seems unlikely that there's a closed form, as suppose you did find a closed form $f(z)$. Then divide both sides by $z$ and take the limit as $z$ approaches $0$ and you'd have found the value of $\zeta(3)$, which seems pretty unlikely :)
OK, I was aware of n-cats. I was aware of the infinity groupoid of homotopies up to homotopies up to...That is visually very vivid in my mind.
But the simplicial set version is still obscure to me.
Thanks @BalarkaSen I'll look more int this.

Obviously if we want to retain the individual shapes and slopes of the paths we can't mod by homotopy thus, you claim, we will never get a category.

Even if we mod out by reparametrization of paths, as noted, we lose information of higher derivatives. We just retain the set theoretic image of the paths.
That's about right.
Very well. That was fruitful I believe.
the infty category will not lose the differential information
it simply is a more complicated object
though it's more or less just a way of making what we want tautological
Oh ... wait. Right because a loop and a point even if homotopic we now know how are homotopic? Is that your point? That homotopy remembers something about the derivative?
Yes, if you do a smooth homotopy.
It's a homotopy of the derivatives too
I mean, the 1-morphisms are literally just the smooth paths, no?
we're not actually taking homotopy classes in the infty-category
How come $U(2^n)$ be isomorphic to $\mathbb Z_2 \times \mathbb Z_{2^{n-2}}$?
Well if we consider $C^\infty(I,C)$ a as a category an homotopy is a natural transformation thus components are themselves in $C^\infty(I,C)$
@Koro what is $U(2^n)$ again?
It's the group of natural nos. relatively prime to $2^n$
like $(\mathbb{Z}/(2^n)\mathbb{Z})^\times$, I suppose?
@MartinSleziak i wanted to talk some exercises im having trouble with but dont know how to invite people to talk about it and dont know how to delete it
Don't be misled by how I have answered you question to what is U(2^n). It's called multiplication group of integers modulo n
Elements of this $U(n)$ are not really integers, rather equivalence class of integers coprime to n.

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